View Full Version : Back Stories in We're Alive

Nov 21st, 2012, 02:29 AM
The season finale is upon us, and that means only one more blissful hour of audio ecstasy before all fades to the graying dust of re-listens and inferior audio dramas...

On the bright side, I am greatly looking forward to the novella about Burt's back story-- presumably where he was at the time of the outbreak and how he ended up 'locked' in Locked n' Loaded. Kc also said that he fleshed out a backstory for other WA appearances such as the boat that Michael ends up crashing.

For me, one of the WA back stories that I am interested in hearing more about is Dunbar: how CJ's crew got together, what Sean was like, how Duncan/Skittles came into the mix, and how they were able to build such an impressive fortress during the same time that our tower folk were jimmy-rigging things together with plywood and duct tape.

What about you? Which back story in We're Alive are you most intested in hearing more about?

Nov 21st, 2012, 05:18 AM
Easy, kolani's story! We know he made it to a larger plain and made it L.A but how he survived the angrier z's on the island and what happened to his recently "late wife"?? How effective the little leaguer bat was etc.....

Nov 21st, 2012, 06:51 AM
The season finale is upon us, and that means only one more blissful hour of audio ecstasy before all fades to the graying dust of re-listens and inferior audio dramas...

On the bright side, I am greatly looking forward to the novella about Burt's back story-- presumably where he was at the time of the outbreak and how he ended up 'locked' in Locked n' Loaded. Kc also said that he fleshed out a backstory for other WA appearances such as the boat that Michael ends up crashing.

For me, one of the WA back stories that I am interested in hearing more about is Dunbar: how CJ's crew got together, what Sean was like, how Duncan/Skittles came into the mix, and how they were able to build such an impressive fortress during the same time that our tower folk were jimmy-rigging things together with plywood and duct tape.

What about you? Which back story in We're Alive are you most intested in hearing more about?

Scratch, of course!!! Some of the pre-Zday stuff but mainly all the stuff that happened between appearances at the tower & the colony.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 21st, 2012, 07:42 AM
The story of what happened at Fort Irwin and Boulder during the first days of the zombie apocalypse, as seen by Puck and Carl respectively.

Nov 21st, 2012, 07:54 AM
Scratch, of course!!! Some of the pre-Zday stuff but mainly all the stuff that happened between appearances at the tower & the colony.

Ant not to forget what she did in order to rescue her brother 'Latch' from the prison!
Besides that I'd love to learn more about what connects Angel and Scratch. I know - the family. And what else?

The story of what happened at Fort Irwin and Boulder during the first days of the zombie apocalypse, as seen by Puck and Carl respectively.

So much. This would be an excellent opportunity to get a better impression about what was going on during the first 7 days in the US of A ...!

All the best!

Nov 21st, 2012, 08:51 AM
The story of what happened at Fort Irwin and Boulder during the first days of the zombie apocalypse, as seen by Puck and Carl respectively.

Most definitely! I really like those 2 characters. Also I retesting to see a build up of Col. Kimmet. Was he the CO when it all went down? What's his background? How did the Boulder/Fort Irwin stuff go down?

Another interesting story would be the militarization of Boulder and the mix of stories there from people coming from different cities/states.

Nov 21st, 2012, 09:19 AM
I just want Durai's backstory.

Nov 21st, 2012, 10:27 AM
Ant not to forget what she did in order to rescue her brother 'Latch' from the prison!
Besides that I'd love to learn more about what connects Angel and Scratch. I know - the family. And what else?

Yeah, the prison break episode... that would kick ass.

Here's another one:

What about the story of how the Colony was built? Remember how (Victor, I think?) said that it started just as a barricade of cars and they had to essentially fight while they were building it? That would be something to witness...

Nov 21st, 2012, 11:34 AM
Martin and how he ended up in the arena, but I'm worried it would be a Paulie Shore movie.

Nov 21st, 2012, 11:54 AM
Already written two stories revolving around the pasts of three central characters.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 21st, 2012, 01:39 PM
The story of the Tower during the outbreak. I want to know about Bill, and Angel's girlfriend, and how Datu ended up in that elevator.

Nov 21st, 2012, 06:00 PM
Actually, I want some backstory on this "Family" that has become a mysterious component in the WA universe.

Nov 21st, 2012, 07:31 PM
I would like the backstory of Scratch and how she gained her magical siren song voice and the backstory of how Scratch met and fell in love with a ridiculously handsome prince who we'll just call Deacon (random name that popped into my head). It could be like a Disney tale, except with more violence and guns and chocolate pudding. <3 <3 <3