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love bump
Nov 15th, 2012, 04:44 PM
I kind of picture them fighting in a hallway, so that would negate a lot of the reach, and if CJ fighting fits with CJ planning, my guess is that she knows the theory and has practised lots, but when it comes to an actual fighting she lets herself down.

she was also under a lot of stress . she got that girl who came along with her killed, worried for saul , scratch playing mind games with her so its safe to say she was not on top of her game.

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:54 PM
Thats a great point! I didn't consider that.. still if they clashed their blades together (which they did) then the Katana should have sliced Scratch's little knife in half due to superior steel.

But if the sides hit rather than the sharp edges...

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:58 PM
But if the sides hit rather than the sharp edges...

Yeah I can see that, but if a 6 inch blade and a 27 inch blade are that close to each other you have to figure logically CJ's blade is long enough to overtake the tiny knife and cut Scratch up. Think about it. Take a katana and a knife (even a big one) and place them next to each other. You think that if they're that close to each other the katana isn't going to hit home?

The knife just isn't long enough to counter the balance of the katana. CJ could easily over power Scratch's low balance knife

love bump
Nov 15th, 2012, 05:05 PM
i cant remember hence why i ask but is her knife ever described in past episodes?

Nov 15th, 2012, 05:06 PM
i cant remember hence why i ask but is her knife ever described in past episodes?

It's not, but we can assume it's bigger than the typical knife, probably 6 to 10 inches. It is pictured in the promo pics with Burt and Scratch (sounds like the name of a cartoon) and it is a rather large knife

Nov 15th, 2012, 05:11 PM
Alright well lets just all agree with Smokey and be done with it!

Anyway, the season finale is coming up quickly. Any predictions?

Nov 15th, 2012, 05:15 PM
Alright well lets just all agree with Smokey and be done with it!

Anyway, the season finale is coming up quickly. Any predictions?

death. Lots of death. Fun. Friendship......um...thats all I got.

Nov 15th, 2012, 05:16 PM
I predict that it will be here in about 3 weeks!

Nov 15th, 2012, 05:51 PM
I predict that everyone dies except for Pete and Skittles and they end up facing off against the whole zombie army. In the battle Pete rips off Ink's head and Skittles beats Randy to death. Without a leader the zombies flee and after that Pete and Skittles find a group of young college girls and they commence repopulating the world.

Nov 15th, 2012, 06:06 PM
death. Lots of death. Fun. Friendship......um...thats all I got.

Sounds like a Very Zombie Holiday special edition of WA.... :cool:

Nov 15th, 2012, 06:35 PM
Here's a more serious question. Where do you guys think the survivors of this cluster fuck end up?


Does Irwin fight off the little ones and they can go back there?

I'd say the one for sure place they won't be is the colony. The front gates are wide open and they are surrounded on all sides by an Ink and Randy led army with Bahemoths.

Nov 15th, 2012, 06:39 PM
Here's a more serious question. Where do you guys think the survivors of this cluster fuck end up?


Does Irwin fight off the little ones and they can go back there?

I'd say the one for sure place they won't be is the colony. The front gates are wide open and they are surrounded on all sides by an Ink and Randy led army with Bahemoths.

My vote is Dunbar.... maybe to find that it has been raided by Inks family in the weeks(?) that it has been empty....

Nov 15th, 2012, 06:44 PM
CJ had that place locked down, I think it's fine. The big question is whether CJ will freak out about it if she lives of course

Nov 15th, 2012, 08:05 PM
Maybe her motto at Boulder has been "Swords to Plowshares!" or sort of. That would explain how Boulder was so easily overrun. Jackpot!

YES!!! Plus, the fact that she's a gardener ties in perfectly.

Nov 15th, 2012, 08:33 PM
Alright well lets just all agree with Smokey and be done with it!

Anyway, the season finale is coming up quickly. Any predictions?


Nov 15th, 2012, 08:34 PM
My vote is Dunbar.... maybe to find that it has been raided by Inks family in the weeks(?) that it has been empty....

It's not empty, the animals are still there. You know the chickens and the...... cats.... Did anyone remember to feed the cats?????

Nov 15th, 2012, 08:41 PM
Here's a more serious question. Where do you guys think the survivors of this cluster fuck end up?


Does Irwin fight off the little ones and they can go back there?

I'd say the one for sure place they won't be is the colony. The front gates are wide open and they are surrounded on all sides by an Ink and Randy led army with Bahemoths.

A military aircraft from Deus ex Machina-stan will fly over to investigate the results of a fail-safe nuclear device. Season 4 will involve a trek to this or another safe zone that was kept in secret by Col. Kimmet. :tinfoil:

Nov 15th, 2012, 09:51 PM
OK. Someone opens the gate and makes off with the SWAT van. Let's pick some cherries.

The last sounds we hear from Chapter 35-2 could be that of a sliding gate.
Victor says that the Mallers are escaping out of the personnel gate.
Bixby was the last to have control of the SWAT van.
Bixby was wearing a bullet-proof vest and was found dead with a Knife in the neck near one of the check points.
The supply gate can be opened from the ground by a single person in the pit between to two gates

I'm baking this cherry pie from Scratch. :cool:

Nov 15th, 2012, 09:55 PM
Looks like I'll be repping an entire thread again...


Because the doctor needs some for the above post ;)

Nov 15th, 2012, 10:01 PM
There is a lot of coughing, not just Burt and Victor (Otto Sturcke even coughs throughout his We're Not Dead interview). Characters can be heard coughing in the background as the guys walk to and around the watch towers. Of course this could be KC's way of portraying the was weary. Also, there wasn't a lot of coughing at the arena, but............ CRAP! Did I just shoot down my own Zombie Cough theory? UGH, it's bed time. G'nite y'all.

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:02 PM
It's not empty, the animals are still there. You know the chickens and the...... cats.... Did anyone remember to feed the cats?????

CJ said that they eat the rats but there should be plenty of chickens. That is, IF they can find where the coops are.

Nov 15th, 2012, 11:11 PM
There is a lot of coughing, not just Burt and Victor (Otto Sturcke even coughs throughout his We're Not Dead interview). Characters can be heard coughing in the background as the guys walk to and around the watch towers. Of course this could be KC's way of portraying the was weary. Also, there wasn't a lot of coughing at the arena, but............ CRAP! Did I just shoot down my own Zombie Cough theory? UGH, it's bed time. G'nite y'all.

any coughing theories going forward shall be stricken from the record...and just for your information gentlemen, your guest "consultants" in FBI territory. please try to keep your liberal conspiracy theory type reporting where it belongs..in the little known paper you publish. just because agents mulder and scully enjoy your company...does. not. mean. i do....

now get out of my office....

:hsugh:(this has been this weeks x-files moment...nothing but <3 for the doc)

Nov 16th, 2012, 12:17 AM
:hsugh:(this has been this weeks x-files moment...nothing but <3 for the doc)

So there happens to be another bromance in this forum, feel free to express your true feelings. Back to the coughing: maybe Burt and Victor are just smoking some pot in contemplation of death... But of course they do not inhale!

Nov 16th, 2012, 12:36 AM


Nov 16th, 2012, 02:01 AM
So there happens to be another bromance in this forum, feel free to express your true feelings. Back to the coughing: maybe Burt and Victor are just smoking some pot in contemplation of death... But of course they do not inhale!

Probably, if not most likely, five* of those theories being negligible ...

(* #1 bromance, #2 Burt smoking pot, #3 Victor smoking pot, #4 in contemplation of death, #5 inhale)

Nov 16th, 2012, 02:44 AM
Do you mean negligible or refutable?

Nov 16th, 2012, 03:53 AM
One last coughing post: Saul and Victor are outside at ground level for several minutes before Victor coughs the first time. It sounds like he only coughs twice (right before Lenny goes over the wall and not long after). Sounds like Burt coughs once before they head up the stairs. Don't seem to hear anyone else coughing.

Leads me to believe it doesn't really mean anything...

Coughgate scandal over..... (or is it?)

Nov 16th, 2012, 06:52 AM
And now to something completely different:

I know that the next episode will be the final episode of season 3, there will be a lot of drama, many losses, a lot of threats waiting at the doorsteps. But, as I am currently listening again to season 1, I - possibly naive - think, that Michael deserves his one positive moment of the season. He endured so much, Boulder, the zombie attack on Fort Irwin, Riley's complaints and so on. And yeah, his our little martyr of WA. All I want to say - let Pegs return unharmed. Otherwise, I guess that Michael will simply implode psychologically in the near future.

Nov 16th, 2012, 07:03 AM
And now to something completely different:

I know that the next episode will be the final episode of season 3, there will be a lot of drama, many losses, a lot of threats waiting at the doorsteps. But, as I am currently listening again to season 1, I - possibly naive - think, that Michael deserves his one positive moment of the season. He endured so much, Boulder, the zombie attack on Fort Irwin, Riley's complaints and so on. And yeah, his our little martyr of WA. All I want to say - let Pegs return unharmed. Otherwise, I guess that Michael will simply implode psychologically in the near future.

It seems to me that Michael may be dealing with some PTSD from his time in the sandbox and the whole Z-day thing hasn't helped him out much. He's always pushing stuff down by staying focused on mission (hence the while reason he and Pegs went splits)...

Right at the end of Chapter 35, it sounds like Michael has just been hit with the enormity of the situation of Fort Irwin being overrun and the sun going down on humanity.

I see Michael on a knife edge at the moment - he can rise one more time to the challenge and lead the survivors in a mad scramble. Or he can break, and break bad, and basically throw in the towel for real and someone else rises as the leader (Saul maybe...)

Nov 16th, 2012, 08:28 AM

But Saul has Saul the ability to "glue" people together as Michael does? Burt failed on this miserably.

Nov 16th, 2012, 08:53 AM

But Saul has Saul the ability to "glue" people together as Michael does? Burt failed on this miserably.

I think he does have the "people skills" and natural charisma. It's gonna be more about handling the stress of everyone looking to him for decisions. That's one of the traps of being promoted to leadership - you're making decisions beyond just you and just right now. For people unprepared and/or untrained it can be pretty harsh (in my experiences in the business world anyway).

Nov 16th, 2012, 09:59 AM
OK. Someone opens the gate and makes off with the SWAT van. Let's pick some cherries.

The last sounds we hear from Chapter 35-2 could be that of a sliding gate.
Victor says that the Mallers are escaping out of the personnel gate.
Bixby was the last to have control of the SWAT van.
Bixby was wearing a bullet-proof vest and was found dead with a Knife in the neck near one of the check points.
The supply gate can be opened from the ground by a single person in the pit between to two gates

I'm baking this cherry pie from Scratch. :cool:

This makes the most sense to me. We obviously haven't heard the end of Scratch, and since she is now without the rest of the Mallers, she needs to do something to remain a threat, and what better way to say a final (for now) fuck you to our heroes than to steal their primary means of escape while leaving them vulnerable by letting in the zombie hordes.
She could quite easily have either been hiding in the swat van waiting for the opportune time to make her escape, or hiding anywhere nearby in the Colony relying on the surrounding chaos to mask her presence.....

Nov 16th, 2012, 10:57 AM
I think he does have the "people skills" and natural charisma. It's gonna be more about handling the stress of everyone looking to him for decisions. That's one of the traps of being promoted to leadership - you're making decisions beyond just you and just right now. For people unprepared and/or untrained it can be pretty harsh (in my experiences in the business world anyway).

I like Saul, I really do. Nevertheless, I somehow doubt that he could replace Michael as a leader. He definitely got the right set of skills, but he is too driven by personal interests. He started his Lizzy rescue mission without thinking a lot about the consequences for the other ones at the tower. Yeah, this makes him quite likable - but he remains a hotshot. I do not know if he would be able to delegate tasks he has a personal interest in to others. Besides, as you said, I do not know if he can cope with the results of hard decisions. Michael accepted his role as a "human lightning rod" (if you like) for the group. And the group at the tower on the other hand was funded on the simple fact, that each one's responsibility for anything going wrong could be deflected to a certain degree towards Michael. Even Saul and Burt benefited from that.

Nov 16th, 2012, 11:06 AM
I like Saul, I really do. Nevertheless, I somehow doubt that he could replace Michael as a leader. He definitely got the right set of skills, but he is too driven by personal interests. He started his Lizzy rescue mission without thinking a lot about the consequences for the other ones at the tower. Yeah, this makes him quite likable - but he remains a hotshot. I do not know if he would be able to delegate tasks he has a personal interest in to others. Besides, as you said, I do not know if he can cope with the results of hard decisions. Michael accepted his role as a "human lightning rod" (if you like) for the group. And the group at the tower on the other hand was funded on the simple fact, that each one's responsibility for anything going wrong could be deflected to a certain degree towards Michael. Even Saul and Burt benefited from that.

Very good points about Saul's personal interests.

I think the environment that Kc has been building is one chocked full of human failings. So the leader is going to be a person with some good qualities and some bad (sometimes fatal) qualities. We've seen it with Michael, Burt, Kimmet, Gatekeeper, and even Saul to a degree.

I've tried to be a student and observer of leadership for the past 20 years and am always intrigued more by how leaders cope with their own weaknesses than with their circumstances. It's one of the reasons I like WA so much, I think.

All that being said, I could see Saul stepping in and doing some things very well and some things not so good. Could even bring up some nail biting plot points where he has to make a "good for me vs good for all" decision involving Lizzy & Baby....

Nov 16th, 2012, 12:48 PM
Do you mean negligible or refutable?


Nov 16th, 2012, 01:05 PM

Ok. :)

Nov 16th, 2012, 01:16 PM
All that being said, I could see Saul stepping in and doing some things very well and some things not so good. Could even bring up some nail biting plot points where he has to make a "good for me vs good for all" decision involving Lizzy & Baby....

I fear that this will be the case in a not so distant future. Wherever Lizzy is at moment, she is definitely not safe. Whether she is driving the SWAT van, or with CJ or whatever. The colony is on its own if nothing unexpected happens. If Lizzy survives, will she be more than a mother storywise?

Another nasty alternative: Lizzy is bitten in the heat of the battle - will that be it for her and the child - or did the child inherit Saul's immunity and did transfer it to Lizzy? The latter is just speculative...

Nov 16th, 2012, 01:52 PM
Did I miss something? Whats all this Lizzy is driving the SWAT van stuff? How does this even register as a logical theory? Why would Lizzy just up and randomly jump into the SWAT van and drive away leaving all of her loved ones (Who she was just reunited with) behind? This theory is poop and it hurts my brain whenever I read it. So please for the sake of my poor brain, stop with the silly nonsense!! Either that or this is just an inside joke that I am on the outside of...

Nov 16th, 2012, 06:59 PM
Did I miss something? Whats all this Lizzy is driving the SWAT van stuff? How does this even register as a logical theory? Why would Lizzy just up and randomly jump into the SWAT van and drive away leaving all of her loved ones (Who she was just reunited with) behind? This theory is poop and it hurts my brain whenever I read it. So please for the sake of my poor brain, stop with the silly nonsense!! Either that or this is just an inside joke that I am on the outside of...

All I can say to that is: Never think you understand what goes though the brain of a pregnant woman.

I'm just sayin'

Nov 16th, 2012, 07:18 PM
I have a 3 year old son lol I kno how pregnant women can react with craziness. But not that crazy, Lizzy has always been one to keep her head on straight. This theory is stinky poop.

Nov 17th, 2012, 12:54 AM
OK, some questions that need answers.

The turner at Check Point #2.

Started turning while at the check point.
How long was it since his exposure? A lady says that 'the zombies' are just over the hill so he could have been recently exposed OR he could be some what of a 'slow turner?
Tanya says it's the second time this has happened. Is there a trend of slower turning? We have some idea of how long it takes people exposed to Inkling #2 to turn. It seems Roman may have turned at a similar rate, as Glenn nor Pete mention anything about the duration being different.
Turners in the convoy could be either hitchhiking zombies or slow turners.
Keep in mind, Boulder was overrun quickly.


Pete mentions that he is wearing a brownish shirt. Sean calls him a 'techie' when he sends him to the water pumping station. "Brown" collar jobs are considered paraprofessional positions in the USA. Did he work at the station?
Mentioned by someone that he is at the pumping station when we first encounter a Behemoth. Any connections?
Has a mark on his head. Lighting bolt like Harry Potter? White hand print like the Uruk Hai? Scratch marked him some time and place?
Ally, Adversary or Aggregate of Ink?

Uh Oh!

Anyone pick up Bixby's or Gatekeeper's comm devices?
Did the SWAT van have maps to Dunbar?
Were all of CJ's blindfolds red?
Will Cj's katana be used to amputate her leg? If so, did she ever clean it after slicing zombies?
Where the heck is Pete?

Nov 17th, 2012, 01:54 AM
Good question about the maps to Dunbar. But.....do you really think the crazy lady who wants everyone who enters Dunbar blindfolded would draw out a map? Or let saul/vic? Doubtful

this one is just speculation, bit if CJ didn't clean the katanas blade...then based on what we know of the "sword fight"...either her or scratch could feasibly be infected.

Randy wears brown because all badass's with beards were brown...unspoken rules,bro.


Nov 17th, 2012, 05:01 AM
Good question about the maps to Dunbar. But.....do you really think the crazy lady who wants everyone who enters Dunbar blindfolded would draw out a map? Or let saul/vic? Doubtful

this one is just speculation, bit if CJ didn't clean the katanas blade...then based on what we know of the "sword fight"...either her or scratch could feasibly be infected.

Randy wears brown because all badass's with beards were brown...unspoken rules,bro.


CJ being infected... Hmmm... I assume that Saul would have put her on some antibiotic meds as part of her treatment once they got to the hospital. Could have been the same ones he himself was on. Will have to register to see if Saul says anything about giving her meds.

More fodder for the cure theories....

Nov 17th, 2012, 11:25 AM
Good question about the maps to Dunbar. But.....do you really think the crazy lady who wants everyone who enters Dunbar blindfolded would draw out a map? Or let saul/vic? Doubtful

this one is just speculation, bit if CJ didn't clean the katanas blade...then based on what we know of the "sword fight"...either her or scratch could feasibly be infected.

Randy wears brown because all badass's with beards were brown...unspoken rules,bro.


The only thing Scratch is infected with is hotsexyvoice-itis and the love and adoration of us all.

Nov 17th, 2012, 12:45 PM
Has a mark on his head. Lighting bolt like Harry Potter? White hand print like the Uruk Hai? Scratch marked him some time and place?

in 23-1 (around 12:00) Michael shot at Randy a couple of times. The first shot he says hit Randy on the arm but the second shot "may have hit him again." Maybe the mark on the bearded zombie's face is from getting grazed by Michael.

Nov 17th, 2012, 03:08 PM
in 23-1 (around 12:00) Michael shot at Randy a couple of times. The first shot he says hit Randy on the arm but the second shot "may have hit him again." Maybe the mark on the bearded zombie's face is from getting grazed by Michael.

Good point.

love bump
Nov 17th, 2012, 03:09 PM
Yeah, just the "We tried something like this before and it didn't work well" from Michael referencing the homemade chloroform if response to Kimmet's call to use CS gas.

But, we could find out some more about it if Michael says "Kimmet told me that there were chemical weapons over at..." Not sure that'll happen since it looks pretty clear that Ft Irwin is toast now...

i think nerve gas would work quite well against them although i suppose the problem would be getting there hands on it, all the people who would know were its stored are likely dead and the same could be said for those who would know how to make it.

Nov 17th, 2012, 06:31 PM
The one aspect of this that is bothering me is the overuse of conventional weaponry as opposed to improvised techniques that would be far more effective. Such as mixing bleach and ammonia to create poisonous gas (if they're bulletproof from the outside, but still need to breathe air....)

Depending on which way the wind was blowing, a poison gas could be used at great distances and dissipate quickly.

...and what about common sense shit like BUILDING A MOAT? There's a reason moats were used extensively in the middle ages: they freaking worked. Or a page could be taken from Leiningen Versus the Ants, in which the protagonist uses a variety of moats and ditches.

By "moat", I don't necessarily mean a water moat, but a big ditch filled with jagged things would be highly effective. By leaving one or two paths of ingress/egress, it creates a bottleneck for the zombies. In all this time, nobody at Irwin or the Colony considered this?

Nov 17th, 2012, 08:07 PM
The one aspect of this that is bothering me is the overuse of conventional weaponry as opposed to improvised techniques that would be far more effective. Such as mixing bleach and ammonia to create poisonous gas (if they're bulletproof from the outside, but still need to breathe air....)

I wonder about this often and the best explanation I can think of is, it just didn't occur to them. For instance, when I read other zombie or post apocalypse fiction I am always amazed at seeing the characters find a solution or tactic that makes me yell, "Now why didn't I think of that?"

For instance, your poison gas suggestion could just as easily be implemented by criminals, gangs, terrorist... today, but nobody seems to think of it. Other examples of real-life Why-Didn't-I-Think-Of-That that should have occurred to someone long ago, are:
*Drones - remote control planes have been around for decades. Lately someone puts cameras and bombs on them...
*Well, the lit can go on, I'm sleepy

Nov 17th, 2012, 09:01 PM
These possibilities probably have already been stated, but I didn't read all of the thread postings...sooo...here are my thoughts and predictions.

1.) Cj will definitely be the Oracle calling out strategies and position placements as the battle at the colony goes on.
2.) With so many people at Fort Irwin, Kemit will detonate the bomb there, and a small band of survivors will make it out on the chopper repaired by Datu.
3.) (Long Shot - but I like It) Pegs and Kelly will make it to LA, where they will find CJ's tower only to discover that it has become occupied by Scratch.
4.) The Colony will hold against the attack by randy, the person in the van (Glenn - who constantly asked if it was safe, and now its not) will be destroyed, but a second attack will be mounted and the colony will fall with the helicopter once again factoring into the escape. Coming full circle at CJ's tower.

I think that it is interesting that it is implied that an attack was mounted by the Zombies simply based on one following Pete and Glenn. I seems more likely that due to lack of food in the zombies may have been scouting and come across the colony, which would not have been hard with all of the gun fire. I also find it interesting that everything is being setup and presented as a lost cause. In most Zombie media, army personnel are over-run , preventing them from getting to their larger mobile weapons. The fact that these things are able to tear through tank armor is horrifying (though it does beg the question as to how were Glenn and Pete able to survive an attack in a regular car), which means there is really nothing that can stop them. Except more bombs. Which lends itself all the more to the idea that Ink himself is the one reading all of these Diaries.

I do have one question. The fact that these things are in Hawaii means that this is a global issue, it would be interesting to know how the rest of the world is dealing with this?

Nov 18th, 2012, 02:40 AM

It was mentioned that the zeehs surrounded The Colony.
And when The Colony was described the first time, it had the size of what area again? A whole block?
Anyone here has an idea about how huge this place actually is?
And therefore how many zeehs would you need to surround the place ... ?

I am pretty amazed to see 'so many' zeehs gathering at one place. This would mean that food is not so much of a problem for the (Ink's/ Randy's) "army" of zeehs ...

love bump
Nov 18th, 2012, 08:55 AM
The one aspect of this that is bothering me is the overuse of conventional weaponry as opposed to improvised techniques that would be far more effective. Such as mixing bleach and ammonia to create poisonous gas (if they're bulletproof from the outside, but still need to breathe air....)

Depending on which way the wind was blowing, a poison gas could be used at great distances and dissipate quickly.

...and what about common sense shit like BUILDING A MOAT? There's a reason moats were used extensively in the middle ages: they freaking worked. Or a page could be taken from Leiningen Versus the Ants, in which the protagonist uses a variety of moats and ditches.

By "moat", I don't necessarily mean a water moat, but a big ditch filled with jagged things would be highly effective. By leaving one or two paths of ingress/egress, it creates a bottleneck for the zombies. In all this time, nobody at Irwin or the Colony considered this?

the thing about building a moat/large trench is it would take alot of time and noise and machinery which would attract alot of infected. not many people would volunteer for that there safety would not be guaranteed. or perhaps if they had heaps of explosives they would only need volunteers to plant them much safer and quicker way of doing it

Nov 18th, 2012, 10:37 AM

It was mentioned that the zeehs surrounded The Colony.
And when The Colony was described the first time, it had the size of what area again? A whole block?
Anyone here has an idea about how huge this place actually is?
And therefore how many zeehs would you need to surround the place ... ?

I am pretty amazed to see 'so many' zeehs gathering at one place. This would mean that food is not so much of a problem for the (Ink's/ Randy's) "army" of zeehs ...

We haven't really ever had a count of the Zeds that show up in large numbers. It's usually just "so many" creatures.

From the reactions of Saul and Michael at the end of this chapter, I guess we are supposed to assume hundreds or thousands. That would make me think that they haven't had a problem a) finding food or b) finding people to turn.

Obviously at Ft Irwin, the Zeds are from Boulder which was plentiful in food and people to turn. But back in LA, where did it all come from?

Nov 18th, 2012, 12:18 PM
We haven't really ever had a count of the Zeds that show up in large numbers. It's usually just "so many" creatures.

From the reactions of Saul and Michael at the end of this chapter, I guess we are supposed to assume hundreds or thousands. That would make me think that they haven't had a problem a) finding food or b) finding people to turn.

Obviously at Ft Irwin, the Zeds are from Boulder which was plentiful in food and people to turn. But back in LA, where did it all come from?

From early statements we know that there were hundreds "or more" - mentioned at The War and especially at the hospital. And I guess it is a safe assumption that the ones from the hospital are the same as the ones attacking The Colony now, because in both cases the Behemoths were the same in number - just coincidence? I doubt it.
And if there are so many, why do they need to wait until the gate is opened? There is a second gate. And with two Behemoths around I guess it shouldn't be too much of a problem to get through weaker spots of the wall which surrounds the colony.

Again: How big is The Colony actually? What size is "almost a block wide"? And is it around "that" Liberty Park (http://maps.google.de/maps?q=Liberty+Park,+Cerritos,+Los+Angeles+County, +Kalifornien,+USA&hl=de&ll=33.851671,-118.101568&spn=0.023309,0.041456&sll=52.593676,9.126042&sspn=4.36514,10.612793&oq=Liberty+Park+Los+Ange&hq=Liberty+Park,+Cerritos,+Los+Angeles+County,+Kal ifornien,+USA&t=m&z=15)?

I am in dire need of understanding the situation, because I have a lot of trouble envisioning the scene ...

All the best!

love bump
Nov 18th, 2012, 12:52 PM
From early statements we know that there were hundreds "or more" - mentioned at The War and especially at the hospital. And I guess it is a safe assumption that the ones from the hospital are the same as the ones attacking The Colony now, because in both cases the Behemoths were the same in number - just coincidence? I doubt it.
And if there are so many, why do they need to wait until the gate is opened? There is a second gate. And with two Behemoths around I guess it shouldn't be too much of a problem to get through weaker spots of the wall which surrounds the colony.

Again: How big is The Colony actually? What size is "almost a block wide"? And is it around "that" Liberty Park (http://maps.google.de/maps?q=Liberty+Park,+Cerritos,+Los+Angeles+County, +Kalifornien,+USA&hl=de&ll=33.851671,-118.101568&spn=0.023309,0.041456&sll=52.593676,9.126042&sspn=4.36514,10.612793&oq=Liberty+Park+Los+Ange&hq=Liberty+Park,+Cerritos,+Los+Angeles+County,+Kal ifornien,+USA&t=m&z=15)?

I am in dire need of understanding the situation, because I have a lot of trouble envisioning the scene ...

All the best!

there is concept art of the colony or at least of one part of the wall of the colony


Nov 18th, 2012, 08:52 PM
The whole Moat thing as said above would simply just have taken up far too much time. Maybe Irwin could have done it, but remember they never feared for their safety. Also keep in mind, NONE of them had seen crazy zombie types up there, nor did any account for Boulder's demise. Maybe they could have taken extra precautions...but why would they want to? They're more concerned with establishing and expanding their territory.

Also: just saying, Riley's been MIA all season. I think she'll be more relevant either in the season finale or Season 4. Riley needs something to do. Maybe it could be killing Scratch. Saving Michael? Finding a lover. Something. Riley's been taking too much shit for too long.

Nov 19th, 2012, 07:52 AM
Totally agree on the moat. Those that needed it didn't have time or ability to make one. Those that had time & equipment didn't think they needed one.

In general, Fort Irwin's defenses suffered from Col Kimmet's over confidence and lack of experience.

Regarding Riley, I think she's got one more heroic act left in her. Is there a plausible way for her to detonate Fort Irwin after the Pelican gets the rest of the team gets clear?

Nov 19th, 2012, 08:32 AM
A moat is just a large hole in the ground right? After a certain number of zombies that moat would be filled and all you would have to show for it is the rotting flesh smell surrounding your base. In summary, moat = really bad smell forever.

Nov 19th, 2012, 03:38 PM
A moat is just a large hole in the ground right? After a certain number of zombies that moat would be filled and all you would have to show for it is the rotting flesh smell surrounding your base. In summary, moat = really bad smell forever.

My thoughts exactly, while in theory a moat would be great because it would slow the zombie advance and give the defenders a chance to thin out their nubers or stop them althogether. But the problem is if there are enough zombies (which it would seem so at the colony) then all it would do is by them time before the moat filled with dead zombies (is that an oxymoron?). In the end you would just be hampering yourself, because you would have toc take the time to clear out the fallen Z's thus giving the still living Z's a chance to attack again.

Nov 19th, 2012, 04:04 PM
dead zombies (is that an oxymoron?)

Zombies in WA-verse: the oxymoron (two words contradicting each other) applies to WA zombies, before they got properly and thoroughly shot and thus killed, because until then they are alive, actually - as proven by Tanya; but when WA-zombies get properly and thoroughly shot and killed, then they are just as dead as humans are dead, when being properly and thoroughly shot ...

Zombies in general pop-culture often are dead beings, thus adding the word "dead" to "zombies" ends up as tautology.

Nov 19th, 2012, 04:50 PM
From early statements we know that there were hundreds "or more" - mentioned at The War and especially at the hospital. And I guess it is a safe assumption that the ones from the hospital are the same as the ones attacking The Colony now, because in both cases the Behemoths were the same in number - just coincidence? I doubt it.

Awesome catch LiamKerrington!!! I can picture you sitting in a darkened room with diagrams, outlines, charts, and clippings from forum posts taped on the walls with tables covered with scale models of the show. Nothing gets past you.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 19th, 2012, 05:10 PM
...and what about common sense shit like BUILDING A MOAT? There's a reason moats were used extensively in the middle ages: they freaking worked. Or a page could be taken from Leiningen Versus the Ants, in which the protagonist uses a variety of moats and ditches.

By "moat", I don't necessarily mean a water moat, but a big ditch filled with jagged things would be highly effective. By leaving one or two paths of ingress/egress, it creates a bottleneck for the zombies. In all this time, nobody at Irwin or the Colony considered this?

In the army these things are called anti-tank ditches, they would be an excellent addition to the defense of the base, and soldiers at Fort Irwin should have been masters at emplacing them. Here's a cross-section view of a common design http://www.pillbox.org.uk/images/blog/2010/ditch5.jpg

The design of the anti-tank ditch works exactly like a moat, putting a wide barrier in front of an enemy that is hard for them to cross, stops their forward momentum, and causes them to bunch up, making it easier to kill them. A couple of design refinements include the shear face on the far side of the ditch, usually topped with barbed wire, intended to make it hard for normal humans to climb up. The base of the ditch can be mined, and makes an excellent kill zone for hand grenades dropped from above or mortar fire. And it's SOP to site machineguns so that they can fire down the length of the trench.

When I was at Fort Irwin every training unit would have to construct anti-tank ditches, sometimes miles of them, in support of their operations. There were warehouses full of reinforcing and barrier materials on hand to support this work. When they finished their missions we made them fill them all back in again and turn in the supplies.

Nov 19th, 2012, 05:32 PM
I think that it is interesting that it is implied that an attack was mounted by the Zombies simply based on one following Pete and Glenn.

I thought the same thing initially but I've come to learn that unless there is a glaring hint that something else could be the case then I was just second guessing the obvious. One thought I had was that maybe Roman just returned to the Colony like Griggs returned to Bolder, but I believe Victor finished off Roman. It seems like too little time passed for them to follow a truck by walking unless the route took Pete and Glenn around countless trees and these zombies are refugees from Camp Crystal Lake. KC mentioned something about a false pause that may indicate an indeterminate length of passing time.


Originally Posted by Litmaster
Lit's Criticism
Ok, it seems a bit of a stretch at this point that a whole zombie army would mobilize and chase after one fleeing car with a couple of guys in it, so I'm going to have to call bullshit on the rationale for the zombie attack unless Kc reveals a bit more feasible explanation (such as, that it was just a handful of stray zombies that followed and not a full, organized ZomArmy). Damn, is food really that scarce in LA nowadays?
One thing I'll throw out there- As I tread lightly in my responses. There is a delay of when the episode has the false ending. In other words a small amount of time has passed between the two scenes when Victor sees the things and when they first arrive.

Not much to give you, but, well, there it is.

Which lends itself all the more to the idea that Ink himself is the one reading all of these Diaries.

The problem I see with this is that ALL of the journal entries between Day #1 and the Tanya Snatching were scanned into a digital format. Ink had enough trouble with a keypad.

On a side note. The Inklings attacking Fort Irwin are likely slow turners OR Hitchhikers. 1000 miles is a long way to chase cars on foot from Boulder to Newbury to Ft. Irwin. I'm leaning towards slow turners. Unless of course, they're driving like the ambushing zombie that drove the car to trap CJ's convoy.

Also, do zombies turned by the Tall Inklings grown tall? Victor said that the one with the beard was too small to be a numbered zombie. More thoughts to ponder.

Nov 19th, 2012, 05:41 PM
Awesome catch LiamKerrington!!! I can picture you sitting in a darkened room with diagrams, outlines, charts, and clippings from forum posts taped on the walls with tables covered with scale models of the show. Nothing gets past you.

Of course, I know for a CERTAIN that CP does it...

Exhibit A:

In the army these things are called anti-tank ditches, they would be an excellent addition to the defense of the base, and soldiers at Fort Irwin should have been masters at emplacing them. Here's a cross-section view of a common design http://www.pillbox.org.uk/images/blog/2010/ditch5.jpg

The design of the anti-tank ditch works exactly like a moat, putting a wide barrier in front of an enemy that is hard for them to cross, stops their forward momentum, and causes them to bunch up, making it easier to kill them. A couple of design refinements include the shear face on the far side of the ditch, usually topped with barbed wire, intended to make it hard for normal humans to climb up. The base of the ditch can be mined, and makes an excellent kill zone for hand grenades dropped from above or mortar fire. And it's SOP to site machineguns so that they can fire down the length of the trench.

When I was at Fort Irwin every training unit would have to construct anti-tank ditches, sometimes miles of them, in support of their operations. There were warehouses full of reinforcing and barrier materials on hand to support this work. When they finished their missions we made them fill them all back in again and turn in the supplies.

Nov 19th, 2012, 07:04 PM
So whose to say that Irwin doesn't already have the tank ditch? It seems plausible, maybe it just hasn't been mentioned yet? Also excuse my ignorance but can some one explain to me whats going on at Irwin? I always invisioned a fort like setting. As in a huge fort surrounded by walls, and yet they say their front line is being overrun, and all of the check points are being overrun. So I'm assuming the front line is outside of the defenses and the check points are sitting outside of the fort? It seemed like they were being completely overrun, but if they are inside of a defended fort with walls shouldn't they be relatively safe?

Nov 19th, 2012, 08:04 PM
So whose to say that Irwin doesn't already have the tank ditch? It seems plausible, maybe it just hasn't been mentioned yet? Also excuse my ignorance but can some one explain to me whats going on at Irwin? I always invisioned a fort like setting. As in a huge fort surrounded by walls, and yet they say their front line is being overrun, and all of the check points are being overrun. So I'm assuming the front line is outside of the defenses and the check points are sitting outside of the fort? It seemed like they were being completely overrun, but if they are inside of a defended fort with walls shouldn't they be relatively safe?

Of the domestic US military bases I've worked on (former DoD contractor), none of them fit the "castle wall" kind of setup. They have controlled vehicle access gates and several ways to defend against attack. But most have very large perimeters and expect ground assaults to be mainly vehicle based.

All that to say, very large numbers of hard to kill individuals would be hard to defend against, me thinks.

But I've never been in the military nor actually defended a base, so I may be mistaken.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 19th, 2012, 10:22 PM
...when The Colony was described the first time, it had the size of what area again? A whole block?
Anyone here has an idea about how huge this place actually is?
And therefore how many zeehs would you need to surround the place ... ?

The Colony is based on a place called Liberty Park in Westminster, CA. Here's an aerial view:

Figure the Colony consists of the park and the rows of buildings along the perimeter on each side. My guess is maybe sixteen blocks enclosed by the walls.

Cabbage Patch
Nov 19th, 2012, 10:28 PM
Of the domestic US military bases I've worked on (former DoD contractor), none of them fit the "castle wall" kind of setup. They have controlled vehicle access gates and several ways to defend against attack. But most have very large perimeters and expect ground assaults to be mainly vehicle based.

All that to say, very large numbers of hard to kill individuals would be hard to defend against, me thinks.

But I've never been in the military nor actually defended a base, so I may be mistaken.

There aren't any walls around the main base at Fort Irwin, just a barbed wire fence with cattle grates at the crossing points. But there are very effective choke points on every access route to the base that could be turned into giant kill zones, and enough space to conduct an effective defense in depth.

Nov 19th, 2012, 11:24 PM
Hi there,

The Colony is based on a place called Liberty Park in Westminster, CA. Here's an aerial view:

Figure the Colony consists of the park and the rows of buildings along the perimeter on each side. My guess is maybe sixteen blocks enclosed by the walls.

thank you. Mh ... 16 Blocks ... That's a lot ... Zombies all around ... Would something in the 'early' thousands then ... o_O!

:zombieglomp::zombiegun::bunker::zombiegun::zombie glomp:

love bump
Nov 20th, 2012, 06:39 AM
Hi there,

thank you. Mh ... 16 Blocks ... That's a lot ... Zombies all around ... Would something in the 'early' thousands then ... o_O!

:zombieglomp::zombiegun::bunker::zombiegun::zombie glomp:

i don't think they fortified all 16 blocks look at the pic of the colony


but then again that picture only shows one side so maybe

Nov 20th, 2012, 09:07 AM
i don't think they fortified all 16 blocks look at the pic of the colony


but then again that picture only shows one side so maybe

Just imagine: In the beginning several hundred people lived in the Colony - according to Marcus. And also consider the size of Liberty Park. This picture - if it is a "real" depiction of the colony - may only show a part of one of the walls surrounding it. Thus this picture actually supports none and any idea about the size of The Colony. Could be 16 blocks, could be less. No idea. When Michael entered it the first time, I remember the mentioning of "one block" in size ... But Liberty Park alone has the size of one block. Maybe The Colony is more around 9 blocks - like the eight blocks surrounding Liberty Park ... I guess I better stop theorizing ... Would someone tell me, how you US-boys and -girls define "one block"? In the case of Liberty Park, would be the "one block" between Westminster Boulevard, Trask Avenue, Newland Street and Beach Boulevard - like these seem to be main roads? Or would be one block anything that is completly surrounded by any street, making "one unit of block" quite small?


Nov 20th, 2012, 09:32 AM
There aren't any walls around the main base at Fort Irwin, just a barbed wire fence with cattle grates at the crossing points. But there are very effective choke points on every access route to the base that could be turned into giant kill zones, and enough space to conduct an effective defense in depth.

Thanks for the always excellent input CabbagePatch, so basically your saying if they can't hold the choke points "They're fucked"

Nov 20th, 2012, 11:05 AM
I still do not get it how fast the fortification was build. I mean, in order to build the fortification -&gt; you need either heavy equipment or masses of people. Either way, you will attract zeehs by...

Cabbage Patch
Nov 20th, 2012, 12:41 PM
Thanks for the always excellent input CabbagePatch, so basically your saying if they can't hold the chock points "They're fucked"

It really depends on what's been happening around Fort Irwin during the period since the outbreak.

Thanks to its experience in Iraq and Afghanistan the US Army has become expert at rapidly building fortifications using Texas Barriers (concrete walls assembled from pre-fabbed sections) and HESCO Barriers (pre-fabricated mesh forms that are filled with dirt, rocks, etc. to create walls). Theoretically they could have built a wall around the entire base in the time they've had, assuming the materials, the fuel and the manpower were available. We already know they had Texas Barriers around the transient barracks at Fort Irwin.

Texas Barrier

HESCO Barrier

love bump
Nov 20th, 2012, 01:15 PM
Just imagine: In the beginning several hundred people lived in the Colony - according to Marcus. And also consider the size of Liberty Park. This picture - if it is a "real" depiction of the colony - may only show a part of one of the walls surrounding it. Thus this picture actually supports none and any idea about the size of The Colony. Could be 16 blocks, could be less. No idea. When Michael entered it the first time, I remember the mentioning of "one block" in size ... But Liberty Park alone has the size of one block. Maybe The Colony is more around 9 blocks - like the eight blocks surrounding Liberty Park ... I guess I better stop theorizing ... Would someone tell me, how you US-boys and -girls define "one block"? In the case of Liberty Park, would be the "one block" between Westminster Boulevard, Trask Avenue, Newland Street and Beach Boulevard - like these seem to be main roads? Or would be one block anything that is completly surrounded by any street, making "one unit of block" quite small?


as i said already mate it only shows one side so maybe they did or maybe they didn't. yes it is a real description of the colony, kc would not have put it up as cover art for chapter 18 if it were not.

how big is a block this will answer it


Nov 21st, 2012, 12:03 AM
as i said already mate it only shows one side so maybe they did or maybe they didn't. yes it is a real description of the colony, kc would not have put it up as cover art for chapter 18 if it were not.

how big is a block this will answer it


It's cool. Didn't mean to question you. And thanks for the article.

Nov 22nd, 2012, 08:08 AM
Speaking of fortifications. Have we discussed all the traps leading up to the colony that were already in place?

I know that they were well marked, which makes me wonder if Ink/Randy were able steer the Zarmy around them, or if they just didn't care due to their large numbers.

-Happy turkey day!

Nov 22nd, 2012, 10:15 AM
Speaking of fortifications. Have we discussed all the traps leading up to the colony that were already in place?

I know that they were well marked, which makes me wonder if Ink/Randy were able steer the Zarmy around them, or if they just didn't care due to their large numbers.

-Happy turkey day!

I wonder if they were still in place. It could be that several were used/destroyed over time with the Mallers taking over and maybe they weren't too keen on keeping them up. The Mallers seemed pretty intent on watching the people inside the walls as much as outside the walls.

Red Shirt
Dec 2nd, 2012, 05:30 PM
S..t just got real, y'all. Redshirt is back.

...but only just...

Turns out I'm moving after all, but under different and slightly better circumstances.


Been reading this thread here off and on since it started and there's a bit of commentary I want to through out there, things that I didn't comment on right away.

1) At Irwin, they would not have been training with live fire, their training would have only been maneuvering in combat. Therefore, there would have been no ammo for them.
2) Artillery is useless against Zombies. Three words: Battle of Yonkers. Weather they are Romero, modern, R.E. or KC zombies, arty is useless against actively mobile individuals. It is meant for large static targets: bunkers, buildings, ect

Bradleys and reactive armor:
1) It is likely the zed heads are getting in through the crew hatch on top. It is usually used for reloading the missile tubes and is rather large. Probably the easiest to pry open.
2) Bradley armor is mostly aluminum and ranges from 1-3 inches thick in most places and 4-6 inches cumulative equivalent in a few others.
2) Reactive armor is optional for Bradleys, rather dangerous and would not have been available for training purposes, much like the artillery.

Zombie Farts:
Methane is colorless and orderless, Hydrogen Sulfide is what makes flatus stinky.

The one aspect of this that is bothering me is the overuse of conventional weaponry as opposed to improvised techniques that would be far more effective. Such as mixing bleach and ammonia to create poisonous gas

Conventional weaponry is conventional because it WORKS. Alternate and improvised methods are not more effective as you assert, they tend to be unpredictable, inconsistent and generally sloppy. Your example, mixing bleach and ammonia releases chlorine gas. Chlorine is an "industrial gas" and elemental as well. As it turns out, industrial and elemental gases are NOT filtered by the M40 ProMask, the gas mask that would be in use by the personnel at Irwin.

A military aircraft from Deus ex Machina-stan will fly over to investigate the results of a fail-safe nuclear device. Season 4 will involve a trek to this or another safe zone that was kept in secret by Col. Kimmet. :tinfoil:

My thoughts too. Return to PanTex? NM Tech? NORAD finally peeks out of their hole and we decide to go there?

Dec 2nd, 2012, 07:48 PM
...but only just...

Turns out I'm moving after all, but under different and slightly better circumstances.


Been reading this thread here off and on since it started and there's a bit of commentary I want to through out there, things that I didn't comment on right away.

1) At Irwin, they would not have been training with live fire, their training would have only been maneuvering in combat. Therefore, there would have been no ammo for them.
2) Artillery is useless against Zombies. Three words: Battle of Yonkers. Weather they are Romero, modern, R.E. or KC zombies, arty is useless against actively mobile individuals. It is meant for large static targets: bunkers, buildings, ect

Bradleys and reactive armor:
1) It is likely the zed heads are getting in through the crew hatch on top. It is usually used for reloading the missile tubes and is rather large. Probably the easiest to pry open.
2) Bradley armor is mostly aluminum and ranges from 1-3 inches thick in most places and 4-6 inches cumulative equivalent in a few others.
2) Reactive armor is optional for Bradleys, rather dangerous and would not have been available for training purposes, much like the artillery.

Zombie Farts:
Methane is colorless and orderless, Hydrogen Sulfide is what makes flatus stinky.

Conventional weaponry is conventional because it WORKS. Alternate and improvised methods are not more effective as you assert, they tend to be unpredictable, inconsistent and generally sloppy. Your example, mixing bleach and ammonia releases chlorine gas. Chlorine is an "industrial gas" and elemental as well. As it turns out, industrial and elemental gases are NOT filtered by the M40 ProMask, the gas mask that would be in use by the personnel at Irwin.

My thoughts too. Return to PanTex? NM Tech? NORAD finally peeks out of their hole and we decide to go there?

Apparently conventional weaponry didn't work too well at Irwin OR Boulder ;)

...hence the unconventional suggestion

Dec 3rd, 2012, 05:30 AM
Due to the fact that all conventional weaponry has failed so far, I guess that will witness some rather suicidal attempts to throw back the zeehs at Ft. Irwin in the next episode. What will they do with CODI, anyone?

Dec 3rd, 2012, 07:40 AM
Due to the fact that all conventional weaponry has failed so far, I guess that will witness some rather suicidal attempts to throw back the zeehs at Ft. Irwin in the next episode. What will they do with CODI, anyone?

I think CODI ( or KODI?) will take a helicopter flight to the colony. The big weapon to be used at Fort Irwin is the nuke. The Kimmet Kaboom special.....

Dec 3rd, 2012, 08:22 AM
Oh, thanks, it is indeed KODI, I guess.

Dec 3rd, 2012, 08:57 AM
Took vacation for damn near the length of time between these episode, yeaaaa buddy, now to read all the posts I missed and propogate tremendous things that have absolutely no chance of happening only to find out Kc wrote things I never would've expected and thought had no possible chance of happening in 2 days!

Dec 3rd, 2012, 09:02 AM
no worries...its been "no shave November" for me since August. And I don't think KC will betray the beard clan like that.

Also: see the follow up comments to that...my beard will not die easy

Or alone;)

Or cheap....where is this fundraiser? I leave for 2 weeks or so and no one gets an upstart...pssssh

Dec 3rd, 2012, 09:14 AM
Took vacation for damn near the length of time between these episode, yeaaaa buddy, now to read all the posts I missed and propogate tremendous things that have absolutely no chance of happening only to find out Kc wrote things I never would've expected and thought had no possible chance of happening in 2 days!

Welcome back, Hoff4D.

Dec 3rd, 2012, 09:26 AM
Took vacation for damn near the length of time between these episode, yeaaaa buddy, now to read all the posts I missed and propogate tremendous things that have absolutely no chance of happening only to find out Kc wrote things I never would've expected and thought had no possible chance of happening in 2 days!

Good to have you back!

Dec 3rd, 2012, 11:33 AM
Took vacation for damn near the length of time between these episode, yeaaaa buddy, now to read all the posts I missed and propogate tremendous things that have absolutely no chance of happening only to find out Kc wrote things I never would've expected and thought had no possible chance of happening in 2 days!

haha, thats why I stopped posting, I just gave up, :mad:.

Dec 3rd, 2012, 12:05 PM
Did I miss something? Whats all this Lizzy is driving the SWAT van stuff? How does this even register as a logical theory? Why would Lizzy just up and randomly jump into the SWAT van and drive away leaving all of her loved ones (Who she was just reunited with) behind? This theory is poop and it hurts my brain whenever I read it. So please for the sake of my poor brain, stop with the silly nonsense!! Either that or this is just an inside joke that I am on the outside of...

This is an open-minded community, all theories are created equally. That said, they are assumptions until proven wrong, so when something gains steam, regardless of plausability, it's acknowledged in further theories....go back to the time we didnt know Kalani was the rat episode discussions and I think you'll pick up what I'm laying down. If you refute a theory, refute it in a reply, but don't expect it to go away completely ever. I mean this as nicely as possible, but just keep on reading past the crackpot stuff if it bugs you

Dec 3rd, 2012, 12:14 PM
OK, some questions that need answers.

The turner at Check Point #2.

Started turning while at the check point.
How long was it since his exposure? A lady says that 'the zombies' are just over the hill so he could have been recently exposed OR he could be some what of a 'slow turner?
Tanya says it's the second time this has happened. Is there a trend of slower turning? We have some idea of how long it takes people exposed to Inkling #2 to turn. It seems Roman may have turned at a similar rate, as Glenn nor Pete mention anything about the duration being different.
Turners in the convoy could be either hitchhiking zombies or slow turners.
Keep in mind, Boulder was overrun quickly.


Pete mentions that he is wearing a brownish shirt. Sean calls him a 'techie' when he sends him to the water pumping station. "Brown" collar jobs are considered paraprofessional positions in the USA. Did he work at the station?
Mentioned by someone that he is at the pumping station when we first encounter a Behemoth. Any connections?
Has a mark on his head. Lighting bolt like Harry Potter? White hand print like the Uruk Hai? Scratch marked him some time and place?
Ally, Adversary or Aggregate of Ink?

Uh Oh!

Anyone pick up Bixby's or Gatekeeper's comm devices?
Did the SWAT van have maps to Dunbar?
Were all of CJ's blindfolds red?
Will Cj's katana be used to amputate her leg? If so, did she ever clean it after slicing zombies?
Where the heck is Pete?

Mark on Randy = Harry Potter lightning bolt equivalent from when Ink first battled Randy and Michael's love for him protected him from dying, but couldn't stop the turning process. Michael ended with a broken arm, Randy a Z-virus.....This is why Randy is a good zombie, and is merely seeking Michael to ask him why he saved him. They both ride off into the sunset upon their united effort against Ink to come.....

Dec 3rd, 2012, 01:09 PM
In the army these things are called anti-tank ditches, they would be an excellent addition to the defense of the base, and soldiers at Fort Irwin should have been masters at emplacing them. Here's a cross-section view of a common design http://www.pillbox.org.uk/images/blog/2010/ditch5.jpg

The design of the anti-tank ditch works exactly like a moat, putting a wide barrier in front of an enemy that is hard for them to cross, stops their forward momentum, and causes them to bunch up, making it easier to kill them. A couple of design refinements include the shear face on the far side of the ditch, usually topped with barbed wire, intended to make it hard for normal humans to climb up. The base of the ditch can be mined, and makes an excellent kill zone for hand grenades dropped from above or mortar fire. And it's SOP to site machineguns so that they can fire down the length of the trench.

When I was at Fort Irwin every training unit would have to construct anti-tank ditches, sometimes miles of them, in support of their operations. There were warehouses full of reinforcing and barrier materials on hand to support this work. When they finished their missions we made them fill them all back in again and turn in the supplies.

So has Kc put you on the payroll for added research on any of his projects going forward, or are you still up for bidding? lol. btw-REP

Dec 3rd, 2012, 01:21 PM
Annnnnnnnnd, that's it for spamming this thread before the next episode. Thanks for the welcome backs guys!

Cannot wait for wednesday!

Dec 3rd, 2012, 06:38 PM
Or cheap....where is this fundraiser? I leave for 2 weeks or so and no one gets an upstart...pssssh

the loss of my beard would cause a certain Portland nurse to start hunting....people. Let it go brother ;)

Dec 4th, 2012, 03:09 AM
So after a long overdue relisten of season 3 I discovered several interesting things. Ft irwin has texas barriers as walls around it. An infantry training was suppossed to happen when shtf. And the la map from "short term memory" is in ft irwin. And pinstripes was either very lucky in placing himself near where saul, vic, and cj had been for the past week or he has been watching them for quite some time now.

Dec 4th, 2012, 08:32 AM
So after a long overdue relisten of season 3 I discovered several interesting things. Ft irwin has texas barriers as walls around it. An infantry training was suppossed to happen when shtf. And the la map from "short term memory" is in ft irwin. And pinstripes was either very lucky in placing himself near where saul, vic, and cj had been for the past week or he has been watching them for quite some time now.

Pinstripes is either an adrenaline junkie or an pathological psycho-/sociopath - or both: Bill Roberts. Just remember his solo mission to the tower.

Dec 4th, 2012, 08:38 AM
Pinstripes is either an adrenaline junkie or an pathological psycho-/sociopath - or both: Bill Roberts. Just remember his solo mission to the tower.

PinStripes also entered into CJ's tower solo at first. It appears that it likes to do things solo and will call the horde if needed.

Dec 4th, 2012, 08:43 AM
Pinstripes is either an adrenaline junkie or an pathological psycho-/sociopath - or both: Bill Roberts. Just remember his solo mission to the tower.

Pinstripes has been spotted solo twice that we know of, right? Our Tower and Cain Hospital.

We don't have "definitive" proof that he was at Dunbar - just Saul saying that the security cam still CJ had was him. We don't have "definitive" proof that pinstripes was on the roof commanding the Zeds in The War. We don't have "definitive" proof that pinstripes was in the arena (biut someone that looked like him at least was per Kalani).

I'm still holding on to the the theory that we have more than one Zed that is getting lumped into the Ink/Pinstripes/TOWTM identity.... There's something important in there. I'm sure of it. :tinfoil:

Dec 4th, 2012, 08:48 AM
I think that is a verry interesting point of view. I get the feeling however that if there are that our convict from the mental ward is probably in charge. The choice to tatto the little ones, in...

Dec 4th, 2012, 09:34 AM
Cabbage Patch is the man - the anti tank ditches are money and I was a little shocked that there was no mention of this. That's exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned moats - they work and there was enough time and manpower to build them and throw nasty shit in there like barbed wire, broken glass, etc.

Hell, maybe they DID have them and the zombies were all getting through the checkpoints (which for all we know could have been like bridges), but in that case, unconventional methods such as fire or caustic chemicals should have been employed. While Irwin didn't know about the special zombies, regardless I would assume that bullets and artillery would have been considered a limited commodity and alternate methods of holding back even standard zombies would have been employed.

Everyone blames Kimmet in this regard, but frankly I don't see that he's that bad of a guy. He was right about nuking Boulder and he was right about not letting people through without proper screening.

Dec 4th, 2012, 09:59 AM
the loss of my beard would cause a certain Portland nurse to start hunting....people. Let it go brother ;)

A reply like that with no further information? I think we need a script written up about a rampaging portland nurse hunting people over the loss of a beard.....

Dec 4th, 2012, 11:11 AM
A reply like that with no further information? I think we need a script written up about a rampaging portland nurse hunting people over the loss of a beard.....


Dec 4th, 2012, 11:26 AM

Well, personally, it sounds like a Portland nurse tell's 7odd what to do....:D