View Full Version : So Many Slow Turners

Dec 17th, 2013, 10:09 AM
Tanya is amazed at how slowly Datu is turning. That's at least the third character in our troop of heroes. I could definitely be wrong but I feel like we're being given clues. What are some things that could be causing this:

The Zomboid had already turned someone already and had depleted it's turning...juice (snake venom theory)
The longer it's been since the outbreak, the weaker it's effects (maybe see above)
Datu was out in the rain and cold--the cold temp slowed the effects of the turning, or
The rain was cleaning his wounds. Tanya said that she washed her wound really well. I thought pfffft! but what if it actually matters?
Saul, Tanya, Datu and Tommy all lived semi-close to Ground Zero (especially Saul). You'd have to account for the fact that if Saul was exposed by the bullet that went through yet Tommy turned and Saul didn't.
On the forum we discussed the fact that the bullet that went through Tommy would have been a very weak source due to heating and travel through the air; but maybe it gave the equivalent of a dead virus vaccine.
I don't know where Tanya was living, but Saul's and Tommy's house was (in LA terms) kinda close to ground zero. Now, suppose there was some slow seepage from the cracks. Not enough to cause immunity at the outset; but time exposed plus a secondary exposure turning became slowed. Where did Jay live before the outbreak?
Saul and Tanya were exposed to the blood of turned and turning people.

The thing is, the plague sometimes acts like a disease, and sometimes like mutagenic. It's spread through blood and saliva; but seems the result of the "haze."

Dec 17th, 2013, 10:28 AM
Tanya also mentioned a slow turner who lived at the Colony aswell

Dec 17th, 2013, 10:47 AM
I really love your theories especially heat vs cold. I still think it's genetics with Tanya and Saul. Also from what I recall Tanya lived in the OC (Orange County) I believe and that is not close to Inglewood aka Ground Zero. She lived close to the Colony.

Arcane Tremere
Jan 8th, 2014, 11:11 AM
After bite care might improve your chances, Most of the time we have people cutting off limbs to stop the blood from getting to new areas of the body. (in other works). Again this would be better answered by how fast an infection spreads in the body carried by the blood.

I am not sure about the cold as it was December when Boulder fell, but it would allow for some infectee to make it to the refugees.


I just remember in Red Winter part 2 a soldier turns while in the snow almost immediately after being infected. So there must be something else besides the cold.

Jan 15th, 2014, 12:23 PM
This is fascinating but what I'm more interested in is how Tanya reported that both she and Saul's blood infection numbers had decreased since the previous day.