View Full Version : One thing bothers me about the tower people not wanting to move!

Dec 10th, 2013, 06:45 PM
One thing i never understood why is it no one ever mentions hey there are super zombies here in l.a right? oh i know lets move oh i don't know somewhere there arnt super zombies!.

This always bugged me because if i were there i would want to get myself as far away from ink as possible find an island or alaska even if i hate the cold normal biters could not survive in that cold so there would prolly not be that many biters in alaska i mean hoping there arnt vampires there waiting for me of course but i don't know might rather take my chance with them.

Now i get michael prolly wants to fight and all but you would expect some people to at least suggest it since they seem to have a good idea that the supers are only in la or around la so just thought to put that out there.

Dec 10th, 2013, 10:10 PM
Well, some of them did find "safety" at Fort Irwin and Boulder over 1000 miles away and the little ones still followed them...

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:39 AM
Well, some of them did find "safety" at Fort Irwin and Boulder over 1000 miles away and the little ones still followed them...

Yes finaly but i'm talking more early and im not meaning same country:D i'm talking more else where a differnt like not in the us anywhere but there plus they also went back to teh colony which i think i would be trying to move much much more far away much and they only followed because the team went to la if you remember.

But be realstic the zeds cant swim alllll the way to london or japan esp if they are alive its not humanly possible you got current then the fact if they are alive then food sleep ect so just saying im thinking i would be suggesting at least another land mass.

P.s fyi they only went to erwin because they thought it would safe aka soldiers not to get away from super zeds which is what i said i would and or they should want to get away from that's what i was talking about:D and also meaning to move out of the us which would mostly or hopfully only have to deal with regular zeds which would be much much easier considering then i would be hoping they would kill themselves off.

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:49 AM
Yes finaly but i'm talking more early and im not meaning same country:D i'm talking more else where a differnt like not in the us anywhere but there plus they also went back to teh colony which i think i would be trying to move much much more far away much and they only followed because the team went to la if you remember.

But be realstic the zeds cant swim alllll the way to london or japan esp if they are alive its not humanly possible you got current then the fact if they are alive then food sleep ect so just saying im thinking i would be suggesting at least another land mass

But, the infection has spread worldwide, so they cannot escape them forever. And, due to it being world wide, all airports, like LAX, would be hard/impossible to take off and land on, especially the amount of people the original tower had

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:50 AM
I suppose its a case of "better the devil you know"

Dec 11th, 2013, 01:11 AM
But, the infection has spread worldwide, so they cannot escape them forever. And, due to it being world wide, all airports, like LAX, would be hard/impossible to take off and land on, especially the amount of people the original tower had

Yes i know however as i said im talking to get away from the super zombies not normal ones whom are a bit easier to deal with not only that it prolly would be difficult but not impossible you can land planes if you have room adn there are many places that have room not only that a plane isnt the only way and as i said before im talking they could have at lesat talked about it brought it up im not saying they have to actully make it 100 percent with no problems.

Fact is if there are super zoms and they are fairly sure its in la you would think they at least would consider other places rather then just accepting fate at least try is my point at least i know i would be givin the chance not to mention if anything move east far far east and don't GO BACK TO LA! where they can follow at least then you arnt in there back yard right? a bit harder to find ya if you arnt there waving a sign to them.

So ya thats all im saying they should at least consider it talk about it and if it can be done then someone should say that but unless every single airport is covered with things blocking then landing isnt impossible just need a clear runway plus there are boats and such again though im just saying i would at least be bringing it up gotta consider as many options as possible or its like being in a room with one exit no where to go your trapped.

Dec 11th, 2013, 01:15 AM
I suppose its a case of "better the devil you know"

I don't know maybe but seems they kinda know where the super zeds are coming from so i think i would perfer to get away from that givin the chance i just hope that they dont say the zoms swam to europe and such or that is gonna be a bit out there lol i mean i read alil into it and it would take like a month to swim that sorta distance and with the current pushing you around you might never get to where your going well that is unless columbus is a zombie right now:D

Dec 11th, 2013, 06:45 AM
At this point I don't think they have many options, generally speaking fuel is going stale (does jet fuel go stale too?). Traveling with a group that size, they would never survive the trip.

Dec 11th, 2013, 09:47 AM
Its not that easy to pack up and move. What your saying just is not realistic. Lets just say you got to Hawaii.

Where are you going to stay? Have you ever been there before?
You've just landed, loudly, and while there may not be super Z's you've attracted a few hundred normal Zs staggering about the tarmac. Do you have enough ammo to kill all of them?
What are you going to eat after a few days?
What if you run in to other survivors who are a few fries short of a happy meal, you able to defend yourself against them as well?
Water, where are you going to find purified water on an Island? Supplies of ALL kinds on an island are shipped in, in a few months time your out of everything


It's just not that simple and easy, thats why not many say "hey lets just move"

Dec 11th, 2013, 10:52 AM
Who's to say that out of all the possible stories from a zed appocolypse that many did not do what you suggest they should have. In this particular story, with these particular characters, we have people that decided to hunker down, fortify, and survive the best they can, dealing with what they have at hand and not running off, despite the many challenges that would make that very difficult to do anyways, and not try to find someplace without having any idea of its condition. It's been said many times in the story that they could go somewhere else, but where? How could they know it'd be any better? How do they know they won't be followed, or that it's not actually worse there? Very early on they knew that this had spread everywhere.

Dec 11th, 2013, 11:26 AM
The shelter in place strategy is viable. Going to Irwin was a good plan. Going to the colony for disaster recovery from the double nuke is a good plan. But, LA is not really a good place for long term recovery. They really should seek out a place with a strong fresh water source. LA is pretty artificial because it is supported by a huge amount of logistics from the rest of the country. That support has collapsed.

They really need fresh water and sea salts. We are aquatic apes...

The theory is not perfect and I do not even want to talk about discovery channel mermaid crap, but the aquatic ape idea is interesting,..


The hive mind crackpotted this and came up with the Ant Ape stratagem. No doubt :tinfoil: but it was fun.

Dec 11th, 2013, 11:49 AM
I think the L.A. guys didn't realized that their special zombies were unique until they moved to Irwin an Boulder. After those places fell, Micheal decided to take the fight to them. Likely, because they are tired of running. He said this during his speech, and Riley said it first, when she decided to stay with Micheal at Fort Irwin.

For the most part they have been fairly successful. Starting from the nine Inklings at the Colony; Two were killed during Scorched Earth, Two killed in Balance of Power, One during Chemical Reactions. That's 56%. They may be keeping track of the numbers of Inklings like we are, and assuming that there were 12, max.

As for the other types, Skittles said the jumpers may be all gone, Runners may be manageable and the Smart ones are not INK Smart and they may be everywhere too. It's not clear how many behemoths there are or were. There were two in the horde that approached the hospital and two that attacked the Colony. I originally assumed that those the same and only two remaining behemoths. These two were killed at the Colony (Arrowhead by Burt, and the other by Robbin's from the air). BUT they find another one were Wendy was attacked.

The current supply and security hardships they are facing are likely to be the same if not worse to where ever they move.

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:04 PM
The fact is we don't know that LA is the only place that has special ones. We assume that in our story maybe because we only have a small view of the world. But while in Irwin we hear that there were other 'ground zero' centers in San Francisco, Japan, and the Philippines. I believe he mentions 1-2 other spots too but I can't remember now and I don't feel like going back and checking. But who is to say that the islands aren't already covered by now with normal biters and special ones too.

Also Kalani mentions that the 'normal' biters in hawaii we much meaner and nastier than the ones here in LA. So even if we could find a place without special ones, doesn't mean that it would necessarily be easier with just normal biters.

I do agree, early on my first instinct would have been to say, LA is far from the most ideal place to survive. But now, other than water the water issue, it really isn't all that bad. You could go to a much colder climate like Alaska or parts of Canada etc, but those areas also make growing crops and caring for meat/milk providing difficult or near impossible with the crew we have to work with. California's climate and soil are actually pretty ideal for growing food year round and caring for animals. Supplies like wood and metal and building supplies for fortification are very plentiful. Fuel is an issue but would be a worse issue in other places. Truth is they are going to have to learn how to live without it regardless of where they go.

The more you consider it, the more trying to run somewhere into the unknown is probably a much more dangerous proposition than staying put, provided they can figure out their sustainable water system.

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:09 PM
I think Kelly’s little revolution kind of showed the tower peoples’ frame of mind. They were unhappy about the rules, living conditions, super & regular zombies but the unknown out there was way worse.

The major roads were grid locked so driving way problematic, boats were vulnerable to qua-zombies and they didn’t have flight capabilities until they left.

I would have been cool to figure out how to run a locomotive of chug across county, until there were stalled cars on the tracks you couldn’t plow through.

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:10 PM
We're Alive 2: Lost in New York :D

Seriously though, wouldn't it be cool if we all did a "journal" based on surviving a zombie apocalypse in the cities where we all live. Obviously all the LA residents could do one from the same location, just with a different perspective from the main story. (Almost like the Leon/Claire scenarios from Resident Evil/Biohazard 2)

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:11 PM
Also, there may be a difference between the types of special ones. That is, naturally special ones e.g. the Smart ones, and the Inked special ones, e.g. the Inklings.

Which ones fall under which category?

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:31 PM
We're Alive 2: Lost in New York :D

Seriously though, wouldn't it be cool if we all did a "journal" based on surviving a zombie apocalypse in the cities where we all live. Obviously all the LA residents could do one from the same location, just with a different perspective from the main story. (Almost like the Leon/Claire scenarios from Resident Evil/Biohazard 2)

dude, i'm all for squeezing that in a FanFiction!

i'm actually writing a FF...

Dec 11th, 2013, 12:41 PM
dude, i'm all for squeezing that in a FanFiction!

i'm actually writing a FF...

If you stick it up on here when you've written it, I'll definetly give it a read. I might start writing one at the weekend when I get some time off. Passes the time between episode releases :)

Dec 11th, 2013, 03:11 PM
Its not that easy to pack up and move. What your saying just is not realistic. Lets just say you got to Hawaii.

Where are you going to stay? Have you ever been there before?
You've just landed, loudly, and while there may not be super Z's you've attracted a few hundred normal Zs staggering about the tarmac. Do you have enough ammo to kill all of them?
What are you going to eat after a few days?
What if you run in to other survivors who are a few fries short of a happy meal, you able to defend yourself against them as well?
Water, where are you going to find purified water on an Island? Supplies of ALL kinds on an island are shipped in, in a few months time your out of everything


It's just not that simple and easy, thats why not many say "hey lets just move"

Um im not sure if you have noticed but they are having all of those problems as it is? lets see where will we stay umm well after the tower was on fire they were gonna leave not knowing where to go? then after the fort they didnt really know what they were gonna do not to mention and i dont think you thought this though here but they have used most of the resources around where they are? kinda stupid to stick around when your starving and dehydrating isnt it?

Not to mention the dangers of it i think i would take my chances and hope to find somewhere instead of just saying well we are here so lets just wait to die then.

As for the zeds whos to say you need to use a plane?? you could go east far far east or you could somewhere using a boat there are other options if you arnt too scared to try them.

As for the eating um duh? how is that any better then what they are going though this entire show foods always been and will be an issue point counter point it and the fact its clear ink knows where they are makes it much much more dangerous and difficult to just set up a lil fort.

As for running into other people that wanna harm you Lol im sorry i have to laugh do you not remember the mallers? thats all they have been trying to do? yet they some how manage besides i would think more people as least besides the mallers so far has been good.

And water well they still have that problem now? doesnt seem to be getting any better oh i know go somewhere else with more ground wells, water treatment plants, and things you need like ammo yes its a risk but isnt just sitting there facing something like ink a BIGGER risk? sorry but i would be taking my chances.

Also there are islands with fresh water btw water you can purify though boiling and such just so you know not all water you find is bad bad and my entire point was not that they should just leave but at least discuss it or maybe attempt it something i would at least bring it up at sunday dinner thats all im saying to me that is smart always have options the moment you limit yourself or let fear stop you your done for.

It s just like real life your scared you don't know the future so you dont take that new job or you don't go to college because you say what your saying what if? what if this happnes what if that well it seems to me that what if is already happening to them can it really get much worse here.

So instead of just shutting down the idea what anyone should do is consider things as im doing now consider other ways never limit to one way like angel would if you do that and it fails you die. Now i get your point they dont know but what exactly do they know? not much so hey its either continue to deal with all the problems you just listed and the super zeds OR take a chance to hopefully solve some of those issues and take it from there plus think about it if there arnt many poeple left they will find more gun stores ammo ect it would be a better plan then simply saying its too scary considering they are already dealing with all of that as it is.

I don't know i respect your view of course and you would perfer just to stay where your at and not risk but im a bit more of an adventure kinda person i would perfer to take my chances which is where im coming from.

also gotta add this in but they went to the fort not knowing if it were there or not so yea they had no idea if it was there nor where would they go if it was not so they kinda already went though that so you say where will they go? well they already went to the fort not knowing that and that did not stop them right? so why would it stop them this time?

As for your not that easy to move yea ok in real life sure but this isnt this is a world gone a bit differnt when you arnt leaving a kid behind or something of that nature here i don't see how saying its not that easy really applys considering they have nothing as it is.

Oh and im alil upset your disrespecting my man tom hanks and wilson they did it! they lived! and psh zombies? wilson eats those for breakfast. ( think his name was wilson i could be wrong been a while since i seen the movie)

P.s im not always good at saying things short and sweet so sorry for that lol i can be um long winded at times but i hope you understand my side plus come on super zeds? i would not wanna change my underwear every week after all:D

Dec 11th, 2013, 03:24 PM
Who's to say that out of all the possible stories from a zed appocolypse that many did not do what you suggest they should have. In this particular story, with these particular characters, we have people that decided to hunker down, fortify, and survive the best they can, dealing with what they have at hand and not running off, despite the many challenges that would make that very difficult to do anyways, and not try to find someplace without having any idea of its condition. It's been said many times in the story that they could go somewhere else, but where? How could they know it'd be any better? How do they know they won't be followed, or that it's not actually worse there? Very early on they knew that this had spread everywhere.

Yea i get all that its all unknown and most humans by nature fear the unknown but sometimes the known is a bit worse and they pretty much have to know that the super zeds are infact from born and raised la people *no offense to the real la people! your not zombies i swear* but serously im not saying they should have moved im simply saying i would be wanting to talk it over was my pont and you cant just say oh well we cant that could be worse because one thing that holds alot of people back is saying that very thing.

Think about it how many have said that and didnt take some risk adn instead works the same job when they could have had better or stayed with the same person out of fear of it not being greener on the other side and i understand that but at the same time sometimes you gotta take a risk.

Now i get for the show they gotta be where they are and i get all that i guess i worded it wrong it doesnt really* bother* me persay more of just im wondering you could say as i said before i would at least wanna discuss it as for them following they only did that because of the la team that got sent back had they not boulder would have most likly been safe and other places sure there are zeds but remember if they arnt being controlled they likely killed alot of each other off by now so i doubt it would be as bad.

Plus there are alot of things that can be used think about it you have many factories that you could maybe get or figure out how to operate them you would have more optoins for ammo stuff like that just seems to me or maybe this is just me but i would not stay and hide im more of the go out kinda person so that is where im coming from here.

Plus one thing some i dont think are looking at is they already tried building those walls adn yet ink and co gets in reguardless sometimes you gotta be man enough to admit yea.. this enemy is too strong i cant beat him see what i mean? and of course they could be followed but its a chance i would be willing to take as its not like ink has a tracking device on them well i hope not that lil wizard.

SO yea i think it comes down alil to who we are which is why we feel differntly on things and just me i would not like being stuck in one place to me that is just like a prison waiting to die i would perfer to pick up and plus not like there is anything holding them there so i think if they wanted to they could easly pick up and move.

Again its just me its what i would do and if i didn't i surly would be thinking about it or bringing it up at burts breakfast group talks oh wait burt don't do that no more never mind!

Dec 11th, 2013, 03:26 PM
Yea i get all that its all unknown and most humans by nature fear the unknown but sometimes the known is a bit worse and they pretty much have to know that the super zeds are infact from born and raised la people *no offense to the real la people! your not zombies i swear* but serously im not saying they should have moved im simply saying i would be wanting to talk it over was my pont and you cant just say oh well we cant that could be worse because one thing that holds alot of people back is saying that very thing.

Think about it how many have said that and didnt take some risk adn instead works the same job when they could have had better or stayed with the same person out of fear of it not being greener on the other side and i understand that but at the same time sometimes you gotta take a risk.

Now i get for the show they gotta be where they are and i get all that i guess i worded it wrong it doesnt really* bother* me persay more of just im wondering you could say as i said before i would at least wanna discuss it as for them following they only did that because of the la team that got sent back had they not boulder would have most likly been safe and other places sure there are zeds but remember if they arnt being controlled they likely killed alot of each other off by now so i doubt it would be as bad.

Plus there are alot of things that can be used think about it you have many factories that you could maybe get or figure out how to operate them you would have more optoins for ammo stuff like that just seems to me or maybe this is just me but i would not stay and hide im more of the go out kinda person so that is where im coming from here.

Plus one thing some i dont think are looking at is they already tried building those walls adn yet ink and co gets in reguardless sometimes you gotta be man enough to admit yea.. this enemy is too strong i cant beat him see what i mean? and of course they could be followed but its a chance i would be willing to take as its not like ink has a tracking device on them well i hope not that lil wizard.

SO yea i think it comes down alil to who we are which is why we feel differntly on things and just me i would not like being stuck in one place to me that is just like a prison waiting to die i would perfer to pick up and plus not like there is anything holding them there so i think if they wanted to they could easly pick up and move.

Again its just me its what i would do and if i didn't i surly would be thinking about it or bringing it up at burts breakfast group talks oh wait burt don't do that no more never mind!

OH btw thanks for the friendly kinda discussing aruging thing its fun^^ i don't get to do this sorta stuff often so nothing like a friendly debate and zombies well half zombies sorta zombies ok ok not dead zombies or half alive zombies oh maybe were alive isnt the people maybe the title means the zombies are alive cool!

Dec 12th, 2013, 12:13 AM
I like these kind of friendly debates too. After reading your recent posts you mentioned that you would just like to see our survivors discussing it at least. One thing worth mentioning in that regard, before deciding to check out Ft. Irwin they were considerin several different options. Of those they specifically said they were looking at some potential places in the Midwest that had fresh water supplies, potential for growing food; and had much smaller populations so fewer concerns of massive zombie hordes, etc. so the topic has been/is being discussed.