View Full Version : Chapter 31 Remaster

Jan 30th, 2013, 08:49 AM
Group for Chapter 31 Remaster

Instructions for editing found here: http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?4051-How-to-QC!-What-we-need-you-to-do

Feb 1st, 2013, 04:30 PM
1:54 What sounds like birds chirping. I'm not sure if this is intentional, or if it's something from an ambient track. It's a song-like chirping. It returns sporadically, notable again at:


The frequency and timing of the noise sounds as if it was looped with an ambient track. It seems to have a familiar pattern, with no variation in pitch or structure. At least none that I can determine. I could be wrong, could be an artifact created in the conversion to .mp3. It's feint, but a second (third or fourth even) set of ears on this would be appreciated. It wouldn't mean much if the scene wasn't taking place inside.

AH! You looped the ambient track from the ultrasound scene. It's the chair squeaking isn't it? It's got to be! it's the same pattern, I'm almost positive. Not 100% positive, but the pattern sounds too similar.

16:05 Bricks' dialogue "Yeah . . . yeah, OK." seems to warble, as if he's stepping from one dimension to another. Really it just sounds like a crinkled cassette tape. You're old enough to remember those aren't you, Kc? We old now.

18:41 There is a zipper sound that is so quiet that it sounds like static. Maybe bumping it up a little in the mix to make it a little more obvious? It sounds like a feint crackle unless you've got the volume turned way up.

23:02 Feint pop accompanying a footstep.

23:02 Onward sounds as though everyone is walking on carpet, yet
28:12 sounds very much like footsteps on hardwood. It COULD be Victor rapping his knuckles on a table, but I'm not sure. It's really a matter of how you'd directed Foley to act. But in the context of the scene it sounds as if CJ is walking up to each character, getting in their face, and asking the hard questions about what happened. It fits, but I'm not sure.

27:48 sounds as though it is part of a different take. The vocal quality sounds as though it has a little less presence. Perhaps Constance was a little further away from the mic for it.

28:57 feint sound of a dog's bark. High pitched, short. Right on Saul's line "about everything."

29:00 slight pop on CJ's "sometimes." Could be air in the nostrils, it's a little glip.

29:54 faint pop between lines. Could be clicking in Saul's nasal passage as he's swallowing, or holding air before his next line. Hard to say.

30:49 there is a strange vocalization on the left channel. It's barely audible, but it's out of place, considering they are alone where they are. It isn't a biter vocalization, it's more like a man shouting a quick "whoa whoa" behind a door several yards away.

31:12/13 another out of place vocalization. It sounds like it might be a dog in the far, far distance and very muffled. It could be bleed from a mic during recording.

Nevermind. It appears to be a dog barking, it's clearer about 15 seconds later in the scene.

Strangest ambient is at 32:00. It sounds almost like a Doppler effect from passing cars. Very strange. It's sort of a flanged/phasing sound. Very subtle. It isn't wind, and it isn't breathing. It's just a very familiar ambient.

42:30-42:33 -- CJ corrects Saul on ghost dialogue. He says "some anscestral sword you got trained on" she says "katanas are Japanese, I'm Chinese you ass." Could have been an oversight in the script, could be a small snip of missing dialogue.

Edit* I get what she's saying, ignore that.

45:09 – 46:40 footsteps sound a bit flat, with a crackling fire on tv feel. Almost sounds like the speakers are clipping from a frequency that is too low to handle.

46:38-47:00 – soccer ball sound does not match vocal presence in the room. Starts out barely audible.

Feb 2nd, 2013, 01:08 AM
Updated. I've gone through the episode 6 times, three through the speakers and twice through headphones. That's everything I came up with.

Feb 3rd, 2013, 04:11 PM
1:54 What sounds like birds chirping. I'm not sure if this is intentional, or if it's something from an ambient track. It's a song-like chirping. It returns sporadically, notable again at:


The frequency and timing of the noise sounds as if it was looped with an ambient track. It seems to have a familiar pattern, with no variation in pitch or structure. At least none that I can determine. I could be wrong, could be an artifact created in the conversion to .mp3. It's feint, but a second (third or fourth even) set of ears on this would be appreciated. It wouldn't mean much if the scene wasn't taking place inside.

AH! You looped the ambient track from the ultrasound scene. It's the chair squeaking isn't it? It's got to be! it's the same pattern, I'm almost positive. Not 100% positive, but the pattern sounds too similar.

I'm catching that too. You have to listen closely to it but I found it most prominent at 2:09.

Also, at 3:16-5:01 the background noise might want to be lowered a bit. When I was using my headphones it wasn't to bad but field testing it so to speak in my van's radio, it kind of overpowered. That or my radio's being wonky. Can anyone else test that scene out?

Forget that above paragraph, it was my radio settings. >.<

I'll give it a third time around, but to be honest, Osiris got most of the things I did.

At 7:33, you hear the mouse click and not even a second afterwards, you hear the sonogram power down. Realistically wouldn't there be at least a half a second delay there? At the very least, I say half a second to let the click sound finish before the whirring down. That's just me though.

Feb 3rd, 2013, 04:45 PM
3:16 onward sounds like they're near a generator. It's machine noise for sure, so I could see it being loud in the scene. I've tried two speaker sources and headphones for that scene in particular and I'm not finding it overpowering. If anything Durai's dialogue throughout is a little heavy in the mix. He seems a bit loud, but he seems about even with Lizzy as far as volume levels go.

I'll try another source for that scene and get back to you.

7:33 sounds more like a rocker switch than a mouse click. I could see a machine grinding to a halt pretty quick having its power cut, but it does feel a bit quick to me as well.

Feb 3rd, 2013, 08:52 PM
3:16 onward sounds like they're near a generator. It's machine noise for sure, so I could see it being loud in the scene. I've tried two speaker sources and headphones for that scene in particular and I'm not finding it overpowering. If anything Durai's dialogue throughout is a little heavy in the mix. He seems a bit loud, but he seems about even with Lizzy as far as volume levels go.

I'll try another source for that scene and get back to you.

No need, I found out that either my brother or my mom adjusted the settings differently. It sounds good now. Also, I'm pretty sure that's just how Durai is, kind of loud.

Feb 3rd, 2013, 08:55 PM
No need, I found out that either my brother or my mom adjusted the settings differently. It sounds good now. Also, I'm pretty sure that's just how Durai is, kind of loud.

Could be, could be. He sounded pretty close to the mic though.

Feb 3rd, 2013, 09:29 PM
I know it's probably not too big of a deal, but my volume meter peaked fully to the point of clipping around 38:08 when Burt's being tortured.

46:38-47:00 – soccer ball sound does not match vocal presence in the room. Starts out barely audible.

I have to agree highly with this. The ball sounds tinny, and could probably use a bass boost and possibly a little more echo.

Feb 3rd, 2013, 09:49 PM
I know it's probably not too big of a deal, but my volume meter peaked fully to the point of clipping around 38:08 when Burt's being tortured.

I have to agree highly with this. The ball sounds tinny, and could probably use a bass boost and possibly a little more echo.

I support the volume of the Burt scene, and will third the fixing of Victor's balls. I thought it sounded flat, no pun intended, but it does sound a bit like a deflated ball being slapped on the ground.

Cabbage Patch
Feb 3rd, 2013, 11:36 PM
I don't have anything like Osiris or Buzzbro's ear for detail! Best I can say is that I could hear everything they mentioned on re-listen, but that none of it distracted me from the story.

A couple of quibbles. At 17:45 Saul compares the patch from the dead soldier with the image from the Army heraldry book. The patch Saul describes is the 3 color one worn on dress uniforms, but the one from the soldier would probably be the subdued version, where the blue, yellow and red parts would all be done in black.

20:38 when Glen walks over to talk with Saul and Victor, his footsteps have a distinctive thump-thump sound. Is this meant to convey that he's walking with a limp?

34:38 when Scratch first hits Shirley with the hammer the impact sounds muffled, almost like it was impacting wood. Shouldn't it have been metallic? Most Desert Eagles have steel slides and steel lower frames (though some have aluminum frames). The subsequent blows do have a more metallic sound.

Feb 4th, 2013, 07:25 AM
20:38 when Glen walks over to talk with Saul and Victor, his footsteps have a distinctive thump-thump sound. Is this meant to convey that he's walking with a limp?

34:38 when Scratch first hits Shirley with the hammer the impact sounds muffled, almost like it was impacting wood. Shouldn't it have been metallic? Most Desert Eagles have steel slides and steel lower frames (though some have aluminum frames). The subsequent blows do have a more metallic sound.[/QUOTE]

One thing I've learned Cabbage Patch is that everyone had different ears, thus the smart move of having 3 people per chapter. That being said, if you listen closely the footsteps in the Glen scene, Saul and Victor have the same thumping, but Glens is much louder probably because you hear his when no one is talking over them. They are kind of loud though aren't they?

As for Scratch hitting Shirley, it does sound a little bit muddled compared to the other hits, but you still have somewhat of a clang. He could have had it fitted with wooden sides grips though and she could be hitting it by the grip. If that's not the case though, some EQ would could probably be done. Good finds Cabbage Patch.

Feb 4th, 2013, 08:56 AM
Cool. Got the notes. All is well. I'll start implementing-

Feb 4th, 2013, 06:56 PM
Thanks for all your help! We've gone through and made necessary changes.