View Full Version : WA Fan Film & A more "realistic" Zombie Survival guide?

Apr 7th, 2013, 02:04 PM
Hello fellow forum members! :D Long time no see...

I'm not sure if anyone has been wondering why I haven't been on in a while or why the next chapter/part of "We're Surviving" (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?93-We-re-Surviving-A-Maller-s-Tale-(Contains-Spoilers!)) hasn't been posted yet (probably not, just thought I'd check). But if you have then just know that I have been really busy for a while now and simply not had the personal time that I want (and need) to either actually focus on something like writing (that isn't massive amounts of paper work #1stworldproblems) or, just dick around on the forums (and the rest of the internet). This has kind of been the case for a lot of the people around me as well; but we are still making plans to do things like a live action WA short-film reenactment type thing (some of you might remember me bringing it before, we probably aren't going to do all of WA but we have decided on doing The War (Chapter 12) at the very least, if that's all we do then we'll probably advertise it as some sort of WA (fan-made) promotional, which it'll kind of be whether we do more chapters or not.

I also have been working on my own original creations as well (not all zombie-related but the biggest/most ambitious one is). Long story short this work on my own stuff has gotten me thinking about something that I'm sure most WA fans have at the very least heard of, Max Brook's "Zombie Survival Guide" (which REALLY needs to be printed in hardback in my opinion). Contrary to most zombie fans I don't like the classic George Romero style zombie. I prefer the newer concept of the fast zombie (like in the Dawn of the Dead remake, 28 Day Later, 28 Weeks Later, etc-etc); probably because it seems far more realistic and far more dangerous to me than the slow-lumbering corpse style zombie that The Walking Dead (which I am a fan of) has capitalized on. I also prefer the mutations/variations of creatures like in WA and Left 4 Dead.

I would love to wright something like The Zombie Survival Guide but with fast zombies/mutants/creatures, more ties to reality (as we know it), and it's own mythos. But I fear that something like that wouldn't be very well received (at this point in time at least); I feel like Max Brooks really took uncharted territory and colonized it in a way. A lot of the reason why the Zombie Survival Guide got all the attention that it did is because it was sort of the 1st of it's kind; who knows how many books like it were completely slept on because they came in the wake of Max Brooks' guide?


Apr 7th, 2013, 10:15 PM
Doing The War is ambitious to say the least. I can think of a few other chapters that would be fantastic to see . . .

I'd honestly rather see something original. Like the breaths between the chapters, or between scenes. The moments we didn't hear.

Apr 7th, 2013, 10:15 PM
Oh! And hey man! It's been a while. Glad to see you again.

Apr 8th, 2013, 12:57 AM
Hello and welcome back,

I'd love to see "The War" on the screen, 'cause still this is one of my (if not THE) favorites in the WA show. And as Osiris said: ambitious ... I wonder how you would manage to depict usage of furniture as weapons, the fire-truck attack, the explosions within the building, the fire-fighting etc. ... I guess you would use some kind of editing with using material from other movies or CGI or whatever ...

About the zombies: I think the fast zombies are much more suitable if you like to have a zombie-apocalypse; the slow zombies are kind of 'better' or creepier, if you are looking forward to a small zombie-skirmish somewhere in the midst of nowhere ... But then again: The zombies in World War Z were slow moving bastards as well ...

About the survival guide: Yeah, I guess you are right. If you start publishing something that is called "Zombie Survival Guide", you may run the risk of being considered someone who bathes in the light of Max Brooks; but since I don't know what is written in the Zombie Survival Guide, I don't know what topics are not covered. And the subsequent question would be: What do fast zombies change regarding survival tips? I guess a new survival guide would necessarily include many things already written in the first survival guide ... But I don't want to discourage you; since you know the original survival guide, you may have good ideas what could be made different. So: Do it!

All the best!

Apr 8th, 2013, 02:01 AM
Go for it! I'd love to see a scene or two reenacted on video.

Apr 8th, 2013, 04:45 AM
Doing I'd honestly rather see something original. Like the breaths between the chapters, or between scenes. The moments we didn't hear.

That would be cool to see/hear, but I have no interest in doing something like that.

Apr 8th, 2013, 04:50 AM
Hello and welcome back,

I'd love to see "The War" on the screen, 'cause still this is one of my (if not THE) favorites in the WA show. And as Osiris said: ambitious ... I wonder how you would manage to depict usage of furniture as weapons, the fire-truck attack, the explosions within the building, the fire-fighting etc. ... I guess you would use some kind of editing with using material from other movies or CGI or whatever ...

A lot of CGI and editing, possibly effects from movies.

About the survival guide: Yeah, I guess you are right. If you start publishing something that is called "Zombie Survival Guide", you may run the risk of being considered someone who bathes in the light of Max Brooks; but since I don't know what is written in the Zombie Survival Guide, I don't know what topics are not covered. And the subsequent question would be: What do fast zombies change regarding survival tips? I guess a new survival guide would necessarily include many things already written in the first survival guide ... But I don't want to discourage you; since you know the original survival guide, you may have good ideas what could be made different. So: Do it!


All the best!