View Full Version : I just got back from urgent care 7 Stiches in my Thumb

Oct 6th, 2013, 09:14 PM
I just got back from getting 7 stiches in my thumb at the local Urgent care. I was careless with an exacto Knife and was punished for it.

The funning thing is that I was listening to 37-3. I was at the part where Victor says the Mallers were taking care of Angel and Saul blurts out "like Burt! I saw what they did to him", RIGHT as the knif eslipped and cut a big sliver into my thumb.

I would concider is a big coincidence if I didn't listen to Were'Alive so much and if Scratch was not cutting people so often.

Only click the link below if you want to see my stictched up thumb.


Oct 6th, 2013, 09:34 PM
Ouch. Get better.

Oct 6th, 2013, 10:14 PM
Thumbs up and get well soon!

Oct 6th, 2013, 11:27 PM
Get better soon. And yeah - is this just coincidence, or is there a secret connection in your accidentally provoked attempt of disconnecting your thumb from your hand ... ? *dundunDUNNN*

Oct 7th, 2013, 04:48 AM
Dang, Duffusmonkey.... you really did a number on that thumb. Hope it heals ok.

BTW, the picture of your stitched up thumb wasn't too bad. The rest of your twitter stream though.... :squint:

Oct 7th, 2013, 05:11 AM
Get well

Oct 7th, 2013, 06:48 AM
SCBUBBA lol! Did you see WorgenRiku's post?

We all call him Riku. He is a Gay Furry and he is proud of it. He is also a really great guy, when I first started talking to him on Skype while gaming he freaked me out, after awhile I got used to him and now I find him hillarous.

I started playing online games about the same time my brother openly admitted he was gay. I told my brother once that I feel like I got admitted to a fraternity without having to pay my dues. My Brother being gay finally allowed me to be comfortable around gay people and it has been very liberating! I have SO MUCH FUN making gay jokes about myself (my wife is sometimes annoyed).
Some people are completly unable to accept and/or deal with gay people and trolling them in the internet and in real life is so much fun I can't help myself.

There is probably nothing that 2 consenting adults can do that will shock Riku and he absolutely loves to shock other people, Don't follow him on Twitter if you are squeamish.

This weekend I am going to Vegas to meet up with 50 of my closest internet friends, that I have never met in real life. Everyone is getting excited and we are getting a little crazy on Twitter :)

I am notorious for doing anything for a laugh and I often push the envelope of good taste until I go way too far then pull back. My Twitter feed is not horrible but it is not kid friendly either. My 14 year son recently found my Twitter account so I might tone it down a little.

Oct 7th, 2013, 07:27 AM
I was just giving you a hard time about the twitter stream.... No worries on my part.

Awesome story about your brother and your friends. Loving people FTW!!!!

Hope you have an incredible time in Vegas and that your thumb doesn't detract from all the fun.

Oct 7th, 2013, 09:33 AM
Yikes... stop cutting yourself...

Oct 7th, 2013, 02:47 PM
Yikes... stop cutting yourself...

You make it sound so EMO, I was going to make a joke about it but there is nothing really interesting about being EMO.

I spent the whole day at work telling anyone that asked that I was trying to cut my thumb off but work never gives us enough time to complete anything