View Full Version : Insults for Kimmit!

Dec 5th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Post any insults you want to say to Kimmit, don't be afraid to get creative. Different languages are acceptable. I have a few Choice words for him.
Asinine, pussy-footin, soul-less, son of a bitch, I hope you hated burning alive in the after affects of your own creation!:mad:

Also I have no hatred for the actor, I admire him for making me hate his character this much.

Dec 5th, 2012, 09:43 PM
You unpatriotic coward, you are a disgrace to the military and humanity in general.

Dec 6th, 2012, 12:18 AM
Kimmet you little radioactive subatomic bunch of particles!

Dec 6th, 2012, 02:13 AM
Kimmet you little radioactive subatomic bunch of particles!

Well yeah, now he is. :P

Dec 6th, 2012, 03:53 AM
It's funny, the longer I let the show sink in, the less I hate Kimmett. I mean, yeah, he was a dick and all. But in the end, his crazy plus his command did more for the "greater good", and our heroes, than if he just bugged out or ripped by Robbins' minigun.

So, Kimmett, you arrogant, condescending prick. Thank you for quite possibly saving mankind.... :hsugh:

Dec 6th, 2012, 04:00 AM
Kimmet lost it completely in the end.


Farewell to a one season only character.

Dec 6th, 2012, 08:38 AM
I have some trouble with insulting
a) an already dead person in the wake of his demise and
b) a person whose situation involves so many different, in this case tragically connected factors which made him choose poorly on several occasions.

Dec 6th, 2012, 08:55 AM
Michael you selfish coward! How many lives would you have saved if you assumed command? Most of the officers would have supported you. You should have shot him at the Helipad. Who cares that thousands died if you get your girlfriend back.

Dec 6th, 2012, 09:05 AM
I have some trouble with insulting
a) an already dead person in the wake of his demise and
b) a person whose situation involves so many different, in this case tragically connected factors which made him choose poorly on several occasions.

EXACTLY! That is why I am Insulting Michael who was the one person that could have removed him from command. After Boulder was nuked most of the Military structure was gone. Kimmit would have had no external support, The officers already have seen the Results of Kimmit and Michaels action and know Michael would have been a better leader.

Dec 6th, 2012, 09:25 AM
EXACTLY! That is why I am Insulting Michael who was the one person that could have removed him from command. After Boulder was nuked most of the Military structure was gone. Kimmit would have had no external support, The officers already have seen the Results of Kimmit and Michaels action and know Michael would have been a better leader.

He could have done it, but seriously, sometimes it is up to every man for himself. Michael is flawed like basically everyone else. He has endured very much, physically and mentally. He tried to do his best at the tower, he made decisions, it does not count if they were good or bad. But as it happens to be in society - he took a lot of blame for them without being heavy supported by a lot of people. Why should he again be Mr Magnificent and try to save everyone with zero chance of success? Even here in the forum, some say that Kimmet was quite ok and that nuking Boulder was ok.

Dec 6th, 2012, 09:31 AM
He could have done it, but seriously, sometimes it is up to every man for himself. Michael is flawed like basically everyone else. He has endured very much, physically and mentally. He tried to do his best at the tower, he made decisions, it does not count if they were good or bad. But as it happens to be in society - he took a lot of blame for them without being heavy supported by a lot of people. Why should he again be Mr Magnificent and try to save everyone with zero chance of success? Even here in the forum, some say that Kimmet was quite ok and that nuking Boulder was ok.

So, it is OK not to insult Michael for bad decisions, but OK to stampede on the dead bones of Kimmet for his bad decisions? There is no difference between both men regarding the support by the few - the only difference here is that the structures (chain of command, system of orders) was different, and that only somewhat ...

Dec 6th, 2012, 09:45 AM
I guess it is a matter of perspective. Michael has been an wonderful scapegoat for some people. He made some bad decisions in the past but he was right about leaving Fort Irwin in time. At the end, he did not even get through to Kimmet.

Dec 7th, 2012, 01:15 PM
Still weird pissing on dead ones because of the mistakes they made ... Sorry. I disapprove.

Dec 7th, 2012, 01:29 PM
Still weird pissing on dead ones because of the mistakes they made ... Sorry. I disapprove.

Maybe I was too harsh, Kimmet gets a honorable mention for tearing down the barrier between energy and matter at the moment he died. Damn you, E equals m*c^2!