View Full Version : Couple questions have me stumped

Feb 13th, 2014, 04:07 AM
I have been listening to the show again from the beginning. Just finally got back to where we are now and there are two things that I can't figure out. They are not significant but nagging me. I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me :)

1. What is it that Victor did that upset Michael so much that he won't let him into the field? (I know it's something I must have missed even though I heard it a bunch of times)

2. What was Riley's 'bird' handle on the radio? I cannot understand how she identifies herself...I almost thought she was saying 'Russo' which gave me LOST flashbacks and then I thought no because that's not a bird.

Again neither is critical but both are stuck in my head! Thanks!!

Feb 13th, 2014, 04:40 AM
Oiseau French for bird. So in this case, just the general word for bird in French, not a particular bird.

Victor worked a lot with Saul. With just two, you look all around and cover eachother 360 degrees. When he was with a group of six people he was given a 60 degree arc to watch. He did not stay focused on his field of fire and it pissed Puck off because a biter was able to get closer to the group than it should have. Puck chews out a trainee at Ft Irwin for the same thing in season three.

Feb 13th, 2014, 09:06 AM
Thank you Grognaurd, I was wondering the same thing

Feb 13th, 2014, 09:26 AM
The question on my mind is:

"How on earth did Skittles change that tire so quickly?!"


Feb 13th, 2014, 10:45 AM
Oiseau French for bird. So in this case, just the general word for bird in French, not a particular bird.

Victor worked a lot with Saul. With just two, you look all around and cover eachother 360 degrees. When he was with a group of six people he was given a 60 degree arc to watch. He did not stay focused on his field of fire and it pissed Puck off because a biter was able to get closer to the group than it should have. Puck chews out a trainee at Ft Irwin for the same thing in season three.

AHA! Ok I get the bird name now so I wasn't hallucinating, it was similar in sound to Russo or Rousseau.

RE: Victor...ok when did this happen? I can't find an episode where Victor let them down after they were back together. It's like they were all at the place looking for Lizzy and then they were separated and when they found each other again Michael was pissed off at him!

Thank you!!! This is at least alleviating the nagging!

Feb 13th, 2014, 11:10 AM
The incident itself is never portrayed. I infer it and put together several items to help explain why Victor may have performed poorly to make a narrative.

We really only hear Michael say it is not fair to the other soldiers in one scene and that victor promises to pay attention and that it got closer than it should have in another. As well as Puck yelling at trainees to look out there, not back here.

Feb 13th, 2014, 03:15 PM
AHHH Ok!! An inference like the Randy situation which we only just find out the details of now. Whew! I thought I had missed something. Thank you ever so much.

The incident itself is never portrayed. I infer it and put together several items to help explain why Victor may have performed poorly to make a narrative.

We really only hear Michael say it is not fair to the other soldiers in one scene and that victor promises to pay attention and that it got closer than it should have in another. As well as Puck yelling at trainees to look out there, not back here.