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Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:13 AM
Hope everyone in the States had a wonderful holiday weekend full of friends and family!

Well now that crap is done! Let's get back to what really matters! Enjoy!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:14 AM
Hurray! Not long now! :omgomg:

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:17 AM
can't... wait... any... longer....

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:18 AM
Need it tonight...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:19 AM
It is there.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:23 AM
Solar panels, yes. First right guess. :)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:29 AM
Can't download fast enough :)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:37 AM
Just laughed out loud at "how about the really-fucking-heavy-o-matic"

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:43 AM
That. Was. So. Stressful. And distressing. And, and, and...I think I need a hug!

Red Shirt
Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:43 AM
I... I... I got nothing...

Except... Austin McKibbin. Victor recognized him. Marcus?

I'll also mention that Bill Roberts fields of study seem to coincide with a lot of our suspicions and theories.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:47 AM
As much as I love you guys, Nikvoodoo and Brit, if you don't have a podcast this week I going to suggested you both throwing into the octagon. Two pod-casters entered, one comes out. We need to be entertain somehow. :D

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:56 AM
Poor Victor!!! Someone give him a hug!!! :o

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:57 AM
Holy cow, that episode did not end like i thought it would.

But i am not disappointed.

Anyone else wonder if Datu was bit or wounded, since there was no narration by him at the last?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:01 AM
He's definitely wounded. Is he bit? Oh god I hope not! And Glenn and Jay...dead?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:01 AM
DATU!! Daaaaaatu!

I need gin after that. Someone wake me up out of my drunken stupor in two weeks' time please?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:03 AM

Join us in 2 weeks!?!?!?? OMG!!!! KC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:06 AM
These are my notes for todays episode... Wrote them while listening. :)

The way that Datu tells Glenn that they together can do anything makes me feel that one of them will die really soon...
But hey, they've got the Mata-gun, so they're fine! ... I hope...

So Ink was a genious, huh? Interesting. Seems like Burt was right about being smarter in death if you were while living.

Is that Jay who's helping Datu and Glenn? That must be a bad sign!

...Holy fuck! Yup! Definitely a bad sign! Seems that the Reallyfuckingheavyomatic didn't work that well.
...Did that little one just say "kill!"?

Seems like the king lost his Crown...

So... This is just a thought, but could Datu be a slow turner? Seems like both Glenn and Jay got killed, and nobody else was out there with them, so Datu has to somehow tell this to someone. Besides, he's kinda intelligent, so if he turns, could he decide to help Michael's side?

And another thing I realised while listening to chapter 7. The first bottle they drop is Saul's, and nothing happens. Lizzy says that she wanted to check if they would go after someone in particular, but then just drops a new bottle, where we aren't told the name. Again, nothing happens. Could this be Datu's? They then just empty the box all at once, and then the zets smell it. Until now I've just thought it was because the scent got so much stronger, but what if...??

Oh, and whence did Tanya get that Ink wants to end it? ... Guess I need to listen a few more times... Even though the end is so sad.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:09 AM
what vaguely coherent thoughts I can scrape together so far are:

-Is that pinstripe? It sounds like him, and Kc has hinted that it is (along with a flowerpot?)
-Why didn't pinstripe kill Datu? No one could blame him wanting King Datu The Resourceful on his side.
-Where were they in relation to the colony? What gate was locked, and is Datu inside or outside the colony perimeter? if he has been bitten and is about to turn...
- who is it that drives away? Is that Ink driving, or Datu?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:09 AM
Sweet Fancy Moses!

that last part was so intense.
Glen and Jay the New Guy... oh, man. Glen didn't deserve that, but if you can't run then you're likely food for them.
and it definitely sounds like Datu was scratched or bit. was he even able to use his Mata-Gun?
poor Datu!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:11 AM
-Is that pinstripe? It sounds like him, and Kc has hinted that it is (along with a flowerpot?)

I wasn't hinting at that in the comment section. Just referring to the joke that I was the monster...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:12 AM
Alright, are we now going to blame Micheal for not bring back the gun truck????? It seems that all of CJ "yelling" was justified.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:13 AM

I am kind of shokec - big time. So not just "kind of" ... I AM shocked ...

Q1: Was R2Da2 or was he not wounded and infected?
Q2: We know that in the end Victor is his own best friend. He lives with the knowledge to be surrounded by two time-bombs (from hi point of view); and he was let down by Michael. What's it gonna be with him? Will he take Lizzy and leave? Will he tell Lizzy about Saul's and Tanya's li'l secret? Will he try to get in touch with Burt and Riley? Or at least try to find them? So, will Victor move on - on his own?
Q3: So, Austin Mc-thingy from Atlanta, trialed for murder ... Who the eff is he? Was he Marcus or someone else from the Colony? Or was he someone else - like "Tardust"-one-self? Maybe Randy? In either case: Michael would have recognized him as well. But Michael didn't say anything? Why, 'cause he didn't recognize him, or because he likes keeping secrets to himself?
Q4: And what hell of a mofu was Ink/ Roberts?
Q5: So, yeah. Finally kind of confirmation: "What happens when they turn you, if you already are a monster?" Ink happens ... So - evil-genes-theory ... ?

Best wishes!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:14 AM
I wasn't hinting at that in the comment section. Just referring to the joke that I was the monster...

Which makes ZombieWildfire's signature rather fitting :D

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:14 AM
- who is it that drives away? Is that Ink driving, or Datu?

Not a spoiler, but no one driving.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:17 AM
Not a spoiler, but no one driving.

No one driving?! So what's the beeping? *thinking cap on* Gate closing?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:22 AM
No one driving?! So what's the beeping? *thinking cap on* Gate closing?

I thought it was a radio

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:25 AM
Not a spoiler, but no one driving.

It's....It's the fucking gate!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:26 AM
Hi there.

15:25 - did you hear that?
16:02 - a zomb attacks - sounds like a biter, right?
16:03 - and it got Glen ... Poor bastard.
16:18 - Was this Jay being hit by the same/ another biter?
16:29 - R2Da2 says: "Please. Please, no ..." 'cause he is cornered ba the zomb(s)?
16:42 - R2Da2 was wounded? Please, tell me my ears deceive me ... !
16:50 - Zomb breathes/says/mumbles something resembling "kill" ... Yeah, I hear that as well ...
17:02 - What do these screams mean? Are these from Jay or from R2Da2?
17:20 - R2Da2 is like what we are used to hear from him - crying!
17:29 - what's that alarm-sound or something, this three-time repition thing?
17:44 - the same as at 17.29 ... What's that?
17:55 - steps. I think R2Da2 walking. 'cause he cannot drive the car anymore ... Right? That's how it ends ...

Best wishes!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:26 AM
I thought it was a radio

I thought it was the electronics and the pump of the mill, and maybe Datu had either taken refuge there, or had been severely wounded nearby.

I probably will be proven wrong.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:27 AM
I thought it was a radio

It sounded to me like the beeping that a truck makes while it reverses, or the warning tone before a massive gate/door closes. We hear someone (Datu? A zombie?) scamper off and do something, then *beep beep beep*, and a motor starts. The sound of the generator re-starting? Although there's also a whirring sound that could be a generator winding down...

If the genny isn't working then the colony might be in trouble, because Datu turned it off while they were trying to get the windmill running. And isn't that how they've been getting water?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:27 AM
Sorry guys. I fear Datu isn't going to re-unite with his friends again. The lack of a journal entry leads me to believe he is toast. He may make a journal still, but it won't be found until after Kelly is no longer entering in journals.

I did not hear the little one after Datus biggest cry of pain. Was it wounded by Trainee and Glen and then finished off while pursuing Datu? Was the MataGun ever used? And did anyone catch the millisecond of the noise that sounds like Ink's voise. It was in the same timbre as "It's Paul", but it was just a brief murmer. Way to anser some questions, and leave us with bugger ones on theis episode KC.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:29 AM
It sounded to me like the beeping that a truck makes while it reverses, or the warning tone before a massive gate/door closes. We hear someone (Datu? A zombie?) scamper off and do something, then *beep beep beep*, and a motor starts. The sound of the generator re-starting? Although there's also a whirring sound that could be a generator winding down...

If the genny isn't working then the colony might be in trouble, because Datu turned it off while they were trying to get the windmill running. And isn't that how they've been getting water?

Perhaps its a trap, theyre using Datu as bait and the deactivated generator as a lure to get more survivors away from the colony.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:29 AM
It's....It's the fucking gate!

But Datu locked the gate!

But yes, I hear the "kill" at 16:50 too. Which zombies do we know that can talk - is it just Ink? Or Little Ones too?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:30 AM
Perhaps its a trap, theyre using Datu as bait and the deactivated generator as a lure to get more survivors away from the colony.

That, sir, is a terrifyingly plausible possibility :-S

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:31 AM
Really? A Little One? Would explain that the gun didn't take it down easily ... Or Jay was a bad shooter ...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:31 AM
That, sir, is a terrifyingly plausible possibility :-S

Seems legit.

As with Dunbar, they lure the best away before an attack.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:33 AM
What if the timing was not coincidence? Perhaps the zombs were waiting for the water supply to be started up so that they can poison the coloy's water supply. Maybe that is also related happened at the water treatment plant. Maybe the zombs attempted to poison the city water supply and Randy stopped it or refused to carry it out for Ink.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:37 AM
But Datu locked the gate!

But yes, I hear the "kill" at 16:50 too. Which zombies do we know that can talk - is it just Ink? Or Little Ones too?

Yeah, I changed my mind on that gate thing... Went back and listened to how it sounds when Ink opens it in 36, slower beeps, different pitch, and more than just those three beeps.
My first thought was a truck... Gate sounds way more interesting, though.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:39 AM
What about that file that they brought back from the courthouse? The guy called Austin? Victor recognised him from somewhere. Perhaps someone from before the outbreak? I know there's been some speculation on here about the fact we don't believe he was an insurance salesman. I'm thinking he was a gang member or something a wee bit shady...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:39 AM
As with Dunbar, they lure the best away before an attack.

Do you really believe they keep a "file" (for lack of a better term) on the living. If so, who is at the top of the list, and is/was Scratch on that list.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:39 AM
I'm stunned...
I'm gonna need another half dozen re-listens just to have any hope of figuring out WTF happened at the end. Right now its sounds like Glenn and the other guy (Jay?) are gone. But what happened to Datu? It sounds like he got sliced by Inkling claws. I'm not sure if we ever figured out how the Little Ones turn people. Do cuts and scratches from the claws do the trick, or does it have to be a bite?
I gotta think King Datu the Resourceful has got at least one more trick up his sleeve that will allow him to escape. Otherwise we'd have no one to tell the tale of how this all happened. But if he's been infected by the claws, he might just have enough to "get away" and tell his tale before turning and possibly wreaking havoc in the Colony. But, being the eternal optimist, I'm gonna keep up hope for the best.
So on that note, I'm gonna go curl up in the corner and mutter "Datu's gonna be ok" to myself over and over again.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:44 AM
What about that file that they brought back from the courthouse? I know there's been some speculation on here about the fact we don't believe he was an insurance salesman. I'm thinking he was a gang member or something a wee bit shady...

I don't want to believe he was in a gang just yet, I don't want to judge a book by it's cover because KC loves to let us mislead ourselves based on stereo types. Just as it may have been hard to believe Angle was in a gang/mafia/crime family, maybe Victor is something else we wouldn't expect (in addition to an insurance salesmen and loving Buffy).

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:44 AM
Maybe... maybe Ink hit Datu with his claws - but what if Datu was wearing a duct tape suit which prevented him from taking damage?


Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:47 AM
Maybe... maybe Ink hit Datu with his claws - but what if Datu was wearing a duct tape suit which prevented him from taking damage?

Can't unsee...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:52 AM
some one is going to come to Datu's rescue... and i'm betting it's Scratch.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:52 AM
Datu oh Datu.. What has happened to you.
Man that was a crazy ending.. I am definitely re-listening when I get home from work with head phones on.

But no one is safe in a Zombie Apocalypse.

Micheal and Victor.. I wonder still what the hell did Victor do? He is definitely not a trained soldier. But what the heck happened with that KC?

I do not have a lot more to say about this episode except. Crows in the beginning before Datu and Glen with Queen B. started their dialogue.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 09:54 AM
Austin's and Ink's files were mixed. Why? 'cause they were to be trialed on the same day? Or because there is kind of a connection between both cases? Or is it just coincidence with the file-numbers being close?
And since Victor seems to recognize him, who is that guy? When did he show up or was he briefly mentioned on the show w/o impacting on our tinfoil- and crackpot theories?
If the mixing of the files happened because both guys were to be trialed on the same day in court, then it is obvious that the other dude must have been turned like Ink was turned, 'cause they were at the court at about the same time? If it is just mere coincidence, who is he? Victor was together with the Colonists more than anyone else currently. Could this Austin-guy have been one of gatekeeper's guys?

That one is a totally new riddle giving me no peace ...

Best wishes!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:02 AM
Austin's and Ink's files were mixed. Why? 'cause they were to be trialed on the same day? Or because there is kind of a connection between both cases? Or is it just coincidence with the file-numbers being close?
And since Victor seems to recognize him, who is that guy? When did he show up or was he briefly mentioned on the show w/o impacting on our tinfoil- and crackpot theories?
If the mixing of the files happened because both guys were to be trialed on the same day in court, then it is obvious that the other dude must have been turned like Ink was turned, 'cause they were at the court at about the same time? If it is just mere coincidence, who is he? Victor was together with the Colonists more than anyone else currently. Could this Austin-guy have been one of gatekeeper's guys?

That one is a totally new riddle giving me no peace ...

Best wishes!

And its gonna be a looooooong wait aswell...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:10 AM
Oh crap... Datu!!!
Thinking positive, maybe he was bitten on the arm, was able to quickly tourniquet and amputate.

I... I... I got nothing...

Except... Austin McKibbin. Victor recognized him. Marcus?

I'll also mention that Bill Roberts fields of study seem to coincide with a lot of our suspicions and theories.
Not likely it was Marcus, Michael would have recognized him too and pretty sure Victor would have been positive if it was Marcus. BUT, I'm thinking there's possibly a Maller rat at the Colony.

That. Was. So. Stressful. And distressing. And, and, and...I think I need a hug!Oh look, skankyfish is crying again. :rolleyes: :)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:13 AM
What the phuck just happened?
Datu is not narrating. So much for the matagun.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:18 AM
Am I the only one WHO thinks that that Austin guy is Durai? Michael only saw him during the war in S1, I think, and that was at night and the only source of light came from the torches that the mallers were bringing. Victor got a good look at him in S3, and as I remember, it's kinda morning-ish or at least daylight when that happens, right? Maybe not, but still.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:20 AM
Really? A Little One? Would explain that the gun didn't take it down easily ... Or Jay was a bad shooter ...

What could we ever expect from Mr Jay Jay Binks?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:21 AM
Austin McKibbin....
i'm intrigued by this insert of someone that Victor recognizes.
a "Murderer", but no one else seemed to know him or his face.
either Victor watches more News drama TV than anyone else, or Austin came from the Colony, possibly under a psuedo-name.
"From Atlanta", could also mean he has ties to "Hot areas" around the globe?
and remember, Cohen was the guy that helped Ink with his tatoos...

ah, man. the layers of this whole thing is amazing. talk about replay value!

another analysis...
the fight at the end: i clearly hear the Mata-Gun being fired. it even appears to run out of ammo. it then sounds like Datu is being dragged away (possibly injured at this time) and then either he takes a knife to his attacker or his attacker scratches him. either way, he's left alone and scared. poor guy.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:32 AM
This two week wait is gonna be painful.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:32 AM
I think the Austin McKi, whatever, is related to the case, but I just get so confused. This episode they promote the idea that Ink had it done to himself, but when paraphrasing the report in part 1, they used the term inflicted, right?


This Austin dude is part of the family and was involved in the infliction of the tattoos. But, I can just a easily call the BS card, because maybe he had it done to himself. I am not clear on it.

So, take the plunge, assuming the tattoos were done to Ink by the family as another example of facial disfigurement, I bet Bricks would be big and strong enough to hold Bill Roberts down while they inflicted the tattoos and Victor did have a glance at Bricks with Lizzy.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:35 AM
What we all forgot to mention was if Datu was bitten why did he change asap like Tommy? He still has his humanity and he is crying. So either he a slow turner, very doubt since the only one we have seen were at Bounder wait to get in the army base, or he immune or the ALDO decide not to change him. Since at least one ALDO was attacking the other bitters it may be that they can't afford anymore bitter.

Austin McKibbin....
i'm intrigued by this insert of someone that Victor recognizes.
a "Murderer", but no one else seemed to know him or his face.
either Victor watches more News drama TV than anyone else, or Austin came from the Colony, possibly under a psuedo-name.
"From Atlanta", could also mean he has ties to "Hot areas" around the globe?
and remember, Cohen was the guy that helped Ink with his tatoos...

ah, man. the layers of this whole thing is amazing. talk about replay value!

another analysis...
the fight at the end: i clearly hear the Mata-Gun being fired. it even appears to run out of ammo. it then sounds like Datu is being dragged away (possibly injured at this time) and then either he takes a knife to his attacker or his attacker scratches him. either way, he's left alone and scared. poor guy.

Could be one of the Maller?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:44 AM
Once CJ knows of what happened we (and Michael) are never going to hear the end of it.
Man, this is getting back to the bitter desperation of last season's last episodes. Let's just hope there is a positive note at the end of this season too.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:48 AM
What the phuck just happened?
Datu is not narrating. So much for the matagun.

The end, while it did sound like a Z ripping Datu open, could it have possibly been the Matagun getting a round off?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:55 AM
Datu could be crying for one or more of the following

Fate of Glenn and Jay
He is wounded and is sure he will turn
The mill / pump was also attacked and damaged

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:59 AM
Can't unsee...

Serves you right KC!!!!! Next cliffhanger and you get the same picture minus the duct tape!!!! :D

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:59 AM
Datu could be crying for one or more of the following

Fate of Glenn and Jay
He is wounded and is sure he will turn
The mill / pump was also attacked and damaged

Crying is what Datu does best

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:05 AM
Wow. That was a pretty incredible ending there. Will almost certainly have to re-listen to work out what happened at the end there.

I have a terrible feeling that we're not going to find out the fate of Datu for a while, have a feeling we're going to cut to the Riley-Burt storyline..... hope I'm wrong.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:14 AM
Remember that time Datu brought the infection back to everyone at the colony? And then everyone died? And then Michael came back and discovered they were all turned and eating CJ? Yeah. Those were good times.

RIP CJ. We will always have a soft spot in our collective heart for you. You will be missed.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:20 AM
Remember that time Datu brought the infection back to everyone at the colony? And then everyone died? And then Michael came back and discovered they were all turned and eating CJ? Yeah. Those were good times.

RIP CJ. We will always have a soft spot in our collective heart for you. You will be missed.

Nope, it will not happen. Pegs is going to stone zombie Datu to death by throwing the potatoes at him she just grew for such an occasion.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:21 AM
Remember that time Datu brought the infection back to everyone at the colony? And then everyone died? And then Michael came back and discovered they were all turned and eating CJ? Yeah. Those were good times.

RIP CJ. We will always have a soft spot in our collective heart for you. You will be missed.

Maybe Zombie Datu will go in and take out CJ....... and then he will go out a hero!!!!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:28 AM
Maybe Zombie Datu will go in and take out CJ....... and then he will go out a hero!!!!

Let's hope Zombie Datu eats CJ AND Pegs :yay:

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:31 AM
Wow what an episode! Only have one listen through on cheap headphones while pausing a bunch of times to take care of the kids, but here are my initial thoughts...

Seems Michael and company are not convinced Ink was actually insane (at least not a paranoid schizophrenic) and that he knew exactly what he was doing and was just able to play the system and get out of a harsher punishment.

What did Vic do that has Michael so butt hurt? Must have been bad, others have screwed up and he hasn't kicked them to the curb the way he is doing to Vic. When Michael goes for medicine and a Doc back in the day he mentions that Saul is his best friend. Saul recently mentioned that Vic is his best friend. We know Lizzy wants to have a full on wedding. Perhaps Saul asked Vic to be his best man and Michael took it as a personal blow and now he has a little jealousy and resentment going that is making him act harsher towards Victor than anyone else.

Glad to see them trying to make use of windmills and solar panels, but oh how the attack made it all fall apart. It sounds like Glen and jay were both ripped apart and are dead, but Datu was only injured. I have a feeling he will either turn, or he will end up being somewhat immune (similar to Saul and Tanya?).

Datu makes mention he on he is a smart one in other episodes, if he turns will he be one of the 'smart' zombies? He knows how to get in and out of the colony and where all the traps are, will zombie Datu lead an assault?

The beeping at the end sounds like the water pump overheating or burning out, or a low voyage warning. We hear that the generator is turned off and that Datu and Glenn have burned out motors before and are concerned this one will burn out too. Maybe that is how we learn of the team's fate? With the generator off and the pump burning out the Colony will be out of water and when Datu and team don't come back they will send someone to investigate.

Was as it a planned attack or an inconvenient turn of events? Hard to say, I need to re listen a couple times.

Ahhh darn 2 week wait!!!! :)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:35 AM
Zombie-Datu will be reunited with Zombie-Samantha, and a WA love story spin off will begin. Coming soon, new audio drama "Love is Undead"

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:56 AM
Ah crap. Sorry about the dislike Gnex.
Fat fingers strike again.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:08 PM
Does that mean zombie Samantha and Datu head to the Colony to reunite with Hope? :)

Pretty sure Samantha was an appeteaser before dinner and not turned so I'm not holding my breath on that plot development haha

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:11 PM
Listened through twice so far. In my car with the volume cranked up at 16:50 I thought I heard "get up" not kill. Anyone else?? I'll put my other thoughts on when I get home from work, but great episode!!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:15 PM
Maybe Zombe-Datu links up with Ink, and Ink will be all like "Hey dude, sorry about killing your girl, but we saved you a piece. Here, have a sam-wich." ;)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:17 PM
Zombie Datu joins Ink and then kills him.... It's gonna be an inside job!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:24 PM
What the hell Datu? Why can't you describe to me in detail what is happening to you? Are Jay and Glen dead? Are you a zombie? Come on King Resourceful, communicate with me!!! I know it is a very traumatic experience but I am feeling very much in the dark about what happened to you.

Totally awesome when Tanya referenced Burt's "the smarter you are in life" because I was thinking about that as they were listing all of Ink's academics. So Ink was so messed up that zombification barely changed him is the implication I am getting.

Unless I am mistaken, we have not before been made aware of Victor's mistake. News to me at least. So something happened during those four months...

Austin from Atlanta, I am going to bet he was with the Mallers. Could be in the colony. For a moment I thought he could be number 7, then I remembered the ones with the numbers were created from scratch since they were once small.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:34 PM
I... I... I got nothing...

Except... Austin McKibbin. Victor recognized him. Marcus?

I'll also mention that Bill Roberts fields of study seem to coincide with a lot of our suspicions and theories.

Good guess.
Gate Keeper?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:37 PM
To me it sounded like Jay hit the little one several times with the mata gun. When Datu is being pursued, his pursuer does not have the shrill voice of a little one. I think Jay may have fataly wounded the little one, but Jay, Glen, or both turn and pusue Datu. Datu is knocked down and you can hear the gun slide away from him on the ground. Also it sounds like Datu throws a body off of him as if his attacker fell upon him , was impaled and then cast off. C'mon team, we can piece this scene together!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:38 PM
Just listened through for the second time with some slightly better headphones. So it sounds like Datu and team is bailing out away from the water pump. Glenn and whomever it is that is with him get in the truck and pull out while Datu closes and locks the gate. Before Datu can get to the truck it is attacked and both Glenn and Other become zombie food. Datu races up to save them and knocks out the zombie, or grabs the Mata Gun and gets a shot off (hard to tell what that sound was exactly) but either way it sounds like he takes one out.

Now out of ammo and defenseless another group of zombies walk up. Sounded like multiple footsteps. Sounds like they bite/cut Datu but don't kill him because he is still crying for a little while after. They are trying to turn him or just injure him.

After re-listening you hear what sounds like heavy machinery along with the beeping. Perhaps a crane or backhoe or something?

My :tinfoil: theory, it is either Ink or Randy and company. They take out Glenn and Guest and only injure Datu but leave him laid out on the ground. They use some sort of machinery to knock over the windmill or otherwise damage it to keep it from working. Now generator off and no working pumps, and Datu and Glenn not coming back, the Colony must send out a party to see what happened. The trap is set and the food comes to the hungry biters.

With tho no water source, the remaining Colonist also will have to leave their fortress to seek more water or another place to live. This opens the doors for another ambush.

Starving out the castle is a really old tactic, and a sniper wounding a soldier and letting them be just so they can shoot any more soldiers who come to the aid of the injured isn't anything new either.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:39 PM
Good guess.
Gate Keeper?

Wouldn't Michael and Kelly recognised him also?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:41 PM
Well, that just happened....

so, we have a guy from Atlanta that Vic sorta recognizes, likely on trial the same day as bill Roberts. Lets check the "hot spot" map and see if there's any type of fault lines in that area. (I'll do that later).lets also consider if I was a global pharmaceutical company....where would I have a facility in the southeastern u.s.


Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:44 PM
Good guess.
Gate Keeper?

That was my first thought too, especially since Gatekeeper would never give his real name, but Victor was recon. He had to come in and out of the Colony a lot, and every time had to go through the Gatekeeper inspection. I am sure that dudes crazy face is etched into his memory. I imagine he would recognize him right away.

Only thing ing that would make me think otherwise is if he changed his appearance enough? Lost a ton of weight and colored his hair or something? But we were told Gatekeeper was portly I think, and how easy would it be to dye your hair and keep it that way post-apocalypse? I imagine that would be out of the question. I'm thinking he is another member of the Colony, and since all these guys looking at the photo are now based out of Dunbar they don't remember all the faces and names etc.

zombie Danny
Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:49 PM
Kc !!!!!!!!!!!!! your good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:49 PM
What did Vic do that has Michael so butt hurt? Must have been bad, others have screwed up and he hasn't kicked them to the curb the way he is doing to Vic. When Michael goes for medicine and a Doc back in the day he mentions that Saul is his best friend. Saul recently mentioned that Vic is his best friend. We know Lizzy wants to have a full on wedding. Perhaps Saul asked Vic to be his best man and Michael took it as a personal blow and now he has a little jealousy and resentment going that is making him act harsher towards Victor than anyone else.

I think Victor must have made a bad decision in some way and this is not just a personal thing.
When victor apologises Michael says

Michael: "Look Vic, now more than ever I need people who.. " he stops short of saying "I can trust"
Michael: "Well this is a soldiers job"
Victor: "But I know what I'm doing"
Michael: "I already gave you a shot"
Victor: "I know"
Michael: "Sorry Vic, I can't risk having you out there again, it's not fair to the other soldiers." because Vic might get them killed?

It sounds like Victor froze in the heat of battle, and in Michael's mind he is a liability.
Although Victor has been fine in battle in the past, maybe it's that he missed something and a zombie snuck up on his side or something.

Ahhh darn 2 week wait!!!!
I know, but a quality podcast is worth waiting 2 weeks for...

Cabbage Patch
Dec 2nd, 2013, 12:58 PM
Oh crap... Datu!!!

My sentiments exactly! Datu has be survive. Otherwise how can he be proclaimed King when the US West Coast is repopulated by colonists from the Philippines?

I'm hoping that what we heard was Datu getting knocked down by a Little One, that then turned its attention back to Glenn and Jay. After all, we suspect that the zombies are all pretty hungry, and this way the Little One gets a two-course meal, followed by having Datu for dessert.

Thinking positive, maybe he was bitten on the arm, was able to quickly tourniquet and amputate.

I'm still hopeful that Datu didn't get infected. But if he did then I like your scenario.

some one is going to come to Datu's rescue... and i'm betting it's Scratch.

I think the door is open for something like this. My hope is that Burt and Riley are going to arrive and distract the Little One, giving Datu the opportunity to get the Mata Gun back and kill it.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:05 PM
Hate to say it. I like datu, and jay(actor not character)...but datu needs to die.

shit, SOMEBODY needs to die (from the original core group)...its season four already...the "O.T." people need some loss. Just my .02 on datus survival.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:05 PM
Ok so here is what I think happens........

Datu closes the gate.
Glen gets attacked. Glen down.
Jay or whoever gets attacked. Jay down.
While that is happening Datu is shooting his pistol.
Datu is backing away from a zombie saying "please please"
A Zombie attacks Datu and gets impaled.
Lands on tops of Datu.
Another Zombie says "Get up". Probably talking to his zombie buddy.
The Zombie "attacks" Datu, but is really only getting his zombie friend who didn't "get up"
Datu screams thinking this is the end.
Instead of biting Datu the Zombie takes his zombie buddy and then hears a noise.
The Zombie runs off into the rain with his zombie buddy.

This is the part where we hear the strange noise/beeping/engine. More beeping. More engine. More beeping. Engine dying down.


#1 - The windmill was making the noise and then powered down. (Don't think this is the case, because the windmill is water powered not engine powered, and wasn't making that noise earlier when they started it)

#2 - Someone pulled up in a vehicle and scared away the remaining Zombie. (If this is true............ Who is in the vehicle???)
A) Another Colony member sent out to help speed things along?
B) Ink himself? Coming to recruit Datu the master mechanic?!?!?
C) Scratch? Coming to make sure she gets a few more glorious moments??
D) Burt/Riley? Not likely but maybe they were coming back to the colony?

I think somehow Datu is still alive, Not bitten. Yes, there is not a journal entry.... but, this could also be that Datu is taken by an unfriendly from the above list........ or Datu is saved by a friendly but immediately after knowing he is safe, Datu collapses or something..... a lot has happened to our poor repair man in this epic tale.......

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:07 PM
This is such a confusing episode.....What did Victor do for Michael to distrust him? Did Datu just get infected and will now die? WHAT IS GOING ON???? These questions......The ending had me filled with emotions to what the hell was going on....? It sounded like Datu was at least bitten if not completely munched on...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:13 PM
Wait, i'm confused, what did Victor do that Michael won't have him in the field again?

Michael caught Victor and Pegs messing around in the Cow Stables and the whole story turns into a really bad love triangle of trying to find out who's baby it is, with CJ acting as Maury!!! :omgomg:

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:15 PM
This is my new best guess on what went down with Datu. Assuming that only one little one attacked them.

Datu and Jay are out of the car and closing the gate while Glen pulls the car through.

Glen is attacked in the truck and scratched. Glen starts to turn.

Jay shoots little one several times with the Mata gun and finaly kills it, but is attacked by the now turned Glen. Jay (still wearing the mata gun) begins to turn.

Datu is attacked by Glen, and the pistol is knocked from his hands somehow. Glen falls upon Datu who impales him with a pipe (seen in episode artwork) or something.

The now turned Jay pursues Datu. ZombJay is still wearing the heavy matagun and is slowed down a bit. Somehow ZombJay is killed after a shuffling sound. Maybe Datu strangles him with the air hose of the Matagun.. I don't know.

My last though is that the beeping and the humming sound could somehow be Datu filling up the pressure tank of the Matagun so he can defend himself.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:16 PM
Can't even begin to guess what is going to happen, but all i can say is, if this was a trap and not coincidence, Datu needs to break this habit of falling into Z-Traps...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:18 PM
And did anyone catch the millisecond of the noise that sounds like Ink's voise. It was in the same timbre as "It's Paul", but it was just a brief murmer.

Yeah, at the risk of sounding silly again ("Die, we're alive, die....") I thought I heard "Kill".

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:19 PM
Wait, i'm confused, what did Victor do that Michael won't have him in the field again?

I think Michael may harbour some resentment toward Victor because he with-held the truth about Angel's death. Either that, or something happened during the end of season 3 with the battle vs the mallers at the colony.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:21 PM
Good guess.
Gate Keeper?

Now THAT is a good guess, considering he never gave his real name away. Maybe to hide his past?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:25 PM
lets also consider if I was a global pharmaceutical company....where would I have a facility in the southeastern u.s.


Research Triangle Park, in North Carolina. The second choice might be near the CDC in Atlanta.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:27 PM
Just looked at the album artwork after TRiver_Rat mentioned it and it looks like on the right side of the picture there is a truck with a boom or crane arm on the back. My guess is there is where the beeping is coming from.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:32 PM
Maybe Zombie Datu will go in and take out CJ....... and then he will go out a hero!!!!

Wait! What? Since when robots turn into zombs? R2Da2 becomes a zombodroid?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:34 PM
Someone better FanFic this.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:35 PM
Oh look, skankyfish is crying again. :rolleyes: :)

Hey, it's an emotional time! And those aren't tears, there's just something in my eye...yeah, that's it...

I've lost the post now, but whoever suggested Bricks might be Austin McWhotsit, I think that's my favourite theory. Victor only saw him once, at a distance, when he was concentrating on other things (Lizzy, mainly), so it would make sense for him to recognise him but not be able to put his thumb on it.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:37 PM
That was my first thought too, especially since Gatekeeper would never give his real name, but Victor was recon. He had to come in and out of the Colony a lot, and every time had to go through the Gatekeeper inspection. I am sure that dudes crazy face is etched into his memory. I imagine he would recognize him right away.

Victor last saw Gatekeeper with his whole face around 8/9 months ago, and with his scarred, bandaged face around 4/5 months ago. It's easy to forget faces when you haven't seen them in several months, and when you don't think about them. Saul forgot what Lizzy's face looked like after 5/6 months of her being captured, and he thought of her likely most of the time....

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:41 PM
#2 - Someone pulled up in a vehicle and scared away the remaining Zombie. (If this is true............ Who is in the vehicle???)
A) Another Colony member sent out to help speed things along?
B) Ink himself? Coming to recruit Datu the master mechanic?!?!?
C) Scratch? Coming to make sure she gets a few more glorious moments??
D) Burt/Riley? Not likely but maybe they were coming back to the colony?

I think somehow Datu is still alive, Not bitten. Yes, there is not a journal entry.... but, this could also be that Datu is taken by an unfriendly from the above list........ or Datu is saved by a friendly but immediately after knowing he is safe, Datu collapses or something..... a lot has happened to our poor repair man in this epic tale.......


Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:45 PM
Good guess.
Gate Keeper?

I like the idea. But I don't think it will be gatekeeper.

I'm not sure if we know how long Victor was at the Colony. But we know that every time he went in or out he had to be inspected by Gatekeeper. Victor would know him very well.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:48 PM
Everyone is stating that Michael and co. would recognise Austin as either Gatekeeper or Marcus.....But the fact is, last time Michael and the others saw him (besides Victor) was when they escaped the colony back in July, when its now (March?) the next year.

Besides, it would be pointless to include new information about old characters when they're already dead......

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:51 PM
"Mata gun"?

"Really Fucking Heavy-O-Matic"

How about calling what it's going to be used for?

"The Glenn Buster"

P.S. I don"t think Datu was bitten. Too much too do and too little time to get it all done. And he is the only one with the talents to do it. RIP Glenn.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:53 PM
Victor last saw Gatekeeper with his whole face around 8/9 months ago, and with his scarred, bandaged face around 4/5 months ago. It's easy to forget faces when you haven't seen them in several months, and when you don't think about them. Saul forgot what Lizzy's face looked like after 5/6 months of her being captured, and he thought of her likely most of the time....

Perhaps Saul could not remember Lizzy's face from memory but if he saw her picture do you think he wouldn't instantly recognize it? I see it being the same with Gatekeeper, he may never think about him and might not be able to fully describe every nuance of his face, but seeing his photo, I am sure he would instantly remember who it was.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:54 PM
Victor last saw Gatekeeper with his whole face around 8/9 months ago, and with his scarred, bandaged face around 4/5 months ago. It's easy to forget faces when you haven't seen them in several months, and when you don't think about them. Saul forgot what Lizzy's face looked like after 5/6 months of her being captured, and he thought of her likely most of the time....

I think Saul was just being mushy!!!!

I'm sure there are probably people that many of us haven't seen in years...... (High School, old Coworkers, etc) but they would walk past you today and you would say "Oh wow... that is Billy/Sally Whatever"

I think it may be someone from the Original Colony, but I don't think it is Gatekeeper.

So far we have Cohen from 40-1 and now McKibbin from 40-3.

I think we are starting to piece together Ink's little New World Order crew from before the explosion!!!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:56 PM
Hey, it's an emotional time! And those aren't tears, there's just something in my eye...yeah, that's it...

I've lost the post now, but whoever suggested Bricks might be Austin McWhotsit, I think that's my favourite theory. Victor only saw him once, at a distance, when he was concentrating on other things (Lizzy, mainly), so it would make sense for him to recognise him but not be able to put his thumb on it.

My only thought with it being Bricks is why? Bricks is dead and gone, what could we get or learn about bringing him back up now? Could be possible, and you never can tell with the mind of KC working on it, but I can't see how tying Bricks back into the story somehow would add anything... I'm betting that finding out who the person is will be less important than finding out how them and Ink might be related in some way.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 01:58 PM
I have a feeling McKibbin is Tardust. Not sure why, it just makes sense for him to be a secondary character that is still alive in my mind.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:00 PM
Perhaps Saul could not remember Lizzy's face from memory but if he saw her picture do you think he wouldn't instantly recognize it? I see it being the same with Gatekeeper, he may never think about him and might not be able to fully describe every nuance of his face, but seeing his photo, I am sure he would instantly remember who it was.

Yea, i guess you do have a good point....

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:02 PM
I think Saul was just being mushy!!!!
So far we have Cohen from 40-1 and now McKibbin from 40-3.

I think we are starting to piece together Ink's little New World Order crew from before the explosion!!!

Maybe they're the ones that started it all.....Ink with all his Degree's, with a little help from some other people (maybe they have some special degree's too?)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:03 PM
I have a feeling McKibbin is Tardust. Not sure why, it just makes sense for him to be a secondary character that is still alive in my mind.

I have had the same feeling.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:08 PM
Perhaps Saul could not remember Lizzy's face from memory but if he saw her picture do you think he wouldn't instantly recognize it? I see it being the same with Gatekeeper, he may never think about him and might not be able to fully describe every nuance of his face, but seeing his photo, I am sure he would instantly remember who it was.

Yep, this. There's a big difference between not being able to call someone's face to mind, and not recognising their face when you actually see it. I think Victor would be so familiar with Gatekeeper's face that he'd know him straight away - unless he was quite different for some reason. Maybe fatter, thinner, plus/minus facial hair? No, I don't think it's Gatekeeper.

My only thought with it being Bricks is why? Bricks is dead and gone, what could we get or learn about bringing him back up now? Could be possible, and you never can tell with the mind of KC working on it, but I can't see how tying Bricks back into the story somehow would add anything... I'm betting that finding out who the person is will be less important than finding out how them and Ink might be related in some way.

Aaaand that's a very good point, so now I don't think it's Bricks either. Hmmm....

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:13 PM
My Take aways...

1) Ink isn't crazy. Kelly said "He must have had a heck of a lawyer". This fits with the odd statement of "He can make himself have episodes" that a lot of us said was odd. That added with "He needs to be kept alone". Seems that it was just a lawyer protecting a client and doing his job. He is nuts so we plead insanity... and BTW... we need to keep him away from the other crazys. Kelly even said it was not a crazy man's attack. Also may fit what Puck said about OJ. "His guilty Ass sat here?". Maybe a subtle jab/hint. Lots of evidence, but a good lawyer. All in all seems that Ink just played at being crazy to get an insanity plea.

2)Datu... not touching that yet. Listened at work so I had a real hard time following the attack. I will listen at my house with my nice headphones. As it stands I can't comment on it due to having a hard time hearing it.

3) I think KC said in a post that the Victor thing happened in the 4 month gap. Based on what what little we know, it sounds like he just messed up in the field and Michael would rather have Soilders. I don't think it was freezing. He has held his own a lot. Thinks very clear under fire. Sense we saw him at the begining he has handled himself well under fire. All in All, one of the best in the series. Saved Lisa in a gun fight, did very well when the Tower and Colony was attacked, even when we met him and he was getting to the safe house. My gut is that he didn't listen and did his own thing in the field. Michael likes his Soidlers b/c the listen.

4) The Austin guy Victor reconized. We know a few things.
a) Victor Knows Him
b) Michael, Kelly, Tanya do not.

There are only a few people that atleast Michael, Tanya, and Victor doesn't know together. From a story stand point they need to be alive IMO. If they had info we would never know b/c they are dead. So why mention them? If it was just to show backstory then why show it? It doesn't move the plot forward. From a story standpoint it does nothing to find out that it was Durai, Latch, Gatekeeper, Marcus, or anyone. They are dead. Does it matter why Bricks was in jail? Not really. Most it can do is tie Ink to The Families. Even then very weakly. Both being on trial the same day doesn't do much as far as a link goes. That means for the sake of the story the person needs to be alive to push the plot forward.

Only a few people that only Victor would know. Gatekeeper would be known by all three. Marcus would be known by all three. That and they are dead. So it would serve no reason for it to be them. Only people that Victor would know, and not any of the others, would be the Mallers. Also needs to be someone we know. Again, for story sake. My guess is a Maller that is still alive.

My Guess is that it is Tardust. We only know a few Mallers by name. Only two are not confirmed dead. Scratch and Tardust.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:18 PM

Victor saw Bricks with Lizzy. He could easily have murdered someone with he bare hands.

He may have seen Tardust on the video of Angel's death and in the crowd before Durai is murdered. I could see Tardust as a pyro, maybe got nailed for murder, but would probably also have arsonist mentioned

Does Latch look enough like Scratch? Latch says Scratch would probably been on death row, unless he took the fall, right? But, scratch calls him John. Murder and death row go together, but name is not right.

There was a maller named Johnny that got burned in the war. However, since that seems like a name rather than a knickname, he might have been a slave. We do hear someone yelling for a Johnny in the commotion in season 3 when the mallers are overthrown. Name does not seem to match.

The colony had someone we called supervisor, right? Bixby gets a shovel to the face. Supervisor talks to Michael. Maybe Michael does not make the connection, victor might have seen him more often. Isn't that the same voice that plots to murder Marcus and is overheard by Pegs?

Sheesh, isn't the story complicated enough? In chapter 40 we get a Cohen who smuggled in the pens. Just pens r gogo juice for ink? Nick rivers. A councillor. Probably nothing until you remember that our pregnant therapist wants to call her son Nicholas. Now, Victor recognizes Austin tagged with murder.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:20 PM
Yeah, at the risk of sounding silly again ("Die, we're alive, die....") I thought I heard "Kill".

As did I. Later I head you're alive, but that is a bit of. Stretch

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:27 PM
My only thought with it being Bricks is why? Bricks is dead and gone, what could we get or learn about bringing him back up now? Could be possible, and you never can tell with the mind of KC working on it, but I can't see how tying Bricks back into the story somehow would add anything... I'm betting that finding out who the person is will be less important than finding out how them and Ink might be related in some way.

What about Tar Dust?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:32 PM
Doh late to the party. I don't think it's any of the Colony guys, cuz Tanya would know them.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:34 PM

@Verse: I think you are right about what went wrong between Michael and Victor in the time gap.

During this whole episode it struck me odd that really none did speak of or at least mention Riley and Burt. So here is my take:

Burt and Riley found somethind during the four months. This caught Michael's and Victor's (and others') attention. Shit - fan - you know the drill. And in this episode tragedy struck, and Victor had his take on it. Worst case: Thanks to something foolish he had done Victor might be held at least partially responsible for something bad that might have happened - like for example the death of Burt and/or Riley, or the bail out (again) by Scratch. / edit: but it must be something small, since Victor says that none got hurt .../edit

That is why I would expect chapter 41 to travel back in time to about the time in which Victor's actions might have turned against the ones he was supposed to help ...

Best wishes!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:34 PM
If it were someone from the colony, I think Victor would have recognised them easier. I still believe he recognises the picture from someone he encounteted prior to z-day, and the revelation will out the truth about his real job and circumstances pre z-day.

As for Datu, its kinda odd that he wasn't killed whereas Glenn and the other guy were. Either the assailant (was it a little one?) wanted to keep him alive for bait, or recognised a degree of immunity in him, only time will tell. Shame we have to wait so long.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:36 PM
I have a feeling McKibbin is Tardust. Not sure why, it just makes sense for him to be a secondary character that is still alive in my mind.

Me, too.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:41 PM
As for Datu, its kinda odd that he wasn't killed whereas Glenn and the other guy were. Either the assailant (was it a little one?) wanted to keep him alive for bait, or recognised a degree of immunity in him, only time will tell. Shame we have to wait so long.

It has to be either a Little One or Ink; it definitely spoke, and I think they're the only ones we've heard speak...right?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:45 PM
Hi. Am I the only one thinking that it was a regular biter? Little Ones sound very different. It might have been a smart one instead, but not necessarily Ink or Randy ...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:46 PM
What about Tar Dust?

Sheesh, isn't the story complicated enough? In chapter 40 we get a Cohen who smuggled in the pens. Just pens r gogo juice for ink? Nick rivers. A councillor. Probably nothing until you remember that our pregnant therapist wants to call her son Nicholas. Now, Victor recognizes Austin tagged with murder.

I am looking at what Grognaurd is saying with all these new names dropping into the show right at the end, and thinking about what KC said in an interview, I believe at the end of Season 3, that we aren't going to see the introduction of any new 'significant' characters in Season 4. I think with all the new names dropping, it isn't so much about who these people really were, but about what we can learn from their story. I don't particularly think there is anything special about Cohen, or Nick Rivers, or Austin etc. It isn't about them... it is only about what we learn from their story that leads us farther down our already existing path. Sure we will probably find out later who Austin was, Vic will remember and go 'Oh Yeah! That was the guy from the court papers!', but it won't matter who the guy was, only that it gave us just enough info to lead us somewhere else.

Don't know if any of that made sense?

My other thought... Tardust was already in prison, and from what we learn when he tries to get busy with Mrs. Lizzy, he had been in for a long time already. The court papers that were mixed in with Ink's leads me to believe that this was a concurrent case, perhaps with a hearing on the same day or perhaps somehow related to that of Ink's. I don't see how what we know about Tardust could fit him into that role.

I am sticking with Austin is someone we haven't exactly met yet and isn't a significant character.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:47 PM
Why Bricks?

Because I am still not clear if Ink bribed Cohen for the Tattoos or if someone else bribed Cohen to "inflict" the Tattoos. If it was done against his will, my guess is Bricks could hold Bill Roberts in place during the procedure.

The line is ...he bribed Cohen. He could be Bill Roberts, tha works. But, before that line was something like someone smuggled in a shitload of pens. So, the "he" could refer to the unknown smuggler.

Does Bill Roberts go nuts in the prison and ink himself up?
Does the Family seek revenge and dessicrate his face like has been done to so many others. Scratch, Charlie, Pippin, Gatekeeper, etc...?

Bricks provides a family connection. Bricks has no fear of normal biters, but the special ones freak him out and Durai seemed to have it in for the special ones and was planning to fire bomb them with tanker trucks pretty early in the outbreak. They rescue Lady, and those water and food dispensers are designed for a few days not a few weeks.

Edit, oh and the significance of a picture and not just a name, Lizzy can recognize a picture of Bricks or Tardust. Another possibility I now consider is could there have been a picture of this guy where they found the picture of Kalani when looking through CJs files?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:51 PM
Doh late to the party. I don't think it's any of the Colony guys, cuz Tanya would know them.

Not necessarily, there were hundreds of people in the Colony, and Tanya seemed to spend most if not all her time in the hospital. Plus she mentions while fixing Michaels arm in the hospital that she makes a point of not getting to know anyone because she isn't sure how long they will be around, its better not to get attached.

Also the population of the Colony changed a lot after the Mallers came in and brought some of their 'slaves' and then the attack happened and wiped out a big portion too.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 02:59 PM
It has to be either a Little One or Ink; it definitely spoke, and I think they're the only ones we've heard speak...right?

Could well be. Though if it was Ink, Datu would have expressed some surprise at seeing him. Mind, that's assuming that it was Ink that he saw at the Arena when Samantha was killed. It's a safe bet to assume that it was a Little One, but remember what Burt said: "The smarter you are in life". Seems coincidential that the comment was brought up by Kelly in this episode - perhaps we've been introduced to anothet "smart one", which ties in with the Austin fella who was also mentioned in the episode.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:01 PM
Why Bricks?

Because I am still not clear if Ink bribed Cohen for the Tattoos or if someone else bribed Cohen to "inflict" the Tattoos. If it was done against his will, my guess is Bricks could hold Bill Roberts in place during the procedure.

The line is ...he bribed Cohen. He could be Bill Roberts, tha works. But, before that line was something like someone smuggled in a shitload of pens. So, the "he" could refer to the unknown smuggler.

Does Bill Roberts go nuts in the prison and ink himself up?
Does the Family seek revenge and dessicrate his face like has been done to so many others. Scratch, Charlie, Pippin, Gatekeeper, etc...?

Bricks provides a family connection. Bricks has no fear of normal biters, but the special ones freak him out and Durai seemed to have it in for the special ones and was planning to fire bomb them with tanker trucks pretty early in the outbreak. They rescue Lady, and those water and food dispensers are designed for a few days not a few weeks.

Another issue with Bricks, Bricks was in East Bay, but Ink never was, he was in the mental facility and in jail but never in prison. So unless Bricks somehow got out of prison and to the jail just to hold a guy down.... nah that just doesn't make any sense to me...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:02 PM
Could well be. Though if it was Ink, Datu would have expressed some surprise at seeing him. Mind, that's assuming that it was Ink that he saw at the Arena when Samantha was killed. It's a safe bet to assume that it was a Little One, but remember what Burt said: "The smarter you are in life". Seems coincidential that the comment was brought up by Kelly in this episode - perhaps we've been introduced to anothet "smart one", which ties in with the Austin fella who was also mentioned in the episode.

What if it was Randy?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:05 PM
What if it was Randy?

I kinda hope it is - it would be a great Decembeard reference. But on a serious note, Randy hasn't actually killed anyone, as far as I know, so it makes sense when you consider that Datu seems to be alive.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:08 PM
I kinda hope it is - it would be a great Decembeard reference. But on a serious note, Randy hasn't actually killed anyone, as far as I know, so it makes sense when you consider that Datu seems to be alive.

Maybe it was Randy who did not kill R2Da2; but it killed Jay and Glen, unless there were more than just one zomb ...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:08 PM
I relistened to it. But not sure what happened with Datu. Sounds like he got hurt but I am not sure if he was bit or clawed. Sounds like swiping sound before he screams but could be the Matagun going off.

I think that guy is Tardust too..

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:09 PM
Could well be. Though if it was Ink, Datu would have expressed some surprise at seeing him. Mind, that's assuming that it was Ink that he saw at the Arena when Samantha was killed. It's a safe bet to assume that it was a Little One, but remember what Burt said: "The smarter you are in life". Seems coincidential that the comment was brought up by Kelly in this episode - perhaps we've been introduced to anothet "smart one", which ties in with the Austin fella who was also mentioned in the episode.

What if it was Randy?

Yep, now totally wondering if it was Randy. Datu probably wouldn't recognise him, and either way he'd be terrified because zombie...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:20 PM
Another issue with Bricks, Bricks was in East Bay, but Ink never was, he was in the mental facility and in jail but never in prison. So unless Bricks somehow got out of prison and to the jail just to hold a guy down.... nah that just doesn't make any sense to me...

Good point about Eastern Bay. All we really know is he was with the mallers. Maybe Scratch was a local bus driver and made a few stops along the way lol. Grrr... Umm, seen any flying squid Cthulhu clones...?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:25 PM
Tanya 'We still don't know why the outbreak started?'
Michael 'Nope, but he definitly didn't start all if this?'
Tanya 'But he wants to end it...'

Is this what Tanya and Michael talk about at about 10:10? Or do my ears deceive me, and I miss something?

Cabbage Patch
Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:26 PM
...What did Victor do for Michael to distrust him?...

March 10, 2010. Victor joins Michael and a group of soldiers on a scavanging run to a local COSTCO store. The location has already been heavily picked over, but the group still finds an impressive haul of home electronics, batteries, and toilet paper in bulk packages. Michael notices a yellow plastic bag sticking out of Victor's back pocket and asks him about it. Victor says that he found a bag of beef jerkey. Michael asks if there is more, but Victor says it was the only one. Michael asks for a piece, but Victor has already eaten them all. Michael sulks all the way home.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:26 PM
Maybe it was Randy who did not kill R2Da2; but it killed Jay and Glen, unless there were more than just one zomb ...

Relistening to it, it sounds like multiple sets of footsteps. Hard to tell for sure though

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:30 PM
March 10, 2010. Victor joins Michael and a group of soldiers on a scavanging run to a local COSTCO store. The location has already been heavily picked over, but the group still finds an impressive haul of home electronics, batteries, and toilet paper in bulk packages. Michael notices a yellow plastic bag sticking out of Victor's back pocket and asks him about it. Victor says that he found a bag of beef jerkey. Michael asks if there is more, but Victor says it was the only one. Michael asks for a piece, but Victor has already eaten them all. Michael sulks all the way home.

Now I want beef jerky! Thanks... Sucks that it's so expensive here in Denmark... And that you can only get it in the few shops that actually sell American stuff. Just like skittles... Speaking of which... Where the fuck is that guy? ... He probably became Zkittles a long time ago.


There is at least one little one, you can here their metalic scream/squeak thing at 16:07.30, and at 16:09.30. There's a different scream at 16:22.50, though, not sure what that is.
At 16:33.80 it sounds like the zet is saying something. The only word I can hear though is "hi", and that would just be weird.
At 16:24.50 it snarls and bites (sounds like that to me) before saying "kill"/"get up"/"*****" at 16:50.30.

Am I the only one who can hear a zombie to the right at 16:33.00, and again at 16:36.40?
Backs up the theory (can't remember who posted that, sorry) that there are more than one zombie in this scene. I kinda like that idea.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:41 PM
Relistening to it, it sounds like multiple sets of footsteps. Hard to tell for sure though

Re-listened to the attack scene a few times.

At the end it sounds like an alarm, weather it is linked to the gate or a general alarm for the colony, and multiple footsteps coming out of the gate in response to the gunfire. This would make sense because the colony is not going to sit still as three of their own is attacked directly outside of their gate, and that also explains why the zombies run off suddenly.

And i agree with several people here, CJ is not going to shut up about this now and it is all Michael's fault for not bringing the gun truck back.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:49 PM
I have a feeling McKibbin is Tardust. Not sure why, it just makes sense for him to be a secondary character that is still alive in my mind.

Hey, it's an emotional time! And those aren't tears, there's just something in my eye...yeah, that's it...

I've lost the post now, but whoever suggested Bricks might be Austin McWhotsit, I think that's my favourite theory. Victor only saw him once, at a distance, when he was concentrating on other things (Lizzy, mainly), so it would make sense for him to recognise him but not be able to put his thumb on it.

I think that there might be a problem with Austin McCooben being a Maller. McCooben's Trial info was in the Judge's chamber along with Ink's. This was immediately prior to the outbreak. It seems that his case was being tried at or around the same time. So, unless he was recently convicted and immediately sent to Eastern Bay Prison then he really wouldn't have been in the prison when Scratch broke them out of jail. Even if he was just sent there before TEOTWAWKI, would he have had time to form a camaraderie with the inmates in such a short time?

BUT, story wise, as someone said before, what would be the purpose of bringing back a dead character with some sort of possible connection to Ink? Well, if it is a Maller who might have some sort of insight into INK, then there could be a mad dash to find them before Burt and Riley does. This could also lead to the (please dear Lord, NOOOO) possibility of a truce between the Mallers and the Colony. (I'm now thinking of last night's Walking Dead episode.)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:52 PM
I am racking my brain trying to think of who I would even want Austin Mckiben (sp?) to be! What if it was little one #7 that he and Tanya ran into earlier? very far off chance since they all started off small I know. I like the theory of Austin being a "special" zombie that they might have encountered at some point. Either way, I think they'll be able to look into him a little bit and discover where he was turned or something along that line, and if he was/is a special one, they might find another place like the hospital.

I swear I'm hearing get up... and if so, why would that get said to Datu? I am thinking that Datu was bitten, told to get up so he would know he wasn't going to be killed and then the zom (Randy, Ink, Smart One) left him. If there is one thing we know about Datu it is his crying noises! That sounded like a "the world is done and I'm going to die" cry unlike any we have heard from the leaky faucet! I think he's going to turn and be another challenge facing the survivors, both in him being extremely smart so the smarter in death... and also an emotional challenge. It will be difficult for anyone to kill zombie Datu!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:57 PM
Now I want beef jerky! Thanks... Sucks that it's so expensive here in Denmark... And that you can only get it in the few shops that actually sell American stuff. Just like skittles... Speaking of which... Where the fuck is that guy? ... He probably became Zkittles a long time ago.


There is at least one little one, you can here their metalic scream/squeak thing at 16:07.30, and at 16:09.30. There's a different scream at 16:22.50, though, not sure what that is.
At 16:33.80 it sounds like the zet is saying something. The only word I can hear though is "hi", and that would just be weird. :cool: (W.D. This is too funny)
At 16:24.50 it snarls and bites (sounds like that to me) before saying "kill"/"get up"/"*****" at 16:50.30.

Am I the only one who can hear a zombie to the right at 16:33.00, and again at 16:33.40?
Backs up the theory (can't remember who posted that, sorry) that there are more than one zombie in this scene. I kinda like that idea.

I thought I heard "Kill" too. Yes, I'm sure there are several Zombies running around.

Sucks that it's so expensive here in Denmark

Ah, If I smoked I'd say lets trade, Beef jerky for Cuban Cigars.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 03:57 PM
Austin could be Randy, but I don't think so. Michael knows Randy as well. They said that they had been seperating the pages. That means others saw the papers. We know that Puck, Michael, Victor (If I remember that when the Colony was attacked Victor said in his journal that there was a beared man with a tattoo on the right side of his face. Thus why I think Randy works with Ink now. Marking his second in comand. That has nothing to do with this thread though), and Trainee (Can't think of name) saw him on the camera. I can't imagine that no one helping sorting the papers didn't notice. It could happen, but I am not feeling it. That and Michael isn't really hiding Randy anymore. Hell, He chansed him down with Puck. I just can't see Victor pointing at a pic of Randy going "Hey. I know that guy." and Michael make making a sound. I mean no sound at all. No "Hmmm" or "Are you sure?". If it were Randy I am betting Michael would have went "WHAAAAAT?". Mainly with him knowing he is moving chemicals that Ink had in his lab. Michael keeps things close to his chest, but that kinda info could wipe out the group. Unless Michael was a serial killer with Randy and he doesn't want ppl to know about it. He was even about to tell the story to Puck. Granted when they chased him he didn't go "Hey! I know that Guy!", but finding hard evidence that he may be linked to Ink? Yeah. Michael would have said something. Even if it were to find out how much Victor knew and down play it.

Still at work so I haven't been able to listen to the Datu scene again. If it was Ink, Randy, Little One, random Smart one it would make sense. Ink and Randy are smart. Ink atleast is able to read, write, think, plan, speak, mix chemicals, ect. Odds are Randy can atleast Read (How did he know what chemicals to grab and where to go? Regardless of if he is working with Ink or not he has to know something for him to go to Raydon... Ink's Lab... and grab stuff Ink was getting. My guess is he was the one that left the note. Ink gave it to him.. he went there... and read what he needed) and think/plan.

CJ made the comment that "All they had to do was wait us out...." Ink seems to be doing that. Waiting. Letting them starve. If Randy is working for him he could have looked at the pump and went "Hmmm. That is a Water Pump. I was at the Water Station before I was turned so I know something about this stuff. Odds are I know what this is. If I mess this up they will have no water. Then they will die faster."

Also fits Ink's MO. He snuck in and killed ppl and tricked them into letting him in. After ppl got wise to that he stopped. He sent waves of normals to attack The Colony before him and his Little Ones went in. He is a planner. When he realized that they have more Fire Power and could hold the line.. he has left them alone for a while. This would fit what has been going on. Take away the water and watch them die.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:02 PM
What does Victor say to Micheal when he asks to go along with him? It sounds like "You take ???????? out there, like every day I'm better than them." Then Micheal says, "That's only because I have too."

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:12 PM
He said Trainees. Thus why Michael has too. CJ assigns them to him so he has no choice.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:14 PM
I think a lot of that sounds good! I think Michael might have kept quiet if it was Randy since he is mad at Vic. They are making a point to show this chapter how Michael won't do ANYTHING with Vic now. Maybe he looks at it like if he seems interested at all he won't be able to do anything without Vic. Kinda a long shot, just playing devils advocate!

And don't forget to add Tattoo artist to the list of Ink's implied talents! Maybe not his own, but the little ones got marked somehow.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:20 PM
What would really suck? If the sound we hear near the end is the water pump or generator pumping water that's just been contaminated with Inkling goo! A full frontal assault didn't work, and why would Ink want to assimilate emaciated corpses when he could get living human beings?

This story has so many Trojan horses that (Insert Hacker joke; I got nothing)

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:25 PM
I think Witch_Doctor just won all the internets...

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:30 PM
Am I the only one who is confused by CJ only sending Jay out with Glenn and Datu. It almost seems like a shift in her thinking as she wanted the gun truck which seems to always have at least 4 people with it to go with them.
But one person with a gun they have never used before is more then enough to protect them once she hears about it.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:38 PM
Am I the only one who is confused by CJ only sending Jay out with Glenn and Datu. It almost seems like a shift in her thinking as she wanted the gun truck which seems to always have at least 4 people with it to go with them.
But one person with a gun they have never used before is more then enough to protect them once she hears about it.

Not only that, but she's trusting others' opinions more. She was, originally, the ultimate micro manager. She doesn't give Pegs a hard time at all about her garden, Micheal holds his own when it comes to the gun truck and what you just said about the Mata-Gun.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:39 PM
Am I the only one who is confused by CJ only sending Jay out with Glenn and Datu. It almost seems like a shift in her thinking as she wanted the gun truck which seems to always have at least 4 people with it to go with them.
But one person with a gun they have never used before is more then enough to protect them once she hears about it.

I wondered about that too. all we heard before was "GUN TRUCK, GUN TRUCK, GUN TRUCK, GUN TRUCK, GUN TRUCK, GUN TRUCK!" and then suddenly "Oh, new weapon prototype that really has had only one successful test? Sure, take it and a lone gunman as security and go finish this vital piece of equipment outside our walls that we need to survive before it starts to storm."

Da Fook, CJ? Was that a brain-fart or was that you sending them out to die?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:39 PM
He said Trainees. Thus why Michael has too. CJ assigns them to him so he has no choice.

Thanks, now what does that dang fox say?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:43 PM
Jesus for a second I thought it was Robbins with Datu and Glenn *wipes sweat away from forehead*
Still, farewell oh great and wise Datu, you were always a great character :zombie:

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:50 PM
Thanks, now what does that dang fox say?
It said "Ph'nglui mglwnafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!" and summoned the flying squid that Vic and Saul talks about in season 3... How could you forget that? :)
Ylvis just couldn't pronounce that, but they did their best.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 04:55 PM
It said "Ph'nglui mglwnafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!" and summoned the flying squid that Vic and Saul talks about in season 3... How could you forget that? :)
Ylvis just couldn't pronounce that, but they did their best.

For The Win!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 05:00 PM
It said "Ph'nglui mglwnafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!" and summoned the flying squid that Vic and Saul talks about in season 3... How could you forget that? :)
Ylvis just couldn't pronounce that, but they did their best.

I have no clue what you or Witch_Doctor are talking about.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with this show.

and I'm happy that I don't know.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 05:04 PM
Now I want beef jerky! Thanks... Sucks that it's so expensive here in Denmark... And that you can only get it in the few shops that actually sell American stuff.

Ever try to make your own? Very easy to make and not very expensive, pretty much the cost of the roast you use is the majority of it. If you are interested in trying let me know and I'll PM you some recipes and walk through how to do it.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 05:09 PM
Ever try to make your own? Very easy to make and not very expensive, pretty much the cost of the roast you use is the majority of it. If you are interested in trying let me know and I'll PM you some recipes and walk through how to do it.

I agree you should look into making it yourself, I make my own deer jerky all the time. Home-made is always better than store bought.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 05:23 PM
Doc won their internet earlier. But storm may have just taken it away.

miskatonic university is correlating the scores as we speak.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 05:48 PM
I've brought up something before and it still nags in the back of my mind. Ink and some random others are supposed to be very smart. They are attacking humans for food or to turn them. What happens when all of humanity is either eaten or turned? Just like the zombies found on Catalina island were starving to death, all zombies will starve and die. It doesn't make sense for Ink to want to destroy ALL humans, in the process he destroys himself and all other zombies as well. As much as he can plan and logic and reason he must know this. Is he so bent on death at this point that he is content to kill himself as well? It would be in his best interest to preserve some humans just to keep them as a reproducing food source. What do you all think?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 05:50 PM
get off of what that dam fox says geeze. so what I heard is that
Glenn is gone, and the solider is gone too. so is Datu hurt and still alive
or is he going to slowly turn? the last 3 mins were confusing with all the stuff going on.

edited: ok so it was jay that bit the dust. after reading some of the earlier post.
I am still confused if Datu is wounded or not. he crying but that could because of Glenn
and what is it with killing off the old guy KC. the walking dead did it last night now you.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 06:02 PM
I'm very confused. Glenn and jay: dead. Datu, wounded? And crying. A zombie said kill and I thought said "You're alive." I thought the electronic sound was a radio or phone. Michaels massive ego got people killed, again. What did victor do for king Michael not trust him?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 06:05 PM
It doesn't make sense for Ink to want to destroy ALL humans, in the process he destroys himself and all other zombies as well. As much as he can plan and logic and reason he must know this. It he so bent on death at this point that he is content to kill himself as well? It would be in his best interest to preserve some humans just to keep them as a reproducing food source. What do you all think?

Maybe that puts weight on Kelly's comment a couple episodes back that a lot of the attacks seem retaliatory? That might be how they "ration" the humans. There also was #7 munching on the biter by Vic and Tanya's van... I'd imagine going from a living human to a biter would be like going from homemade, seasoned and freshly dehydrated venison jerky to the store bought junk by the register that isn't even wrapped. Maybe there was more going on back at the arena than we knew/caught on? Might go and listen to that during the 2 week wait!

Dec 2nd, 2013, 06:14 PM
Is the Colony on it's last days now???

Dec 2nd, 2013, 06:16 PM
wait a moment, did Glenn turn? and was it Glenn said your alive? was he still human enough to he didn't want to hurt Datu? Didn't they kill the one that attacked them?

Red Shirt
Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:10 PM
So I have had a little more time to soak in what I just listened to... did a partial re-listen.
17 pages in one day... not bad gang, not bad.

Perhaps its a trap, theyre using Datu as bait and the deactivated generator as a lure to get more survivors away from the colony.

That, sir, is a terrifyingly plausible possibility :-S

Seems legit. As with Dunbar, they lure the best away before an attack.


Through it all, I had hope. Hope that they would figure it out. I had a rather blue skies attitude to thinking about it. I would often be wringing my hands during episodes, thinking C'Mon... c'mon, just a bit more you're close. You can figure it out. But there's so much more you can do... you can figure that out too.

This however, was a swift, solid kick in the crotch.
Were I there, I'd want to say "F*ck it, I'm Out," grab my bindlestick and head of to the northern territories of Canada.

At this point, I'm pretty sure Jay and Glenn are dead... and it is easier to think that Datu is dead too. I think the alternatives are worse.

some one is going to come to Datu's rescue... and i'm betting it's Scratch.

He'd be better off dead.

Remember that time Datu brought the infection back to everyone at the colony?

I can't help but get the feeling that this is what is going to happen. He will stand at the gate, screaming for them to NOT open it, I only came back to tell you what happened... as he turns right in front of them.

Well, that just happened....

so, we have a guy from Atlanta that Vic sorta recognizes, likely on trial the same day as bill Roberts. Lets check the "hot spot" map and see if there's any type of fault lines in that area. (I'll do that later).lets also consider if I was a global pharmaceutical company....where would I have a facility in the southeastern u.s.


Brevard Fault Zone (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology_of_Georgia_%28U.S._state%29#Piedmont), runs parallel to the Southeast borders of Cobb and Douglas Counties and the Chattahoochee River; cuts across Fulton County and through North-West Metro Atlanta. More HERE (http://www.taylormadelearning.com/brevardfaultzone.htm), HERE (http://geo.ua.edu/field-trips/field-trips/brevard-fault-zone/) and HERE (http://atlantasupperwestside.com/Site/BrevardFaultZone.html). A very old and seemingly dormant fault, (last movement ~185 My ago) it seems to be a geological mess. There is dispute as to what type it is/was. The hallmarks of very different types of fault line activity are present in the area, muddying the question of identifying its characteristics. I'll also add that it runs through one of the most populated regions in the southeast.

I still need more time.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:46 PM
So, I have no idea what happened. It sounded like either Glen or Jay were turned and Datu is up on the pump? Or maybe he ran to the fenced in structure. Which brings me to the next point...Keep your areas clear of debris that can be hidden behind or, AT LEAST BUILD A FENCE AROUND ONE OF YOUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCES!!!

I can't hear the "get up" or "you're alive." It all sounds like snarls to me cuz my headphones aren't the best. If that's what it says though, stands to reason that at least one of them was turned.

I loved the give and take between Tanya and Victor--especially when Kelly and Michael showed up.
Tanya: "Yeah, I read the article Kelly found before we left...for here-this-morning.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:52 PM
So... was Datu dying?

Dec 2nd, 2013, 10:35 PM
One thing I haven't read. I know everyone's focused on what happened late in the episode and that is all yet to be known and tinfoil hat territory. Ilistened a lot and am still piecing together what I think. I just wanted to mention how damn funny I thought the scene in the mortuary was when Michael and co first showed up. It was like a couple of stoner kids about to get caught. Does my jacket still smell like that place and hiding stuff and just their overly excited way of nervously saying hey when they walked in haha. I about died. One thing Tanya said about the video was •what happens when thy turn you and you are already a monster• it gets me. I don't believe ink was actually involved in starting all of this by any means at this point no matter how smart. But I do believe somehow he was chemically altering not only him self but others as well. Modifying himself through out time with chemicals or what have you may have been the change in the strain of this "virus" which has made him and others different then the normal biters.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 11:00 PM
Just had a thought. It's late and I'm tired so this might be random and semi-incoherent; but what if the thing that kept the Zombies semi normal was actually a tattoo? The fresher the ink or the more of it in your skin the less you are affected? Ink' tats are fresh and cover his body, so he kept most of 'himself' intact when turning. What if some of the others that were 'slow turners' or ones we are thinking are immune have tattoos as well? Do Saul and Tanya have any? A lot of military guys do. Does Datu? We don't know.

You our might think well it's LA, a million people have tattoos, but what if most of them got eaten rather than the zeds trying to turn them? Maybe there are only some that have tattoos and got turned and maybe those are some of the special ones? The disease interacts with them differently? The ink isn't just in your skin, some makes its way into your blood so the ink is in your body once you have a tattoo.

Maybe be something about that is why they seem so obsessed with tattoos and Randy gets one on his forehead and the little ones have numbers etc?

Anyway, just some :tinfoil: rambings... carry on

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:51 AM
Ever try to make your own? Very easy to make and not very expensive, pretty much the cost of the roast you use is the majority of it. If you are interested in trying let me know and I'll PM you some recipes and walk through how to do it.

That'd be awesome, feel free to do that. :) It's probably much cheaper than paying $4 (20 DKK) for 20 grams.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 01:05 AM
Just had a thought. It's late and I'm tired so this might be random and semi-incoherent; but what if the thing that kept the Zombies semi normal was actually a tattoo? The fresher the ink or the more of it in your skin the less you are affected? Ink' tats are fresh and cover his body, so he kept most of 'himself' intact when turning. What if some of the others that were 'slow turners' or ones we are thinking are immune have tattoos as well? Do Saul and Tanya have any? A lot of military guys do. Does Datu? We don't know.

You our might think well it's LA, a million people have tattoos, but what if most of them got eaten rather than the zeds trying to turn them? Maybe there are only some that have tattoos and got turned and maybe those are some of the special ones? The disease interacts with them differently? The ink isn't just in your skin, some makes its way into your blood so the ink is in your body once you have a tattoo.

Maybe be something about that is why they seem so obsessed with tattoos and Randy gets one on his forehead and the little ones have numbers etc?

Anyway, just some :tinfoil: rambings... carry on
I like your theory... And you just reminded me of this song:

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:32 AM
I think a lot of that sounds good! I think Michael might have kept quiet if it was Randy since he is mad at Vic. They are making a point to show this chapter how Michael won't do ANYTHING with Vic now. Maybe he looks at it like if he seems interested at all he won't be able to do anything without Vic. Kinda a long shot, just playing devils advocate!

And don't forget to add Tattoo artist to the list of Ink's implied talents! Maybe not his own, but the little ones got marked somehow.

I don't think Michael's mad at Vic. The conversation they had Michael sounded more sad and resigned - Vic made some (undefined, undiscissed) mistake and now, much as he likes him, Michael can't take the risk of having him out in the field. I don't think there's any anger there - maybe there was at the time, but not now.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:59 AM
When Michael arrived at the mortuary, Victor said "Hey Mikey, que paso". He doesn't like being called Mikey - maybe he's a bit more touchy about it than we realise?

Dec 3rd, 2013, 03:59 AM
When Michael arrived at the mortuary, Victor said "Hey Mikey, que paso". He doesn't like being called Mikey - maybe he's a bit more touchy about it than we realise?

Michael is also calling Victor "Vic" which used to really tick him off. I think Victor decided to do what he thought was right while outside the wire and almost endangered peoples lives. Like someone else said, Michael likes that he is in control of his soldiers and they look to him as their leader.

At the end of the day I think them calling each other "Mikey" and "Vic" just shows there is no courtesy between the two.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:25 AM
I know there's been some speculation on here about the fact we don't believe he was an insurance salesman. I'm thinking he was a gang member or something a wee bit shady...

as if there is anything more shady than an insurance salesman....

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:27 AM
Just catching up on the forum posts today. was too shell shocked after last night's episode to keep on top of the posts!

... still thinking of poor Datu, out in the rain all alone, bleeding everywhere. And possibly turning...

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:35 AM
as if there is anything more shady than an insurance salesman....

I bet his sales pitch would be amazing. I'd be thrilled if Otto Sturcke did one just for a giggle :)

Monster mani
Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:45 AM
I'm really confused. I think I enjoyed this part. But st the same time feel abit meh about it. I feel the attack was abit rushed? Only a couple of minuetes of blood letting then a load of confused noises. And Datu crying? How did Datu survive? Did he scramble up the mill? The Mata gun? Epic fail? Cj rushing things seems abit out of place? Am I right in thinking I herd Ink? I swear it was his growl at the end? How many little ones where there? Did Glenn and red shirt turn? Or did they get munched? One thing that irritated me. Is that we don't have much time in this episode. And we have to 're listen to a snippet from last week's? I love this show. But feel like I've been slapped in the face. Spun around and pushed into a freezing cold pond. Does any one else feel the same?

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:53 AM
I'm really confused. I think I enjoyed this part. But st the same time feel abit meh about it. I feel the attack was abit rushed? Only a couple of minuetes of blood letting then a load of confused noises. And Datu crying? How did Datu survive? Did he scramble up the mill? The Mata gun? Epic fail? Cj rushing things seems abit out of place? Am I right in thinking I herd Ink? I swear it was his growl at the end? How many little ones where there? Did Glenn and red shirt turn? Or did they get munched? One thing that irritated me. Is that we don't have much time in this episode. And we have to 're listen to a snippet from last week's? I love this show. But feel like I've been slapped in the face. Spun around and pushed into a freezing cold pond. Does any one else feel the same?

No! I feel like all the things you mentioned are absolutely intentional, and it's just Kc toying with us. He knows full well that an episode like this one leaves us with far more questions, and he's not afraid to tease us...

Monster mani
Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:56 AM
But this is like holding a roast dinner to a homeless person!!! Ahhh not fun. And I bet he's going to change the story to Burt and Rilley

Dec 3rd, 2013, 05:00 AM
Yep, I'm expecting Burt & Riley next too. Which means it'll be January before we learn Datu's fate, unless B&R return to the colony towards the end of Chapter 41. :omgomg:

Dec 3rd, 2013, 05:06 AM
I bet his sales pitch would be amazing. I'd be thrilled if Otto Sturcke did one just for a giggle :)

They should totally make a quick 45 second ad like they did with "Locked and Loaded"!

did anyone ever see that movie "The Good Shepherd"?
all of this audio analyzing of the last bit of 40-3 is making me think about those scenes where they are breaking down every little sound and detail on an audio recording. fun stuff, but time consuming.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 05:08 AM
I've brought up something before and it still nags in the back of my mind. Ink and some random others are supposed to be very smart. They are attacking humans for food or to turn them. What happens when all of humanity is either eaten or turned? Just like the zombies found on Catalina island were starving to death, all zombies will starve and die. It doesn't make sense for Ink to want to destroy ALL humans, in the process he destroys himself and all other zombies as well. As much as he can plan and logic and reason he must know this. Is he so bent on death at this point that he is content to kill himself as well? It would be in his best interest to preserve some humans just to keep them as a reproducing food source. What do you all think?

I seen a dumbass Zombie movie once where they had a few smart ones.. The farmed humans. Once they got to a certain point they ate them. Yes some sick human taught them that to keep them at bay.. I can not recall the movie for anything.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 05:08 AM
I am still struck by all the names. We are late in the game for more mysteries, but time and time again we have seen names turn into people later in the story. One of my predictions for Season 3 was we would meet CJ. Other examples, Saul says his mom lives in Annihiem (spelling?) we meet her. Angel's girlfriend. Even after we meet her changed, she is again mentioned, that the zombies dug her up. This makes no sense to me. Five million dead in LA and they are compelled to dig up someone who has been dead and buried a couple of months.

Samantha's daughter was named Hope. Sean. Randy, etc.

Maybe KC's style has changed to confuse us, but I love call backs. Even obscure characters like Max. Max is seen with the water truck, but it is not him when Victor does the Trojan horse. But, we hear that Max is suppose to help Hope get from the hospital. Then, we have Max with actual lines as he helps CJ. He comes back again because Tanya calls him about the Earthquake, right? Why am I hung up on Max. Here is a character that could have been substituted by another more established character, but Max becomes an actual character that is trusted by both CJ and Tanya.

So, back to Austin, is he really just linked to another case or part of Inks file? If it is a different case, is it tied to Ink's sentencing? It was a plea deal.

Ok, back to Victor. Michael is really unforgiving. He does not want Victor with him, but in chapter 40 part 1, Michael is quick to dismiss Kelly's concern about rushing and the investigation. Michael says no one got hurt... Another mystery...

Dec 3rd, 2013, 05:50 AM
I think Datu is alive and crying because Samantha has been turned into a little one and has him cornered but won't kill him.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 05:57 AM
What I can figure out is that Michael messed up by chasing after Randy and leaving Puck to fend for himself. That a BIG no no! What could victor have done that trumps that???

Dec 3rd, 2013, 06:24 AM
What I can figure out is that Michael messed up by chasing after Randy and leaving Puck to fend for himself. That a BIG no no! What could victor have done that trumps that???

...Maybe Vic ran off twice? I don't know... But sounds bad.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 06:27 AM
It would make sense if Randy saved Datu from a little one or turned Glen/Jay, because Michael was also (presumably) saved by Randy at a water source. It would also make sense if Randy broke Datu's arm. That's just his thing you know.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 06:34 AM
I thinking Datu is just crying since he just saw two people killed in front of him and he may have been injury. And the beep is coming from the windmill/water pump.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 06:57 AM
The wait for the next chapter is going to be painful. I react like this chick every time there's a two week break:


Dec 3rd, 2013, 07:01 AM
What I can figure out is that Michael messed up by chasing after Randy and leaving Puck to fend for himself. That a BIG no no! What could victor have done that trumps that???

Victor has saved the day more than once. He saved Michael, Kelly and Pegs when they first arrive at the colony, even at the expense of his own best friend Fernando, but you don't hear Vic kicking them to the curb for it. Victor breaks Michael from jail and is the only one that helps them escape. Vic saves Saul when He gets his but handed to him by a little Asian chick named CJ. Rather than rolling over and taking the easy way out during the zombie war at the Colony, Victor pull the most bad ace move to date and sticks a zombie in the eye with a syringe. Even with Tanya at ground zero Vic does his best Jaws re-enactment withthe air tank to save them from the little one.

Victor has a track record of bad assery and stepping up to the plate when the finkle matter is flying. This is why I think the issue between Vic and Mikey is more personal. Even considering screw ups that get people killed... Pegs with the pot, Lizzy lets in Pinstripes... stuff has happened that was forgiven. Could be wrong, but that is the overwhelming vibe I get.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 07:14 AM
another observation...
in the earlier episodes, i originally thought "hey, Datu's mata-gun is setting the stage for a long-term solution to the ammo shortage!"
but now i can see it was more for the allowance of not needing a guntruck, thus the ensuing demise of Glen and Jay.
heck, even at the start of the chapter there's the hope that the Windmill and solar panels will help solve the gas shortage, but now it seems that's been halted as well.

i'm feeling a bit fatalistic and could easily see a large sum of people being killed or the Colony overrun.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 07:23 AM
I am still struck by all the names. We are late in the game for more mysteries, but time and time again we have seen names turn into people later in the story. One of my predictions for Season 3 was we would meet CJ. Other examples, Saul says his mom lives in Annihiem (spelling?) we meet her. Angel's girlfriend. Even after we meet her changed, she is again mentioned, that the zombies dug her up. This makes no sense to me. Five million dead in LA and they are compelled to dig up someone who has been dead and buried a couple of months.

Samantha's daughter was named Hope. Sean. Randy, etc.

Maybe KC's style has changed to confuse us, but I love call backs. Even obscure characters like Max. Max is seen with the water truck, but it is not him when Victor does the Trojan horse. But, we hear that Max is suppose to help Hope get from the hospital. Then, we have Max with actual lines as he helps CJ. He comes back again because Tanya calls him about the Earthquake, right? Why am I hung up on Max. Here is a character that could have been substituted by another more established character, but Max becomes an actual character that is trusted by both CJ and Tanya.

So, back to Austin, is he really just linked to another case or part of Inks file? If it is a different case, is it tied to Ink's sentencing? It was a plea deal.

Ok, back to Victor. Michael is really unforgiving. He does not want Victor with him, but in chapter 40 part 1, Michael is quick to dismiss Kelly's concern about rushing and the investigation. Michael says no one got hurt... Another mystery...

I have always thought Michael as a person who feels he can do no wrong. He lies all the time. He always excuses away his mistakes, or tries to put them on someone else (even down to leaving his jambalaya packaging on the ground) I really am starting to think this is going to be his downfall in the end. Perhaps the reason for people turning on him? I think he lives so much in his delusional Michael world that he feels everyone is alive solely because of him. He never really acknowledges when people save his butt (Victor in the colony anyone?) I don't know if it is the direction KC wants people to go with Michael, but he has continued to become one of my least favorite "good guys". I am not sure he will ever take Pegs place for number one person I don't like... But he went to a very close second in this episode... Michael needs to let go of whatever in the past made him cold and only caring on a superficial level and realize they are ALL in this together... Or he may have no one but himself to save....

Dec 3rd, 2013, 07:25 AM
I think you are right. We have spent so long with so few attacks and so much focus on investigations and such that we have been lulled into a state of comfort and relaxation. We are being rudely reminded of the fact that this is still a zombie apocalypse and that we are still in a life or death fight for survival in this story.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 07:37 AM
Something I've yet to see mentioned, and if it has been...apologies.

we've kinda glossed over the fact that Kelly brings up inks inks prognosis he did not have any signs of paranoid schizophrenia prior to his murdering people thing (that's a thing, right?). What kind of totally delusional things could he have said to get that sort of diagnosis without any prior history? Also to add to that and to take away from the natural occurance thing (ring of fire, fault lines,etc). Bill Roberts may have been an uber genius, but none of his credentials have anything to do with geological studies. Sure, we could go with the "a buddy told him about that" angle...but that's speculation. I think its an important thing to note at this time. I'm personally not ready to lay down a crackpot approved theory on the whole mess, but its getting pretty close to that point.

and the datu scene still bugs me, its really hard to tell just what the eff happened there. The only thing we can determine is Glenn and jay are gone. Glenns death would be enough to get datu all weepy....gotta remember Glenn and datu have been working VERY closely for a while now. As much as I honestly feel like datus death(or turning as he returns to the colony) could help the story along, after a few more relistens I don't get the feeling that datu was bit or scratched or anything.

the mechanical sounds at the end also are kinda driving me nuts...i can't tell if that's the windmill powering down, or the generator...truthfully once they got the windmill and solar panels running, they, and the pumps should be fairly self sustaining and maintenance free. The only thing I could see is if the amp load generated from the windmill is too low without the boost it would get from the solar panels as well. Personal experience tells me that a pump with too low of a current draw will will burn up, and fairly quickly at that. If that's the case then the "solar windmill" was doomed to fail from the get go, and also pretty stupid to switch to during a storm, but that engineers for ya...trouble shoot the shit out of something then try to install at the worst possible time(least the ones I've known).

that's it from me this ep., maybe
Todd out

Dec 3rd, 2013, 07:54 AM
I think there was 1 zombie.
The zombie attacked Glenn.
Then the zombie turned to Jay.
Jay kills the original zombie but not before getting bit
Glenn is turning.....
Jay is turning.....
Jay starts moving to attack Datu.
Zombie Glenn still has enough smarts to know what is going on.
Just as Zombie Jay starts to attack Datu, Zombie Glenn moves in and kills him.
Zombie Glenn leaves Datu and runs off into the distance.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 08:01 AM
I think there was 1 zombie.
The zombie attacked Glenn.
Then the zombie turned to Jay.
Jay kills the original zombie but not before getting bit
Glenn is turning.....
Jay is turning.....
Jay starts moving to attack Datu.
Zombie Glenn still has enough smarts to know what is going on.
Just as Zombie Jay starts to attack Datu, Zombie Glenn moves in and kills him.
Zombie Glenn leaves Datu and runs off into the distance.

I really hope this is the case..

Dec 3rd, 2013, 08:12 AM
I listened to it late last night for the first time and could barely breath through it...so it'll need a few more listen to today.
I think they're all dead. The mechanical sound I took as the windmill failing, and Datu as he was dying was anguished to see this happening knowing that they failed. That ripping sound I took as happening to Datu, but it could have been Jay or Glen. Then I thought I heard the z'd running off?? Maybe not. I kept listening for any sounds that might indicate someone turning and to my ears didn't hear anything like that. I don't think there was enough time yet in that scene, but we still have to see the outcome of it all...and if any of them turn...which I'm betting will be Datu if any.

Monster mani
Dec 3rd, 2013, 09:00 AM
his signature move ;)

i realy must learn how to reply to people quotes. and not randomly spam the pages.

Monster mani
Dec 3rd, 2013, 09:08 AM
Heres another thought. Cj should NEVER send techys out EVER! She just dooms them all!:zombieglomp:

Dec 3rd, 2013, 09:24 AM
My prediction for Chapter 41: We catch up to Burt & Riley, and KC ruins Christmas by having us go crazy wondering what happened to R2Da2. Anyone remember "The gate's stuck! Get the guns inside!"?

Dec 3rd, 2013, 09:27 AM
My prediction for Chapter 41: We catch up to Burt & Riley, and KC ruins Christmas by having us go crazy wondering what happened to R2Da2. Anyone remember "The gate's stuck! Get the guns inside!"?

I'm thinking it'll be 2014 before we hear what happened to Datu, but I've really missed Burt's voice

Dec 3rd, 2013, 09:37 AM
Heres another thought. Cj should NEVER send techys out EVER! She just dooms them all!:zombieglomp:

Especially when the mission involves water pumps.

As a matter of fact, running water has been a bad omen for these guys throughout the story.

Randy at the pumping station.
Micheal, Datu, Riley and Angel at the pumping station.
Sean working on a running water project for the Colony.
Datu, Glen and Jay at the water mill.

Grog, I'm surprised that you haven't picked up on this yet.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 09:42 AM
I wonder what happened between Vic and Michael, too.

Has it been Last-Crusade-like bad and Vic uber-failed at shooting with the machine gun in a critical situation?


Whatever, Doc Steel Cohones will return before the show is over.

Z Sniper
Dec 3rd, 2013, 09:57 AM
I think the guy's jealous since Vic hit on "his girl". Plus, Vic doesn't always like to take orders.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:06 AM
I think the guy's jealous since Vic hit on "his girl". Plus, Vic doesn't always like to take orders.

Neither does Michael; I think he's tired of taking orders from a civilian, and now that he's got command of army personnel, he's trying to distance himself from taking civvys with him. He only took Kelly under protest because she knew the courthouse layout.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:20 AM
Especially when the mission involves water pumps.

As a matter of fact, running water has been a bad omen for these guys throughout the story.

Randy at the pumping station.
Micheal, Datu, Riley and Angel at the pumping station.
Sean working on a running water project for the Colony.
Datu, Glen and Jay at the water mill.

Grog, I'm surprised that you haven't picked up on this yet.

It's like predators and prey in Africa or elsewhere. We all need water so it's a great place to lie in wait for some food to coming strolling by for a sip.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:23 AM
What ever Victor did that pissed off Micheal, it might include an important piece of information that the characters didn't notice at the time. When they discuss it, might go as such, "Hey, I saw such & such when I blankedy blanked during the mission to you-know." Then they'll return to the spot or piece together some pattern or something.

Now, that I've said it, we can all rest assured knowing that this will NEVER happen. Sylvia Browne has a better prediction track record than I do. :cool:

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:29 AM
Wait maybe it not Micheal he tick off but instead it is KC. Vic is so awesome that KC can't kill him off so he slow moving him in the background..... Yea that it....

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:29 AM
I think Michael is just upset for numerous reason.... Here are just a few........

#1 - Victor is funnier than Michael
#2 - Victor is manlier than Michael
#3 - Victor is smarter than Michael
#4 - Victor is more heroic than Michael
#5 - Victor is more suave than Michael
#6 - Victor is more resourceful than Michael
#7 - Victor is more talented than Michael
#8 - Victor is more amazing than Michael
#9 - Victor is more cunning than Michael
#10 - Victor is more Victor than Michael

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:34 AM
Man you guys need to quit dissing on the Mike.. If not for Michael. Most of these damn people would be dead..
Most of the Towerites if not all, All the remaining Fort Irwin guys, and Most of the Colony and Vic included. Cause the Mallers would have took care of them with or with out their guns.
Michael gave Vic a Reason to get the heck out.. Cause Vic would have died most likely defending the Colony against the Mallers. Well just a good possibility anyway.

In the End Mikey saves them all..

PS.. Vic is still badass and one of my top 5 Characters in this Podcast.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:43 AM
Man you guys need to quit dissing on the Mike.. If not for Michael. Most of these damn people would be dead..
Most of the Towerites if not all, All the remaining Fort Irwin guys, and Most of the Colony and Vic included. Cause the Mallers would have took care of them with or with out their guns.
Michael gave Vic a Reason to get the heck out.. Cause Vic would have died most likely defending the Colony against the Mallers. Well just a good possibility anyway.

In the End Mikey saves them all..

PS.. Vic is still badass and one of my top 5 Characters in this Podcast.

If it wasn't for Micheal, Datu and Glenn may still be around. Oh snap I went there. :cool:

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:45 AM
@16:50 there is definitely a "Get Up"

Just a theory I am going to toss out there. What if the beeping we heard was the Decoy that Michael had from Ft. Irwin?

I am not sure as to the "Why" just yet but here is where my mind went; Someone or something can be heard clearly running away from Datu at 17:10. At 17:29 we hear some beeping and what sounds to me like a motor of sorts. Perhaps a camera spinning in to focus on something, maybe wheels of the decoy getting closer to Datu? Maybe Glen and Jay were killed and like so many have already stated, Datu is left alive to set up another ambush. Decoy is left behind to take out multiple rescuers coming to Datu's aid.

We all know CJ will come back to the windmill in force when Glenn and Datu are reported missing. Biggest problem with this theory is I believe the Decoy is in CJ's control so ... yea. But just something I had thought I heard and ran with it.

If it isn't the Decoy, perhaps it was a Camera. I recall when Michael ran after Randy, they did not place the last camera they were checking back in the box. Maybe Ink now has a camera and has set up recon of his own.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 10:58 AM
Might have been Datu pushing the call button, but I think the beeping is just their radio, and CODI didn't beep like that before.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 11:12 AM
If it wasn't for Micheal, Datu and Glenn may still be around. Oh snap I went there. :cool:

Its a Possibility but only if they seen it coming. Sounded almost like they were hit by surprise.. With the Wind and the rain factor I do not think the Gun truck would have been much help in their situatuion and they could have lost it too..

Dec 3rd, 2013, 11:39 AM
No! I feel like all the things you mentioned are absolutely intentional, and it's just Kc toying with us. He knows full well that an episode like this one leaves us with far more questions, and he's not afraid to tease us...

Just about every action in the last scene is strategically placed and timed; it might be confusing now, but it won't be later.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 11:41 AM
Might have been Datu pushing the call button, but I think the beeping is just their radio, and CODI didn't beep like that before.

My initial thoughts were that the beeping was a radio. That's why I'm still convinced that Datu has been left as bait for an ambush to lure people out of the colony.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 11:52 AM
as if there is anything more shady than an insurance salesman....

There is.
Before going on reading: I know what I am writing about. Procede ...

Dec 3rd, 2013, 11:52 AM
Just about every action in the last scene is strategically placed and timed; it might be confusing now, but it won't be later.

Gee Thanks KC...

Just listened to it again. How's this sound...

z1 attacks Glenn.
Jay kills z1 .
z2 (possibly glenn) attacks Jay.
Datu kills z2 .
z3 knocks gun out of Datu's hand.
z3 is killed by Randy.
Randy tells Datu "Get Up".
Randy drags Datu to the truck or a nearby radio.
Datu calls for help.

If not Randy then somesort of Hero Z...that is a theory that the more I listen to the more I am leaning towards.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 11:55 AM
I'm really confused. I think I enjoyed this part. But st the same time feel abit meh about it. I feel the attack was abit rushed? Only a couple of minuetes of blood letting then a load of confused noises. And Datu crying? How did Datu survive? Did he scramble up the mill? The Mata gun? Epic fail? Cj rushing things seems abit out of place? Am I right in thinking I herd Ink? I swear it was his growl at the end? How many little ones where there? Did Glenn and red shirt turn? Or did they get munched? One thing that irritated me. Is that we don't have much time in this episode. And we have to 're listen to a snippet from last week's? I love this show. But feel like I've been slapped in the face. Spun around and pushed into a freezing cold pond. Does any one else feel the same?

Let's get back to the arena. We don't know what happened between Samantha's disappearance and later the rescue of Datu. There was a time-gap. What, if Datu was wounded by them zeehs, and what if is kind of a no-turner or slow-turner like what some of us assume about Tanya and Saul ... In that case the attacking zomb might have recognized him as brethren and not prey ...
:tinfoil::flowerpot: ends ...

Best wishes!

Dec 3rd, 2013, 11:57 AM
There is.
Before going on reading: I know what I am writing about. Procede ...

The guy who dressed up as Barney the Dinosaur.

Monster mani
Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:14 PM
Let's get back to the arena. We don't know what happened between Samantha's disappearance and later the rescue of Datu. There was a time-gap. What, if Datu was wounded by them zeehs, and what if is kind of a no-turner or slow-turner like what some of us assume about Tanya and Saul ... In that case the attacking zomb might have recognized him as brethren and not prey ...
:tinfoil::flowerpot: ends ...

Best wishes!
Liam that's worthy of a tin foil hat :-P I wish I had a time machine.

Monster mani
Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:16 PM
Gee Thanks KC...

Just listened to it again. How's this sound...

z1 attacks Glenn.
Jay kills z1 .
z2 (possibly glenn) attacks Jay.
Datu kills z2 .
z3 knocks gun out of Datu's hand.
z3 is killed by Randy.
Randy tells Datu "Get Up".
Randy drags Datu to the truck or a nearby radio.
Datu calls for help.

If not Randy then somesort of Hero Z...that is a theory that the more I listen to the more I am leaning towards.
I lime your theory. But only if Randy gets to wear a cape.

Monster mani
Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:18 PM
Especially when the mission involves water pumps.

As a matter of fact, running water has been a bad omen for these guys throughout the story.

Randy at the pumping station.
Micheal, Datu, Riley and Angel at the pumping station.
Sean working on a running water project for the Colony.
Datu, Glen and Jay at the water mill.

Grog, I'm surprised that you haven't picked up on this yet. Woop. Brownie points for my crack pot theory.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:38 PM
Let's get back to the arena. We don't know what happened between Samantha's disappearance and later the rescue of Datu. There was a time-gap. What, if Datu was wounded by them zeehs, and what if is kind of a no-turner or slow-turner like what some of us assume about Tanya and Saul ... In that case the attacking zomb might have recognized him as brethren and not prey ...
:tinfoil::flowerpot: ends ...

Best wishes!

What if that was true about all of the people the zombies try and drag back? Remember when Michael saw Randy outside the tower, he was trying to drag away Tanya. Similar to how Datu was dragged away. Michael says that the zombies moved different, like they were one. What if they weren't roaming for food, what if they could smell a 'non-turner' and were on a mission to retrieve her?

Perhaps whatever Tanya and Saul have that is making them either slow-turners/no-turners isn't even unique to them and Datu? What if Samantha, Kalani and pills boy in the Arena all had it too? Well are all dead now so we won't know for sure, but we still could find out something from Datu.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:40 PM
Just about every action in the last scene is strategically placed and timed; it might be confusing now, but it won't be later.
I expected nothing less ... And this episode along with the whole chapter really are kind of a brain-smasher ... Lots to chew on ...

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:42 PM
Especially when the mission involves water pumps.

As a matter of fact, running water has been a bad omen for these guys throughout the story.

Randy at the pumping station.
Micheal, Datu, Riley and Angel at the pumping station.
Sean working on a running water project for the Colony.
Datu, Glen and Jay at the water mill.

Grog, I'm surprised that you haven't picked up on this yet.

Great point. I forgot about Sean. The problem with M, A, D and R were not under CJ at the time

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:44 PM
Gee Thanks KC...

Just listened to it again. How's this sound...

z1 attacks Glenn.
Jay kills z1 .
z2 (possibly glenn) attacks Jay.
Datu kills z2 .
z3 knocks gun out of Datu's hand.
z3 is killed by Randy.
Randy tells Datu "Get Up".
Randy drags Datu to the truck or a nearby radio.
Datu calls for help.

If not Randy then somesort of Hero Z...that is a theory that the more I listen to the more I am leaning towards.

I like this hard right now. Would also give us a "semi-plausible" explanation as to what happened to Mikey at the waterworks'....but damn, Randy is covering some territory.

its funny how unless your really listening for it, the get up doesn't jump out at ya....but then, it does. Also we have heard the inklings speak, we have heard ink speak, we don't know if we have heard Randy(possibly lizzies tape?)but that definitely does not sound like an inkling to me.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:46 PM
Chapter 40 will go down in WA history as being one of the most intricate - it produced many answers and even more questions, and has had some of the most nailbiting scenes of the entire show. As much as I'm looking forward to the next chapter, I believe this is only the beginning of a very long cliffhanger that's going to last beyond New Year.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:55 PM
Also remembered that when Kalani and team were at Cain hospital to check out the chopper and the massive herd of zombies show up outside Burt mentions that they were dragging some unturned still living people who were moving around. Could be that there are lots of people who "can't turn".

Dec 3rd, 2013, 12:57 PM
I do hear a standard handgun and the Matagun.

We should not underestimate how strong Datu is. He might have been wounded, but I bet he could kill a biter with a wrench or whatever is handy. He even killed a biter 2.0 in Denver. He cut it so deeply, it bled out. These are the same ones that shake off small arms fire at close range and ripped open the tanks with their bare hands.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 01:03 PM
I do hear a standard handgun and the Matagun.

We should not underestimate how strong Datu is. He might have been wounded, but I bet he could kill a biter with a wrench or whatever is handy. He even killed a biter 2.0 in Denver. He cut it so deeply, it bled out. These are the same ones that shake off small arms fire at close range and ripped open the tanks with their bare hands.

There's a bit near the end when Datu is getting attacked, he cries out and there is a distinct sound like spewing blood. If it were Datu's, he would have died almost instantaneously - perhaps he did slice up another one.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 01:55 PM
Is it just me, or is Victor's past a BIG mystery? All we know is that he was married, and he supposedly was a Insurance salesman......Now that he has recognised someone that was on trial, maybe it goes in deeper then what appears on the surface....

And as much as I wanna know what happened in the 4 month gap between Vic and Michael, I doubt we will, unless it includes something super plot-related.

P.S. I wonder when/if (most likely), Mr. Skittles makes his amazing return saving Burt and Riley from some zombie attack...

Dec 3rd, 2013, 01:57 PM
March 10, 2010. Victor joins Michael and a group of soldiers on a scavanging run to a local COSTCO store. The location has already been heavily picked over, but the group still finds an impressive haul of home electronics, batteries, and toilet paper in bulk packages. Michael notices a yellow plastic bag sticking out of Victor's back pocket and asks him about it. Victor says that he found a bag of beef jerkey. Michael asks if there is more, but Victor says it was the only one. Michael asks for a piece, but Victor has already eaten them all. Michael sulks all the way home.

Hahahaa, amazing. Let the fanfic's roll out!

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:09 PM
P.S. I wonder when/if (most likely), Mr. Skittles makes his amazing return saving Burt and Riley from some zombie attack...

Currently I would expect Mr. Skittles to show up and save R2Da2's day ...

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:09 PM
Is it just me, or is Victor's past a BIG mystery? All we know is that he was married, and he supposedly was a Insurance salesman......Now that he has recognised someone that was on trial, maybe it goes in deeper then what appears on the surface....

And as much as I wanna know what happened in the 4 month gap between Vic and Michael, I doubt we will, unless it includes something super plot-related.

P.S. I wonder when/if (most likely), Mr. Skittles makes his amazing return saving Burt and Riley from some zombie attack...

I kinda hope he was an insurance salesman - if I was to ever take out insurance, Victor is probably the only person that could sell it to me.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:13 PM
I am beginning to fear for Datu more and more on each listen. His chances for survival seem, to me, to be pretty minimal. I'm pretty sure you can hear the sound of someone being torn open at approx 16:43. Either Datu's been attacked and is slowly dying or turning, or he managed to get some kind of improvised weapon and kill the zombie attacking him. The fact is we hear the sound of a zombie numerous times after this, which means I'm increasingly leaning towards the former.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:15 PM
Does anyone think the slime covering the pallet jack handle in episode 17-2 left from (presumably) the Little ones will be referenced too again? It doesn't seem like Kc would include it to the story if it was just a one-off moment.....

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:16 PM
Currently I would expect Mr. Skittles to show up and save R2Da2's day ...

That would be a good plot-twist....

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:17 PM
Does anyone think the slime covering the pallet jack handle in episode 17-2 left from (presumably) the Little ones will be referenced too again? It doesn't seem like Kc would include it to the story if it was just a one-off moment.....
Chekhov's Gun. It's pretty much guaranteed to be referenced again.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:18 PM
I kinda hope he was an insurance salesman - if I was to ever take out insurance, Victor is probably the only person that could sell it to me.

He's too cool to be an insurance salesman though.....BUT it would be awesome for him to be one.....

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:19 PM
Chekhov's Gun. It's pretty much guaranteed to be referenced again.

I hope it is, just wondering HOW he will do it.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:30 PM
He's too cool to be an insurance salesman though.....BUT it would be awesome for him to be one.....

Seriously, Victor could sell me Boulder or Tower insurance, and I would sign on the dotted line. I still hope Otto Sturcke does a sales pitch for fun - it would be amazingly funny

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:39 PM
Seriously, Victor could sell me Boulder or Tower insurance, and I would sign on the dotted line. I still hope Otto Sturcke does a sales pitch for fun - it would be amazingly funny

Otto: "So, uh.....will you be taking this incredible offer for shoelace insurance?"


I feel it would be along the lines of that....if it ever would happen.....which it sadly wont......

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:57 PM
Man I think that with all diseases there will always be people that are gonna be immuned I think this is gonna be huge at the end of the story o_O

Dec 3rd, 2013, 03:16 PM
Gee Thanks KC...

Just listened to it again. How's this sound...

z1 attacks Glenn.
Jay kills z1 .
z2 (possibly glenn) attacks Jay.
Datu kills z2 .
z3 knocks gun out of Datu's hand.
z3 is killed by Randy.
Randy tells Datu "Get Up".
Randy drags Datu to the truck or a nearby radio.
Datu calls for help.

If not Randy then somesort of Hero Z...that is a theory that the more I listen to the more I am leaning towards.

How bout I tell you what is NOT correct.
The following do not happen in the last episode:

z3 is killed by Randy.
Randy tells Datu "Get Up".
Randy drags Datu to the truck or a nearby radio.
Datu calls for help.

and, just because I said this on twitter:
"Datu is alive at the end of the episode" And "Datu is alone, on the ground"

Dec 3rd, 2013, 03:49 PM
How bout I tell you what is NOT correct.
The following do not happen in the last episode:

z3 is killed by Randy.
Randy tells Datu "Get Up".
Randy drags Datu to the truck or a nearby radio.
Datu calls for help.

and, just because I said this on twitter:
"Datu is alive at the end of the episode" And "Datu is alone, on the ground"

So... I guess you just confirmed that both Glenn and Jay are dead? :)
...Just making sure. In that case... Requiescat in pace!

Dec 3rd, 2013, 03:49 PM
How bout I tell you what is NOT correct.
The following do not happen in the last episode:

z3 is killed by Randy.
Randy tells Datu "Get Up".
Randy drags Datu to the truck or a nearby radio.
Datu calls for help.

and, just because I said this on twitter:
"Datu is alive at the end of the episode" And "Datu is alone, on the ground"

Ok. Thanks for the lead.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 03:51 PM
So... I guess you just confirmed that both Glenn and Jay are dead? :)
...Just making sure. In that case... Requiescat in pace!

Do you mean 'dead' like 'dead' or more 'dead' like 'undead'? 'Undead' in terms of 'zomboid-living' ...

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:24 PM
So... I guess you just confirmed that both Glenn and Jay are dead? :)
...Just making sure. In that case... Requiescat in pace!

I think the point is that Randy is not involved.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:30 PM
Does anyone think the slime covering the pallet jack handle in episode 17-2 left from (presumably) the Little ones will be referenced too again? It doesn't seem like Kc would include it to the story if it was just a one-off moment.....

I took this to be drool. Remember during the sweat experiment someone commented they had drool pouring out of their mouths like a dog about to eat? I always took that as a sign that the zombies on the roof smelled food and were sure they were about to feed on some fresh Angel and Kalani meat.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:34 PM
I think the point is that Randy is not involved.

He did not say that Randy was not involved, he just said Randy didn't do or say the things in that scenario is all.