View Full Version : Is Battle: Los Angeles a WA Rip-Off?

Aug 31st, 2013, 05:54 PM
I just realized that Battle: Los Angeles might have actually ripped off some structure from We're Alive.
- We're Alive came out in 2009. Battle: Los Angeles came out in 2011.
- We're Alive is based in LA. B:LA is also based in LA (surprise).
- We're Alive deals with a devastating near-extermination of the human race via horrifyingly strong enemies. These enemies act like soldiers and strike with coordinated, military structured attacks. B:LA, the same.
- We're Alive revolves around a worn out Staff Sergeant who is pitted against a young Lieutenant fresh out of Officer's Candidate School. B:LA deals with this /exact same thing/. Even the way it was done, the things they said etc. were irritatingly similar, like B:LA was a bad knock off or something. WA played on their relationship a million times better.
Just a few things I realized.

Aug 31st, 2013, 06:56 PM
Since this thread asks for potential comparisons of We're Alive to another entertainment piece, spoilers will be inevitable. I'm moving it to a place where it's safe.

Aug 31st, 2013, 09:03 PM
We're Alive is a good audio drama.
Battle: Los Angeles is a shitty movie.
Edge: We're Alive

We're Alive has a rabid fan base.
Battle: Los Angeles has rabies.
Edge: We're Alive

We're Alive is about people trying to survive.
Battle Los Angeles is about people trying to cash in on the dramatic marine self-sacrifice.
Edge: We're Alive

We're Alive has a fucking tit-tastic cast.
Battle: Los Angeles has Bridget Moynahan
Edge: Battle: Los Angeles

We're Alive has great writing.
Battle: Los Angeles has some of the worst dialogue since Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes.
Edge: We're Alive

I'm going to have to give this one to We're Alive. I'd like to say that Bridget Moynahan makes up a lot of ground . . . but have you seen the women of We're Alive? Holy shitsnacks. They're all super beautiful.

Red Shirt
Aug 31st, 2013, 09:15 PM
- We're Alive revolves around a worn out Staff Sergeant who is pitted against a young Lieutenant fresh out of Officer's Candidate School. B:LA deals with this /exact same thing/. Even the way it was done, the things they said etc. were irritatingly similar, like B:LA was a bad knock off or something. WA played on their relationship a million times better.

I don't know... maybe, I haven't seen B"LA... but the Veteran Sergeant/Green Lieutenant relationship is a common trope in Military/Army media and to an extent, in real life. I tried looking it up over at tvtropes.com and learned that We're Alive has it's own page (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WereAlive)!

We're Alive has great writing.
Battle: Los Angeles has some of the worst dialogue since Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes.
Edge: We're Alive


Sep 1st, 2013, 05:01 PM
We're Alive is a good audio drama.
Battle: Los Angeles is a shitty movie.
Edge: We're Alive

We're Alive has a rabid fan base.
Battle: Los Angeles has rabies.
Edge: We're Alive

We're Alive is about people trying to survive.
Battle Los Angeles is about people trying to cash in on the dramatic marine self-sacrifice.
Edge: We're Alive

We're Alive has a fucking tit-tastic cast.
Battle: Los Angeles has Bridget Moynahan
Edge: Battle: Los Angeles

We're Alive has great writing.
Battle: Los Angeles has some of the worst dialogue since Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes.
Edge: We're Alive

I'm going to have to give this one to We're Alive. I'd like to say that Bridget Moynahan makes up a lot of ground . . . but have you seen the women of We're Alive? Holy shitsnacks. They're all super beautiful.

Yes, just yes. Lol. B:LA was only better than I expected because I expected less than nothing. Every time they spoke all I heard was OORAH I'M A MARINE I PUT MY PENIS IN THINGS I BLOW THINGS UP WE'RE ELITE MANLY MEN OORAH. It was pretty bad. I was just kind of annoyed when I realized the similarities and thought, hey, none of my Facebook friends are going to understand what I'm talking about. These people will!

Sep 1st, 2013, 05:05 PM
I don't know... maybe, I haven't seen B"LA... but the Veteran Sergeant/Green Lieutenant relationship is a common trope in Military/Army media and to an extent, in real life. I tried looking it up over at tvtropes.com and learned that We're Alive has it's own page (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WereAlive)!


I had no idea that WA was on there! Thanks for the link man :) and true, it is a well loved trope. I guess it's just the way they did it that bugged me. Like the lieutenants robotic freak out when he realizes that he's not trained for this shit. Anyway, long story short I shut off the movie half way through, listened to another two eps of WA and went to bed. :)

Sep 1st, 2013, 11:22 PM
I dont believe they used we're alive as a inspiration simply because if they would have the movie would not suck so much .

Jan 3rd, 2014, 02:01 PM
Im pretty sure that the movie is dramatization of a night during world war two in LA.
late in the war one night something appeared on radar that was coming in over the ocean and the military let loose with the guns then claimed it was just weather balloons, its been called the Battle of LA. I remember reading somewhere (some local paper cant remember which one) about how they loosely based the movie on that night again LOOSELY based on it