View Full Version : How to QC! What we need you to do.

Jan 30th, 2013, 09:02 AM
So what is it you're looking to find, and what do we need from you? To provide notes on things to fix before the main release. You are looking for:

Audio glitches
Bad levels (Too high or too low, keep in mind some things are intentionally distant or hard to hear. We've gone through and made sure certain audio levels are maintained, so some might be objective)
Post production problems (A breath was cut off mid-way and didn't sound right)
Pops or snaps (You have an audible glip in the audio that shouldn't be there)
Anything that sounds like a mistake.

Write down the TIME and description of what needs to be fixed!


5:15 - There's a click sound in the background, might not be intentional.
6:30 - "Get to the chopper" is a little loud.

That's it! When you're done, delete the audio file.

I recommend you SUBSCRIBE to the threads that you are responsible for. Meaning, you get an e-mail when there is an update.
AND PLEASE, only download the file once to save on bandwidth. The files are on a special server.

Current Roster:
25: Osiris; Deacon ; Steplaugh
26: Duffusmonkey ; Deacon ; MommyTempa
27: Liam ; f1r3spray ; Hollomandious
28: Turbo ; f1r3spray ; Steplaugh
29: FattyBrent ; movielord101 ; itsallgoodie (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/member.php?738-itsallgoodie)
30: Reaper ; movielord101 ; Hollomandious
31: Osiris ; buzzbros ; Cabagepatch
32: Duffusmonkey ; buzzbros ; itsallgoodie (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/member.php?738-itsallgoodie)
33: Liam ; nathan ; Cabagepatch
34: Turbo ; nathan ; oboecop
35: FattyBrent ; drogon malice ; MommyTempa
36: Reaper ; drogon malice ; oboecop

Any Questions, comments or concerns can be posted below.

UPDATE: Chapters 25 to 32 have been dispersed. I hope to have the rest done and out by tonight. Since I have to output in real time and sometimes there's a glitch on output I have to start over. It's a slow process but I hope to be done soon.

I hope to have everyone's notes in by the 4th of Feb so I can make changes and get it to the publishers.

Jan 30th, 2013, 09:37 AM
Thanks for the opportunity! Just to ask, will those of us who were chosen (like myself) be getting rewarded in any sort of way for our help? Not that it matters, but I'm just curious.

Jan 30th, 2013, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the opportunity! Just to ask, will those of us who were chosen (like myself) be getting rewarded in any sort of way for our help? Not that it matters, but I'm just curious.

We'll be giving rep points here on the forum for sure. Possibly a custom title here as well.

Jan 30th, 2013, 11:40 AM
All I need to know is where I'm downloading the files, boss.

Jan 30th, 2013, 11:41 AM
All I need to know is where I'm downloading the files, boss.

I sent out the links this morning. Did you check your inbox?

Jan 30th, 2013, 11:45 AM
Hi there,

OK - I see in the chat that there were a couple of replies on the chapter I am listening to; but I don't see nothing there ... Is this meant to be that way?

All the best!

Jan 31st, 2013, 03:16 PM
For those who want to be able to take notes on the semi-fly, if you listen to your files through Audacity you can add a label track to essentially tag parts of the audio with notes so you can easily revisit it later to explain it in more detail.

Jan 31st, 2013, 09:03 PM
For those who want to be able to take notes on the semi-fly, if you listen to your files through Audacity you can add a label track to essentially tag parts of the audio with notes so you can easily revisit it later to explain it in more detail.

Mh, that's awesome, 'cause I use audacity. I will look into it ...

Feb 1st, 2013, 12:24 AM
Hi, and thanks for the opportunity to help out. Quick question, what kind of ratio of problems should we be looking for? Are they expected to be riddled with errors or are they pretty good to go? Just wondering. Thanks,

Feb 1st, 2013, 08:26 AM
Hi, and thanks for the opportunity to help out. Quick question, what kind of ratio of problems should we be looking for? Are they expected to be riddled with errors or are they pretty good to go? Just wondering. Thanks,

I suspect only a few pew chapter. They're pretty clean for the most part, but there's always little things we miss.

Feb 1st, 2013, 09:32 AM
You've seen my reaction to chapters 25 and 26 already on Facebook - they're almost ridiculously good!

I would like my custom title to read: "Scratch's Wife" :p

Feb 3rd, 2013, 10:52 AM
I see a few chapters are entirely noteless still. Tomorrow's the 4th . . .

Feb 3rd, 2013, 01:04 PM
I see a few chapters are entirely noteless still. Tomorrow's the 4th . . .

Yup, I know. You want to contact those people as well? Any mods?

Feb 3rd, 2013, 01:07 PM
Yup, I know. You want to contact those people as well? Any mods?

More than willing to devote my afternoon to a few more episodes if needed, sir. Best I could do would be PM them. It's Sunday though, and to compound that, it's Super Bowl Sunday. Glad I hate football.

Feb 3rd, 2013, 03:46 PM
Maybe it is because the episodes are already in good shape? I had a lot of "trouble" nitpicking things in chapter #33 ... Maybe this is just the same with some other chapters as well ... Would be nice, though, if people would just mention something like this ...
If there is needs to be done more work on some other episode, I would check some more ... Just throw me some links, and I see what I can do ... On Monday 4th I have nothing else to do - except for reading and writing hand-written letters ... ;)

All the best!

Feb 3rd, 2013, 08:22 PM
Are you looking to have it done by Midnight tonight, or tomorrow night? If someone needs I can cover theirs tomorrow in the evening of the 4th.

Feb 4th, 2013, 05:36 AM
I couldn't find anything after the 3rd listening to chap 30. Kinda feel a little fail'ish.

Spose my fail, is a nod at a WA production win?

Feb 4th, 2013, 06:02 AM
I couldn't find anything after the 3rd listening to chap 30. Kinda feel a little fail'ish.

Spose my fail, is a nod at a WA production win?

Just imagine: there could be no fail, 'cause there was nothing to recognize ... At least this could be possible. I hade some trouble "finding" things on my second remastered file as well.

All the best!

Feb 4th, 2013, 06:32 AM
Hello there,

I just happened to notice something ... The remastering-subsection as well as all the postings are open for anyone to read. Is this supposed to be the way like it is at the moment? I thought there was some kind of limitation to "remastering-listening-supporters only" ... Was I wrong?

All the best!

Feb 4th, 2013, 07:08 AM
Hello there,

I just happened to notice something ... The remastering-subsection as well as all the postings are open for anyone to read. Is this supposed to be the way like it is at the moment? I thought there was some kind of limitation to "remastering-listening-supporters only" ... Was I wrong?

All the best!

I was under the impression that only group members were able to post.

Feb 4th, 2013, 07:20 AM
I was under the impression that only group members were able to post.

Yeah, well... Probably I just drew false conclusions, 'cause at first the postings were even limited to requiring moderation before publication ... And I made of this: "In order to prevent people from reading spoilers, this forum-area would be kind of very restricted in any possible way ..." This was supported by this from KC's mail:

We take this task very seriously, and hope you will as well. I have created a special thread that only this group has access to on the forum:
I took "access" in a very broad understanding - like: Reading and posting for remastering-supporting members only ...

Nevermind. Sorry for bothering ...

All the best!

Feb 4th, 2013, 07:28 AM
If needed, I can run any chapters needed through my clipping finder and make note of where it's clipping/risking distortion in the final mp3.

Feb 4th, 2013, 07:51 AM
I couldn't find anything after the 3rd listening to chap 30. Kinda feel a little fail'ish.

Spose my fail, is a nod at a WA production win?

Don't feel too bad, I'm quite nit-picky about audio I'm responsible for and I'm having the darnedest time. The main editors really know what they're doing.

Feb 4th, 2013, 09:29 AM
If needed, I can run any chapters needed through my clipping finder and make note of where it's clipping/risking distortion in the final mp3.

We have our clipping meter as part of our pro tools aux monitor set, but I'm curious how it compares. Did you find any clipping moments according to your clip finder?

Feb 4th, 2013, 09:39 AM
We have our clipping meter as part of our pro tools aux monitor set, but I'm curious how it compares. Did you find any clipping moments according to your clip finder?

I made note of all main clippings from my meters on both my chapters (31 and 32). It could be wrong, but I figured to put them on just in case there was an oversight. Better safe than sorry when QC'ing in the freelance world, I don't see why not here as well. Thanks again for this opportunity. It's been nice to get back in the audio game.

Feb 4th, 2013, 10:00 AM
I made note of all main clippings from my meters on both my chapters (31 and 32). It could be wrong, but I figured to put them on just in case there was an oversight. Better safe than sorry when QC'ing in the freelance world, I don't see why not here as well. Thanks again for this opportunity. It's been nice to get back in the audio game.

Yeah, i'm gonna give them a go and see what comes up. Thanks! Not to rag on Audacity, but the peaking system with pro tools might just be a tad better. But I'll test it for sure!

Feb 4th, 2013, 11:43 PM
Hello everyone,

was a pleasure to be on this "team". Was something different from the usual day-to-day activities. Thank you for this opportunity.

All the best!

Feb 5th, 2013, 10:28 AM
Chapter 30 is lacking people to QC and properly. Anyone want to give it a go?

Feb 5th, 2013, 10:32 AM
Chapter 30 is lacking people to QC and properly. Anyone want to give it a go?

Sure, I'll give it a go.

Feb 5th, 2013, 10:33 AM
Sure, I'll give it a go.

Sweet, message incoming.

Feb 5th, 2013, 10:36 AM
Sure, I'll give it a go.

Also, I went through and applied a special peak clipping tool called Waves L3 Multimaximiser . Worked great! Some of your peaking may have been slightly mis-calculated, but not too far off in parts.

Feb 5th, 2013, 10:47 AM
Also, I went through and applied a special peak clipping tool called Waves L3 Multimaximiser . Worked great! Some of your peaking may have been slightly mis-calculated, but not too far off in parts.

Good to hear. I found that not all but some were also caught on the meter that REAPER uses. I'll list the ones only caught on both for 30 to hopefully limit the ones that are miscalculated. It'll be done in a few hours as well as the normal listening notes.

Feb 5th, 2013, 10:50 AM
Good to hear. I found that not all but some were also caught on the meter that REAPER uses. I'll list the ones only caught on both for 30 to hopefully limit the ones that are miscalculated. It'll be done in a few hours as well as the normal listening notes.

Oh, the meter in VLC?

Feb 5th, 2013, 11:02 AM
I don't know if VLC and REAPER use the same system like that. Honestly I'm not too well versed with VLC, but I'm referring to the DAW that is REAPER (http://reaper.fm/). I use it in conjunction with Audacity at times. Whenever I'm using Audacity or REAPER, when I'm unsure about something in one I go to the other for a second opinion of sorts. If you don't find it needed though, just let me know and I'll omit them from my notes.

Feb 5th, 2013, 02:08 PM
Sweet! Ok, so only a few mor fixes to go. Is there anyone willing that would like to (or has the time as well) to listen to the final output with all the corrections and fixes? The volunteer will get a signed copy of season 3. The turnaround time is pretty quick. Thanks!

Feb 5th, 2013, 02:09 PM
Sweet! Ok, so only a few mor fixes to go. Is there anyone willing that would like to (or has the time as well) to listen to the final output with all the corrections and fixes? The volunteer will get a signed copy of season 3. The turnaround time is pretty quick. Thanks!

I'm in!

Feb 5th, 2013, 02:15 PM
But then I'd jump at the chance to listen to 12 straight hours of remastered We're Alive for a bag of Cheetos . . . so that doesn't say much.

Feb 5th, 2013, 03:20 PM
Sweet! Ok, so only a few mor fixes to go. Is there anyone willing that would like to (or has the time as well) to listen to the final output with all the corrections and fixes? The volunteer will get a signed copy of season 3. The turnaround time is pretty quick. Thanks!

Not because of the signed copy of season 3, but because of enjoying such a great oppotunity to support you.
As for tight schedule: On Wednesday this week I am moving around, but on Thursday and Friday I have plenty of time.

All the best!

Feb 5th, 2013, 04:02 PM
Not because of the signed copy of season 3, but because of enjoying such a great oppotunity to support you.
As for tight schedule: On Wednesday this week I am moving around, but on Thursday and Friday I have plenty of time.

All the best!

Liam, you'll be our backup. Osiris hit it first. Osiris, you're on it. I'll have drafts soon. I'm re-recording Michael Swan tonight for titles and such.

Feb 5th, 2013, 04:03 PM
Liam, you'll be our backup. Osiris hit it first. Osiris, you're on it. I'll have drafts soon. I'm re-recording Michael Swan tonight for titles and such.

I'll keep my email open.

Feb 5th, 2013, 04:12 PM
Ayeaye and roger that.
Over 'n' out.