View Full Version : Hey! Sci-Fi Fans! Yeah, you! GET IN HERE!

Sep 25th, 2013, 06:48 PM
All right, boys and girls--and nik--Tammy Klein needs your help. You all know Tammy, she plays everyone's favourite lawyer! No, not Hang 'em High McCoy. She plays Kelly! Everyone loves Kelly right? Right?


It turns out our Miss Klein got herself involved with a nasty bit of science fictioneering called The Space Opera Society, or S.O.S. for short. They're a non-profit, non-exclusionary, non-somethingorotherbecausethreethingsaregood, fan-interactive production company committed (they probably should be) to bringing you the best in science fiction programming. When I say "the" I mean it. It's a real word!

Let me get to the good part, the part where I ask you all for your credit card information (I'm kidding). This is the part where we throw up a call to arms! We (and when I say we I'm speaking on behalf of Tammy and the society) are looking for volunteers to help spread the fuck out of the word. That word is not the bird, but it is Ess. Oh. Ess. Say it with me everyone, S.O.S. Save the fuck out of our beloved genre with a fan-driven sci-fi experience. Not driven by fans, rather FOR fans. And maybe by fans, I don't know how this all works. I just got a sob story about dietary woes or maybe it was the gin. I'm not sure. Keep reading.

Look, are you tired as fuck of seeing Kevin Sorbo traipsing the galaxy on Andromeda with his big old white horse? It's like a dick measuring contest on that show. Well, turn that shit off and let's help S.O.S. get Kevin's big old white horse dick into another ship! Conquest of the Stars! Yeah, it sounds ridiculous! It's supposed to! Actually, I think it's supposed to be a serious show. Something about seeing the conquest of galaxies from the perspective of the conquerors. I hear tell it may just star our Miss Klein. She might get some Hercules lovin'! Why would you want to stand in the way of that? Don't you want Kelly to finally get some? Well, now she can! Some Herc! Help Kelly get some Herc!

So you're probably asking yourself, "Hey, what do you want from me? My kidneys? A grant? What? What, motherfucker, what?!"

Easy, Captain Questions-Everything. All we want you to do is check out www.spaceoperasociety.com (http://www.spaceoperasociety.com) and click around, and take a look at the show synopsis... um... es. If you see something you like--which I know you're going to, because let's face it . . . Armin Fucking Shimerman is on a show. Principal Snyder! How cool is that!? That's like 80 on the scale of coolness.

If you feel inclined to help, to get in on the action so to speak, please (this is the part where I beg for money) head on over tohttp://www.indiegogo.com/projects/spaceoperasociety-start-up (http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/spaceoperasociety-start-up) and give what you can. You can donate as little as a dollar or as much as your bank account overdraft will let you. Go into debt! Take out a second, third, or fourth mortgage! Okay, maybe don't go that far, but in all honesty every tiny bit will help realize this project.

It's in capable hands! They've got some names behind this shit. Not just Kevin Sorbo, Tammy Klein, Armin Shimerman, but Steve Warnek! This motherfucker worked on Deep Space Nine! DS9!!! Wes Sargent? Who that guy? Ever watch Dark Angel? Andromeda? Dead Like Me? Stargate SG-1? You may have seen this guy's FX work. Or maybe you didn't! The best special effects are the ones you don't even realize are special effects. And there are more, oh so many more.

I'm almost positive right now you're asking what else you could possibly do to help. Well, I'll be honest, people . . . we need to get a buzz going. We need a presence out there in the real, in the Desert of the Real. The place Morpheus warned us about! Or the place Mobius drew. Maybe not quite what Mobius envisioned for the future, but we're livin' in it! Let's make it something special! So we're looking for street teams to help spread the word.

http://www.upcomingcons.com/science-fiction-conventions (http://www.upcomingcons.com/science-fiction-conventions)

Take a moment to peruse the list of cons from the link, and let us know which--if any--you'd be willing to head to purely for the sake of handing out leaflets that we'll let you print out! You might get an S.O.S. t-shirt! Or a keychain! Or a phone call from Tammy Klein! Hell, maybe Kevin Sorbo will write you thank you and put it in your lunch next to that note from your mom reminding you to wear the sweater your Aunt Carol knitted you.

We're asking for your support here, Sci-Fioneers! Is that a word? Can we make that a thing or is that sort of shitty and lame? Let us know!

Sep 26th, 2013, 09:56 AM
As of now, my dear Osiris, I will consider you in my prayers. No. Wait. Not prayers: I will build a shrine for you and acknowledge you as the true Avatar of the SOS with Tammy Klein being my new goddess, which is simple, 'cause up until now I was not a religious person at all ...
Ok, I exaggerate. But my Thanks are as close to what I mentioned as they could get.

Now I only need some spare bucks I can share on the indiegogo-campagin ...

Best wishes!

Sep 26th, 2013, 10:10 AM
I'm on it like doggonit. O_o

Sep 26th, 2013, 10:16 AM
Been in a rough spot for more than a year after a layoff and my father's loss to cancer did not help my sanity. I will head on over, but let me say that I am cash poor and time rich right now. If there is a need for a tinfoil hat wearing minor character, I am available.

Sep 26th, 2013, 12:33 PM
I am kind of glad that the indiegogo-campagin lasts for another 40+ days; so after all I will be able to support this campagin in the meantime - but not as of today ...

Sep 26th, 2013, 04:40 PM
Beautiful sir, purely beautiful. I will check it out as well.

Sep 26th, 2013, 07:12 PM
If you can't afford to donate, no worries! You can still spread the good word! Which at this stage is the most important. I think it's the least we can do for the cast members who have projects coming up (of which there are definitely some more that could use pimping here and there) for all the free awesome they've given to us. If you're into it, support it in whatever way you can. If you're not into the whole thing, no worries. Independent productions need support, not just monetarily, but they also need people to stand behind them and say, "Hey, I fucking believe in you, man. What your doing means something to me too."

Encouragement goes a long way.

Sep 27th, 2013, 04:13 AM
If you can't afford to donate, no worries! You can still spread the good word! Which at this stage is the most important. I think it's the least we can do for the cast members who have projects coming up (of which there are definitely some more that could use pimping here and there) for all the free awesome they've given to us. If you're into it, support it in whatever way you can. If you're not into the whole thing, no worries. Independent productions need support, not just monetarily, but they also need people to stand behind them and say, "Hey, I fucking believe in you, man. What your doing means something to me too."

Encouragement goes a long way.

I will check it out with my PC. My first generation IPad crapped out on it

Sep 28th, 2013, 07:43 PM
On it....sharing with everyone.

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