View Full Version : Victor's Wife: Another Double Entendre?

Sep 4th, 2013, 06:15 AM
In the Soccer hideout Victor says his wife was like Frodo, the ring went on and evil came out. A hilarious line to be sure, but is there something more? Given the importance of The Family and Rings is he simply talking about a wedding ring?

I also want to draw attention to the TiVo clip in Chapter 2. When talking about Ink one of the last thing we hear is

...the family...

Sep 4th, 2013, 06:30 AM
Good catch on the TiVo clip! There is quite a bit of family in this story.

Sep 4th, 2013, 07:23 AM
... I also want to draw attention to the TiVo clip in Chapter 2. When talking about Ink one of the last thing we hear is

...the family...


Sep 4th, 2013, 08:06 AM
Well, the 'family' comment on the TiVo clip is a dead end. :zombie:


But I'm intrigued by the ring aspect. Someone mentioned in the 37.2 thread about a possible Victor-Insurance Salesman-Family Enforcer angle.

Sep 4th, 2013, 08:19 AM
Well, the 'family' comment on the TiVo clip is a dead end. :zombie:



Sep 4th, 2013, 08:19 AM
Well, the 'family' comment on the TiVo clip is a dead end. :zombie:


You should know better than to trust Kc


Cabbage Patch
Sep 4th, 2013, 11:26 AM
...I'm intrigued by the ring aspect. Someone mentioned in the 37.2 thread about a possible Victor-Insurance Salesman-Family Enforcer angle.

Have Victor and Scratch ever seen one-another face-to-face? Is it possible Victor was a Family enforcer, maybe even the one who marked Scratch?

Sep 4th, 2013, 12:01 PM
Have Victor and Scratch ever seen one-another face-to-face? Is it possible Victor was a Family enforcer, maybe even the one who marked Scratch?

Victor saw Scratch in the Colony before she stabbed Durai. Of course, that wasn't the right time for Victor to reveal anything. It really would be an interesting twist if he was the enforcer, alas all of the connections we string together would only make this zombie story too unbelievable.

Sep 5th, 2013, 04:33 AM
The trick is not getting victor to see scratch, it is to have her see him. I can think of possible places, but nothing for sure and since she is so well adjusted and has such a great poker face, I cannot be sure. Not!

If the family has any connection to the Apocolypse, they might have a little extras something to reduce their chances of being attacked. Latch and scratch seem to move around with very little problem. Hell, they went shopping for new clothes and were worried about color and sleeve length. When LA was at it's worse, scratch goes to the prison, springs latch etal, crosses the width of LA to Lock and Loaded on the Eastside and then back to the strip mall. She even asks Charlie if he wants to venture across the wall. No evidendence that Duncan is part of the family, but he did say they ran by him. Evidence that they ignore some. He also then spends the rest of the Apocolypse running around on his own.

My guess is they have little to fear from normal biters, but the special ones really put a crimp in their designs.

Sep 5th, 2013, 10:22 AM
The trick is not getting victor to see scratch, it is to have her see him. I can think of possible places, but nothing for sure and since she is so well adjusted and has such a great poker face, I cannot be sure. Not!

If the family has any connection to the Apocolypse, they might have a little extras something to reduce their chances of being attacked. Latch and scratch seem to move around with very little problem. Hell, they went shopping for new clothes and were worried about color and sleeve length. When LA was at it's worse, scratch goes to the prison, springs latch etal, crosses the width of LA to Lock and Loaded on the Eastside and then back to the strip mall. She even asks Charlie if he wants to venture across the wall. No evidendence that Duncan is part of the family, but he did say they ran by him. Evidence that they ignore some. He also then spends the rest of the Apocolypse running around on his own.

My guess is they have little to fear from normal biters, but the special ones really put a crimp in their designs.

I can't think of any instances where Scratch could have seen Victor. That would reveal a connection if she shows recognition of him.
As for the Family Apocalypse thing, check out this thread http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?4605-Has-Scratch-cut-a-deal&highlight=scratch+make+deal

They do seem to travel at will through out zombieland, even alone at NIGHT! (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?4605-Has-Scratch-cut-a-deal&p=61247&viewfull=1#post61247)

Duncan did have to hide from a super-fasty, but it's till a mystery as to why Pinstripes & Co. walked past him.

Sep 5th, 2013, 11:27 AM
The only clear thing that Scratch and Duncan have in common, is their mental instability. I don't know why this would be an issue, maybe the infected don't like the taste of crazy.