View Full Version : Behemoth visuals - illustration work in progress and looking for eyes

Dec 17th, 2012, 07:16 AM
(I'm only in the 20's chapters, please don't spoil anything for me just yet. If you have input could you not be specific about instances that make you think something would look different? For example I was looking for stuff last night and found a description, but it gave away something that was going to happen in the next chapter. I'd prefer it be a surprise, but I'll trust you guys if you have heard something I haven't in the series that would make you think it looks different.)

Hey there! I'm a freelance illustrator in the science fiction and fantasy genre. Sitting in front of your computer day in and day out drawing pictures for people starts to leave you bored of your own music. I went on and started to try out audio books while I work and I found that I really liked it, but that I miss a lot while I'm working. Last week a guy on my Google Plus account posted a link to this and was saying how they were having the third season finale and how this was a "radio broadcast type show". I kind of had an idea of what it meant, but man... it was love at first listen!

I like big monsters most of all, and the Behemoths seemed like a perfect start. Right now it's still really early and everything is blobs of colors and values (and de-saturated and really ugly right now), but I'd like to know if anyone sees anything incredibly different in their heads when they see this. Is there anything that makes you think I got it "wrong" (no specifics please, I'm not caught up through the series just yet- just mention "_______ said he/she saw pants on the creature" or something like that).


Also feel free to check out my work at:


Also here (http://trollitc.com/2012/10/epic-level-artistry-tutorial-by-eric-quigley/) is an article I did for Troll in the Corner about my process. I figured it might show people where I plan to take it and kind of where I currently am if they're curious.

Thanks for looking and I hope to mingle!

Dec 17th, 2012, 09:50 AM
Not anything to add to or take away from on how the Behemoth looks. Just wanted to say that this looks awesome! I cant wait to see what else you do...

Dec 18th, 2012, 05:20 AM
(I'm only in the 20's chapters, please don't spoil anything for me just yet. If you have input could you not be specific about instances that make you think something would look different? For example I was looking for stuff last night and found a description, but it gave away something that was going to happen in the next chapter. I'd prefer it be a surprise, but I'll trust you guys if you have heard something I haven't in the series that would make you think it looks different.)

Hey there! I'm a freelance illustrator in the science fiction and fantasy genre. Sitting in front of your computer day in and day out drawing pictures for people starts to leave you bored of your own music. I went on and started to try out audio books while I work and I found that I really liked it, but that I miss a lot while I'm working. Last week a guy on my Google Plus account posted a link to this and was saying how they were having the third season finale and how this was a "radio broadcast type show". I kind of had an idea of what it meant, but man... it was love at first listen!

I like big monsters most of all, and the Behemoths seemed like a perfect start. Right now it's still really early and everything is blobs of colors and values (and de-saturated and really ugly right now), but I'd like to know if anyone sees anything incredibly different in their heads when they see this. Is there anything that makes you think I got it "wrong" (no specifics please, I'm not caught up through the series just yet- just mention "_______ said he/she saw pants on the creature" or something like that).


Also feel free to check out my work at:

www.ericquigley.com (http://www.ericquigley.com)

Also here (http://trollitc.com/2012/10/epic-level-artistry-tutorial-by-eric-quigley/) is an article I did for Troll in the Corner about my process. I figured it might show people where I plan to take it and kind of where I currently am if they're curious.

Thanks for looking and I hope to mingle!

killer work bro, but i would like to throw in my two cents. i always pictured the behemoths as being less proportional. here's what i mean: your idea looks big and beefy, kind of crazy, and mutated, but not necessarily unnaturally big. i always pictured behemoths as being huge, like no-man-could-possibly-grow-that-big huge, and that this would be obvious visually, perhaps through the arms being slightly different sizes, the head being disproportianately small, the shoulders hulking up behind the head, stuff like that, stuff that makes it seem like the behemoth didn't start that size, but was forced to grow beyond what it was originally supposed to. that's just my idea for what it's worth. even if you read this and go "psht, that dude is off his rocker, he be soundin a lil cray cray," i still think the picture, even at this supposedly ugly stage (YOU be soundin cray cray (but then i do love that kind of splotchy desaturated style)), looks pretty freakin cool.

Dec 29th, 2012, 03:55 PM
wow. that's awesome. love your style. it has a Fantasy type of feel to it.

Dec 30th, 2012, 12:12 AM
Nice work. Similar to my thoughts too. I kind of pictured the LOTR cave trolls or the Grendlers from Earth-2 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108758/) 2360

Dec 30th, 2012, 09:27 AM
I agree with reaper. I picture a small head, huge upper body. And amazing work!!!

Oct 2nd, 2013, 07:29 AM
Thats awesome, I believe that is how i'd imagine them as well. Good job on the art.

Oct 2nd, 2013, 12:16 PM
Can't believe I never saw this before. BUMP!

Oct 2nd, 2013, 12:49 PM
Oh hey . . . far out, man.

Demetrius H.
Aug 31st, 2018, 02:08 AM
If you want an outline for the behemoth, just look at the Chapter 41 thumbnail. That shows the Waterworks when the behemoth torn it apart.