View Full Version : Laundry duty ...

Aug 18th, 2013, 03:56 PM
Hi there,

a fun fact about Kelly:

Kelly, as we know her, was a lawyer in the pre-zombocalypse-time and had to do laundry duty in the Tower as well as the Colony during the zombocalypse.

Now, here in Germany we have a saying: "Washing someone's dirty laundry." This can be used as an idiom for taking care of "dirty" businesses which, for example, applies for lawyers dealing with the shit happening between people who quarrel and who simply cannot agree.

In English there is an idiom which goes something like this: "to wash one's dirty laundry in public". As I understand it, this is pretty close to the German saying. And it becomes especially true regarding lawyers. Their business is done in court; and the court is a mirror image of "the people", thus "the public". So, if lawyers debate in court about the quarrel of the involved parties, they "wash dirty laundry in public".

Kelly had to deal with "dirty laundry" as a lawyer, and now on the WA show she had to take care of dirty laundry explicitely and as literally as it could get. I would like to know if this is just kind of an accidental thing that happened here, or if this happens on purpose.

Best wishes!

Aug 18th, 2013, 07:18 PM
If I was dealing with Zombies Kelly would be cleaning a lot of shit out of my undies

Aug 18th, 2013, 07:46 PM
Fun fact about the actress who plays Kelly: Tammy Klein, she's probably one of the nicest people you'll ever get to know. One of my favourite people.

Aug 18th, 2013, 08:49 PM
If I was dealing with Zombies Kelly would be cleaning a lot of shit out of my undies

Nah I fukin love Kelly. After Tommy bit the dust she really turned around and got her shit together. She can handle herself and I'd trust her to get through just about anything; I'd have her cover my back anytime. Vic is going to enjoy her plenty.

Aug 19th, 2013, 08:14 AM
Hi there,

a fun fact about Kelly:

Kelly, as we know her, was a lawyer in the pre-zombocalypse-time and had to do laundry duty in the Tower as well as the Colony during the zombocalypse.

Now, here in Germany we have a saying: "Washing someone's dirty laundry." This can be used as an idiom for taking care of "dirty" businesses which, for example, applies for lawyers dealing with the shit happening between people who quarrel and who simply cannot agree.

In English there is an idiom which goes something like this: "to wash one's dirty laundry in public". As I understand it, this is pretty close to the German saying. And it becomes especially true regarding lawyers. Their business is done in court; and the court is a mirror image of "the people", thus "the public". So, if lawyers debate in court about the quarrel of the involved parties, they "wash dirty laundry in public".

Kelly had to deal with "dirty laundry" as a lawyer, and now on the WA show she had to take care of dirty laundry explicitely and as literally as it could get. I would like to know if this is just kind of an accidental thing that happened here, or if this happens on purpose.

Best wishes!

Sometimes laundry duty is just ... laundry duty.

We all have some duties, pal.


Aug 19th, 2013, 08:25 AM
I'm personally on the bandwagon with Bloody Cheek. I think they chose Laundry detail as it is a somewhat demeaning task to someone who would be held in otherwise high regard in the former society. Kelly would be a somebody before Z-day. Now she's just kinda that horny chick whose personality resembles that of broken glass on bare feet and occasionally needs to be knocked down a rung or two.

Aug 19th, 2013, 09:17 AM
Samantha also had laundry duty. Did anyone have laundry duty at the Tower? I thought the same as NickVooDoo and YëtAnöthërBlöödyChëëk, but you know me, I'm always intrigued by symbolism in fiction.

Aug 19th, 2013, 02:03 PM
Hello there,

Did anyone have laundry duty at the Tower?
Yes, Kelly in fact. That's why I rose the topic ... ;)

I actually agree with you that laundry is one of those tasks that needs to be dealt with - actually a symbol for civilization* (see below) - even during any kind apocalypse; and somebody has to do it. So actually I think there is nothing special or metaphorical or symbolic in it that Kelly does it. It just struck me that doing the laundry is so close to the meaning of washing dirty clothes in public like what lawyers do day in and day out ... So, yes: probably just mere coincidence. But maybe there is a slight chance that it happened on purpose as well ... ;)

Best wishes!

*Now, what has laundry to do with civilization: Clothes are something we are so used to; in my opinion it is one of the most iconic things that makes the difference between civilization and barbaric or wild cultures. In a zombocalypse or any other kind of catastrophe everyone struggles for survival. And yet the people stick to clothes and try to take care of ... Just a thought ...

Aug 19th, 2013, 02:20 PM
Hello there,
*Now, what has laundry to do with civilization: Clothes are something we are so used to; in my opinion it is one of the most iconic things that makes the difference between civilization and barbaric or wild cultures. In a zombocalypse or any other kind of catastrophe everyone struggles for survival. And yet the people stick to clothes and try to take care of ... Just a thought ...

I asked that at first but then realized that the The Tower, Dunbar and the Colony all knew that zombies can smell humans, so clean laundry was a priority. But, hey, when was kelly doing laundry at the tower?

This is one o the things that makes WA so great. Something like laundry can make one ask, is this brought up on several occasions just to show its importance to survival or is there a symbolism hidden in there.

Aug 19th, 2013, 02:29 PM
But, hey, when was kelly doing laundry at the tower?

Chapter 7 episode 3. It is what Kelly does every other day ...

Aug 28th, 2013, 05:26 PM
We also speak of money laundrying. I proudly where my tin foil hat and think she was a lawyer for the family. When I take my hat off, I think her law firm may be associated with Ink. We. Need a big dose of background on ink and the family and I think we get it from Kelly, either directly or knowing where to find the detailed files

Aug 29th, 2013, 03:52 AM
I like the money laundering tie in, Arthur. Will be interesting to see if/how Kelly's backstory plays in to the overall story arc.

Of course, as was mentioned before, laundry duty may just be laundry duty. Perhaps the main point of it coming up in the show at several points was to show that people, even in the Zompocalypse, civilization still has a firm grasp on humanity. That is, people were not simply devolving into "savages". Get shelter, food, water, and then you start taking care of "luxuries" like doing laundry....

Aug 29th, 2013, 04:33 AM
My bias is if it is mentioned, it is important. Maybe I am a backwater hick, but I do not expect my laundry to be outsourced and we have two independent groups that come up with the idea. One within days of collapse.