View Full Version : Chapter 27 Remaster

Jan 30th, 2013, 08:47 AM
Group for Chapter 27 Remaster

Instructions for editing found here: http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?4051-How-to-QC!-What-we-need-you-to-do

Jan 30th, 2013, 11:28 AM
Hi there,

had my first run-through.

Pretty awesome work. Here are some things I have 'noticed':

40:55 - 40:58 - Duncan/ Skittles approaching - sounds like the approach (steps/ running) and the beginning of his wording (naming Samantha) was sped up
40:49 - 45:55 - 'scratching' without any relation to the show; it is in the silence between Kalani being captured by the zeehs and CJ evading the zeehs
45:55 - 45:59 - heavy breathing by CJ without anything else (no movement, no ambience, nothing) - on purpose?


Tomorrow I will compare the remastered episode with the original streamed version.

All the best!

Jan 30th, 2013, 11:38 AM
Tomorrow I will compare the remastered episode with the original streamed version.

Not really much of a need to do that here. I don't think this one is too different. The remasters are drastic in early versions, not so much with season 3.

Jan 31st, 2013, 12:38 PM
Not really much of a need to do that here. I don't think this one is too different. The remasters are drastic in early versions, not so much with season 3.

Okidoki. Wasn't able to do it anyway today. Will listen to the remastered version a second time, though, 'cause I don't want to miss something.

Best wishes!

Feb 1st, 2013, 01:01 PM
4:42 Tonya yelling only sounds distant not muffled through a door should be more like 5:49
9:40 Car alarm like noise seems out of place
33:17-24 CJ sounds like she isnt in the same room almost like the recording is completely different it seems tinnie
38:00-39:10 Music under monologue is a little loud. monologue and music almost compete with eachother
43:30-39 45:09-14 46:02-06 Static comes in any time Kalani is running
46:32-~48:09 Running water sounds out of place. asif she is in a water runnoff area not an apartment basement
~48:10 Water transitions into what sounds like a distant waterfall
51:56-57:09 Static as if someone is rubbing the mic might just be simulated shifting as well as double hiss hiss static

Feb 3rd, 2013, 02:57 AM
Hi there,

I could not leave it ... I compared the original MP3-download file with the remastered version. Here are a few more things which my ears picked up and which I would like to add to my first posting:

1) 5:51-5:53 - I think it is Hope asking "Is everything OK?" - this simply gets 'lost' in the commotion, when Tanye reveals Kalani's notes (info: this 'issue' is the same in the original MP3 as well as the remastered version)
2) 12:03-12:06 - CJ tells Victor and Saul where Shaun found Kalani; but here is a difference between the original MP3 and the remastered version: While both have this line by CJ: "Shaun found him on the road outside LAX.", only the original version also has this line: "Not sure which exactly." before the point of view switches to Kalanis notes. Is this cut purposely set?
3) (just as an aside: The piano-theme for Kalani at 12:15 onwards is sooooooo awesome. A very good choice. Really +1)
4) 37:47-38:04 Sounds "odd": Duncan speaks with a very casual voice, while the background is very 'noisy'
5) 43:41+; 44:36+; 45:14+; 46:07+; 49:26+: I agree with f1r3spray; the running is not clear or accentuated; it's blurry and cushioned and far from being coherent with many other included "step-sounds" in the way that the running seems to be on thick carpets, while normal walking was on bare concrete. (There is not much of a difference with the original MP3, and yet I don't loose the impression that on the original file the blurr is slightly less heavy then what the remastered version offers (I might be wrong, though ...))
6) 51:22-51:26 The fx for handing over of the water from Martin to Kalani just sounds odd. (Same with both the original and the remastered)
7) 56:46-56:48 During the explosion static/ noise/ crackling
8) 57:53-58:04 kind of an 'false' echo while Datu tries to break the door

X) In general: The quality of the original MP3 and the remastered version is very, very similar (very close to a perfect match, actually).

All the best!

Feb 4th, 2013, 10:27 AM
Crap crap crap. I hadn't noticed you signed me on for 2 chapters. Only noticed cause i got the KC email asking where the notes for 27 were.

I'm downloading it now. I'll give it the same treatment i gave 30. Car listen in a few mins, then the nice speakers, and then finish it off with the Beaches.

I'll have it in before the end of the day.

Feb 4th, 2013, 06:07 PM
Changes have been applied. Most of the things you've noticed were intentional. The only thing was the "siren" which is part of the music track. Thanks for you input!

Feb 4th, 2013, 09:37 PM
Ahhh. You mean i'm finishing up my 2nd listen of 27 today for nothing?

Oh well. I couldn't find anything that seemed out of place or wrong.

Does that make me a crappy QC'r?

Feb 4th, 2013, 11:40 PM
Ahhh. You mean i'm finishing up my 2nd listen of 27 today for nothing?

Oh well. I couldn't find anything that seemed out of place or wrong.

Does that make me a crappy QC'r?

No worries. You are a member of the team; and there is none crapier or better then the other. It is all about the effort.