View Full Version : Get to the Choppa, another look

Sep 30th, 2013, 02:20 PM
Burt and Saul find a downed Coast Guard Chopper at LAX. We also found that it was at Irwin and they did not expect is return. It was also shot up. Nothing big here, right?

Listening to the story again, I picked up a little something. The first time we hear about a Satalite phone is when Victor takes Michal to see Glenn when first at the colony. Glenn shows off his new Satalite phone. Some of the scavengers brought him the phone... The same model used by Irwin.

So, putting on my :tinfoil: upgraded deerstalker I wonder, was Kimment in contact with the Colony? At first blush it seems pretty stupid. But, Kimmet literally caused the downfall of Boulder to save a member of his family. We already saw that one of the biters do that trick and get to Ft Irwin. Just thinking that they might get cold and fall off does not justify the risk. He is also crazy stupid to ensure he gets her body back.

So, who was calling the shots? Who was giving Kimmet his marching orders?

I know most people think the family is a crime thing to link Scratch and Angel, I just think it is something darker.

I got all kinds of garbage swilling around, but I just want to open this thread and point out that at 11:30 of chapter 19 part 2 Glenn mentions the new phone

Oct 4th, 2013, 01:16 AM
while I think your slightly off base on this one, there are several things we can take in from what your saying.

one thing we can eliminate from the theory wheelhouse is the idea of cj being a part of the coast guard group. we can also eliminate the idea of sean being a part of them. if either would have known about the scene at lax, then the sat phone idea and for that matter ft Irwin itself would not have come as such a surprise.

now, that brings me to glenn. do we really want to believe that glenn could be quite as manipulative as say...cj, or scratch, or as "do whatever it takes" as kimmet? no. I cant see his character being that deeply engrained in the story. looking at the story long term, I try to keep in mind that the end of this season will leave us only with our primary characters. I cant see a way that glenn and kimmet communicating brings us to that point. plus theres also the fact that he did not have the phone working until the end-ish point of season 3.

the question I have about the lax chopper scene is, we can loosely assume that the mallers were the ones who took out the chopper. (I base this on scratch's reaction to seeing it at the end of season two) the way my brain tells me to play out that scene is somebody from that firefight survived, and the mallers knew they did. hence the search for the other tower, hence scratches torture of burt wanting to know where they went after the tower fell. how then, did the sat phone from lax, end up at the colony? I realize they went out on scavenging missions pretty far...but not that far if you look at the map. that one small detail is the only thing that can connect the colony to the mallers (pre-maller takeover).

another thought that just dawned on me, that I wouldn't be able to answer not being military. could marcus have been the survivor of the coast guard chopper? could scratch n durai have been mistaken in thinking that the other tower is where he went, instead he went to the other place he knew as a safe point within the city?if he was coast guard would he be able to answer michaels questions about mos or whatever( soooo not military)?were that the case would he have known where to search to find the sat phone to have a back up plan, yet not endanger his leadership of the colony(power is an ugly thing). I dunno, stories like this are ENTIRELY to easy to connect things that shouldn't be connected. just have to question everything.

Oct 4th, 2013, 07:16 AM
Col Kimmet, Mr by the book, salute me even out in the field, what Puck calls a Sniper Check NEVER mentions General so and so, the President, Joint Chiefs, etc. He says some of us when talking about touching off Nukes on US soil. Seems like Kimmet is cut off from his normal chain of command. If he was part of the family, who where would his Loyalties be?

Kimmet is an old school DIP. Back in the 80s a DIP was Die In Place a Fulda Gap Fucktard. Throw some speed bumps in the way of the Warsaw Pact and hope to slow them down enough for the Air Attack to stop the armor and redploy more ground forces from the US main land.

All that and he is willing to fly his niece 1,000 miles from sea level over the Rockies? That is crazy loyalty to family.

LAX is right by the Strip Mall. But, Kalani is flying the Hospital Chopper, not the coast guard. SO, Scratches no ephing way is a general it is a chopper not THE same chopper.

Glenn gets a satalite phone and hits redial. Does he get Ft Irwin and the colony (Marcus?) speaks to Kimmet?

Does he not get through because the buffer has been cleared? It might be easier for a maller to get a sat phone near the colony than it is for a scavenger to get to LAX. Did Kimmet speak to Durai?

We have a Coast Guard Chopper that was at Irwin
Irwin used Satalite phones that are very specific to their networks
The Sat phone shows up at the colony and refered to as "new" when Michael first meets Glenn.
LAX is right next to the Strip Mall

The M

Oct 4th, 2013, 04:18 PM
A: you make a few good points, but you always do.

B: I was drunk posting last night, so my logic was a bit fuzzy.

Im just gonna let this one go. I can't get behind the idea of durai/kimmet contact. I really can't believe that if durai had info like that he would still be putzing around in la. The only way that could work is if the family is on a far, far greater scale than we could or have imagined. Im not ready to suspend my disbelief that far...yet.

Oct 4th, 2013, 04:48 PM
Yea, I am all in on the family. I think it is bigger than just a Mob family. I see an Apocolyptic cult. I have felt that way since we first met Burt and he says now that's there so few of us it sure going to be good for mother nature or something like that. That is a pretty fast trip through the stages of grief over the death of billions.

But. Now I am onto something even stranger, but I have to write it up properly

Oct 4th, 2013, 04:51 PM
See, the only thing that keeps me from joining you on the apocalypse cult idea is boulder...if that large of a community was not a part of the story id be right with you. In fact I've had similar notions...just for the other team (ink and co).