View Full Version : Not Liking Saul

Dec 1st, 2013, 04:01 PM
I just finished with season three.

I have to be honest, I really do not like this guy. First off, he comes across as a little spoiled brat over Lizzy to the point where he has screwed over plenty of people. Keep in mind, if Saul didn't set up an exchange, the battle at the end of season 2 would have never happened and everyone that died would not have. That also includes the torturing of Burt wouldn't have happened earlier.

Secondly, out of everyone this guy has lost the least. He tries to be a leader, but he's the only one with his mother, his dog, his girl and a baby on the way. He basically has a whole family while everyone else has next to nothing left. If anyone from season 1 were to go, either it has to be him...or someone close to him. Except for the dog, animal death is not enjoyable. I doubt Scratch would even do that.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:11 AM
Interesting, I will have to listen to the series again and keep this factor in mind. I had not thought about this

Dec 2nd, 2013, 08:15 AM
The maller attack would have happened regardless of Saul's exchange. Scratch already intended to visit the tower with the tankers. She just made her odds of success better by insuring the best of the Tower would be away. Not saying what you posted doesn't have merit because it does, but also think of it this way: Saul has EVERYTHING left to lose, and a whole lot of season 4 left in which to lose it.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 01:18 PM
Saul is one of my favourite characters (as well as Victor) because he is very selfless; he saved Burt, did the original supply runs, has been shot/injured countless times, didn't give up on finding Lizzy and went back for his dog. And inspite of all he's endured, he's really down to earth and still funny as hell. The dialogue between him and Victor during season 3 is some of the best I've heard during the whole show.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:08 PM
I don't like Saul very much for a variety of reasons. And yes - he has his share in the Fall of the Tower.


I don't think it is fair to put all the blame on him for this; and his share is pretty small. Because, as Nik has mentioned, the Mallers/ Scratch had the intention to do it anyway. And Saul had no means of understanding or at least knowing anything about the plans of the Mallers. No. There really is no reason to think otherwise. Else you have to blame Tanya for having given birth to Saul, 'cause otherwise all of this wouldn't have happened ...

Also we must not forget what Saul did in favor of the survivors.

Best wishes!

Dec 4th, 2013, 05:08 AM
They all have made their mistakes. Only thing I blame Saul for is leading the Mallers to the location of the Tower. They did not know where till they followed Saul back.

Other then that lack of judgement. He is devoted to his people. I do not think anyone else has the devotion he does. Others have their fixation. Saul would do anything for any of them.. He has IMO a too big of a heart and it will or maybe his demise.

Jan 10th, 2014, 08:48 AM
Although the OP has put too much on Saul, I also have grown to dislike him throughout seasons 2 and 3. Much of the time he is a selfless character that sacrifices and does the right thing for the group, until he disagrees with someone or something. Once that happens he does what he believes right regardless of Michael, Angel or anyone else. Although he may do anything to protect the group he has repeatedly put the group at risk for his own selfish reasons whenever he has decided something is more important.

Jan 21st, 2014, 04:41 AM
I dont dislike Saul but I do need him to stop acting like Lizzie is the first lay he has ever had.