View Full Version : Is Kalani's mystery still unresolved?

Nov 26th, 2013, 12:40 PM
Hear me out here, this has been on my mind for a while. Kalani claims that he flew to LA after the biters came from the mainland to the little islands in Hawaii. However, we know that the local news in LA had reports of the "riots" well before the infection would have had a chance to spread to HI. It stands to reason that the news reports would have travelled out of the city by the time he left HI, or at the very least, LaLa Land would have been suspiciously silent. According to his timeframe, he must have known LA was toast, but still came here AND LANDED ON PURPOSE anyway? I don't recall him saying he had to do an emergency landing in LA, so wouldn't the airports have been closed by then?
IDK, his whole story seems super suspicious to me. Even if Pippen recognized him, he would have been recognized as a fellow conspirator. Pippen should have helped him, not hurt him.

What are your thoughts?

Nov 26th, 2013, 12:52 PM
I have a vague recollection of him stating he was running out of fuel, so it was either LAX or the ocean. Again, it's a vague recollection. It's been a while since I've gone back and listened to the Kalani episodes.

Nov 26th, 2013, 01:05 PM
Hello, welcome to the forum. Good questions, but before I chime in, how far into the story have you gotten? I don't want to spoil anything for you.

Nov 26th, 2013, 01:09 PM
I've binged since I found the podcast 2 weeks ago, but I'm finished 40-2 yesterday.


Nov 26th, 2013, 01:12 PM
Pippin could have connected him to the Mallers, but I'm at a loss as to how they could motivate him to to be a mole as opposed to turning against the Mallers. I have an idea about how the Mallers could do it but, again, spoilers...

As for why he flew to L.A...... Spoilers.

Nov 26th, 2013, 01:21 PM
I've binged since I found the podcast 2 weeks ago, but I'm finished 40-2 yesterday.


Gotcha. Kalani did say that they had to crash land because there was a large plane already on the tarmac that he had to avoid hitting. As far as the news traveling to Hawaii before the outbreak, it's assumed by many on the forum that the outbreak started in a number of locations independently. When they were at Fort Irwin, Col. Kimmet told Micheal that there were a number of Hot Spots where the outbreak seems to have started; L.A., the S.F. Bay Area, Oregon, China, Japan and the Philippines. Along with Hawaii, all of these places are very geologically active, earthquakes and volcanoes. He said that they were leaving Hawaii on the hope that there was somewhere safe on the mainland.

Judging by the TiVo recording, it seemed that the outbreak spread so fast that areas first hit lost their ability to communicate and spread info to the outside.

Nov 26th, 2013, 01:29 PM
Osiris is right: Kalani argued with Pippin about when and where to land; and Kalani insisted that it would have to have be LAX 'cause of the fuel running out.
But you made me curious. I think I have to return to the Kalani story or earlier episodes in which Kalani explains when and why he had to leave Hawaii, because I might have missed the detail, which keeps you nervous.

Best wishes!

Nov 26th, 2013, 01:45 PM
Wait a minute! Col. Kimmet said that it traveled to the East Coast pretty quickly (I think either a day or so) and THEN they found hot spots before all communications ceased. (Side note, how do the sat phones work but there's no outside communication?)

Nov 26th, 2013, 02:21 PM
Just to further confuse the subject...


as you can see, the "hot spots" along the ring of fire area are present(from the story) including Hawaii. BUT there is nothing to indicate any activity beyond the westernmost regions of the u.s.


Nov 26th, 2013, 07:20 PM
He says in his journal, "It was a long way to some place, we THOUGHT may be safe." Kalani's emphasis, not mine.

He then talks with Hannah about not hearing anything over the radio and she assumed that he was sure that the continental U.S. was safe. When Pippin joins them, they are surprised that no one responds over the radio. It sounds like they were hoping that the outbreak had not reached the continent. Judging by what most of the survivors seem to know about the outbreak, many seem surprised at its scope at one point or another. Even Kimmet, who had some communication and information from the outside was surprised that Hawaii was hit too. Apparently the outbreak spread faster or as fast as news. Eventually the spread of news stops but the infection continues.

Nov 26th, 2013, 07:28 PM
So because of Kalani's exit from Hawaii, we can surmise without any uncertainty that the infection start simultaneously throughout the world.The time between Kalani leaving Hawaii and coming to LA and when the infection first began is not that great, and (in my opinion of course) it would be impossible for it spread and infect the entire west coast of the US in that amount of time. Sure, one or two boats or planes leave Hawaii with an infected on-board, but there is no way it started there first and came "here."

This all probably seems obvious to you guys though. Anyone think that isn't the case?

Nov 27th, 2013, 04:56 AM
Did Michael and co. ever inform Saul and Victor about Kalani's journal? I know they had their suspicions when they first met CJ at Dunbar, but I can't remember them ever being told about the journal that confirmed it.

Nov 27th, 2013, 09:40 AM
i am curious about Kalani's last cut-off sentence:

"This here [talking about his journal] is my failsafe. You know the truth now, you know what he would have done. Regardless of what i did before, i'm--"

that middle phrase: "What he would have done."--what does it mean?!?!?!
is he merely referring to Pippin and how his murder was justified? i want to believe it was something else, something more to delve into.
but sadly, i think Kalani's tale is sealed up and done with...

Nov 27th, 2013, 10:20 AM
So because of Kalani's exit from Hawaii, we can surmise without any uncertainty that the infection start simultaneously throughout the world.The time between Kalani leaving Hawaii and coming to LA and when the infection first began is not that great, and (in my opinion of course) it would be impossible for it spread and infect the entire west coast of the US in that amount of time. Sure, one or two boats or planes leave Hawaii with an infected on-board, but there is no way it started there first and came "here."

This all probably seems obvious to you guys though. Anyone think that isn't the case?

I think that it, indeed, start in several places at once, or at least independently. Kimmet describes the starting places as hot spots and points out some of the hot spots that he is aware of. He then adds Hawaii to the lists of hot spots i.e. sources of the outbreak.

Nov 27th, 2013, 11:15 AM
As far as Kalani & Pippen…I agree they were both working for the Mallers at the time of the murder. But their motivations were very different. Pippen was a shady character out for himself since the flight to the mainland. He threw in with the Mallers because he thought it was best for him. I think Kalani saw Pippen as a liability. Piper could blow his cover with the Tower or grab the credit with the Mallers, either way Kalani would never get Hannah back. So Pippen had to go.

Nov 27th, 2013, 04:56 PM
Yeah. Just piggy backing on what others have said.

My understanding is that when the Biters came... they came hard and fast. All over at once near the Ring of Fire. Like no news after 12ish hours hard. From what I heard Hawaii was hit really really hard. Kalani even pointed out that the Biters there were much more aggressive and meaner. Odds are that they didn't get any info on other places. We didn't and we are bigger. Seemed only the Military had some knowledge that lasted awhile, but that even dried up.

My guess is that Kalani was on the up and up after the first Maller Attack. He killed Pippen b/c he knew Pippen would sell him out at the first chance he got, and would sell The Tower out as soon as he was able to if he thought he would get a good deal from The Mallers. Just like Michael said. Kalani was a mole, but switched sides. He figured Hanna was dead at that point. Had no clue that she was still alive.

As for what he was about to say before he got cut off... Odds are the Generic "I'm sorry... your my ppl know. Remember me fondly. Ect"

Dec 1st, 2013, 04:10 PM
I took it more like it was all unimportant to the point where he didn't even bother writing about those details.

Dec 25th, 2013, 10:03 PM
Remember they stole a jet, not bought a ticket and waited in line and then Kailani took over as pilot. He only took a charter to flight to the "Big Island" before jumping onto a jet to come to LA.

And before leaving, you do not think they would have heard news from outside?Hard to believe they did not, but they crash landed due to the fact that planes were all over the air strip. So the simultaneous theory holds here .