View Full Version : Hope: The Reveal

Sep 3rd, 2013, 06:04 AM
In story telling, the reveal is a classic tool. It can be the classic a character opens their eyes or a detective presenting Mr. Body was murdered in the Billiards with the Lead Pipe by Col Mustard in front of the entire cast

Hope has been blind nearly the entire series. If she gets her sight back, what does she "see"?

Does she recognize a character she has not been able to recognize by voice or context?

Was it just to prevent her from writing a journal and if she can now write a journal someone pulling all the journals together will "see" something? Remember, Tanya told Saul to keep writing in 37-1. My guess is she will do the same with Hope.

My gut tells me that she was at the Water Works. When the other tower falls there were people at the pumping station. That would be a good rally point to initiate the counter attract on the Arena and/or a retreat away from the arena before going to the colony.

Sep 3rd, 2013, 06:49 AM
In story telling, the reveal is a classic tool. It can be the classic a character opens their eyes or a detective presenting Mr. Body was murdered in the Billiards with the Lead Pipe by Col Mustard in front of the entire cast

Hope has been blind nearly the entire series. If she gets her sight back, what does she "see"?

Does she recognize a character she has not been able to recognize by voice or context?

Was it just to prevent her from writing a journal and if she can now write a journal someone pulling all the journals together will "see" something? Remember, Tanya told Saul to keep writing in 37-1. My guess is she will do the same with Hope.

My gut tells me that she was at the Water Works. When the other tower falls there were people at the pumping station. That would be a good rally point to initiate the counter attract on the Arena and/or a retreat away from the arena before going to the colony.

I like where you are going with this. I've felt for the length of the Hope storyline that she's going to have some part in a "discovery". Her blindness was use to good suspenseful effect in the Rat story line and stringing along the "did the surgery work" stuff since the Fall of Boulder has been good. But where will it lead us?

If it is a recognition of someone, then who? She would probably know Randy from Dunbar but so would CJ so that doesn't make it a Hope-only detail. The escape from Dunbar up until the arrival at the Colony is a wide open time. Sean was the only other person that we know of that could span the time but, alas, he is since departed...

Was it the Waterworks? The failed raid on the Arena? Those would have all happened post-blindness, I think.

So, would it be something she would have literally seen - like someone else from Dunbar or something that happened during the attack on Dunbar?

Now I'm all excited about what Hope might bring to the game again! Thanks Arth...., uh, Grognaurd! :cool:

Sep 4th, 2013, 03:58 AM
So, would it be something she would have literally seen - like someone else from Dunbar or something that happened during the attack on Dunbar?

She could also possibly recognize everyone favorite split personality Skittles AKA Duncan IIRC

Sep 4th, 2013, 04:22 AM
She could also possibly recognize everyone favorite split personality Skittles AKA Duncan IIRC

That's true. Who else from the Tower group has met Skittles so far? Angel, Kalani, Datu, and Riley? CJ obviously knows him but I can't recall right off if she saw him in Skittles mode at all - I don't think she did.

So, she may be able to make the connection between Skittles and Dunbar with a visual ID. Any info about events between Dunbar and the Colony she could have already relayed to someone, regardless of eyesight. Hmmm....

Of course, we may be missing the plainly obvious. Hope is the female Daredevil and will soon develop superhuman senses of hearing, smell, touch, and taste. This will allow her and Lady to track the Zed crew for Company Michael as they work their way back through LA.... :cool:

Sep 29th, 2013, 08:36 AM
Some of the things she says really confuse me. End of Season 2 on top of the Tower at the Zip Line. She says, "That is a long way down." WTF? She is blind...

In the Denver Retreat of Chapter 34, she sounds a lot like CJ. I am sooo smart, you are so dumb. She even says, "I could do better," when she is talking about Datu's driving. She is too young to have much practical experience and she is blind.

Any way, she is very bright and she thinks everything is about her.

Sep 29th, 2013, 09:48 AM
Some of the things she says really confuse me. End of Season 2 on top of the Tower at the Zip Line. She says, "That is a long way down." WTF? She is blind...

In the Denver Retreat of Chapter 34, she sounds a lot like CJ. I am sooo smart, you are so dumb. She even says, "I could do better," when she is talking about Datu's driving. She is too young to have much practical experience and she is blind.

Any way, she is very bright and she thinks everything is about her.

Just in Hope's defense....
She could probably tell it was a "long way down" because where she was standing, she could probably feel it. When you're at a high, open place, it's cooler, windier, and the sound is different because there's nothing to block the wind.

as far as her being a knowitall, I can honestly say , having survived two teengers and now in the process of having to go through it all again because my youngest is a "tween" now, they are all knowers of everything, masters of nothing. They whine for everything, try to assert that they know better because they're all " growed up now." She's very much into herself because, that's what teenagers do. Also, she's traumatized, she just lost her mother, so right now her " woe is me and only me" attitude is reinforced. She's scared and no matter who is there FOR her, she's still going to wish it was her mother. You know that saying, " no one will love you as much as your mother." Not only is she feeling unsafe and uncared for, but if her mother could disappear from her life, then everyone else can. She's scared that her temporary handicap is going to force someone to leave her again, someone that isn't as vested in her or as loyal to her as her mother was. Her selfishness is just an symptom of her age, but her whining and constant complaining, if you take a minute to consider her situation and mindset, is really a cry for help, and a tugging for someone to validate her and reassure her that she will be okay and no one will leave her behind.

Sep 29th, 2013, 02:42 PM
I Hope's defense she sounds attractive so she can get way with almost anything, at least for a few years