View Full Version : Puck...

Nov 17th, 2013, 09:28 PM
Maybe this is in another thread, but does anyone else think Puck is tied to the Mallers? Or at least the Families? In the season 2 finale, Tardust mentions "going to call Puck" or something similar. Then, out at Irwin, Michaels new buddy is known as Puck. Are these two the same person? Or did I misunderstand something? Thoughts?

Red Shirt
Nov 17th, 2013, 10:02 PM
I do believe that this has been dispelled as being an error of name choice... the Maller Puck and CPL Samuel Puck are two different people. This was previously discussed in another thread sometime I believe last summer... Kc himself weighed in if I remember correctly. If I come across it, I'll link it.

The Mallers as you know, take nicknames relevant to appearance or skills, rather than use their given names. Maller Puck, or Hockey Puck, his full nickname, is a hockey fan. See here for more (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Hockey+Puck).

PS, Welcome to the forums! Be sure to swing by the "Introduce Yourself" thread.

Nov 17th, 2013, 10:45 PM
Ahh, I appreciate the clarification. Thanks!