View Full Version : Where does Scratch fit in?

Feb 12th, 2014, 04:59 PM
Well, we are half way done with the final season and still no Scratch. Got me thinking. Where does she fit into all of this? With the Colony failing, Ink making a Monster Factory, Datu bitten, Tanya and Saul thing, Liz needing to have a baby... there is a lot going on that needs to happen. I know people want her to die in a one on one battle to the death with Burt or Rielly, but do we have time? How do we randomly finish up that story? Here are my thoughts.

What we know/Think

-She is Alive (Not a given.. I'll get there)
Seems like a given, but we don't really know. I have another idea here.

-Not really enough Mallers left to be a 'Threat'
We know there were not a lot of Mallers to begin with. Like 50ish or less. Then they split into two factions when Scratch made a move for power. They shot at each other and a lot died. Then they ran out the place while there were Zombies. Burt said they move a lot and cover tracks. Hard to do that with a large group. Burt also has attack a few and killed them.

Here is my thoughts on what will happen with her.

A) Devil you Know- Find her and join up to take down Ink. Maybe she knows the lay out of the Jail... has some info needed...Skill Set (via Tardust)... or something. I don't see this likely as Burt, Rielly, and CJ have a major issue with her. Can't see Michael and Saul being cool after seeing she killed Angel. Doesn't seem likely, but you never know.

B) Random Encounter- They just look for her and BOOM! They have the gun fight the fans want bad. Seems odd though. Her take down should be Epic given the stuff she did. Like a Chapter. Given all that needs to happen... just doesn't seem to have time for it. Just as a "Months later we found her and killed her" would be a slap in the face.

C) Forced Encounter- I see Scratch forcing an issue and making a threat to them, but not The Colony. Burt made a point to say "This is secure? People listened in before...." and "Lizzy and Kelly are alone....". That leads me to think something will happen at Dunbar. Maybe she gets in and takes Lizzy and forced a trade for Pegs. Given they were on land lines I don't know how she would know they are alone, but something needs to happen. I think this is a good bet. If she did hear via Police Scanner from Puck saying "They are all Dead" and "Met us half way.. we are going to The Colony" then this may set it up. Still can't see her storming Dunbar.

D) She Joins Ink/Randy- A favorite of mine. I would love to see her at the prison turned and juiced up. She sees Burt and FLIPS OUT. Breaks free of Ink and we get a Epic show down. I think the fans would be ticked off that they didn't get a hunt, but this could make since. Ink leaves people, and we know Randy takes them and bites and leaves.

E) Nothing- We get nothing. This is my favorite idea. We just never find her. They said themselves it is a big city. Even with Burt going "I got a feeling. I know" KC can simply say they didn't find her. It is like Skittles. We never hear from her again. This will never happen, but I do so want it to.

What are other people ideas? Just wondering. Again, not much time left with the series so I wondered what other people's thought were.

Feb 12th, 2014, 05:04 PM
Scratch and Tardust will return. And they will make a grand entrance that will throw everyone off guard, both the survivors and Ink's army.

Feb 28th, 2014, 02:48 PM
-a bit off topic- I have looked at a few cast profiles. None of the actors, I have looked at, look how I imagined. But, amazingly.. Scratch looks exactly how I pictured her !! Scary !! Wow !

Feb 28th, 2014, 03:14 PM
Check out Deacon Tyler's photoshoot of some of the cast members, they are truly amazing
