View Full Version : the post modern Zombie tale

Mar 7th, 2013, 03:58 PM
There is a bit of a trend to recent zombie films or books. That is Zombie stories that take place in a universe in which zombie films already exist. Its a really annoying post modern injoke. Anyone eles find this annoying?

Mar 7th, 2013, 04:41 PM
For me, the most annoying thing about recent zombie films is the irreverence that the filmmakers seem to have for the genre. It's either, "Hey make 'em run! That's scary!" or, "They're going to be outwitted by me because they're dumb, and I've been working on my cardio." It's like the idea of the unstoppable, unrelenting force has been lost. The only guy that's continually getting it right is the guy who created the genre, Romero. Even if the movies he makes border on B-grade, at least he's staying true to the genre and the creature, and not trying to market it to an MTV generation of short attention spans. Flicks like 28 Days Later have done a disservice to the genre.