View Full Version : Wanna be part of a WA fan video?

Jun 14th, 2013, 02:34 PM
So I have this idea bouncing around in my head and I think it would be great. I was gonna just do it alone but then I considered the awesome potential of including all of you fantastic people!
I'd like to call it either Shit We're Alive Fans Say or The Faces
What I'd want is short clips of the faces or dramatic Italian gestures you make when listening to We're Alive, or things you find yourself yelling/whimpering/sobbing when listening in public. I myself, on more than one occasion, have been caught off guard by something while the bus or in the mall, walking down the street etc. lol
What do you guys think?
P.S. If you've done some editing before and you'd rather put it together I have no objections.

Jun 14th, 2013, 04:42 PM
I like the idea - a lot. But I must say that although I am kind of spell-bound to We're Alive listening to the show does not affect me as much as I would loose control over my facial expression or overall behaviour. So I don't know if I could add anythng with "dramatic Italian gestures" ... ;)

Would you mind giving us an idea, what exactly you are looking for?

Best wishes!

Jun 14th, 2013, 04:56 PM
I like the idea - a lot. But I must say that although I am kind of spell-bound to We're Alive listening to the show does not affect me as much as I would loose control over my facial expression or overall behaviour. So I don't know if I could add anythng with "dramatic Italian gestures" ... ;)

Would you mind giving us an idea, what exactly you are looking for?

Best wishes!

I'm an extremely expressive person so I totally am that person who will talk to myself in public. Do you listen to WND? I think it's Greg who says that he listens to WA when he walks his dogs and, during the scene where Michael is reaming Kelly out he was like, "Yeah! You go Michael!". I'm struggling to find a way to explain what I imagine in my head but I can see it.

Jun 14th, 2013, 05:27 PM
I'm an extremely expressive person so I totally am that person who will talk to myself in public. Do you listen to WND? I think it's Greg who says that he listens to WA when he walks his dogs and, during the scene where Michael is reaming Kelly out he was like, "Yeah! You go Michael!". I'm struggling to find a way to explain what I imagine in my head but I can see it.

Whenever I'm stopped by someone while I'm out walking around listening to episodes, instead of telling them about the show, I throw bottles of cologne at them and run away.

#HalfTruths #Apocryphalisms



Jun 14th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Whenever I'm stopped by someone while I'm out walking around listening to episodes, instead of telling them about the show, I throw bottles of cologne at them and run away.

#HalfTruths #Apocryphalisms



This made me burst out with obnoxious laughter and now my mechanic is staring at me
#working #thanksosiris

Jun 15th, 2013, 01:55 AM
I'm an extremely expressive person so I totally am that person who will talk to myself in public. Do you listen to WND? I think it's Greg who says that he listens to WA when he walks his dogs and, during the scene where Michael is reaming Kelly out he was like, "Yeah! You go Michael!". I'm struggling to find a way to explain what I imagine in my head but I can see it.

On one of the many We're Not Dead-episodes Nikvoodoo told his audience a similar story; he was in a tram or public transportation system and listened to the show; and when the heroes of the show achieved something important, Nik got all emotional about it as well which made all the loan-slave-zombies around him wonder a lot about him.

Best wishes!

Jun 15th, 2013, 10:59 AM
Whenever I'm stopped by someone while I'm out walking around listening to episodes, instead of telling them about the show, I throw bottles of cologne at them and run away.

#HalfTruths #Apocryphalisms



HA HA!! You crazy MoFo!

Jun 15th, 2013, 11:06 AM
So I have this idea bouncing around in my head and I think it would be great. I was gonna just do it alone but then I considered the awesome potential of including all of you fantastic people!
I'd like to call it either Shit We're Alive Fans Say or The Faces
What I'd want is short clips of the faces or dramatic Italian gestures you make when listening to We're Alive, or things you find yourself yelling/whimpering/sobbing when listening in public. I myself, on more than one occasion, have been caught off guard by something while the bus or in the mall, walking down the street etc. lol
What do you guys think?
P.S. If you've done some editing before and you'd rather put it together I have no objections.

Sounds fun.