View Full Version : Michael's Season Four A-Team

Apr 9th, 2013, 12:25 PM
I think that the following character's and their talents or insights will play particular roles in Season Four:

Tanya - Veterinarian, record keeper. She's been putting the puzzle pieces together while reviewing journal accounts and Ft Irwin Intel Reports. She has hinted several times that there might be some sort of method to the world's madness. She also pointed out the similarity of the Zs to animals.
Kelly - Lawyer. KC mentioned that she will brings some sort of relevance or insight to the table in the last season. Bill 'Ink' Roberts may be TOWTM and she might have some knowledge of his case or conditions via the legal system. Also, in the last episode of Season Two, her neighborhood of Gardenia is heavily emphasized as being near the golf course, which is near Saul's house and Inglewood.
Lizzy - Therapist. If Ink is a former mental patient then her skills may come into play. She has yet to meet Skittles/Duncan.

These characters may be the ones to piece together what happened and how or why it affects some differently than others e.g. Ink.

What do you guys think?

Apr 9th, 2013, 01:57 PM
Who is Tammy??!? You mean Kelly, played by Tammy Klein, right?

Apr 9th, 2013, 02:14 PM
Who is Tammy??!? You mean Kelly, played by Tammy Klein, right?

UGH!!! Yeah, I mean Kelly. Only in my dreams would I know her on a first name basis.

Jun 12th, 2013, 12:23 AM
Lizzy - Therapist. If Ink is a former mental patient then her skills may come into play. She has yet to meet Skittles/Duncan.

I LOVE this theory! I hadn't considered the possible tie between Ink's past and Lizzy. Any theories as to how exactly her skills could be useful? :D

Jun 12th, 2013, 08:10 AM
Some good points WD.

Tanya…well she’s the only researcher so yeah; any evidence or knowledge about the plague will be discovered by her, and possibly the utilization of any cure/immunity and the making of a synthetic or alternate attractant other than the sweat.

Kelly…maybe a lawyer involved in Bill Roberts case, maybe the prosecutor, maybe his lawyer???
She didn’t show up until after our people viewed the recorded news story about him and I can’t say if she has ever seen him since turning. Although I hold some doubt as I think she would have made the connection with talk around about a heavily tattooed zombie, idk. I think IF she heard about The One With The Markings that she would have put two and two together and figured out who that was.

Lizzie…might be able to help Skittles and bring him back to his old Duncan self?? She might be able to apply some psychological theory to Inks motives or intentions. Lizzie only had practice patients so I very much doubt that she handled Bill Roberts case in any regard.

Maybe Lady will play a part if they utilise her training to follow scents, as Saul mentioned he had started to get her to do.

And of course, with Burts plain old badassery, Scratch is going to get skullfuk’d…eventually.

Jun 12th, 2013, 09:23 AM
Do not forget to mention Datu. It was him who survived a nuclear blast. He killed a zombie with just a chair leg. He fixed the Pelican with merely more than duct tape and hydraulic replacement fluid (probably extracted from his body).

And I think there will be a very dramatic scene near the end of the season when Michael tries to blow up TOWTM's hideout and asks Datu for a match.

Datu: Uuuuuhhhhh, Michael, ...I-I do not have a match, but, but, ahh, see, I luckily have some potassium permanganate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_permanganate) and Glycerine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol). Let me jussssstttttt, mix it, look, Michael. *Flash of light* Yessss, Michael, it works!


Datu the resourceful is back!

Jun 12th, 2013, 02:05 PM
Yes, who could forget R2-DATU? That outer gate at the Colony will need fixing. Maybe and electrified moat to go around the wall too. I wonder if he will trick out K.O.D.I.

Jun 12th, 2013, 02:41 PM
I LOVE this theory! I hadn't considered the possible tie between Ink's past and Lizzy. Any theories as to how exactly her skills could be useful? :D

If a Kelly/Ink connection pans out, then maybe a trip to the court or mental hospital for Ink's psychological documents. As Robzombie just pointed out, Kelly didn't show up until AFTER the group viewed the TIVO clip. I, also can't think of a time when she would have seen him too, other than when TOWTM attacked the building the first time, but I don't think she SAW him. It doesn't seem likely that she wouldn't have heard about him since it was a pretty big deal that one tricked it's way into the building.

Anyway, a possible way for this to pan out could be:
Kelly remembers something about a tattoo covered convict while everyone talks about TOWTM.
Lizzy, Pegs, Riley, Datu or Michael mentions the TIVO news clip.
CJ shows them the video still, or the video.
Kelly confirms Ink/TOWTM connection and discusses Ink's mental discussion.
Lizzy's training as a therapist (a generic term similar to calling the APCs tanks) gives her insight into what makes Ink different.
Lizzy and Tonya go all Spock and McCoy for the rest of Season 4.

Michael is Cpt Kirk
Hope is Lt Comdr Geordie LaForge
Kelly is Arnold Rimmer
Pegs is Lt Cmdr Troy
CJ is Commander Kaine (TOS and RM)
Riley is Starbuck (RM)
R2-DATU is Scotty
Burt is Burt
Skittles is Doctor Who (All of them)
K.O.D.I. is K9

KC is Tolkien + Spielberg + (1977-1982) George Lucas

Jun 12th, 2013, 05:05 PM
I think Puck will be come to be know as Super Puck after this season.

Just a hunch