View Full Version : JJ Abrams is going to direct Star Wars VII

Jan 26th, 2013, 04:10 AM

just a short side note, JJ Abrams will direct Star Wars VII.



- will Star Trek II be his last last one regarding this franchise?
- will the new SW movie contain Lost-like plotholes?
- will there be enough len flare shots?

Personally, I would like to see a Tarantino version of Star Wars. The prequel trilogy already included Samuel L. Jackson...

Jan 26th, 2013, 06:17 AM

Q1: Not sure; from my personel point of view ST and SW don't necessarily exclude each other ... Imagine SW with Romulan Warbirds or ST with a Deathstar. Sweet.
Q2: Even if it contains plotholes, do you think they could be any worse to what the audience experienced in SW Episode I or in the comparison of Episode I through II on the one side and the original SW-movies on the other?
Q3: Explain: "len flare shots" ... !

I'd like to see a SW-version based on the combined skills of John Woo, Michael Bay, and ... and ... Uwe Boll, if I wished to see an epic fail regarding SW VII. Else I think JJ Abrams is not the worst choice, but probably not a bett one as well. Time will tell. JJ Abrams has skills, and he proved to fail as well as to confirm them.

All the best!

Jan 26th, 2013, 06:41 AM
A1: There have ALWAYS been Romulan warbirds on SW. But they were cloaked. :D
A2: The prequel trilogy never happened as far as I am concerned.
A3: Ah, damn it, typo, sorry. I meant "lens flare shots, just give it a shot at Google.

Uwe Boll, OMFG. Certainly one of the *greatest* weapons of intellectual mass destruction from Germany which has ever been deployed to the US.

Jan 26th, 2013, 06:49 AM

1. Ah, which is why I didn't see them. :cool:
2. Granted.
3. Yeah, ok. Yes, there will be - at least just enough, if not more. ;)

All the best!

Red Shirt
Jan 26th, 2013, 10:19 AM
Ah, well shoot. Disney could do worse than JJ Abrams. Apparently they ignored the petitions I heard they got buried in to have Joss Whedon do it.

It doesn't make any sense actually. Disney owns Marvel and Joss Whedon proved that their trust was not misplaced to the tune of $623.3 million with Avengers... Why not put him on another property? Argh. Trying to understand the tie-wearin' bean counters... an exercise in futility.



Jan 26th, 2013, 02:28 PM
J.J. Abrams
Michael Arndt
Kathleen Kennedy
Lawrence Kasdan
Simon Kinberg

On top of all that, the return of the original cast? Sweet baby Jesus on fire, you can't miss with that. It's like printing money. It's like putting Urkle in the ring with Mike Tyson. You know how it ends before it begins. Abrams will knock that shit out the park. And so what about lens flare? Don't hate for the sake of hating. You see what he did for Star Trek? Brought that shit back from the dead and made it relevant again. He'll do a great job. As for the "plot holes" in lost, chalk that up to the writer, not the director. Abrams isn't writing Episode 7, he's directing it. There's no way he can make things worse and with the monsters he's got in his corner, you can be assured he's going to make something baller as fuck that is a million times better than the prequels.

Jan 26th, 2013, 02:31 PM
Seriously, take a look at K2's track record of MASSIVE hits. And not just massive, but beloved. Even her misses are a million times better than the hits of 90% of the producers out there today. She's a fucking legend.

Jan 27th, 2013, 02:09 AM
In order to put the record straight, I have to say that I still have mixed feelings about his Star Trek film. I enjoyed it a lot, it is a great film. But it never left the safety zone. It was just a reboot which not only introduced some out of character moments regarding the main cast, it even erased more than four decades of established story lines. Well, yeah, we now have an alternative timeline, but... why did he not create something truly original?

And therefor I guess that his approach to Star Wars will create a standardized Star Trek sequel flick. Do not get me wrong here, it will be quite enjoyable, but it will be handcuffed to whatever Disney thinks a Star Wars film should look like. I fear for the worst and hope for the best.

Jan 27th, 2013, 06:00 AM

I feel inclined to say that the new Star Trek movie with its "whammy effects" was and is a movie which fits into this "new" age. And JJ Abrams did a decent job.
Considering the technologies available at Disney, the skills of Abrams as a director, and especially the interest of Disney to get repaid for the huge investment into the SW-trademark, I think we will see something "good".
And Osiris is actually right: Abrams does not write the script; he just has to take care that the movie looks good on the silver-screen - either in 2, 3, 4 or how-many-dimension³ ever. The question would be: Do the writers do a good job; and if not, will Abrams' skills be enough to transform a shitty script into an awesome screen-experience? And another question would be, how much control the Disney-bosses will force upon JJ Abrams and how much this would affect the quality of the movie as well. Just imagine: "Pocahontas on Endor" ... Or "The Wookie and the Sith" ... Or much better: "The Hunchback of Imperial I" ... Or "The Jedi-King" subtitled "The Circle of Force" ... or maybe "Adventures of the Gummi Ewoks" (which would be kind of awesome having those little furballs jumping and bumping around ...) ... Or imagine "Pirates of Dantooine" or something like "The Wizard of Dagobah" or "R2D2 and the Black Cauldron" ...

Man, there was made so much good shit at Disney's that I get more and more excited about what they actually could achieve with SW ... And I think JJ Abrams might be a good call.

Time will tell ...

All the best!

Jan 27th, 2013, 08:20 AM
Liam, I totally agree with you.

All we know about the script is that it will be written by Michael Arndt who has penned the scripts for

Little Miss Sunshine (2006) (screenplay) – won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay
Toy Story 3 (2010) (screenplay) – nominated for the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay
Brave (2012) (additional screenplay material)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) (screenplay)
Oblivion (2013) (screenplay)
Phineas and Ferb (2014) (screenplay)
The Untitled Pixar Movie That Takes You Inside The Mind (2015) (screenplay)

Source: en.wikipedia.org.

Little Miss Sunshine received universal acclaim if I remember correctly. So he could be just the right choice for the job. However, time will tell. In my opinion, his later works are missing a certain (please do not crucify me if I am using the wrong word here) angularity, they are a bit too mainstream. But I will keep my fingers crossed.

Jan 27th, 2013, 10:20 AM
Funny enough, I remember 1993 as the year, the Star Wars saga was officially continued (German publication date) by a series of books written by Timothy Zahn.

Heir to the Empire (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heir_to_the_Empire)

Red Shirt
Jan 27th, 2013, 11:35 AM
... Or "The Jedi-King" subtitled "The Circle of Force" ...

You might not be to far of the mark with that thought... In the extended canon, post RotJ, Luke calls himself a Jedi Master and is rebuilding the Jedi Order.

Jan 27th, 2013, 11:57 AM
You might not be to far of the mark with that thought... In the extended canon, post RotJ, Luke calls himself a Jedi Master and is rebuilding the Jedi Order.

F*ck me stiff! Awe-some!


Jan 27th, 2013, 07:12 PM

I feel inclined to say that the new Star Trek movie with its "whammy effects" was and is a movie which fits into this "new" age. And JJ Abrams did a decent job.
Considering the technologies available at Disney, the skills of Abrams as a director, and especially the interest of Disney to get repaid for the huge investment into the SW-trademark, I think we will see something "good".
And Osiris is actually right: Abrams does not write the script; he just has to take care that the movie looks good on the silver-screen - either in 2, 3, 4 or how-many-dimension³ ever. The question would be: Do the writers do a good job; and if not, will Abrams' skills be enough to transform a shitty script into an awesome screen-experience? And another question would be, how much control the Disney-bosses will force upon JJ Abrams and how much this would affect the quality of the movie as well. Just imagine: "Pocahontas on Endor" ... Or "The Wookie and the Sith" ... Or much better: "The Hunchback of Imperial I" ... Or "The Jedi-King" subtitled "The Circle of Force" ... or maybe "Adventures of the Gummi Ewoks" (which would be kind of awesome having those little furballs jumping and bumping around ...) ... Or imagine "Pirates of Dantooine" or something like "The Wizard of Dagobah" or "R2D2 and the Black Cauldron" ...

Man, there was made so much good shit at Disney's that I get more and more excited about what they actually could achieve with SW ... And I think JJ Abrams might be a good call.

Time will tell ...

All the best!

No chance. Disney knows better than that. They know they've got a franchise on their hands that is proven to be a money maker and they know how vitrolic its fans tend to be. Disney won't interfere with someone with a proven track record on a proven franchise. They're apprently pretty good about just handing over the money and saying "go get us a big return" from everything I've read, and The Avengers speaks for itself. You didn't see any Disney influence there, or did we all forget that they own Marvel?

Jan 27th, 2013, 08:04 PM
No chance. Disney knows better than that. They know they've got a franchise on their hands that is proven to be a money maker and they know how vitrolic its fans tend to be. Disney won't interfere with someone with a proven track record on a proven franchise. They're apprently pretty good about just handing over the money and saying "go get us a big return" from everything I've read, and The Avengers speaks for itself. You didn't see any Disney influence there, or did we all forget that they own Marvel?

No, we didn't see any of it; and Disney is way too big with too many faces that one would expect Micky Mouse to jump out of a R2-unit.
And yet - since there is a lot of money involved, I wouldn't either bet that the money-shifters don't get involved. I think SW by far a more potent money-machine then Marvel ever was and ever will be. But such an involvement would not mean that typical fairy-tale concepts like the ones in the early animal- or animated-movies produced by Disney would be implemented in new SW movies; but I think the general ethics and morality would - like, you know, the misfit becoming a hero (just the same story as in episode IV actually), family- and friendship-values, entertaining sidekicks ... Oh, wait ... Now that I think of it: Things like this were common in Episodes I through IV, at least Star Wars: A New Hope and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Something "dark" like Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back seems to be less likely ... Well, looks like SW and Siney are a much better fit then some might think ...


All the best!

Jan 27th, 2013, 09:00 PM
No, we didn't see any of it; and Disney is way too big with too many faces that one would expect Micky Mouse to jump out of a R2-unit.
And yet - since there is a lot of money involved, I wouldn't either bet that the money-shifters don't get involved. I think SW by far a more potent money-machine then Marvel ever was and ever will be. But such an involvement would not mean that typical fairy-tale concepts like the ones in the early animal- or animated-movies produced by Disney would be implemented in new SW movies; but I think the general ethics and morality would - like, you know, the misfit becoming a hero (just the same story as in episode IV actually), family- and friendship-values, entertaining sidekicks ... Oh, wait ... Now that I think of it: Things like this were common in Episodes I through IV, at least Star Wars: A New Hope and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Something "dark" like Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back seems to be less likely ... Well, looks like SW and Siney are a much better fit then some might think ...


All the best!

I think you're way off base. First, Marvel is just as marketable as Star Wars is, and I'll give you two reasons why: The Avengers (biggest opening weekend in history beating out highest ranked Star Wars episode by 100 million) and Episode I through III. In fact, the Star Wars franchise is less marketable right now than anything Marvel when you consider the appeal and buzz that Joss created with the release of Avengers and the subsequent sequels. Let's not forget the Iron Man franchise, Spiderman, X-men, Blade (which is due for a reboot any time now), Captain America, Hulk, Fantastic Four . . . the list of monsters goes on and on. Lucasfilm is still picking up the pieces from the prequel debacle--which is assuredly a factor in Lucas's decision to take the money and run. Either way, Star Wars is all that Lucas has as far as mass market franchise appeal. They lost the chance to reboot Indiana Jones successfully, and there's really nothing else for them to rely on.

As far as the next trilogy being a morality play, well it's only fitting since Star Wars is a morality play. Say what you will about not getting a dark Star Wars out of Disney, but you're going to see it. Let's not forget who the script supers and the producers are. Disney is just the money, and if the geniuses behind the monster cash cows of the last three decades say "go this way" you can bet that Disney won't say peep. You don't get rich by ignoring what works. And for the record, Episode II & III may be two of the darkest Star Wars stories ever told. Hell, the Iron Man movies are dark as hell when you get right down to it.

Tron Legacy and Pirates of the Caribbean aren't exactly your standard Disney flicks. They're slightly on the dark side, subversive, and huge box-office successes without resorting to talking teacups, dogs in sneakers, or Mickey and the Usual Suspects. It's just proof that Disney will keep its influence noticeable in the marketing of a film and not in the finished product.

Jan 28th, 2013, 04:20 AM
I think you're way off base. First, Marvel is just as marketable as Star Wars is, and I'll give you two reasons why: The Avengers (biggest opening weekend in history beating out highest ranked Star Wars episode by 100 million) and Episode I through III. In fact, the Star Wars franchise is less marketable right now than anything Marvel when you consider the appeal and buzz that Joss created with the release of Avengers and the subsequent sequels. Let's not forget the Iron Man franchise, Spiderman, X-men, Blade (which is due for a reboot any time now), Captain America, Hulk, Fantastic Four . . . the list of monsters goes on and on. Lucasfilm is still picking up the pieces from the prequel debacle--which is assuredly a factor in Lucas's decision to take the money and run. Either way, Star Wars is all that Lucas has as far as mass market franchise appeal. They lost the chance to reboot Indiana Jones successfully, and there's really nothing else for them to rely on.

As far as the next trilogy being a morality play, well it's only fitting since Star Wars is a morality play. Say what you will about not getting a dark Star Wars out of Disney, but you're going to see it. Let's not forget who the script supers and the producers are. Disney is just the money, and if the geniuses behind the monster cash cows of the last three decades say "go this way" you can bet that Disney won't say peep. You don't get rich by ignoring what works. And for the record, Episode II & III may be two of the darkest Star Wars stories ever told. Hell, the Iron Man movies are dark as hell when you get right down to it.

Tron Legacy and Pirates of the Caribbean aren't exactly your standard Disney flicks. They're slightly on the dark side, subversive, and huge box-office successes without resorting to talking teacups, dogs in sneakers, or Mickey and the Usual Suspects. It's just proof that Disney will keep its influence noticeable in the marketing of a film and not in the finished product.

I gotta agree with Osiris on this. With the backlash the Lucas got for Episodes I - III alongside the success the Marvel universe movies are seeing, I think Disney will make some good decisions. Back to the appeal of Episodes IV-VI, add in some jaw dropping action/effects, and... story, story, story.... All the rest of what Disney does will fail if there isn't a really solid multi-episode story.

Disney isn't just Mickey Mouse and Princess movies. But it is pretty much powerhouse, money making movies... I'm excited about the SW lines coming back. And as much as I'm typically critical of JJ Abrams, I think he could do a good job with this given solid story.

Jan 28th, 2013, 07:22 AM
Am not gonna argue with you about at all, 'cause I see no reason to start a debate here. In my humble opinion Marvel-stuff is colorful and funny stuff, while anything about SW - regardless if it is about I-III or IV-VI - has a much more powerful impact on pop-culture. But maybe I see it this way, 'cause here in Germany super-hero stuff remains on the silver screen and nearly does not exist beyond it, while SW seems to appear everywhere else. And as a matter of fact most people around could not name the members of The Avengers, while many, many people know a lot about SW I through VI ... I think SW speaks for itself; and I also think this is not only something to be measured in the box-office successes.

Anyway: Since SW and Marvel are huge franchises with plenty of merchandise-potential, the money-givers will get involved - maybe not directly by influencing what's gonna be in the script, but indirectly by deciding what cash-flows will occur and thus affect the outcome of any movie ...

Just to be crystal clear: My "suggestions" in the long list of more or less unlikely titles for new SW movies was meant to be "kidded"; maybe I should have added a smily ... :p

All the best!

Jan 28th, 2013, 07:42 AM
toy story 3, that movie took such a dark turn at the end it was like a greek tragedy. up started in a dark place, and kept that tone attached to the fat kid the whole way through. disney can do dark, not traditionally mind you, but they won't put the kaibosh on something just because it's dark.

also, i thought the prequel trilogy was half decent, as far as movies go.

Jan 28th, 2013, 07:51 AM
My opinion:
Episode I was real shit.
Episodes II and III were "fair 'nuf', but still far from good.

And still: SW I - III were quite successfull movies, and the merchandise works/ worked out pretty well as well. Although Episode I was a bad movie, Darth Maul is iconic for the movie and probably for this "new generation" of SW fans. So, when I criticize SW I-III I won't neglect the simple fact that SW I-III has played a (major?) role in pop-culture. Just think of it: SW even made it into LEGO - and that for quite some time, although SW Episodes I-III had their own toys/stuff/shit-merchandise as well.

As for Disney can dark: Ok, I was wrong, 'cause I did not pay close attention to movies like Mulan, Lion King and Hunchback of Notre Damn, in which dark moments were very strong moments as well ... I simply referred to the "general tone" of things Disney does.

In order to get back on topic: SW fits well into the Disney worlds; and Abrams is a good choice.

All the best!

Jan 28th, 2013, 08:10 AM
In general, as there are more than two years to go, these basic requirements have to be fulfilled:

a) a good / decent storyline
b) a better balance between Non-Jedi-Things / Jedi-Things (I preferred the original Han-Solo story to the Jedi story parts)
c) Jedis who actually use their brains (Hmm, who is behind all of this? Palpantine?!)
d) good / decent dialogues
e) a good casting including new faces
f) memorable moments

Jan 28th, 2013, 08:13 AM
This diagram is so wrong:


Jan 28th, 2013, 09:10 AM
This diagram is so wrong:


Well, that explains it. I'm left of the Ewok Line.... And proud of it!

Jan 28th, 2013, 10:54 AM
If there's a better fit for Disney to push out a series of Star Wars sequels then I just can't see it. People tend to forget that Star Wars was intended for a young audience. Ewoks, Jar Jar, Jabba's little buddy, Salacious B. Crumb, R2-D2, and on and on. Adults are far too attached to a child's movie. As far as how dark Disney can go with a movie . . . go back through the catalogue and you'll be surprised how dark all of it really is. Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi are some of the darkest cartoons that you can put your children in front of. Disney has a history of creating programming for children that is as dark as anything we can imagine. Just because it isn't filled with gore and wolf rape doesn't mean it isn't dark. It just means it isn't pornography.

That said,

a) a good / decent storyline
b) a better balance between Non-Jedi-Things / Jedi-Things (I preferred the original Han-Solo story to the Jedi story parts)
c) Jedis who actually use their brains (Hmm, who is behind all of this? Palpantine?!)
d) good / decent dialogues
e) a good casting including new faces
f) memorable moments

If the story team is any indication (Let's not forget that Lawrence Kasdan wrote Empire, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Wyatt Earp , and Simon Kinberg wrote Sherlock Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and X-Men 3: Last Stand) the story will be between good and excellent. As far as the balance between the worlds, it's really a matter of what the story is about. Since we have no way of knowing what that might be right now, it's hard to speculate, but if the previous films are any indication, it'll all be about Jedi doing Jedi stuff with a few non-Jedi getting in the way. The characters will be as intelligent as the writers let them be. Based off the previous work of the people involved I would say they'll be smart enough to keep us entertained, but dumb enough to make the plot work. The project rests on the shoulders of the writers when it comes right down to it. I've got faith.

I will agree with one thing in that list, without any questioning about it . . .

No more Lucas Editions.

Jan 28th, 2013, 10:55 AM
I was born in 1978, I should like the Ewoks. But I say that only a dead Ewok is a good Ewok. A dead cold furry waste of DNA.

Jan 28th, 2013, 10:55 AM
God, I feel like such a nerd having this conversation.

Jan 28th, 2013, 10:57 AM
I was born in 1978, I should like the Ewoks. But I say that only a dead Ewok is a good Ewok. A dead cold furry waste of DNA.

Born in 77 and I completely agree with you.

Jan 28th, 2013, 11:28 AM
God, I feel like such a nerd having this conversation.

Where is the blonde nerd if you need one?


Where is Misses Brombacher? :)

Jan 28th, 2013, 11:33 AM
Where is the blonde nerd if you need one?


Where is Misses Brombacher? :)

Ms. Brombacher has forsaken us in favour of video games. Mostly she's gone because she hates us all, and when I say "us all" what I mean is "me" and has very little to do with you. That's a lie. I have no idea why she isn't here, but I'll assume it's because it's the off-season, and she has other things to do.

Jan 28th, 2013, 11:36 AM
Ok, recharging the batteries between seasons seems reasonable. But I miss her "AWESOME!"ness in the podcasts.

Jan 28th, 2013, 11:39 AM
Yeah. I miss Britt too. I've been on nik's ass for a long while now to do everything in his power to get her back on the show, but the simple fact of the matter is:

she's just not that into us anymore.

It doesn't matter, We're Not Dead is nik's show now. Fuck Britt50nevershowsup.

Jan 28th, 2013, 12:13 PM
Yeah. I miss Britt too. I've been on nik's ass for a long while now to do everything in his power to get her back on the show, but the simple fact of the matter is:

she's just not that into us anymore.

It doesn't matter, We're Not Dead is nik's show now. Fuck Britt50nevershowsup.

dude, what you and nik do in your spare time is up to you, but please, there are minors on this site, keep it pg13


Jan 28th, 2013, 12:19 PM
dude, what you and nik do in your spare time is up to you, but please, there are minors on this site, keep it pg13


I said "on" not "in" so . . .

Jan 28th, 2013, 12:20 PM
Osiris is just a knight of badASSdom.


Ready to kick some butt.

Jan 28th, 2013, 12:54 PM
Osiris is just a knight of badASSdom.


Ready to kick some butt.

I don't LARRP, but this movie does look entertaining.

Jan 28th, 2013, 02:58 PM
This diagram is so wrong:



Jan 28th, 2013, 07:28 PM
I want Ewoks, 'case I have no trouble with 'em.
And if Apple sponsors the movie, I wouldn't have trouble to find "iWoks" in the movies to come as well ... And since Disney owns SW now, I wouldn't even betroubled, if Ewoks become Gummi Ewoks ...

Ewoks ftw!

Besides: Imagine Jedi Ewoks of awesome!

Red Shirt
Jan 28th, 2013, 07:43 PM
Besides: Imagine Jedi Ewoks of awesome!

That would be kinda funny for about five seconds... right until the lil' furry dude fires up his light saber. Then it would be HILARIOUS.

Jan 28th, 2013, 07:47 PM
I couldn't imagine JJ going through with an Ewok scenario. He's better off telling the story of Han and Leia's kids going off to train with their Jedi uncle Luke. Shit. I should have said "Spoilers" first. My bad.

Jan 28th, 2013, 08:42 PM
I couldn't imagine JJ going through with an Ewok scenario. He's better off telling the story of Han and Leia's kids going off to train with their Jedi uncle Luke. Shit. I should have said "Spoilers" first. My bad.

It's cool. With three episodes to come there will be plenty of room for other things you haven't spoiled (yet). :cool:
Also I don't think that Ewoks will play a major (if any at all) role in the subsequent movies. I just speek in favor of Ewoks, 'cause Ewoks belong into the SW-verse.

Jan 28th, 2013, 09:21 PM
So does Jar Jar. Got any nice words for him?

Jan 29th, 2013, 03:39 AM
Jar Jar, please stop helping the villains in the Intergalactic senate to turn the republic into a Galactic Empire. It was Jar Jar who backed Palpantine's power claims, was he not?

Jan 29th, 2013, 08:37 AM
So does Jar Jar. Got any nice words for him?

Actually, I do. Although I consider him or his character a certain annoyance, he had some really impressive and nice moments - just like his frogfishfolk. The sweetest moment was when he asked Princess Amidala: "You say your people gonna die?" (or something like this), because this particular sentence just went deep, had a spirit and very amazing feeling in it - a sadness, if you like, no other character would have mastered as meaningful as JarJar did ...

All the best!

Jan 29th, 2013, 08:38 AM
Jar Jar, please stop helping the villains in the Intergalactic senate to turn the republic into a Galactic Empire. It was Jar Jar who backed Palpantine's power claims, was he not?

Yes. Jar Jar was the impersonation of idealism and naivity that helped Pulpingbrain (Palpantine) to get in power ...

Jan 29th, 2013, 09:36 AM
I feel compelled to post this:


Jan 29th, 2013, 07:29 PM
Actually, I do. Although I consider him or his character a certain annoyance, he had some really impressive and nice moments - just like his frogfishfolk. The sweetest moment was when he asked Princess Amidala: "You say your people gonna die?" (or something like this), because this particular sentence just went deep, had a spirit and very amazing feeling in it - a sadness, if you like, no other character would have mastered as meaningful as JarJar did ...

All the best!

I just cut myself because of your post. Please never do this again.

Jan 29th, 2013, 09:57 PM
I just cut myself because of your post. Please never do this again.

I'm sorry. Won't do it again.

All the best!

Jan 29th, 2013, 10:03 PM
All this Star Wars talk is making me want to watch Zack & Miri Make A Porno again.


Jan 29th, 2013, 10:09 PM
All this Star Wars talk is making me want to watch Zack & Miri Make A Porno again.


Erotic re-imagining ...
*laughing tears*

Jan 29th, 2013, 10:36 PM
That movie is ridiculously fun. If you haven't seen it yet, do so!

Jan 29th, 2013, 11:50 PM
That movie is ridiculously fun. If you haven't seen it yet, do so!

Will do. Thanks4sharing!

Jan 30th, 2013, 09:04 AM
Hm, to start the final words on this thread or fandom talk in general:


I decided that I will wish all the best to JJ Abrams take on Star Wars. Whether we are anticipating the new film or not - most of us will be watching it on the big screen.

Jan 30th, 2013, 09:46 AM

Jan 30th, 2013, 10:07 AM
Hm, to start the final words on this thread or fandom talk in general:


I decided that I will wish all the best to JJ Abrams take on Star Wars. Whether we are anticipating the new film or not - most of us will be watching it on the big screen.

On another forum (www.travellerrpg.com) someone told the community that JJ Abrams is a SW-fan and never was much into Star Trek; considering that the latest ST-movie was not the worst movie I am more then ever convinced that JarJar, er, JJ will do an at least decent job with SW VII ...

All the best!

Jan 30th, 2013, 10:44 AM
I can't wait for the Boba Fett movie to drop. It's going to be AWESOME.

Jan 30th, 2013, 11:31 AM
I can't wait for the Boba Fett movie to drop. It's going to be AWESOME.

Wasn't this Episode III already?

Jan 30th, 2013, 12:24 PM
[...]that JJ Abrams is a SW-fan and never was much into Star Trek [...]

All the best!

There has always been a certain relationship between Star Trek and Star Wars. Star Trek II:The Wraith Of Khan was originally to be titled "Revenge Of Khan" but due to the fact that Star Wars: Return Of the Jedi should have been called:


the title was changed to Wraith Of Khan.

So, after the next Trek movie has been confirmed as Star Trek Into Darkness and referring to your train of thought, SW VII should then be called: JJ Abrams Into Star Wars.

Jan 30th, 2013, 03:41 PM
Wasn't this Episode III already?

That wasn't Boba. That was the clone debacle. Also, it was Jango Fett, Boba was the kid. In any event, no. It wouldn't be a Boba Fett movie until it detaches itself from the Jedi light/dark sides of the force storylines. I'm talking about Boba just being his badass self, bounty hunting, and banging bitches. Just imagine for a moment, Boba Fett in Booty Bounty! Co-staring Megan Fox, Teri Hatcher, and Kevin Costner as Dirk Lane.

Jan 30th, 2013, 04:10 PM

I had some Star Wars promo magazine with a different cover and it saying Revenge of the Jedi...Kept it for years but eventually lost it. I wonder if it would have been worth anything??

Jan 30th, 2013, 09:46 PM
That wasn't Boba. That was the clone debacle. Also, it was Jango Fett, Boba was the kid. In any event, no. It wouldn't be a Boba Fett movie until it detaches itself from the Jedi light/dark sides of the force storylines. I'm talking about Boba just being his badass self, bounty hunting, and banging bitches. Just imagine for a moment, Boba Fett in Booty Bounty! Co-staring Megan Fox, Teri Hatcher, and Kevin Costner as Dirk Lane.

Ok. It's a lucky thing that imaginations don't necessarily come true ...

Jan 30th, 2013, 10:02 PM
I had some Star Wars promo magazine with a different cover and it saying Revenge of the Jedi...Kept it for years but eventually lost it. I wonder if it would have been worth anything??

I would probably say yes. They changed the title to Return Of The Jedi because Lucas did not want to associate jediism (?) with the lust for seeking revenge.

Feb 4th, 2013, 11:13 AM
This looks so fucking great.


Feb 4th, 2013, 01:28 PM
Sweet. This trailer or teaser or trailer-teaser or teaser-trailer of whatever eff I did not know yet.
And why the eff does the USS Enterprise crash into a planet every two movies ... Or nearly every two movies ... I wonder if this is something we'll see in SW VII-IX as well ... *shrugs*
<edit> I must admit: The USS Enterprise from Star Trek did not crash as often into planets like I wrote in the lines above; but to me it feels like it doin' so.</edit>
But actually: I don't mind. Adds just another whammy-effect to it. So am looking forward to seeing a whammy-SF movie which accidently is labeled Star Trek. Shit happens, and gonna enjoy it.

Feb 5th, 2013, 06:01 AM
sweet. This trailer or teaser or trailer-teaser or teaser-trailer of whatever eff i did not know yet.
And why the eff does the uss enterprise crash into a planet every two movies ... Or nearly every two movies ... I wonder if this is something we'll see in sw vii-ix as well ... *shrugs*
but actually: I don't mind. Adds just another whammy-effect to it. So am looking forward to seeing a whammy-sf movie which accidently is labeled star trek. Shit happens, and gonna enjoy it.

moar lens flare!!!!!