View Full Version : My Niece is Going Into the Navy....Christmas Gift Ideas?

Dec 22nd, 2013, 11:29 AM
My Niece is going into the Navy early next year. So many people who post here are or have been in the military, any ideas on what I could get her for Christmas?

Dec 22nd, 2013, 11:36 AM
I'm not sure about the Navy, but I've had a few friends in the Army, and they always appreciated having a decent pair of comfortable, better fitting boots. The army issue ones were always uncomfortable for them.

Dec 22nd, 2013, 01:04 PM
I was never a big fan of receiving something with just "Army" or an Army logo or anything like that. But, I did like the idea of shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets that basically touted how much better one service or branch or job was better than others (good humor, of course). I still have a DLI Arabic sweatshirt that poked fun of the other languages; okay, I stole that from sweatshirt from my wife, but still.

What occupation is your niece going to take in the Navy?

(Don't buy her any pea coats...)

Cabbage Patch
Dec 22nd, 2013, 05:04 PM
I figure there are two experiences ahead for your niece, and each calls for different kinds of gifts.

The first is basic training. Uncle Sam provides you with everything you need, with very little room for personal stuff. The three things I got to bring that were useful were a light blanket (so I could sleep on top of my already made bunk), a sweatshirt with the name of my hometown on it, and a little radio with a nice speaker for entertaining the barracks bay during down time. Maybe one of those portable bluetooth speakers, assuming they get to keep their smartphones or iPods. If they don't, then a phone calling card so she can call family and friends from a pay phone.

Once basic is done she is in for a long period of instability before her life settles into a routine. There will be time at schools when she's going to be living from a duffle bag, sea duty, etc. I'd suggest either small personal items to remind her of home, or gift cards so she can buy things she really needs for herself.

Dec 23rd, 2013, 01:43 AM
Books on naval history. Boring but knowledge gives strength to the arm etc...