View Full Version : Hope's story...

Dec 5th, 2013, 09:10 PM
Ok, i don't know if this has been mentioned before, and if so I apologize for bringing it up again.

We have all heard Hope's background story: (copied from the Wiki page)

Originally stayed in The Other Tower with her mother, Samantha. When they were attacked, Samantha fled and left Hope behind
She was able to escape the Other Tower by jumping out of a 3-story window, which somehow blinded her.

Except something about that bothers me....

Copied from the Dunbar wiki page...

Kalani comments that The Tower residents were lucky so far since their building is less secure than The Other Tower which had cemented windows on the first three floors.

Is that a writing error, or is that a hole in hope's story?

Dec 6th, 2013, 12:35 AM
Well ...
... plothole ... ?

Nice catch. Haven't realized this detailed.

Dec 6th, 2013, 12:49 AM
Unless when he said "first three floors", he meant Ground, First, Second. Still leaves the option for Hope to jump from a three storey window, though I may be clutching at straws on this one

Dec 6th, 2013, 04:07 AM
...what if Hope had been turned already and used her Z-like strength to bust through the cemented windows?!?!
Hope is a sleeper agent!

but in all seriousness, i think it's an oversight. i'm not going to sleep any less soundly tonight if this is a discrepency.

Dec 6th, 2013, 04:30 AM
Datu recieved some inspirational advice while he was escaping the attack on Boulder:

"Don't lose Hope."


Dec 6th, 2013, 11:46 AM
...what if Hope had been turned already and used her Z-like strength to bust through the cemented windows?!?!
Hope is a sleeper agent!

Maybe you are quite close to it ...
I mean: leaping from a window 3 floors high ... That'S at least like 6-7yards in height, if not much more. That is kind of a challenge - even for the rather "soft" and "elastic" bones of a child. And unless you are pretty lucky or hit something soft on the ground, you very likely get badly hurt - like breaking things. So ... Hope lost her sight (only) or got trouble with her eyes, right? What were the symtpoms? We don't know. And what do we actually know about eyes in the zombocalypse? Right: That many zombs have changing eyes ... And the only doc available who would be (and actually IS) able to tell us about Hope's eyes is Tanya ... And she is kind of secretive about serious shit ...
I had no trouble accepting Ink jumping out of a window from third floor - that was when he met Michael, Burt, Saul, and shit ... But Hope? From now on I wouldn't be surprised that she, too, is "special" ... Like Saul and Tanya ...

Best wishes!