View Full Version : So. Affleck is the next Batman.

Aug 22nd, 2013, 08:44 PM
Lettuce discuss this.

I'm okay with it, as some of you may have already read if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook. I'm okay with the choice, and am actually looking forward to it. I think he's seen enough years now, and grown enough as an actor that he'll be able to turn in the performance needed to pull of Bruce Wayne/Bats.

Your thoughts go below.

Aug 23rd, 2013, 04:28 AM
My friend just told me this morning. I said well the batman v. Superman movie is probably already doomed.

Aug 23rd, 2013, 04:56 AM
1st thought: Wtf bbq?
2nd thought: Well hell, why not? Better than Matt Damon ...

Still I am not certain what to think of it. I enjoyed "Argo", but not because of his acting; instead I like the movie because Mr Affleck has done a decent job as a director or producer or both or shit ...
So nipples, yes, I think nipples ... And maybe he could be a better choice than Mr Clooney.

Best wishes!

Aug 23rd, 2013, 08:45 AM
My friend just told me this morning. I said well the batman v. Superman movie is probably already doomed.

I think it was doomed when from the moment they decided to use the Marvel format to catch a bounce in their direction. But I see what they're doing, and believe me I am excited to see Wonder Woman. Even though they'll never cast the only woman who could pull it off.

Still! If they try to capture the tone of the Miller Supes/Bats--and are successful--it'll be incredible to watch. We already know they're going for JLA, we know Flash is coming, and we know they're going original three. They have to, it'd be crazy not to because Marvel doesn't have an answer to Diana of Themyscira. The DC world has some good characters to pull from, just as good as Marvel (if not better) that Warner Bros can pull from because their big characters aren't tied up between studios the way Marvel is. So unless Disney starts spending . . .

Whatever happens we know that Warner Bros just successfully printed $1billion with the announcement of the movie. I'd bet my left nut that movie opens to $300,000,000 and goes on to pull down between 2.1 and 2.8 billion worldwide by the end of its theatrical run. Unless it's the worst pile of shit ever made. But it'll have to be fucking atrocious. It'd literally have to have a scene where Bruce and Clark suck each other off in a parked car.

Aug 23rd, 2013, 09:08 AM
Eh....i assumed it would suck when they said they were making a batman/superman film...i hate superman..

Aug 23rd, 2013, 09:11 AM
Eh....i assumed it would suck when they said they were making a batman/superman film...i hate superman..

Me too, bro.

Aug 23rd, 2013, 09:43 AM
I've always enjoyed big characters being played by unknowns. Big stars to me always seem to carry baggage that makes me not appreciate roles like in this case, Batman. IDK, I was dissapointed to hear about it. Some of my own favourite and most memorable characters have been played, at the time by unknowns (at least to me) such as Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) or Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen). Ben Assflick is NOT one of my favourite actors, but hopefully he can pull it off and make Batman awesome. A lot rides on how the movie is produced/directed/marketed to not just make it about the actors but provide a great story as well.

Aug 23rd, 2013, 09:52 AM
See when I saw this post I thought which Affleck? Casey or Ben? I can't say that I'd want either to be Batman. I'm trying to rack my brain for one Ben Affleck movie I liked because he was in it and was good in it. Nope not one and to be honest I've not seen all his films, mainly because he didn't really wow me in any that I'd seen. Just to let everyone know I'm a wow factor kind of girl.

I want to see Argo because I heard good things about the movie, but no one said to me "oh wow, hot shit, Ben Affleck really blew me away in that one!"

Cabbage Patch
Aug 23rd, 2013, 11:58 AM
... believe me I am excited to see Wonder Woman. Even though they'll never cast the only woman who could pull it off.

Who were you thinking of?

Aug 23rd, 2013, 12:01 PM
...but I see what they're doing, and believe me I am excited to see Wonder Woman. Even though they'll never cast the only woman who could pull it off...

Jenna McCombie?

Aug 23rd, 2013, 03:48 PM
Who were you thinking of?

I think Dichen Lachman would nail it. She's exotic looking enough to be an amazonian woman cut from clay. I admit, I'm not a Wonder Woman fan, but after hearing Grant Morrison wax rhapsodic about her (and knowing his Earth One Wonder Woman GN is coming) I couldn't help but consider the possibilities. Dichen is relatively unknown still in that you don't know the name, but you recognize her instantly. I think she'd be amazing.

Watch her as Suren in the North American version of Being Human. She's really good.



Aug 23rd, 2013, 03:50 PM
Jenna McCombie?

As much as I love Jenna, and I totally think she's incredible, I wouldn't cast her as Wonder Woman.

Aug 24th, 2013, 12:14 PM
My question is, did they not see Daredevil? He was so flat in that role, no emotion, actually he's like that in most of his roles. I don't watch his movies because I find him boring! So far Michael Keaton was the best Batman if you don't go back to to the series days in the 60's.

As for Wonder Woman I like Danielle Panabaker or Mary Elizabeth Winstead. They both have done Superhero/supervillan roles.

Aug 24th, 2013, 12:33 PM
LOL Michael Keaton.

Aug 24th, 2013, 03:41 PM
Lol, a Scratch Wonder Woman, that would be something to see.

Aug 25th, 2013, 08:21 PM
personally i'm reserving judgement until i see it..

the die has been cast, lets just watch the fruits... whether it be a sweet apple or a sour grape. we'll see on its release :)

as for wonder woman... i think Maggie Q might be a good choice.

Aug 26th, 2013, 04:56 PM
personally i'm reserving judgement until i see it..

the die has been cast, lets just watch the fruits... whether it be a sweet apple or a sour grape. we'll see on its release :)

as for wonder woman... i think Maggie Q might be a good choice.

Thinking outside the box. Awesome. She's definitely pretty, she's far from generic, and would make a baller Amazon for sure.

Aug 27th, 2013, 11:21 AM
and Bryan Cranston has been cast as Lex Luthor.. this may make up for it all.. Yay!! Lex luthor is finally going to win!! :) and i had called this weeks ago!. now i just have to find the post!. LOL

Aug 27th, 2013, 12:13 PM
and lmao.. it wasn't a post i made in here.. it was a post to Greg miller on Twitter...

@WillHort 9 Aug

@GameOverGreggy I reckon Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston would be a Good Lex Luthor

Aug 28th, 2013, 03:16 AM
So I'll admit it, I'm not the first one to drag this into the light of day but we didn't all pre judge christian bale because of this...


Just saying.

Aug 28th, 2013, 03:22 PM
So I'll admit it, I'm not the first one to drag this into the light of day but we didn't all pre judge christian bale because of this...


Just saying.

I'M BATMAAAAaaaaaan!