View Full Version : The Shot Heard Around The World

Jan 23rd, 2011, 08:40 PM
Who do you guys think fired the first shot during the war?

KC has said that we will find out who it was, but honestly, who do you guys think fired the first shot?

Wicked Sid
Jan 23rd, 2011, 08:46 PM
It was an Automatic rifle, was it not? Or maybe a pistol and someone with a really quick trigger finger, didn't sound that weak though.

I think it may have been Kalani, because he wasn't in the room with the other Mains. Or to blow any theory out of the water, Kc could just say it was a Random survivor in the tower that was also the traitor.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 09:00 PM
It was an Automatic rifle, was it not? Or maybe a pistol and someone with a really quick trigger finger, didn't sound that weak though.

I think it may have been Kalani, because he wasn't in the room with the other Mains. Or to blow any theory out of the water, Kc could just say it was a Random survivor in the tower that was also the traitor.

True it might be someone random. But I like the idea that it had to be someone who knows how to use a gun.

You might have been in the party when KC told us.

Jan 23rd, 2011, 09:15 PM
Coulda been Bill. He's still not clean in my mind. And he had all the ammo. Maybe he pushed the situation on purpose and then went down stairs to make it look like he was helping, and then... *boom* Sad day for Bill.


Jan 23rd, 2011, 09:19 PM
Makes sense!

Do you guys know EXACTLY what episode it took place at?

Jan 23rd, 2011, 09:54 PM
Makes sense!

Do you guys know EXACTLY what episode it took place at?

12-3 @ 2:15. That's where Bill says, "I'm sorry." as he's dieing.

Was that what you were referring to?

Jan 24th, 2011, 07:10 AM
Yeah, I just wanna know when the shot happens, thank :)

I The K Train I
Jan 24th, 2011, 07:47 AM
Coulda been Bill. He's still not clean in my mind. And he had all the ammo. Maybe he pushed the situation on purpose and then went down stairs to make it look like he was helping, and then... *boom* Sad day for Bill.


I don't think it would be Bill. I don't know how they would explain at some stage how it was him when he died. Usually in a situation such as that something would slip by the person.

Then again. We could just be left to assume that it was Bill because he had all the ammo and it is never going to be explained. I know KC said that we would find out, but you never know. Someone could just say it in passing that Bill had the ammo so it was him.

Ah I dunno really, just throwing ideas out there like the rest of ye

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:01 AM
I don't think it would be Bill. I don't know how they would explain at some stage how it was him when he died. Usually in a situation such as that something would slip by the person.

Then again. We could just be left to assume that it was Bill because he had all the ammo and it is never going to be explained. I know KC said that we would find out, but you never know. Someone could just say it in passing that Bill had the ammo so it was him.

Ah I dunno really, just throwing ideas out there like the rest of ye

I mean this is a conversational forum XD

I personally am not 100 % sure who it was. I hope it is kolani, cause I wanna see people get mad at him.

I The K Train I
Jan 24th, 2011, 08:05 AM
I mean this is a conversational forum XD

I personally am not 100 % sure who it was. I hope it is kolani, cause I wanna see people get mad at him.

My buddy thinks it's Kalani. He is sceptical about that though. He thinks he is the obvious choice. I honestly have no idea who it was. It could have been a Maller for all we know?

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:28 AM
I know this is super far fetched, but could it have been skittles?

Wicked Sid
Jan 24th, 2011, 08:58 AM
I know this is super far fetched, but could it have been skittles?

That would be pretty difficult with him not being anywhere near the Tower, as far as we know. Plus, what would be his motivation? He may be a little unbalanced but, I'm sure he has a great survival instinct, he has survived this long alone.

Jan 24th, 2011, 09:04 AM
That would be pretty difficult with him not being anywhere near the Tower, as far as we know. Plus, what would be his motivation? He may be a little unbalanced but, I'm sure he has a great survival instinct, he has survived this long alone.

Yeah I don't have anything to back it up. But I'm pretty sure he knows how to use a gun, correct?

And he would have no motivation, not that we know of.

Jan 24th, 2011, 09:17 AM
K Train,

I just think Bill was a greedy, self centered and solitary bastard. He owned the tower did he not? So, what would his motivation be? It sure as hell wouldn't be to bring in more people.. and worse people at that.
I think it's just a random person or a plant picked up along the way. The gun shots could have been anyone. Any scared idiot with a weapon...but, it does make sense that Bill would be the one to fire on them though. THAT part does fit his personality.

Jan 24th, 2011, 11:47 AM
I have to disagree with you Crowbar, I think it was someone significant, I mean if the shot didn't happen then they might still be in the tower at this point.

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:27 PM

my question then would be "why would it have to be someone significant?" Let's just delete Bill from the picture for now and say it was one or two scared people. Does it matter who did it? it makes more sense to me for it just to be someone with an itchy trigger finger.
Let's just say it was the "Traitor," what would their motive be? The talks were still in session and the building hadn't been surrounded yet. Mr big and bad was beating his chest, but still trying honey over vinegar before all hell broke loose.
so, if it was an idiot: what does that mean?
If it was someone on the team: how does that advance the plot? Both scenarios have the same result do they not?
I guess i'm trying to ask why is one more important than the other?

Scuner Mac
Jan 24th, 2011, 12:28 PM
My buddy thinks it's Kalani. He is sceptical about that though. He thinks he is the obvious choice. I honestly have no idea who it was. It could have been a Maller for all we know?

Seeing as I am that buddy, I feel I must explain. :-)

I think Kalani is being portrayed as the bad guy recently, and I think it's very easy for all of us think that he is the Mole. However, I think that we may be surprised by who it turns out to be.

I personally feel that we are being led down the garden path with regards to Kalani, only for it to turn out that one of the main characters was actually the mole all along.
Just imagine if Angel or Pegs turned out to be the mole? Now who would see that coming?

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:42 PM
Ok, there is no way it was Burt, Pegs, Micheal, Angel, Tommy.

12-1 @12:21

It sounded like a pistol, and 5 shots were fired. It was shot on the 3rd floor 2nd window on the left.

If I'm correct Bill only had a shotgun, so I doubt it was him. Cant be Skittles, cause he wasn't in the tower.

It had to be someone with access to a pistol.

Scuner Mac
Jan 24th, 2011, 12:48 PM
@StepLaught, What if the mole and the person who fired the shot are different people? I didn't even think about that before now, but it is possible.

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:55 PM

my question then would be "why would it have to be someone significant?" Let's just delete Bill from the picture for now and say it was one or two scared people. Does it matter who did it? it makes more sense to me for it just to be someone with an itchy trigger finger.
Let's just say it was the "Traitor," what would their motive be? The talks were still in session and the building hadn't been surrounded yet. Mr big and bad was beating his chest, but still trying honey over vinegar before all hell broke loose.
so, if it was an idiot: what does that mean?
If it was someone on the team: how does that advance the plot? Both scenarios have the same result do they not?
I guess i'm trying to ask why is one more important than the other?

Now the girl maller (cant remember her name) knew Micheal had a broken arm, how would she know that unless someone in the tower had a connection with the mallers, and I believe that same person is the one who fired the first shot.

Jan 24th, 2011, 12:57 PM
@Mac I was thinking that too, but it makes more since to have the mole being the person to fire the first shot, cause they'd want the tower to get over run by the mallers. And shooting the first shot might make the process a little bit faster.

Scuner Mac
Jan 24th, 2011, 01:13 PM
@Step You could be right there. I just really think that we're in for a few surprises soon. Its been very straightforward so far with very few twists and turns. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Jan 24th, 2011, 01:23 PM
@Step You could be right there. I just really think that we're in for a few surprises soon. Its been very straightforward so far with very few twists and turns. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Yes, I dont think we will fully figure out who it is anytime soon., I know KC think way ahead. So he has carefully placed clues here and there, and I KNOW he loves toying with us.

Jan 24th, 2011, 07:56 PM
I still don't think it actually matters who fired the shot. It'll be a random fool. I'll eat my hat. LOL. The mole is the important piece. Here's the weird thing.. a mole would want to skeedadle ASAP. They would have at least tried to escape when their Maller friends beat feat. So far, I think everyone important is still in place. So, that means that the mole isn't a mole, but someone misguided.
Let's say Pegs is the one. Why? Pegs is a pacifist and lacks street smarts. So, she'd believe that there is strength in numbers. They'd work in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" gray area.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:04 PM
I'm thinking that it was saul drunkenly firing his M9 out the window in anger after lizzy wouldnt sleep with him.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:09 PM
that's a good theory too. As I said, it could have been anyone. They were all drinking.. stupid.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:14 PM
I still don't think it actually matters who fired the shot. It'll be a random fool. I'll eat my hat. LOL. The mole is the important piece. Here's the weird thing.. a mole would want to skeedadle ASAP. They would have at least tried to escape when their Maller friends beat feat. So far, I think everyone important is still in place. So, that means that the mole isn't a mole, but someone misguided.
Let's say Pegs is the one. Why? Pegs is a pacifist and lacks street smarts. So, she'd believe that there is strength in numbers. They'd work in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" gray area.

see my only problem with that is, i dont see peggs being able to keep a straight face and live a lie like that, everythign in her personality would show her being like michael!!! we should be nice to them and survive together!!! not being all underhanded and sneaky about it, usually she owns up to her mistakes, then goes and cries in her room for a day or two... (potted plant incident)

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:24 PM
Methinks that be part of the issue with pegs and her dreams/nightmare. Guilt over using a gun, guilt from killing, guilt from being forced to take a life in a situation that got out of hand that she started. You know the old saying about Good Intentions. I don't think she'd say anything because of all the people who died and for the fear of being kicked out the tower. She'd pay for it internally.. like she is.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:25 PM
Yeah I dont see pegs being the traitor. Whats her motivation? She wants to get with michael and doesnt really have any huge problems with the people in the tower.

Jan 24th, 2011, 09:23 PM
i'm thinking that it was saul drunkenly firing his m9 out the window in anger after lizzy wouldnt sleep with him.

best reason i've heard rofl!!!

Jan 30th, 2011, 01:34 PM
I don't think it would be Bill. I don't know how they would explain at some stage how it was him when he died. Usually in a situation such as that something would slip by the person.

Then again. We could just be left to assume that it was Bill because he had all the ammo and it is never going to be explained. I know KC said that we would find out, but you never know. Someone could just say it in passing that Bill had the ammo so it was him.

Ah I dunno really, just throwing ideas out there like the rest of ye
I don't know, Bill did have all of the ammo but he had a shotgun which sounded nothing like the shot heard. The only other person that I can think of was Riley. I'm not sure if she was with the others when the shots were fired, and she did have a few bullets left didn't she?

Jan 30th, 2011, 01:39 PM
I've already said why I think it was Datu in the "Who's the Rat (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?51-Who-s-The-Rat&p=965&viewfull=1#post965)" thread, so I wont' repost the whole thing here, but I say Datu was the one who started the War with the Mallers.

Jan 30th, 2011, 02:29 PM
I don't know, Bill did have all of the ammo but he had a shotgun which sounded nothing like the shot heard. The only other person that I can think of was Riley. I'm not sure if she was with the others when the shots were fired, and she did have a few bullets left didn't she?

I thought it was kelly, but then again she was the first one who through a couch out the window, if she had a gun, she'd probably use it.

Jan 30th, 2011, 02:29 PM
I've already said why I think it was Datu in the "Who's the Rat (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?51-Who-s-The-Rat&p=965&viewfull=1#post965)" thread, so I wont' repost the whole thing here, but I say Datu was the one who started the War with the Mallers.

You did make a great point there. And it really got me thinking.

Jan 30th, 2011, 04:02 PM
I thought it was kelly, but then again she was the first one who through a couch out the window, if she had a gun, she'd probably use it.
Kelly could have been the one that fired the shot but the only reason I think that is because she really acted like a bitch