View Full Version : Burt & Riley

Nov 26th, 2013, 05:54 AM
It's beginning to look very likely that we'll be picking up on Burt and Riley's adventure in the next chapter. They explained that they were going to base their search for the remaining Mallers around places familiar to them, which suggests The Mall or Eastern Bay. I have a theory that they're going to find a straggler from the Maller faction, Burt will want to torture him for information and Riley will take the moral high ground against him.

Anyone else have any theories?

Nov 26th, 2013, 06:05 AM
4 months is a big gap to be searching for Scratch.

i predict the search is not going well and we'll find Burt and Riley feeling pretty down. and then, soon after picking up this plot line, a catalyst will happen, via outside zombie-like stimuli, and the search will ramp up into something much more solid and tense.

Nov 26th, 2013, 06:09 AM
4 months is a big gap to be searching for Scratch.

i predict the search is not going well and we'll find Burt and Riley feeling pretty down. and then, soon after picking up this plot line, a catalyst will happen, via outside zombie-like stimuli, and the search will ramp up into something much more solid and tense.

I forgot to consider the time-gap. I wonder if, in her down state, she turns to the bottle again.

Nov 26th, 2013, 09:44 AM
They're both drunk. Drunk as balls. Maybe drunk on balls. Old balls.


Yucks aside, it seems likely Burt and Riley will return in the next chapter. As for my girl Scratch? Oof. I can't tell you how much I miss her. Come on Kc. For the love of Bob and all that is Foley . . . bring back Scratch!

Nov 26th, 2013, 10:04 AM
I guess #41 and maybe #42 will be mostly about Riley and Burt and, indeed, Scratch. That's the reason why Burt and Riley have left the Colony, and Scratch is out there as well. I even think that Skittles will reappear, 'cause he is the random encounter guy who might become important ... Riley and Skittles have met before, so there would be a small chance of connection - especially because Riley established kind of an emotional connection with Skittles ...

Burt and Riley haven't been mentioned again since their departure from the Colony. Not sure what to think about it. But I guess Michael and CJ have agreed to keep it simple and to hold up the false impression that Burt and Riley were on a secret mission. Obviously none has asked about them anymore - at least not in our understanding from what we have heard so far. So for me the question no #1 would be: Is there any kind of communication between Burt and Riley on the one side and the Colony/ Michael on the other? I don't think so, 'cause Burt and Riley seem to be kind of bitter about the latest developments and occurrences in the Colony before they have left; what reason would they have to stay in touch with anyone? Then again: Would Michael or anyone else absolutely not care about what could happen to Riley and Burt? Seems to me unlikely ...

What else ... ? Burt and Riley will find Scratch - or vice versa. And what then? Blazing guns? Apparently this would not happen, 'cause this would provide too little food for a good storytelling ... So, what will happen, if ... ?

Or will there be kind of a special "triangular" situation with Scratch and Mallers at A, Burt and Riley at B, and finally zombs at C ... ?

Best wishes!

Nov 26th, 2013, 10:25 AM
To sum it up: episode 40 will end with a usual but usually quite satisfying "We are pretty much fucked up" moment. And there will be the usual "Oh my god, what will happen next" episode thread. And we will have an episode 41 with will introduce us to what has happened to Burt and Riley in the meantime. And we will love it.

Nov 26th, 2013, 10:30 AM
well, we do know that Burt and Riley had a Police radio, so it's likely if they did run into any MAJOR trouble or even some big intel, they could call it in...

but also consider the time gap between when they left and where we currently are with everyone else.
4 Months is a while, but consider the elasped time of chapters 39 & 40 and all that happened during those few days.

i'm guessing communication with Burt/Riley is either based upon a "check-in update" or they are totally ignoring them. either way, i'm sure we'll see them VERY soon.

Nov 30th, 2013, 01:09 PM
I have been thinking about the time gap a little bit, and how nobody seems to be mentioning Burt and Riley anymore. I am wondering if they are already gone or assumed dead and somewhere down the road we get a character telling a story like Michael did with his arm? Like he is sitting around with Kelly or something and says 'oh Burt and Riley? I didn't tell you we found their mangled bodies and journals a couple months ago? Yeah a little one got them, wanna transcribe their journals with the rest?'

I hope that is not the case but who knows, everyone had a million crackpot theories about Michaels arm forever and then we got the letdown of oh I just smashed it in the door is all.

Dec 2nd, 2013, 07:35 AM
everyone had a million crackpot theories about Michaels arm forever and then we got the letdown of oh I just smashed it in the door is all.

I think there is still more of this story to be told, it ties in too much with Randy to just end there.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:53 PM
Chapter 41 is gonna be all about Burt & Riley :D

Dec 3rd, 2013, 02:57 PM
Would be a nice change since it has been about The Hunt for the past several episodes.....not that i'm complaining or nothin'...

BUT, the big problem with episode #41 being about Burt and Riley: WE WON'T KNOW WHAT DATU'S FATE IS!? Unless, Kc manages to tie Datu's fate with Burt and Riley returning home from a long, useless expedition, to find Datu mauled apart by an unknown kind of zombie.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:36 PM
Chapter 41 is gonna be all about Burt & Riley

I hope so, still probably more curious about what they are up to that what happened to Datu

Dec 3rd, 2013, 04:41 PM
I think there is still more of this story to be told, it ties in too much with Randy to just end there.

Do we have any confirmation that the broken arm and Randy are linked? Michael says the name Randy while getting his arm reset and cast but that doesn't mean Randy had to do with it breaking the first time. I don't remember anything happening or being told that implied Randy had anything to do with the break.

Dec 3rd, 2013, 06:46 PM
This is to be expected with this writing style, but i don't know if it is going to be in chapter 41 or 42. Bring everyone to the supper table when they are starving, then serve coffee. <br />
<br />
(I love...

Dec 4th, 2013, 06:07 AM
It will be interesting to learn where she's been hiding for all this time. If I remember correctly, I think about 10 of the Mallers escaped the colony so they're a small enough group to hide anywhere.

Dec 4th, 2013, 07:33 AM
Do we have any confirmation that the broken arm and Randy are linked? Michael says the name Randy while getting his arm reset and cast but that doesn't mean Randy had to do with it breaking the first time. I don't remember anything happening or being told that implied Randy had anything to do with the break.

The only link we have is that Michael and Randy were both at the water works, and that Michael seems to know Randy. We don't know if they saw each other there, or even if they were there at the same time, or if Randy was turned when Michael was there.

My assumption of a link mostly has to do with we know they were both there, Michael seems to know Randy for some reason, and every time Michael tried to tell us what happened he somehow get interrupted, or distracted. And nothing has been revealed about what happened, or how Michael got out, that is a bit of a hole in the story.

Dec 4th, 2013, 07:45 AM
I expect Michael has been helping more than we think. Access to safe-house locations, supplies, Intel, ect. Otherwise, Burt and Riley may be in over their head, possibly die, and he does not want that so he will help when they need it. I believe something to do with Burt/Riley is why Michael and Vic are not getting along, but i don't have enough info on that to know why right now.

I wonder if Victor reported information back to CJ regarding Burt & Riley, and Michael found out and that has caused the loss of trust between them.

Dec 4th, 2013, 08:16 AM
It will be interesting to learn where she's been hiding for all this time. If I remember correctly, I think about 10 of the Mallers escaped the colony so they're a small enough group to hide anywhere.

Exactly, They could have fallen back to a preplanned position in a single house, and it would be overlooked as long as they didn't do anything stupid like stand outside as a guntruck came by.

if they did move out of the area, 10 people does leave a fairly large trail.

I wonder if Victor reported information back to CJ regarding Burt & Riley, and Michael found out and that has caused the loss of trust between them.

That is a real possibility.

And Michael could still be holding a four month long grudge about Vic not telling about Angel.

We NEED more info on this. Damn 2 week wait.

Dec 4th, 2013, 12:36 PM
The only link we have is that Michael and Randy were both at the water works, and that Michael seems to know Randy. We don't know if they saw each other there, or even if they were there at the same time, or if Randy was turned when Michael was there.

My assumption of a link mostly has to do with we know they were both there, Michael seems to know Randy for some reason, and every time Michael tried to tell us what happened he somehow get interrupted, or distracted. And nothing has been revealed about what happened, or how Michael got out, that is a bit of a hole in the story.

Just a gut feeling but I think Randy (originally from Dunbar) helped save Michael at the WaterWorks broke his arm etc, but then got caught and turned.

Dec 4th, 2013, 12:48 PM
Yeah, Randy probably sacrificed himself to save Michael

Dec 4th, 2013, 01:42 PM
If that were so, why would Michael be so bent on killing Randy at any cost? (Even Puck's life)

Dec 4th, 2013, 01:49 PM
If that were so, why would Michael be so bent on killing Randy at any cost? (Even Puck's life)

Well now he's a zombie, and they all must die... even our friend Randy
besides, maybe Michael doesn't want to kill him, maybe just sit him down for a cup of tea... or maybe a family reunion...

Dec 4th, 2013, 02:08 PM
He sees Randy dragging Tanya outside the tower and instantly charges while shooting. It's so far away he can't really aim well so he is risking shooting Tanya (their only real medic) at the chance to...

Dec 4th, 2013, 02:16 PM
No doubt Michael wants to kill Randy. He probably thinks he is one of the smarter ones and still remembers his past or at least his name. Also their past, I mean we assume Randy saved Michael pre turning, but maybe it's the other way around. :tinfoil:

Dec 4th, 2013, 02:31 PM
I hope we hear the dialogue from what happened at the water works. It all depends on whether Michael met Randy before or after he turned.