View Full Version : The Deadpool - get your votes in

Dec 10th, 2012, 10:08 AM
Now that we are getting closer to Season 4, let's put together a little contest that we can play out in the final episodes.

(Not to be confused with the Who Dies poll (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?4562-Who-Dies))

Here's the pitch: Tell us who kills Scratch and when it happens for fun and prizes!!!!

The details:

Tell us who kills Scratch. The name of the character (if a main, named character), or "the zombies", or "Nobody - Scratch lives forever".
Tell us what episode it will happen. At present we are assuming 11 chapters with 3 parts each + a one episode chapter for the finale. If Kc lets us know anything different we'll update this thread.
Give as many or as few details around "How" it happens (this part is for fun only).

The prizes:

Each correct pick of "Who" kills Scratch gets +50 rep awarded
Each correct pick of "When" Scratch dies gets +50 rep awarded
For anyone that correctly picks both the "Who" and the "When", the awards above are given and +150 more rep for a total of +250 for anyone that picks them both correct.
There is also the potential for some "Mystery Prizes" to be awarded at the discretion of Forum admins and/or Kc (to be determined)

The rules:

1 entry per forum user. Post on this thread with your "Who", "When", and "How". If you want to change your choice, do not edit your post. Post a new choice and delete your old one. Edited posts are immediately disqualified.
Entries are open until 11:00 am Eastern Daylight Time on the Season 4 premier date (August 26th, 2013).

All right, let the speculating begin..... :-)

Dec 10th, 2012, 10:47 AM
As I have posted this before:

I am not good at placing a bet. But I want to give Witch_Doctor something to laugh about, so here it is:

There is only one person that could kill Scratch: Scratch herself. Imagine Michael/Pegs/Burt fighting Scratch at the end of season 4 (episode 36 - the finale), Scratch appears to be victorious again but is then attacked by a zombie - TOWTM? - and bitten. Michael and Burt want to leave Scratch alone in her misery but Pegs however, gives her a gun with only one shot left, telling her: "Go on, shot me, I'm not fearing death anymore."

Dec 10th, 2012, 12:42 PM
I fixed your math so the winner who guesses the Who and When receives not just the 50/50 points but the correct 150 bonus rep for nailing it which totals out to 250.

Dec 10th, 2012, 01:06 PM
I fixed your math so the winner who guesses the Who and When receives not just the 50/50 points but the correct 150 bonus rep for nailing it which totals out to 250.

Thank you, sir. I only got a minor in math so what do you expect... :-)

Dec 10th, 2012, 03:11 PM
Thank you, sir. I only got a minor in math so what do you expect... :-)

Well if that's the case I'd expect arithmetic to not be a stumbling block ;)

Dec 10th, 2012, 03:41 PM
Well if that's the case I'd expect arithmetic to not be a stumbling block ;)

Nyah. All the daggum calculus pushed the simple stuff right out of my brain...

Dec 10th, 2012, 11:08 PM
I'm voting lives through the end...my caveat is...scratch is the "true" narrator of the story. So yea...ther it is.

Dec 10th, 2012, 11:41 PM
I've already said it. Scratch lives. She kills Pegs after killing Michael. Burt dies because of Victor. Victor dies because of Saul. Lizzy survives, but the baby doesn't. Kelly dies because Victor dies. Datu blows up trying to fix a bicycle.

Dec 11th, 2012, 07:56 AM
Scratch takes her own life at the very very end just after killing Ink. Because of traumatic involvement with him prior to his 'turning'

Dec 11th, 2012, 09:04 AM
•who kills Scratch. Without a doubt, Burt
•what episode it will happen. Season 4 finale
•Give as many or as few details around "How" it happens (this part is for fun only). With the replacement he finds for Shirley; Shirley 2.0. I see brain splatter and a hole big enough for skullfukin that bitches corpse.

Dec 11th, 2012, 03:33 PM
I believe Riley will kill Scratch by gunshot to the head for killing Angel.

I'd say Chapter 47 Part 3. Chapter 48 has to be a happy ending right?

Dec 11th, 2012, 07:41 PM
I'm going to say Pegs kills Scratch in the series finale, with Scratch's own knife.
After Ink is dealt with and everything looks to be safe Scratch pops back up after having been MIA for a long time and finally gets her showdown with Pegs. But she miscalculates Pegs' weakness and ends up getting killed with her own knife.

Feb 26th, 2013, 10:09 AM
when: the second episode before the season finale
who: Pegs with the help of Burt
how: scratch finds pegs and theres a fight going on pegs is losing and right before scratch pulls the trigger to blow a hole in pegs head shes shot in the head by burt who comes in at the last minute ( this all happening while there on a search and rescue party for her)

Feb 26th, 2013, 11:53 AM
Who: Pegs
When: Final Episode
How: Scratch has Michael and Pegs. She wants to kill Michael in front of Pegs for payback, Michael is stabbed , and then Pegs puts her big girl pants on and takes out Scratch up close and personal.

Mar 21st, 2013, 12:35 PM
I'm gonna give it a go. I'm going on a wildcard and say it will be a group effort of CJ, Pegs, and Lizzy. I can imagine it being chapter 47 on either part 2 or 3. I see it going on in the big battle between the group, the mallers, and the zeds. Scratch in that point is in super rage mode just shooting on sight. Scratch goes after Pegs in a final effort to which Burt, CJ, and Lizzy come to her aid. I see burt sacrificing himself holding scratch while CJ sticks her sword through the both of them and Pegs and Lizzy puts rounds into Scratch. I would say it would be with Shirley but she's in a better place in gun heaven.

Mar 30th, 2013, 10:41 AM
This is so much fun... if I could post 100 ways scratch is going to die I would...........

I belive schatch is going to die after she saves lizzy and the baby maybe lizzy is in labor and gets trapped schatch delivers the baby and "I lost my baby by my own choose but I wish I hadn't an you shouldn't ..... You need to get out of here"

Lizzy "No scratch please don't their must be another way"
Scratch "If you know another way then I would love to hear it....no okay then...would you shut that thing up (baby crying) its bringing more here gosh I'm starting to have second thoughts"
Lizzy "it's a baby that's what baby's do its not like they have an off switch now please we can think of another way"
Scratch "We don't have a lot of time those fu**s keep coming now quit your arguing and get ready .... In going to open the door and run like hell ill get help ill get your so called friends who left you here to begin with ... stay here, take this (gun/knife/whatever)" she gets out of their gets to the gang they try to shoot her they won't listen to her she finally gets a word In Saul is the one "that's my kid and my girl were talking about regardless if you don't belive this b*** I'm not willing to take a chance"
burt "okay but im keeping a close eye on you and ass soon as this is over you better run because i would be counting the seconds until i can blow a hole on your head" split into two groups saul/victor/kelly/ryley/burt go get lizzy they take everything but her knife blah blah save lizzy
michel/pegs/ tania/hope/datu/CJ go to the center of te arena to put explosives.......... Blah blah blah scratch gets away from the group after she shows them where lizzy is ...... last few minutes on the bomb pegs gets attacked by scratch Michel helps pegs pegs gets hurt CJ shoots schratch on the leg as shes getting away blah blah blah everyone gets out but scratch she blows up with the arena

zombie Danny
Apr 10th, 2013, 10:38 AM
who Burt
when Frist Episode
with a rebuilt Shirley!!!!!!!!

Jul 15th, 2013, 04:10 AM
Bump as we get close to Season 4 kickoff!

Jul 15th, 2013, 04:57 AM
Who: Herself.

When: Eh...I'll say Final Chapter.

How: I still have hope for Scratch's "good" side. I think she will sacrifice herself to save Lizzie and/or the baby.

Jul 15th, 2013, 06:06 AM
I really need to think about it. Although I really do not like Scratch at all, I have some sympathys for her and the role she plays in this huge story.
I'd say: She has proven herself more then just once as a survivor. That is why she will survive during this story.

- she rescued the prisoners;
- she survived an ambush by them zeehs;
- she survived several really dangerous situations when first trying to storm the tower;
- she survived the confrontation with Durai (ok, that was like ... *meh*, 'cause Durai turned out o be a p*ssy king-size);
- she survived a duell against CJ whith CJ having the more advantageous weapon on her side.

Nah, I don't see it coming that anyone from the survivors is going to kill her. And as for them zeehs ... At least the LA group is interested in groups of humans, not just a hot chick going all agro, because everyone else tries to play a fair game ...

Best wishes!

Jul 15th, 2013, 11:41 AM
I think shell get death/mutation by Ink. I'm sure hes lonely being zombie Hitler, he could use the company.

Aug 5th, 2013, 05:29 AM
Get your votes in for the Deadpool contest before Season 4 starts up (see the first page for detail on the contest and prizes)

Aug 5th, 2013, 05:54 AM
As I have posted this before:

I am not good at placing a bet. But I want to give Witch_Doctor something to laugh about, so here it is:

There is only one person that could kill Scratch: Scratch herself. Imagine Michael/Pegs/Burt fighting Scratch at the end of season 4 (episode 36 - the finale), Scratch appears to be victorious again but is then attacked by a zombie - TOWTM? - and bitten. Michael and Burt want to leave Scratch alone in her misery but Pegs however, gives her a gun with only one shot left, telling her: "Go on, shot me, I'm not fearing death anymore."

Mission accomplished. I actually like this idea.

Aug 5th, 2013, 06:12 AM
When: Penultimate episode.
Who: Pegs
How: With Scratches on knife, one stab for each Tower member who died because of her.

Aug 5th, 2013, 08:49 AM
When: Penultimate episode.
Who: Pegs
How: With Scratches on knife, one stab for each Tower member who died because of her.

Wait, ultimate episode (last one) or penultimate episode (next to the last one)? I gotta be clear for the bookies, you know....

Aug 5th, 2013, 11:45 AM
Wait, ultimate episode (last one) or penultimate episode (next to the last one)? I gotta be clear for the bookies, you know....

The penultimate episode (next to the last one). I've been waiting for years to use that word, ever since I learned its meaning. :yay:

Aug 5th, 2013, 11:49 AM
Wait WD, what if Kc does a J. K. Rowland and splits the final into two parts although it was originally conceived as one episode? Would "penultimate episode" be ok then?

Aug 5th, 2013, 12:23 PM
The penultimate episode (next to the last one). I've been waiting for years to use that word, ever since I learned its meaning. :yay:

Alright! I gotcha down for that one, my friend....

Aug 5th, 2013, 12:25 PM
Wait WD, what if Kc does a J. K. Rowland and splits the final into two parts although it was originally conceived as one episode? Would "penultimate episode" be ok then?

Aug 19th, 2013, 04:45 AM
Ok friends and fans, we are getting down to the wire with Season 4 just around the corner. You have until 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time (East coast USA) on August 23, 2013 (Season 4 premier date) to get you choices in on the Scratch Deadpool.

Here are the details again in case you don't want to jump all the way back to page 1 of this thread:

Here's the pitch: Tell us who kills Scratch and when it happens for fun and prizes!!!!

The details:

Tell us who kills Scratch. The name of the character (if a main, named character), or "the zombies", or "Nobody - Scratch lives forever".
Tell us what episode it will happen. At present we are assuming 11 chapters with 3 parts each + a one episode chapter for the finale. If Kc lets us know anything different we'll update this thread.
Give as many or as few details around "How" it happens (this part is for fun only).

The prizes:

Each correct pick of "Who" kills Scratch gets +50 rep awarded
Each correct pick of "When" Scratch dies gets +50 rep awarded
For anyone that correctly picks both the "Who" and the "When", the awards above are given and +150 more rep for a total of +250 for anyone that picks them both correct.
There is also the potential for some "Mystery Prizes" to be awarded at the discretion of Forum admins and/or Kc (to be determined)

The rules:

1 entry per forum user. Post on this thread with your "Who", "When", and "How". If you want to change your choice, do not edit your post. Post a new choice and delete your old one. Edited posts are immediately disqualified.
Entries are open until 11:00 am Eastern Daylight Time on the Season 4 premier date (August 26th, 2013).

(Not to be confused with the Who Dies poll (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?4562-Who-Dies))

Aug 23rd, 2013, 04:27 AM
My prediction is:

Who: Riley!

Scratch and the mallers have been cooperating to get in close, there's an uneasy trust which is broken when scratch goes off and does something bad like kill someone, and Riley messes her up!

Aug 23rd, 2013, 09:27 AM
Pegs kills Scratch.
Chapter 47-2
In a showdown where just Pegs and Scratch are in some kind of corridor together (a bit like Scratch-CJ battle), Scratch is about to kill Pegs when Pegs manages to get a shot away first.

Aug 27th, 2013, 03:51 AM
Ok. The new season has started so all bets are in for the Deadpool. I've got everyone down that posted a guess in here and will be keeping track for you.

Thanks for playing and Good luck!