View Full Version : The ***** puzzle for season 4

Feb 19th, 2013, 10:19 AM

simple question: what will be Lizzy's purpose in season 4 besides giving birth to Little Henry? Right now, she is probably at the end of the last trimester of her pregnancy. Even without any serious complications, it will take her some time to shape up. So, will her role be smaller than in previous seasons? What do you expect her to do in season 4. What will be her field of operation?

Feb 19th, 2013, 10:33 AM

simple question: what will be Lizzy's purpose in season 4 besides giving birth to Little Henry? Right now, she is probably at the end of the last trimester of her pregnancy. Even without any serious complications, it will take her some time to shape up. So, will her role be smaller than in previous seasons? What do you expect her to do in season 4. What will be her field of operation?

I see Lizzy's role coming to an end after the first born. All of the drama surrounding her has really played out. She's a card best played face down at this point. The story has to wrap up, and right now there's just too many stories vying for limited real estate. I think she can leave the world now, leaving Saul to raise the baby on his own (which would be a huge step for his--generally--self-serving nature). It makes sense for him to repeat the loss, but this time without the angst and rage the first time around. It'd show that he's grown. She'll probably live though. I'm seldom right about these things in Kc's world.

Feb 19th, 2013, 10:53 AM
Damn, I knew I better use Spoiler tags. Damn, sorry, guys!
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTtKgHJzMl8MhClTRUi0fdvUiRZLXbCt d0Ai-z7V6PoHPPI2Bhl

Feb 19th, 2013, 10:54 AM

Feb 19th, 2013, 11:25 AM

simple question: what will be Lizzy's purpose in season 4 besides giving birth to Little Henry? Right now, she is probably at the end of the last trimester of her pregnancy. Even without any serious complications, it will take her some time to shape up. So, will her role be smaller than in previous seasons? What do you expect her to do in season 4. What will be her field of operation?

We're Alive is an audio drama after all, and what's more dramatic than a new mom learning the ropes during a zombie apocalypse with a crying burping pooping future hope for mankind??

I'm predicting Ink captures that little bugger at some point. That should get Lizzie all worked up and let loose the mama bear inside her.

Feb 19th, 2013, 11:45 AM
We're Alive is an audio drama after all, and what's more dramatic than a new mom learning the ropes during a zombie apocalypse with a crying burping pooping future hope for mankind??

I'm predicting Ink captures that little bugger at some point. That should get Lizzie all worked up and let loose the mama bear inside her.

It is a valid suggestion. But did we not have it before? It sounds a bit too repetitive to me. Scratch probably would say: "been there, done that."

Feb 19th, 2013, 11:52 AM
We're Alive is an audio drama after all, and what's more dramatic than a new mom learning the ropes during a zombie apocalypse with a crying burping pooping future hope for mankind??

I'm predicting Ink captures that little bugger at some point. That should get Lizzie all worked up and let loose the mama bear inside her.

I kinda like the idea of "unleash the beast" with Lizzie rocking the maternal mayhem on some kid gobblers that threaten her Lil' Henry. Of course, I could see it going down with Lizzie taking a whole bunch down and being mortally wounded herself (See Osiris' post (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?4153-The-*****-puzzle-for-season-4&p=56526&viewfull=1#post56526) above for Saul's role after Lizzie exits stage left).

Feb 19th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but Season 3 ended just before Christmas, correct? If that is the case, then Lizzy is just entering the 3rd Trimester, not the end. We still have plenty of potential time for Lizzy to remain preggers and yet never see Henry born.

If she truly conceived on July 4th her due date should be March 27th (thank you handy online calculator (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.babycenter.com%2Fpregnancy-due-date-calculator&ei=C_YjUdrqBoSm9ATV-IDoDg&usg=AFQjCNFhPplxgLISEE0sgVQ-bfdas4ET-A&bvm=bv.42553238,d.eWU)!). When you think about the speed the story moves, we may never get past February. Season 2 spanned just over a month. Season 3 technically covered 4 weeks while skipping over 3 months.

We may want to see the birth, but we may never get there.

Feb 19th, 2013, 02:05 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but Season 3 ended just before Christmas, correct? If that is the case, then Lizzy is just entering the 3rd Trimester, not the end. We still have plenty of potential time for Lizzy to remain preggers and yet never see Henry born.

If she truly conceived on July 4th her due date should be March 27th (thank you handy online calculator (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.babycenter.com%2Fpregnancy-due-date-calculator&ei=C_YjUdrqBoSm9ATV-IDoDg&usg=AFQjCNFhPplxgLISEE0sgVQ-bfdas4ET-A&bvm=bv.42553238,d.eWU)!). When you think about the speed the story moves, we may never get past February. Season 2 spanned just over a month. Season 3 technically covered 4 weeks while skipping over 3 months.

We may want to see the birth, but we may never get there.

Good point. Hadn't thought of that. It's also possible that Kc will break from the norm and skip a month or two, start with the season off with the birth, a chapter later kill Lizzy, and then get on with the real story: Datu's Quest To Convert All The Generators To Run On Urine.

Feb 19th, 2013, 02:11 PM
Good point. Hadn't thought of that. It's also possible that Kc will break from the norm and skip a month or two, start with the season off with the birth, a chapter later kill Lizzy, and then get on with the real story: Datu's Quest To Convert All The Generators To Run On Urine.

This is also completely possible. Except the urine part. I've heard he's working on sweat powered generators though.

Feb 19th, 2013, 02:14 PM
This is also completely possible. Except the urine part. I've heard he's working on sweat powered generators though.

Ew. I'm not actually sure which is worse, but I'll say sweat, simply because of how a supply would be generated. I mean, you could just walk up and pee in the tank instead of having to jog for long stretches, then towel yourself off, then wring the towel out into a jar, then take the jar to the machine . . . it just seems like more work than having no lights. Maybe he'll think of a way to run them on dirt! There's tons of dirt! Dirt is everywhere!

Feb 19th, 2013, 02:19 PM
Ew. I'm not actually sure which is worse, but I'll say sweat, simply because of how a supply would be generated. I mean, you could just walk up and pee in the tank instead of having to jog for long stretches, then towel yourself off, then wring the towel out into a jar, then take the jar to the machine . . . it just seems like more work than having no lights. Maybe he'll think of a way to run them on dirt! There's tons of dirt! Dirt is everywhere!

If they run it on sweat it will assure their destruction. The exhaust would smell like human BO/Hormones and the zombies would smell it.

Then everyone would beat Datu down.

Ok. Let's stick with the pee.

Feb 19th, 2013, 02:20 PM
If they run it on sweat it will assure their destruction. The exhaust would smell like human BO/Hormones and the zombies would smell it.

Then everyone would beat Datu down.

Ok. Let's stick with the pee.

This should be covered in depth in WND.

Feb 20th, 2013, 04:01 AM
WA goes all soap. Lizzy and Saul will have plenty to do with all the emotional stuff, deep relationsips simply uncover. But I sincerely hope that this won't happen.

The baby gets kidnapped-theme is one that has come to my mind instantly. This would be a sweet reference to the theories behind the Little Ones which were discussed on this forum - like children/ infants from the hospital which were transformed and zombiengineered to Little Ones.
This again could lead to Lizzy and friends to unleash a zombie-rampage in the hospital in order to kill Ink, humiliate zombies and rescue the baby.

The question would be: Will we see another time-jump like the one within season 3? And if so, the subsequent question would be: Is the baby good enough to become a new zombiengineering-object, or would this require the baby to be of a certain age ... ? This, I guess, would be a good question on Zombie-Theories, right?

Anyway: Interesting question.

All the best!

Feb 20th, 2013, 08:59 AM
Good point. Hadn't thought of that. It's also possible that Kc will break from the norm and skip a month or two, start with the season off with the birth, a chapter later kill Lizzy, and then get on with the real story: Datu's Quest To Convert All The Generators To Run On Urine.

Sorry, I have to bring it up. The whole urine thing reminds me of the Ghostbusters movie, you know, "don't cross the streams."

Feb 20th, 2013, 09:05 AM
WA goes all soap. Lizzy and Saul will have plenty to do with all the emotional stuff, deep relationsips simply uncover. But I sincerely hope that this won't happen.

The baby gets kidnapped-theme is one that has come to my mind instantly. This would be a sweet reference to the theories behind the Little Ones which were discussed on this forum - like children/ infants from the hospital which were transformed and zombiengineered to Little Ones.
This again could lead to Lizzy and friends to unleash a zombie-rampage in the hospital in order to kill Ink, humiliate zombies and rescue the baby.

The question would be: Will we see another time-jump like the one within season 3? And if so, the subsequent question would be: Is the baby good enough to become a new zombiengineering-object, or would this require the baby to be of a certain age ... ? This, I guess, would be a good question on Zombie-Theories, right?

Anyway: Interesting question.

All the best!

I am looking forward to seeing a time jump, I do not what to see Lizzy running around like a pregnant wom(b)bat for the most part of season 4.
In addition, I do not what to witness a situation like this: (telegramm style, imagine this:) Lizzy and Datu trapped in a small room, labor pains, a partly antisepticized tea spoon, Datu conducting a abdominal caesarean section. OMFG.

Feb 20th, 2013, 09:57 AM
Sorry, I have to bring it up. The whole urine thing reminds me of the Ghostbusters movie, you know, "don't cross the streams."

It reminds me of Red Dawn.

Feb 20th, 2013, 10:06 AM
It reminds me of Red Dawn.

Hm, Red Dawn, ... you lost me. You are not talking about the movie from 1984 / 2012, are you not?

Feb 20th, 2013, 10:58 AM
Hm, Red Dawn, ... you lost me. You are not talking about the movie from 1984 / 2012, are you not?

Never saw the remake. The 1984 flick was great. Either way, there's a scene in the beginning of the movie, the Russians have invaded and are blowing people away--there's a particularly brutal bit where a school is shot up while classes are in session--and a small group of teens manage to escape. During the escape the truck they're in takes a shot in the radiator, so they end up having to piss into the rad to get to their destination.

I have no idea what made it into the remake, but I would be surprised if they kept the scenes of the kids being shot up by the full autos.

Feb 20th, 2013, 12:17 PM
Patrick "Nobody puts baby in the corner" Swayze.


Wolverines!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I had to.

Feb 20th, 2013, 12:59 PM
Patrick "Nobody puts baby in the corner" Swayze.


Wolverines!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I had to.

If you haven't seen it, it's a pretty interesting look at an alternate reality in which the cold war escalated to one of the worst possible scenarios. It applies to the world of We're Alive as much as any zombie film or story. I'd recommend if you're into stories of survival that this flick is near the top of your list.

Feb 20th, 2013, 08:46 PM
If you haven't seen it, it's a pretty interesting look at an alternate reality in which the cold war escalated to one of the worst possible scenarios. It applies to the world of We're Alive as much as any zombie film or story. I'd recommend if you're into stories of survival that this flick is near the top of your list.

Totally agree. At least for the original. Haven't seen the remake to know how it stacks up but the original does a good job of showing survival. Two thumbs up for Red Dawn!

Feb 21st, 2013, 11:24 AM
Nevertheless, the question remains what we can expect from a character who - as far as we know it currently - is mainly a pregnant one. Besides the obvious story hooks (Lizzy in danger, TOWTM kidnaps Little Henry), are there any original things to expect?

Feb 21st, 2013, 11:27 AM
I hope we do not get this:


Feb 23rd, 2013, 06:06 PM
i think that the baby will be the first zombie baby and eat lizzy...causing Saul to go crazy and kill ...um....Peggs
(just cause shes so whiney and NOT a good girlfriend)

Feb 24th, 2013, 10:10 AM
i think that the baby will be the first zombie baby and eat lizzy...causing Saul to go crazy and kill ...um....Peggs
(just cause shes so whiney and NOT a good girlfriend)

Do you really think that we will get something like this?


Feb 24th, 2013, 11:41 AM
^ that would be interesting, lol. Classic!

Feb 24th, 2013, 11:54 AM
I should go buy another copy of Spaceballs.

Feb 24th, 2013, 12:17 PM
I hope we do not get this:


Why, three weapons - a SAW, a big gun, and a bomb in the belly ... Why not?

i think that the baby will be the first zombie baby and eat lizzy...causing Saul to go crazy and kill ...um....Peggs
(just cause shes so whiney and NOT a good girlfriend)

The first zombie-baby we would know of. Intersting thought ... If it had the skin of an M1A1 Abrahams, the sonic voice-attack of the Fremen, and the bloodlust of Dracula, things would start looking seriously bad for them survivors ...

Feb 24th, 2013, 10:39 PM
I should go buy another copy of Spaceballs.

Do it, now! :)