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Nov 5th, 2012, 06:25 AM
Since we're all dying to know who is alive and who may have just bit the dust....I predict this will be a non-sequitor episode following the adventures of Mr. Whiskers and his encounter with Skittles! Who's with me??!!

Nov 5th, 2012, 06:32 AM
Since we're all dying to know who is alive and who may have just bit the dust....I predict this will be a non-sequitor episode following the adventures of Mr. Whiskers and his encounter with Skittles! Who's with me??!!

*Raise Hand*

Or Farming in the Zombie Apocalypse, with Pete "Waters" and Glenn the "RadioHead"

Nov 5th, 2012, 07:29 AM
Man Lunch time can't get here quick enough.. Up load the rainbow..

Nov 5th, 2012, 08:19 AM
Let's just bump this thread a little to the top... and there we go.

Nov 5th, 2012, 08:19 AM
1 word.



Nov 5th, 2012, 08:54 AM
Damn this shit is getting crazy...

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:00 AM
100% agree with ya Pillars.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:04 AM

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:05 AM
Btw KC, the new layout of the website is soooooo much better. It's so easy to navigate around now.

Great to have a nice return of the Zombies. Can we clarify that the bearded dude is not Ink? Sounds like he brought a posse.

Am I also correct in thinking that CJ could survive if they amputated her leg or if she got the surgery in time?

I thought it was kind of strange that there was no interaction between CJ and Lizzie.

Great to have Burt back as well. I loved the reference to pulling the trigger with his dick if he had to! Haha!

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:05 AM
Just curious... May not be important but was it ever mentioned how Lady and Mr. Whiskers got along at the Tower?

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:07 AM
CJ is going to become a pirate. She will lose the leg and get a peg leg to replace it. Then all she needs is an eye patch, a pirate hate, and a parrot. Oh, and since she has everything she probably already has the pirate garb @ Dunbar!

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:17 AM
So the "big one" was a bit anti-climactic.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:24 AM
So...is it to early to start blaming the zombie attacks on Greg Miller.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:27 AM
It's never too early to blame Greg for anything.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:28 AM
Great to have a nice return of the Zombies. Can we clarify that the bearded dude is not Ink? Sounds like he brought a posse.

I'm thinking it's Randy.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:30 AM
Well I guess they're back together again. Cj is on her way out quickly enough, unless she ends up like Lt. Dan.

Interesting episode Kc.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:32 AM
So Osiris, if Cj ends up like Lt. Dan who is Forrest Gump? Who is going to be like "Cj.. I got ice cream."?

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:32 AM
I'm thinking it's Randy.

i was going to say that too. unfortunately though i've been reading this forum for years i've always been too lazy to register until now and you beat me to it.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:36 AM
Hm, Scratch did quite a sloppy job, I am a bit disappointed.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:37 AM
So Osiris, if Cj ends up like Lt. Dan who is Forrest Gump? Who is going to be like "Cj.. I got ice cream."?

Answer seems obvious, doesn't it?

Greg Miller.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:39 AM
i was going to say that too. unfortunately though i've been reading this forum for years i've always been too lazy to register until now and you beat me to it.

I was hopin' i'd be first. :)

So, we've destroyed one stronghold, and the other 2 are about to be under siege hawd. And in the season finales, it seems as tho "we," the "good-ish" never win. We recover somewhat for the following season, but... this ain't gonna be pretty.

And where the hell is my Kelly! She better be OK. (yeah, i'm giving you the look KC.)

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:39 AM
Hm, Scratch did quite a sloppy job, I am a bit disappointed.

Meh. I'm almost inclined to agree... but she did what she did to give Cj a slow death.

Dat my Scratch. :love:

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:40 AM
So the "big one" was a bit anti-climactic.

Not sure if you're kidding or serious. It was 32 minutes long, that was why it was "big"

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:40 AM
Wow, just wow. Everything was good. The action, reunion, and the humor.

Why am the one who always get shot? ~ Saul
I may need to trade from you. ~ Vic

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:41 AM
Not sure if you're kidding or serious. It was 32 minutes long, that was why it was "big"


Nov 5th, 2012, 09:42 AM
Not sure if you're kidding or serious. It was 32 minutes long, that was why it was "big"

KC, you are right. That was BIG! I was the 19 min mark and I look at the mp3 and said "Wow, there is more to go :)"

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:43 AM
Great episode! Of course, CJ is still alive (thought we'd just get enough time for a heart wrenching soliloquy at first), because, yeah, Saul better know how to use a tourniquet. It leaves us with a... Different sort of trauma for CJ, if she doesn't die on the operating table, which is kinda likley at this point.

So were being flung headlong into a simultaneous inkling raid at both the Tower and Irwin. And while Irwin might have a shot, the walls of the Colony aren't going to be as lucky. I think this might end up at Dunbar simply because no one has any where else to go at this point.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:48 AM
The episode itself was good. I think that you can not always have a full action packed episode, at least some situations had to be resolved. This needs time. A pleasant and quiter toned episode with the hell breaking loose next time.

So I guess - the I hate Gatekeeper group is done? Or will there be a death watch?

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:48 AM
I totally forget who it was that argue so passionately that Scratch was not the last voice heard... that Cj was the one heard coming out on top.... all I have to say is:


Nov 5th, 2012, 09:49 AM
Great episode! Of course, CJ is still alive (thought we'd just get enough time for a heart wrenching soliloquy at first), because, yeah, Saul better know how to use a tourniquet. It leaves us with a... Different sort of trauma for CJ, if she doesn't die on the operating table, which is kinda likley at this point.

CJ with one leg. I'mma have to mull that one over a bit.

So were being flung headlong into a simultaneous inkling raid at both the Tower and Irwin. And while Irwin might have a shot, the walls of the Colony aren't going to be as lucky. I think this might end up at Dunbar simply because no one has any where else to go at this point.

I guess we know what kinda phone call Michael just got from the Colony. Nothing like making a distress call and being told, yeah... we're kinda busy right now.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:53 AM
It sounds like the last bastions of humanity are as of now screwed

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:55 AM

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:56 AM
It sounds like the last bastions of humanity are as of now screwed

I stand by my prediction of Michael taking his own life out of numb desperation after compiling all the Journal entries and other media in a library, knowing the entire time that there would be no one left to read it all.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:58 AM
I stand by my prediction of Michael taking his own life out of numb desperation after compiling all the Journal entries and other media in a library, knowing the entire time that there would be no one left to read it all.

Really cannot see him doing that. He's too much of a fancy pants to go that route.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:02 AM
P.S. Scratch is heading straight for Irwin. She won't bother coming back to try and get at Burt, Lizzy or Saul. Now that she has the information she needs... it's time to launch herself toward the series finale.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:04 AM
I'm thinking it's Randy.

It would be interesting to know a little more about Randy. What do we know about him? Was he smart in life and therefor smart in death?

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:05 AM
Really cannot see him doing that. He's too much of a fancy pants to go that route.

Could be the only way Michael sees to end the story? I just say that because it'd be the appropriate ending to a zombpocolypse tale! Cause were fast approaching the end of "But they survived" to "So they all starved to death holed up in a mall" The last season will have us learning a lot, but that will be for humanity's intrinsic curiosity. Cause the species or, even a viable community surviving is fast approaching an end. We might count thw likes of Angel, Bricks, Kalani and probably CJ as lucky to have avoided seeing it!

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:07 AM
P.S. Scratch is heading straight for Irwin. She won't bother coming back to try and get at Burt, Lizzy or Saul. Now that she has the information she needs... it's time to launch herself toward the series finale.

Does Scratch know that the team went to Irwin?

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:10 AM
Could be the only way Michael sees to end the story? I just say that because it'd be the appropriate ending to a zombpocolypse tale! Cause were fast approaching the end of "But they survived" to "So they all starved to death holed up in a mall" The last season will have us learning a lot, but that will be for humanity's intrinsic curiosity. Cause the species or, even a viable community surviving is fast approaching an end. We might count thw likes of Angel, Bricks, Kalani and probably CJ as lucky to have avoided seeing it!

I just have a hard time seeing Michael taking that route. He hasn't hit rock bottom yet, and even if he did... I just don't see it happening. He'd be more inclined to snap and start pitching nukes around all willy-nilly... but riding one into oblivion or masturbating with his rifle in the latrine? Just don't see him as that type. But I could be wrong. It happened once.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:11 AM
Does Scratch know that the team went to Irwin?

I don't think so. At least, it wasn't mentioned.... Wait.

She might. If they distributed one of the encrypted radios to Gatekeeper or Bixby...

Oh, that'd be bad.

That being said, I don't know if the Maulers have enough people to threaten even a weakened colony, as long as they remain fortified and properly armed. And if they don't remain fortified, they'll hardly be around to be the Maller's problem, will they?

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:12 AM
Does Scratch know that the team went to Irwin?

She may very well have overheard something, or one of the Mallers may have at some point that we don't know about just yet.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:14 AM
I just have a hard time seeing Michael taking that route. He hasn't hit rock bottom yet, and even if he did... I just don't see it happening. He'd be more inclined to snap and start pitching nukes around all willy-nilly... but riding one into oblivion or masturbating with his rifle in the latrine? Just don't see him as that type. But I could be wrong. It happened once.

Well, I should establish a a caveat in the idea that this is only done if Michael is the only one left. On earth. Maybe throw a dash of zombies slowly breaking in. But it has to be after he's futiley gathered and collated all the intelligence, even though it will clearly be useless to do so. :P

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:15 AM
Wow, loved this episode. A lot of resolution to things that have been hanging since season 2. Hearing Saul and Lizzie finally get back together was just great.
And I love drug addled CJ. That little snarky "Oh get a room" when Saul and Lizzie got back together cracked me up.
I agree with the others: the bearded zombie is most likely Randy. And hopefully we're going to get some insight into that whole mess soon.
I wonder how big the z-army coming after The Colony is. It sounded like it was Ink at the head of a full on invasion force, maybe like was coming toward the hospital. And was that howl at the end an Inkling or behemoth?
Alright I'm rambling now. Time to wrap this up.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:15 AM
Awesome as usual. CJ still yet lives.. So far at least. Saul will have to remove her leg for her to survive..
Will be interesting to find out what Victor was told about/shown what was found in Tardust's house. Maybe it can be used to help thier current situation. A few lobbed Grenades would be nice, so Maybe it was some of their pipe bombs..
Burt will be down for awhile, but he is alive.. Yea for Burt, he is one of my Favorite characters.
I do not see Micheal ending his own life in a pansy way like eating a bullet.. But he could have locked these journals and such away or given them to a select few while he stays behind at Irwin. Someone has to have the Journals how else would the story be told. Then he goes down with a big bang from Irwin's nuke and in the process he takes Ink to Mushroom Cloud heaven with him..

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:17 AM
Prediction, Victor will die by the end of the season. I don't want to see it happen, but I bet it does.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Prediction, Victor will die by the end of the season. I don't want to see it happen, but I bet it does.

We all expect CJ to go, so.... This is not a bad prediction.

And in case anyone doesn't get it, thats not a /real/ prediction re: Michael Library Gunshot, just an expression of what tone I beleive the series will take, ultimately.

And wait, people have to be alive to read the journals? Says who? :P

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:22 AM
Great episode, kinda glad my prediction for how that battle ended was pretty much spot on, except for deaths that is.

I will admit I didn't see Gatekeeper and Bixby being the only real deaths, and to be honest ... feels kind of a cop-out to me to have taken away that piece of human conflict in the aftermath of that battle. I guess the fact that the zombies are about to roll in makes up for that, but still.

I'm guessing the bearded zombie is that Randy guy we've heard about a couple times before, really hoping we hear that guys story, but that probably wont be happening this season (if at all).

So what do we all think that guy found in Tardust's place? Pipebombs? RPG with a lone round left? Something completely different (like a home-made flamethrower!? Yes please!)

I'm guessing this might go hell at the colony and we end up back at CJ's tower? I mean we still have a day to make up before the timelines all matched up right?

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:29 AM
Who is the other girl who died when they rescued Burt? Victor: "What about the other girl" Saul: "Leave her"

I think Victor will go by protecting the group from a newly turned Pete!

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:32 AM
Who is the other girl who died when they rescued Burt? Victor: "What about the other girl" Saul: "Leave her"

Just a nameless colonist... I believe she was wearing red at the time...

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Just a nameless colonist... I believe she was wearing red at the time...

The Curse of the Red Shirt strikes again. :(

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Does Scratch know that the team went to Irwin?

No, at no point did said they anything about Irwin until the were secure at the hospital.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:38 AM
No, at no point did said they anything about Irwin until the were secure at the hospital.

That we know of. Who knows how long Scratch or her associates have been gathering intel or who she may have captured...

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:44 AM
Bearded zombie= Randy. Don't believe me? Relisten to when tanya was being hauled off near the end of season 2.
My theory about zed randy and pinstripes is that randy somehow gained control of the mutant and regular zeds while pinstripes created his army of inklings.
Cj will definitely be peg legged soon. Glen will fix the radio and saul will hit redail and hear Michael. All leading up to two groups fleeing from their respective fortresses to dunbar.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:52 AM
Given the two storylines seem to be now converging, it almost looks like a coordinated attack on both areas. A planned coordinated attack.
It'd be cool if at the last second the zoms stop, ink comes out and says in his best Burt/Humungous voice "just walk away..." and there will be an end to the horror.

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:01 AM
Am I the only one that thinks Victor will live forever?

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:02 AM
Great episode. This one is definitely on my top ten list.

Given the two storylines seem to be now converging, it almost looks like a coordinated attack on both areas. A planned coordinated attack.

Interesting notion but the idea that they could coordinate over the rather significant distance seems unlikely.

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:04 AM
Bearded zombie=me before my morning coffee.

Good episode, skinner-approved.

And it looks like the season will end the way I called it a lil over a month ago.

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:05 AM
Am I the only one that thinks Victor will live forever?

He live through all Saul's bad jokes, can probably live through everything else. ;-)

*plays Queen - Who Wants to Live Forever"

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:09 AM
Holy awesome episode batman.....

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:13 AM
Bearded zombie= Randy. Don't believe me? Relisten to when tanya was being hauled off near the end of season 2.
My theory about zed randy and pinstripes is that randy somehow gained control of the mutant and regular zeds while pinstripes created his army of inklings.
Cj will definitely be peg legged soon. Glen will fix the radio and saul will hit redail and hear Michael. All leading up to two groups fleeing from their respective fortresses to dunbar.

Questions, How did Randy get there on foot? And tracked a car? Is he Ink first experiment?

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:19 AM
Ahh, this episode was so intense!
It already has me once again questioning who it was on the other end of the sat phone.

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:24 AM
I thought the behemoths didn't play well with others? (As per Skittles claim)...yet the implication is that an army containing at least one behemoth is being coordinated by another pimp-ass-zombie (potentially Randy) ? Perhaps Zed-Randy is the Behemoth Whisperer...

Or behemoths only play well with other behemoths?....So Randy is leading the behemoth army? Relatively small in numbers I assume, but 10-15 of those barreling towards your wall is quite the problem to have....

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:38 AM
So the SAT phone call to Irwin is going to be ordering talk-out medical & military help.

Sorry we’re all out of that today, try the hummus.

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:00 PM
No, at no point did said they anything about Irwin until the were secure at the hospital.

Remember that Bixby died via a knife which sounds a lot like the handy work of one maller we all love to hate (well most of us love to hate, some just love :) ). It might not have taken much to get him to spill all he knew, or even Gatekeeper might have thought he would get away after telling secrets, only to be shot as he walked away.
I will have a re-listen to see if they knew anything that we can confirm.

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:07 PM
Not sure if you're kidding or serious. It was 32 minutes long, that was why it was "big"

Osiris is kidding, never take him serious, I don't! : )

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:08 PM
Osiris is kidding, never take him serious, I don't! : )

:hsugh: Noted.

Also, *Kimmit's a dick*

That's been bothering me forfuckingever.

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:14 PM
Am I the only one that thinks Victor will live forever?

He could...if only to torment me into thinking he will die every episode...hey! I didn't get that feeling this episode!

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:17 PM
:hsugh: Noted.

Also, *Kimmit's a dick*

That's been bothering me forfuckingever.

...................................You goddamn grammer nazi. Now I have to debate changing it or being defiant.

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:22 PM
Just curious... May not be important but was it ever mentioned how Lady and Mr. Whiskers got along at the Tower?

Well, We're Alive is a survival story of Biblical proportions. Soooo.........

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:26 PM
:hsugh: Noted.

Also, *Kimmit's a dick*

That's been bothering me forfuckingever.

WTF!! We but hate the same person?

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:29 PM
I thought the behemoths didn't play well with others? (As per Skittles claim)...yet the implication is that an army containing at least one behemoth is being coordinated by another pimp-ass-zombie (potentially Randy) ? Perhaps Zed-Randy is the Behemoth Whisperer...

Or behemoths only play well with other behemoths?....So Randy is leading the behemoth army? Relatively small in numbers I assume, but 10-15 of those barreling towards your wall is quite the problem to have....

Remember the 'Army' heading towards the Ospeet AL? (I love Riley's accent)

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:31 PM

Awesome. I am glad to be wrong about many to most of my preditions - especially regarding CJ ...

@Kc.: Thank you so much. Not sure whether to like or hate you; but I guess more kind of like that you toy with us so much. It's nice to burn theories like crazy and to be wronged episode by episode ... :yay:

Haven't read through this thread up to now ... Will do this sooner or later. But I guess the ending of #35-2 is probably highly debated, right?

All the best!

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:45 PM
I thought the behemoths didn't play well with others? (As per Skittles claim)...yet the implication is that an army containing at least one behemoth is being coordinated by another pimp-ass-zombie (potentially Randy) ? Perhaps Zed-Randy is the Behemoth Whisperer...

Or behemoths only play well with other behemoths?....So Randy is leading the behemoth army? Relatively small in numbers I assume, but 10-15 of those barreling towards your wall is quite the problem to have....

As Witch_Doctor implies: At the hospital there was an army of zeehs - including two Behemoths as well, which Burt saw ...

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:56 PM

Started a new poll:

What did they find in Mr. T's place (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?3815-What-did-they-find-in-Mr-T-s-place)

Best wishes!

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:58 PM
As Witch_Doctor implies: At the hospital there was an army of zeehs - including two Behemoths as well, which Burt saw ...

I stand by my analysis, until further storyline is devulged, The man organizing the colony attack, is the Behemoth Whisperer. lol

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:00 PM
WTF!! We but hate the same person?


Nov 5th, 2012, 01:03 PM
As Witch_Doctor implies: At the hospital there was an army of zeehs - including two Behemoths as well, which Burt saw ...

that still does not rule out the possibility of a separate "tribe" if you will...of behemoths at Randy's command...

A: we have no idea what's taken place in the z-community since the hospital
B:think of it as different groups under the same banner coming together for a "team meeting"...just because they don't get along does not mean when the big boss calls they start fights in front of him...if that was the case I would have punched several co-workers already...

Carry on, citizens.

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:03 PM
It's "I am Legend" at the end I bet. Everyone dies, Michael is the only one left after Lady gets hurt. To keep his sanity, he writes a journal.

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:07 PM

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:12 PM
that still does not rule out the possibility of a separate "tribe" if you will...of behemoths at Randy's command...

Which is true and which I did not intent to question. But Hoff4d also wondered, why Behemoths would be together with other zeehs; and my reference to the Devil's Workshop was only meant to show: Behemoths and Regulars may share the same place at the same time, no matter what Skittles has observed.

Besides: It is pretty safe to assume that them zeehs act differently regarding the "tribe" or "group" they are in. So actually there is no reason not to assume that Randy might have control over his own group or maybe a part of the army of Ink's or or or ...
But: What does this help in fighting them zeehs? I guess - in the end, any zeeh is no better then any other zeeh ... Just shoot 'em ...

But with Beheomth(s) being part of the zeeh-group attacking The Colony, I am not so sure about the gates OR the walls protecting the place anymore ... That will be quite a mess ...

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:17 PM
Prediction, Victor will die by the end of the season. I don't want to see it happen, but I bet it does.


Enough said

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:17 PM
Remember that Bixby died via a knife which sounds a lot like the handy work of one maller we all love to hate (well most of us love to hate, some just love :) ). It might not have taken much to get him to spill all he knew, or even Gatekeeper might have thought he would get away after telling secrets, only to be shot as he walked away.
I will have a re-listen to see if they knew anything that we can confirm.

I think the most they got from Vic was they need the SATPhone, I don't remember him tell them for what.

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:18 PM
Which is true and which I did not intent to question. But Hoff4d also wondered, why Behemoths would be together with other zeehs; and my reference to the Devil's Workshop was only meant to show: Behemoths and Regulars may share the same place at the same time, no matter what Skittles has observed.

Besides: It is pretty safe to assume that them zeehs act differently regarding the "tribe" or "group" they are in. So actually there is no reason not to assume that Randy might have control over his own group or maybe a part of the army of Ink's or or or ...
But: What does this help in fighting them zeehs? I guess - in the end, any zeeh is no better then any other zeeh ... Just shoot 'em ...

But with Beheomth(s) being part of the zeeh-group attacking The Colony, I am not so sure about the gates OR the walls protecting the place anymore ... That will be quite a mess ...

ah...you seemed on the other side of the coin with your initial statement..now only witch doctor is wrong...as usual.


Nov 5th, 2012, 01:21 PM
Which is true and which I did not intent to question. But Hoff4d also wondered, why Behemoths would be together with other zeehs; and my reference to the Devil's Workshop was only meant to show: Behemoths and Regulars may share the same place at the same time, no matter what Skittles has observed.

Besides: It is pretty safe to assume that them zeehs act differently regarding the "tribe" or "group" they are in. So actually there is no reason not to assume that Randy might have control over his own group or maybe a part of the army of Ink's or or or ...
But: What does this help in fighting them zeehs? I guess - in the end, any zeeh is no better then any other zeeh ... Just shoot 'em ...

But with Beheomth(s) being part of the zeeh-group attacking The Colony, I am not so sure about the gates OR the walls protecting the place anymore ... That will be quite a mess ...

Yep, sound arguments, just trying to throw different observations into the mix. I recall the Z army storming into the hospital, but i don't recall them pointing out behemoths....however I dare not question anyones reference on here, as they're usually spot on. If you say Burt pointed 'em out, then he prolly did. I'll prolly give that chapter another listen later this week just for my own sanity.

However, if behemoths were in the mix going into the hospital, based on their tremendous size, how'd they fit in that building? Perhaps Randy took pity on the sobbing Behemoths left out of the party because their mere entry into the building would weaken the structure and said 'come with me guys, I'll give you somewhere you can flourish and not feel like outcasts'.....has been stalking our heroes a while until finally, the colony! A PLACE TO CONGREGATE WITH A PARK! NO ROOFS IN A PARK! Which is exactly where Behemoths prefer to run around and get their daily excersize and play with other behemoths

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:24 PM
ah...you seemed on the other side of the coin with your initial statement..now only witch doctor is wrong...as usual.


Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Nov 5th, 2012, 01:26 PM
I think the most they got from Vic was they need the SATPhone, I don't remember him tell them for what.

Does Saul/Vic even KNOW they went to Ft. Irwin? I thought that was the point of the SATphone, to find out where salvation potentially is? I know he has suspicion based on the found patch in LA....but they never seem to really say "Yea, they definitely went to Ft. Irwin"....so the only info leaked to Gatekeet/Bixby, or even over the non-secure radios, is that they need SATphone parts....no? I could definitely be wrong, it just seems saul never really said out loud "We need to get to Ft. Irwin" at all this season?

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:27 PM
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


oh snap!

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:29 PM
They knew the plan was Irwin, but they also knew if it was overrun Michael and the Michealets would have moved on to an unknown location.

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:33 PM
They knew the plan was Irwin, but they also knew if it was overrun Michael and the Michealets would have moved on to an unknown location.

Yea, I knew that would be a controversial post....I tried to reword it, but what I'm trying to say is, they only had a suspicion that Ft. Irwin was going to be a first try, so Vic and Saul never seemed to ever say the words "They probably went to Ft. Irwin" out loud, so as to not raise hope (I think)....I mean, even when they found the patch, Saul sounds pretty skeptical that its potentially from Irwin

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:35 PM
for the record, I <3 witch doctor...

Now get out of my office.

Nov 5th, 2012, 01:37 PM
for the record, I <3 witch doctor...

Now get out of my office.

Now is not the time.

Nov 5th, 2012, 02:09 PM

Shit, meet fan.

Lit Treatise coming tomorrow...

Nov 5th, 2012, 02:20 PM

Shit, meet fan.

Lit Treatise coming tomorrow...

Save me some time and insert cliffs at the beginning of your post.

Nov 5th, 2012, 02:26 PM
Yeah after my initial panic attack last week I was pretty certain KC wasn't going to kill off CJ in between episodes - every real character's death has been a sombre or climactic scene taken place within one episode.

Sad about Gatekeeper and Bixby, honestly would that they were given a more proper sending off, but there are hints that we'll find out more about their deaths, ie: vis-a-vis Scratch. Besides, it seems that the whole point of this was to focus on the relationships between Victor, Saul, CJ, Lizzy and Burt, and essentially the Colony/Maller thing, after CJ's initial badass planning, was left to its own devices. And it really was their fight, it wasn't that of CJ's or Saul's and that's really how it should have been. People don't need a saviour, they need to save themselves - that's why some critics said Avatar was a terribly conservative movie, simply because it was all about the American guy saving everyone. I'm glad the Colonists, by and large, fought their own fight here. That said, of course they need CJ's help now, CJ's badass. Even if she loses her leg =(

KC this was simply a terrific episode. I'm so grateful it was so long (guessing this will be the longest episode in the longest chapter, eh? if the next one's 12 minutes I may have to take back what I'm saying here...), and you really dug into the characters here, it was enjoyable to hear. When Victor mentioned Angel I had to stop eating my breakfast, I was just so tense, waiting for what he was going to say. It was really powerful, really touching, and done with excellent style and class.

And it was funny! I loved the doped up CJ, and I absolutely loved the water bottle joke with Pete and Victor. Can I mention I'm so glad Greg Miller is still recording parts? Checking his youtube videos, he seems like he's doing well so thank god for that. After all, where would we be without Pete?

Randy being that biter would make sense, but wasn't Randy just a 'smart one', not an inkling? Maybe he could have evolved, but who knows. Still shocked we haven't seen Pinstripes yet, but I guess he'll make his appearance. Still, killer ending, didn't even think about the zombies. And then what was that wire mesh/gate opening sound at the very end, just after the zombies but before the credits? Is that important? We'll find out.

Seriously KC, amazing. To quote Otto, this truly was a brontosaurus burger with a side of whale slaw. This was the perfect episode.

Nov 5th, 2012, 02:32 PM
Am I the only who actually wonders what a brontosaurus burger with a side of whale slaw would taste like...besides victory, and friendship that is?

Nov 5th, 2012, 02:55 PM
Did anyone hear that zombie scream at the very end after the behemoths? It came after about 2 seconds of quiet and sounded like an advanced ink. What do you think.

Nov 5th, 2012, 03:33 PM
Most horrific opener to date. The image of Scratch slashing up CJ's leg while the poor girl is writhing in pain is stuck in my brain. Bigsby and Gatekeeper fallen in battle...for as much as I wanted them dead in chapter 19...I shall mourn them. Also Bigsby did not die via something related to a shovel? I guess a knife is still a melee weapon.

Nov 5th, 2012, 03:37 PM
Ok actually finished the episode now. Is Randy back? Did he come to help CJ? Long hair and beard...Michael didn't describe a tattoo but the One With The Markings could have added one in the last few months

Nov 5th, 2012, 03:50 PM
The bearded zombie has to be Randy. But more importantly, i'm starting to think that there is a bit of a rivalry within the zombies! Randy vs Ink! Randy has a different way of doing things. The first time we hear of Randy's technique is in Ch 23-1 at about 11:00. Michael said that "they were massed together in a way we've never seen before". They work as more of a team. Ink's strategy seems to be to scatter lots of little ones and have them turn others randomly. Sure, they may have higher thinking power but it's still pretty random attacks. In a nut-shell, it seems like Randy's group have a better understanding of the act of war.
Oh... and they may just be they're own type of zombie. Victor discribed it as looking normal and pointed out its beard, as if that was something new. (Sorry if I'm putting out ideas that have already been thrown in but i haven't read through anything, i just started typing this post). These zombies are average height and average built i take is since victor didn't describe many features that would make a special one. I don't think we'll know what Michael knows about Randy until season 4.

Great episode! Its leading up to a great season finale with lots of unanswered questions. I love it!

Nov 5th, 2012, 04:44 PM
There were behomeths in the hockey stadium with the rest of the zombies too, weren't there? Riley shot one in the eye. I thought I remember someone (maybe skittles?) saying something about Ink being in control of them all and that's why they could be around each other? I should probably relisten, maybe I'm just pulling this out of nowhere. But I bet randy is now ink's second in command.

Although, I think it's worth noting that saul ran off to cj first instead of lizzie.

Nov 5th, 2012, 05:55 PM
Skittles assessments have already proven to be wrong regarding behemoths. However, it could be said that normal biters don't go near behemoths. Advanced ones (like Randy/TOWTM) seem to be able to make them coexist with biters.

I'm going back to my Burt isn't going to kill Scratch thing. Him surviving this and bringing himself even with the house as it were put Burt's survival back in play to me. I think he isn't out of the woods yet, but its hard to see how he goes now with the expressed reason for not breaking under Scratch torture.

The next time we see the Mallers, it's not going to be good. Not for our heroes like you might believe, but most likely the Mallers. They are small, weak, and have no place to go. They have no supplies, no place to hide, and they lost their cozy way of life because Scratch can't keep her knife in her pants and out of CJs leg, and Bixby's throat. The Mallers seem to be ok when they have groups to steal from/terrorize. Without that, they may lack a focus. Their time in this world is dwindling, and the zombies return to the storyline is the proof to me.

I saw back in the thread somewhere someone saying the double attack being coordinated. Remember that Irwin's attack is coincidental and caused by one turner in a group of survivors. The survivors ran to safety and brought the zombies. The apparent Randy led attack, while also coincidental to Pete leading them to the colony, is an orchestrated attack. Remember that behemoths, smart ones etc are new down south. The colony up against opponents they've never faced.

Nov 5th, 2012, 06:17 PM
The next time we see the Mallers, it's not going to be good. Not for our heroes like you might believe, but most likely the Mallers. They are small, weak, and have no place to go. They have no supplies, no place to hide, and they lost their cozy way of life because Scratch can't keep her knife in her pants and out of CJs leg, and Bixby's throat. The Mallers seem to be ok when they have groups to steal from/terrorize. Without that, they may lack a focus. Their time in this world is dwindling, and the zombies return to the storyline is the proof to me.

I agree completely with this. There can't be more than a handful of Mallers left. I wouldn't surprised if they ended up scattering and we see Scratch on her own from now on as some kind of wild card, popping up when she sees an opportunity to attack and run. Or maybe she and Tardust could work together, but I don't see that partnership working out for any length of time.

Nov 5th, 2012, 06:40 PM
Am I the only who actually wonders what a brontosaurus burger with a side of whale slaw would taste like...besides victory, and friendship that is?


Nov 5th, 2012, 06:42 PM
I agree completely with this. There can't be more than a handful of Mallers left. I wouldn't surprised if they ended up scattering and we see Scratch on her own from now on as some kind of wild card, popping up when she sees an opportunity to attack and run. Or maybe she and Tardust could work together, but I don't see that partnership working out for any length of time.

yup. ^this makes three of us...there was a brief discussion of this last episode but my thinking is right about the same place yours is Kory...by the end of this season..scratch and tar..thats about it for mallers

Cabbage Patch
Nov 5th, 2012, 06:46 PM
I saw back in the thread somewhere someone saying the double attack being coordinated. Remember that Irwin's attack is coincidental and caused by one turner in a group of survivors. The survivors ran to safety and brought the zombies.

I know the slow turner explanation is the most likely reason the convoy from Boulder was attacked by Inklings, But there's something about that idea that continues to bug me. We've never really seen a slow turner, just heard about them, and one in the convoy is so very convenient.

I kind of like the idea that this may have been the work of a different Inkling. Maybe one that headed out from LA tracking its brood mate that flew away two weeks earlier. One day it sees a convoy of cars, and launches an opportunistic attack. Sure, it's also very convenient, but to me it makes the Inklings feel a little less invincible.

Nov 5th, 2012, 07:07 PM
It would be interesting to know a little more about Randy. What do we know about him? Was he smart in life and therefor smart in death?

But we do know that. He was one of the techies from Dunbar (Shawn said it in The 31st). And the snatch and grab he tried to pull on Tanya.

(i wonder if this was said already? so hard to follow thru so many posts only 7 hours after i last was in here)

Z Sniper
Nov 5th, 2012, 07:08 PM


Nov 5th, 2012, 07:20 PM
I know the slow turner explanation is the most likely reason the convoy from Boulder was attacked by Inklings, But there's something about that idea that continues to bug me. We've never really seen a slow turner, just heard about them, and one in the convoy is so very convenient.

Maybe a stow away or one tailing the group en route from Boulder?

And i'd hardly call it "convenient" for anybody.

Z Sniper
Nov 5th, 2012, 07:21 PM
He live through all Saul's bad jokes, can probably live through everything else. ;-)

*plays Queen - Who Wants to Live Forever"

Damn straight hombre!

Z Sniper
Nov 5th, 2012, 07:25 PM
Am I the only one that thinks Victor will live forever?

No, I KNOW I will live forever. You see, I was sent back from the future by Saul's unborn baby who will eventually lead the rebellion. I am a ZYBORG T2000, a hybrid Zombie Cyborg created by INK himself and rechipped by Saul Jr. to kick ass and take names!

Nov 5th, 2012, 07:33 PM
Who's thinking CJ 2.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMApNy48Sc

Questions, How did Randy get there on foot? And tracked a car? Is he Ink first experiment?Maybe he hotwired a bus? lol

Am I the only who actually wonders what a brontosaurus burger with a side of whale slaw would taste like...besides victory, and friendship that is?Tastes like chicken.

Nov 5th, 2012, 07:54 PM
No, I KNOW I will live forever. You see, I was sent back from the future by Saul's unborn baby who will eventually lead the rebellion. I am a ZYBORG T2000, a hybrid Zombie Cyborg created by INK himself and rechipped by Saul Jr. to kick ass and take names!

So you're saying that your real name is Marty?

Nov 5th, 2012, 07:57 PM
Who's thinking CJ 2.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMApNy48Sc

No. http://smiliesftw.com/x/ummdanceundef.gif

Nov 5th, 2012, 08:15 PM
I see this as an end to the Mallers proper. I REALLY believe that Scratch has to become a biter at this point to stay in the story. I don't see her as a one woman army gathering what few Mallers are left. I am betting that she turns into a Smart One and fights TOWTM for control due to her sheer will and focus. Maybe works hand in hand. I just don't see how she alone can really stay part of the story other wise. Her time is not done yet.

Nov 5th, 2012, 08:24 PM
Glad to see Randy make a supposed cameo but I think those scratches may signal the end for our water boy based on what we know from Irwin.
And with CJ out and Saul playing medic it is now time for what we have all been waiting for (by which I mean me...)
Victor becomes El Presidente of Nuevo -Nuevo Mexico!

Nov 5th, 2012, 08:47 PM
I see this as an end to the Mallers proper. I REALLY believe that Scratch has to become a biter at this point to stay in the story. I don't see her as a one woman army gathering what few Mallers are left. I am betting that she turns into a Smart One and fights TOWTM for control due to her sheer will and focus. Maybe works hand in hand. I just don't see how she alone can really stay part of the story other wise. Her time is not done yet.

Oh... noooooooooooo. I can't even fathom that. It'd just be too much to take. Interesting thought though... I'd rather see Pegs come back as an infected creature and try to kill Michael, while Scratch watches and laughs... I think that would be the best episode ever. EVER.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:11 PM
I see this as an end to the Mallers proper. I REALLY believe that Scratch has to become a biter at this point to stay in the story. I don't see her as a one woman army gathering what few Mallers are left. I am betting that she turns into a Smart One and fights TOWTM for control due to her sheer will and focus. Maybe works hand in hand. I just don't see how she alone can really stay part of the story other wise. Her time is not done yet.Look honestly, this could happen in some sense: if Scratch became infected but retained her Scratchness then it would be completely fitting with the story, but I'm just not sure if she can, and I'd also keep in remind that KC has always maintained this is a story about people and survival. If she lost her humanity then there would be little to tell.

Also, she did knife Bixby so she may have learnt something, we don't know.

Nov 5th, 2012, 09:41 PM
Two things happened when I listened to the latest episode. I shit a brick before having to lift my jaw off the floor. HOLY SANTA CLAUS SHIT!

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:05 PM
Upon second and third listenings, yeah that noise at the end is very similar to the Inklings' growl.

Also going back a few pages, yeah Nik I was going to say that it appears that Burt and Scratch are going to be tightly interwoven for a while. I like your idea about Riley, and look, it's still up in the air - nobody really knows about Angel yet, least of all her, and we do definitely need to resolve her emotional trauma in relation to both him and Lizzy, but I think Burt is going to play an instrumental role in Scratch's death. Maybe they both will. I don't really see Riley dying.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:07 PM
1. Burt's Back!

2. Saul is still funny.

3. Lizzie + Saul = AWWW...

4. CJ: At least you're not dead yet.

5. Scratch: Epic Fail. You should've paid more attention in Anatomy class...

6. RIP Gatekeeper, Bixby. You will be missed.

7. Thanks, Pete...for being an epic dick and bringing down a zombie entourage with you.

8. It's Randy. He brought friends. Lots of friends. I'll betcha he's Ink's bestie.

9. "You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" "Yeah, for a moment there, I kinda did."

Great Chapter, great acting...please let this next deluge of zombie badassness be relatively painless...

One more thing:

I hope Lizzie doesn't go into labor while Randy's knocking their doors down.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:09 PM
1. Burt's Back!

2. Saul is still funny.

3. Lizzie + Saul = AWWW...

4. CJ: At least you're not dead yet.

5. Scratch: Epic Fail. You should've paid more attention in Anatomy class...

6. RIP Gatekeeper, Bixby. You will be missed.

7. Thanks, Pete...for being an epic dick and bringing down a zombie entourage with you.

8. It's Randy. He brought friends. Lots of friends. I'll betcha he's Ink's bestie.

9. "You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" "Yeah, for a moment there, I kinda did."

Great Chapter, great acting...please let this next deluge of zombie badassness be relatively painless...

One more thing:

I hope Lizzie doesn't go into labor while Randy's knocking their doors down.

Epic fail? No. She found what she was looking for. It just took her a while.

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:16 PM
Well the episode end with the return of Randy, the reunion of Saul with Lizzy and Burt, and the non death of CJ. Which brings me to my next point. I officially love Scratch. Her cynically evil mind is out standing. She doesn't go for the kill...she goes for the suffering which in my opinion is 10x worse. But I agree with some of the posts, she is either going to die soon or be turned into a Zombie and either way it doesn't bode well for any of the remaining characters because you can bet she is going to take someone with her.
That said...
CJ will become this universe's version of Oracle (like BatGirl after she was shot in the back by the Joker). Once Stabilized, she'll probably get a station where she can communicate with everyone and assist in coordinating the defense of the colony from the Zombie menace.
Lizzy will be killed in the Zombie assault (why?...I don't know but I really don't like her character).
Victor, Saul, and Burt are gonna go all Rambo, until Michael gets there.

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:21 PM
About Scratch:

The number of allies grows thin (less and less slaves, er, Mallers to support her), while the number of people having enough reason to kill her rises: Riley because of Angel, Burt because of Shirley, CJ because of her leg, Michael because of destroying what he built up, Saul because of Lizzy.
And yet: Will it be the clash of Pegs and Scratch that decides about life and death of Scratch? No, I don't think so. I'd like to see a picture in which Scratch tries to kill Pegs, but then everyone else from the list above shoots or stabs Scratch making it uncertain who actually got his revenge, but certain that Pegs survives (unless she didn't die in a mushroom of light back at Boulder)... This gives the word "mass-murder" a completely new understanding ...

Maybe it's too early in the morning ...

All the best!

Nov 5th, 2012, 11:33 PM
About Scratch:

The number of allies grows thin (less and less slaves, er, Mallers to support her), while the number of people having enough reason to kill her rises: Riley because of Angel, Burt because of Shirley, CJ because of her leg, Michael because of destroying what he built up, Saul because of Lizzy.
And yet: Will it be the clash of Pegs and Scratch that decides about life and death of Scratch? No, I don't think so. I'd like to see a picture in which Scratch tries to kill Pegs, but then everyone else from the list above shoots or stabs Scratch making it uncertain who actually got his revenge, but certain that Pegs survives (unless she didn't die in a mushroom of light back at Boulder)... This gives the word "mass-murder" a completely new understanding ...

Maybe it's too early in the morning ...

All the best!

And people have the nerve to call her a sociopath. :hsugh:

Christopher kitto
Nov 6th, 2012, 12:12 AM
Hm, Scratch did quite a sloppy job, I am a bit disappointed.

Close range with a knife and she still can't take out CJ? Clearly your darling scratch needs a bit of practice, but oh we'll she's on the run with no followers and no knife. How very unfortunate.

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:14 AM
P.S. Scratch is heading straight for Irwin. She won't bother coming back to try and get at Burt, Lizzy or Saul. Now that she has the information she needs... it's time to launch herself toward the series finale.

WHOA. I guess I missed something? How did Scratch figure out Irwin? Sucks for her since the military is there and she has... What? A handful of convicts?

I sort of thought she was going to stick around and watch the zombies take The Colony.

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:19 AM
that still does not rule out the possibility of a separate "tribe" if you will...of behemoths at Randy's command...

Angel hypothesized about Zombie cliques after they tagged the zombies with the trackers and some went a different direction than the others. One seemed not to be able to make up it's mind on where to go at first.

B:think of it as different groups under the same banner coming together for a "team meeting"...just because they don't get along does not mean when the big boss calls they start fights in front of him...if that was the case I would have punched several co-workers already...
Carry on, citizens.
Sounds like a Zombie version of the movie from the 1970s called The Warriors. Can you dig it?

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:30 AM
Angel hypothesized about Zombie cliques after they tagged the zombies with the trackers and some went a different direction than the others. One seemed not to be able to make up it's mind on where to go at first.

Sounds like a Zombie version of the movie from the 1970s called The Warriors. Can you dig it?

so dig it...pretty much where the idea came from..haha

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:37 AM
No, I KNOW I will live forever. You see, I was sent back from the future by Saul's unborn baby who will eventually lead the rebellion. I am a ZYBORG T2000, a hybrid Zombie Cyborg created by INK himself and rechipped by Saul Jr. to kick ass and take names!

Makes total sense. You posted this on the day that time travelers travel through time. Back to the Future 11-5-1955, The Time Rider, and Time After Time.

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:50 AM
full disclosure; ive just now listened to the entire episode. and damn i gotta say finally some theory fuel! so much to go over...facts brought into theories

--cliffs--use your noodle old man, and i dont mean your penis.
so as much as i hate to say it, burt perhaps would have been better off had scratch killed him. the main issue i see is, scratch essentially created another version of herself in him...it was discussed back when scratch took his finger, but the main reason the destruction of shirley was actually a "good" thing was the acceptance of facts...shirleys gone. now, with scratch surviving this, as well as burt...he's no different than her. his only reason for living is to end the life of the one who took his loved one away. if burt was smart, he would not let his desire for revenge cloud the fact that a:hes in no condition to go after her. b: the shirley he loved died long ago, the ones who love him are still very much alive and all around him (saul/lizzy/child).

--cliffs--thats one tough chick
wow, im seriously impressed by her resiliance. almost borderline not believable impressed. but so long as they manage to keep her alive her brain could be a major asset. specifically from the "base of operations" or whatever..as eluded to previously, her as an oracle type character seems very fitting..and her planning mind seems much more suited to that sort of thing anyways. but seriously i dont care how much morphine your on...spitting out orders like that is fairly like impressive.

--cliffs--27 down, 2 to go
so at this point we really have no idea how many mallers are actually left. two we know for sure( well, even they are speculation), scratch and tardust are seemingly the only two from the former regime left. so the idea of the "mallers" as a viable threat has been effectively put to an end.(ninja edit: by viable threat, i mean as a group. not dicounting scratch and whoever may be left.simply mean the group itself as a "large" threat)..think of it this way, even if a half dozen mallers managed to escape,(also remembering the mallers themselves were devided into two factions..some may have to answer some things.) the best asset the mallers had before was their "grunts" or slaves....and unless there's some magical group of survivors just floating around out there waiting for somebody to lead them...yea. done

the family dynamic:
--cliffs--together again
while the story is sold on the tagline of "of story of survival", to me the segments of saul/lizzy/burt are perhaps the most endearing. while individually i truthfully dont care for lizzy or saul..and the romance just kind of drives the manly man in me up the wall...the family aspect of the three of them really strikes a cord with me, has since the beginning. to me this story really is about these characters, and the fact that reguardless of relations blood or otherwise...family always finds each other.

where's scratch?:
--cliffs--who the fuck knows?
so a few people have speculated on how scratch could have gleamed the information from say, bixby or gatekeeper about where pegs/michael/the rest of them are..well theirs a few issues with this...to our knowledge, nobody specifically mentioned "where" they planned to place the call to. now, perhaps saul/vic did tell gatekeeper why he was grabbing the satphone..but heres what we do know..

bixby: we cannot assume he knew what the phone was needed for, nor where michael/others are/were..think of his comments just last chapter part...his snide comments about "what, no michael?"(paraphrase).he knew michael claimed to be military and if they told him "hey bro, we're gonna call the armies and shit" im certain 2+2= he's no dipshit. he would have no viable information to pass on..and of anyone, he seems the most likely to have ran into her..knife to the throat.
gatekeeper: he's a bit of an unknown entity as to what he may have actually have been told. but...the one thing we can at the very least speculate on is his character as a stoolie...the gatekeeper we meet in the return to the colony is a broken man. one that seems to have no reason to live, i have to question if gatekeeper would actually roll over and turn on the people who gave him what seemed to be a new reason to live...no. he would take a bullet.

whats next:
so we have randy (aka: me before coffee and a baaaad trip to singapore) and his behemoth team about to beat down the doors..im thinking they found pipebombs in tar's house (and for the record, i said they could be timed bombs in another thread before i actually heard the part in the episode)...but that gets me to thinking about the "what ifs" now that we have an on the mend burt with us...while burt may not be tardust, i certainly believe given a few minutes and the plethora of gizmos in glenns shop several walkie talkie bombs could be improvised to make quite the game changer when it comes to the meat mountains outside the gates...and what the fucks up with randy? getting a tat on his face? hes never gonna find a real job now...people can be so judgemental these days....

thats all i have, now get out of my office

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:59 AM
ah...you seemed on the other side of the coin with your initial statement..now only witch doctor is wrong...as usual.


Ha HA! I'm never on the wrong side of the coin because I use a QUANTUM QUARTER!! When flipped, all possible answers are correct in superposition.:D

Nov 6th, 2012, 01:11 AM

Nov 6th, 2012, 01:38 AM
Epic fail? No. She found what she was looking for. It just took her a while.

Oh, I'm just joshing around with my favorite psycho knife-wielding bundle of joy... :D

But in all seriousness, it would have been easier for Scratch just to plunge that blade into CJ's heart, neck, gut...but she chose the leg? Maybe it was a matter of positioning, but it seems to me that Scratch decided to shred her leg up just to make her suffer. Suffer like she suffers?


Nov 6th, 2012, 02:45 AM
Not necessarily. The reason she could have gone for the leg is that was what was available. As we don't know the positions they were in at the time it's hard to say, but I'm pretty certain just before Saul's groan we hear scratch get disarmed (you hear a small tinkling of steel to the floor too small to be a katana).

So scratch could have been on the floor with CJ standing over her with Saul behind them. Saul groans, CJ turns, and gets a knife to the thigh.

Nov 6th, 2012, 04:24 AM
I totally forget who it was that argue so passionately that Scratch was not the last voice heard... that Cj was the one heard coming out on top.... all I have to say is:


Osiris, I have no problem admitting I was wrong. Good call on the voice actor...

With that said, how did Scratch get out of there? She sure didn't go out the way Saul was, since he was shooting off rounds at her... If there were two ways out, CJ should have just called someone to come in the back and flank Scratch.

Nov 6th, 2012, 04:38 AM
First off, the forum is much more entertaining this week compared to most weeks. Thank you for that. Now for an honest prediction we will see CJ wanting to kill Scratch, along with Burt And Riley. Needless to say there is a waiting list for a chance to kill her. Wild prediction, all this is in the post war PTSD mind Of Michael. Many of there people he knows now or knew overseas.

Nov 6th, 2012, 05:01 AM
CJ will be soon dead as I deduced from Saul's diagnosis. If not, it would be a miracle though.

Nov 6th, 2012, 05:41 AM
Here we go, baby: matching one big-ass episode with one big-ass Lit-Treatise! <br />
(main points in red in case you want to skim it) <br />
<br />
<br />
Cat Fight! <br />
I don't know about the rest of you, but I had a hard...

Nov 6th, 2012, 06:51 AM
I have always been a fan of girls that are fighters and currently in this story there is scratch, who is an amazing character but not exactly one to root for.... and of the two I really like, Riley is currently a cook and at best it seems CJ looses a leg. I am so sad over this. I love the story and the latest turns but dam this is harsh right now,

Nov 6th, 2012, 06:56 AM
By the way, I am developing a new theory that, apparently, one's status in a zombie hierarchy is directly tied to one's ability to climb up on rooftops. :hsugh:
Ah, here is the gem.

I think the Randy Zombies are in search for a few necrophiles. Hah? See what I did there?:cool:

Nov 6th, 2012, 07:03 AM
2. Why didn't Saul shoot Scratch? Again, a problem with visualization here, but was he around the corner or something? He had a gun, and we heard several shots at the end of the fight, but I still couldn't make that one out.

I think the reason he didn't/couldn't shoot Scratch is that he had taken two shots to the chest. Now, I have never worn a bullet proof vest, and I have never been shot while wearing one, but I would think it would still be pretty painful. Saul does mention that he thinks he has broken ribs from it, and I think he says it knocked the breath out of him. It has also been mentioned before that he is not the best shot. So, not being a good shot coupled with the pain of take a couple rounds to the chest.. im thinking he shot just to let her know "Hey bitch I still got teeth." Although those teeth are not very effective right now.

Nov 6th, 2012, 07:07 AM
What is it about Scratch that causes all of the other characters lose any bit of competency? Zombies don't chase her, Durai couldn't kill her (She was RIGHT THERE!), now, Saul couldn't shoot her. (Well, then again, he does have the reputation of being a bad shot.)

She's like Jame Bond running up a metal stairway while being shot at by evil henchmen. The bullets ALWAYS miss Bond (6' or 2m tall) but hit the thin two inch safety rails without fail.

Nov 6th, 2012, 07:40 AM
I think the Randy Zombies are in search for a few necrophiles. Hah? See what I did there?:cool:

Indeed I did, Witch Doctor... indeed I did. :cool:

ran·dy (rnd)
adj. ran·di·er, ran·di·est

1.a. Lascivious; lecherous.
1.b. Of or characterized by frank, uninhibited sexuality.

2. Scots Ill-mannered.

[Possibly from obsolete rand, to rant, from obsolete Dutch randen, ranten.]

Nov 6th, 2012, 08:03 AM
CJ is the new Kalani.

Nov 6th, 2012, 08:31 AM
CJ is the new Kalani.

Besides, I do not think that CJ is a vivid Pearl Jam fan at the moment:


Nov 6th, 2012, 08:50 AM
CJ will be soon dead as I deduced from Saul's diagnosis. If not, it would be a miracle though.

I think she's going to get the leg amputated... It seemed like Saul came to that conclusion?

Cabbage Patch
Nov 6th, 2012, 10:03 AM
I was trying to find the part awhile back when Zombie Randy had the attempted kidnapping of Tanya, but I couldn't find it yet.

Tanya's abduction takes place in Chapter 23, Part 1, The Devil's Workshop

Does anyone remember if there is mention of Randy having long hair and a beard?

Michael describes the Smart One that grabbed Tanya as having, "long brown hair and dirty beard," right before he shouts, "Randy!"

Here's an artist's impression:

Nov 6th, 2012, 10:07 AM
Final Sound
To me, it sounded like that final sound was one of the Little Ones (aka Inklings). It would be interesting to 'see' an attack with both the behemoths and Little Ones together, which I don't think we've seen yet. Anyway, we are lacking a lot of information on the zombies themselves... information which I hope will be provided in abundance in the next season...


Good thought. I wondered about that little sound; a word? A howl? Maybe I'll run it through some software.

OK I'm back. It was indeed Macho Man (Randy) saying Ooooooooooooooyyyyeeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:30 AM
Pegs come back as an infected creature and try to kill Michael, while Scratch watches and laughs... I think that would be the best episode ever. EVER.

damn I wish I could give you rep. I want this so hard! Best way to end the season

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:50 AM
damn I wish I could give you rep. I want this so hard! Best way to end the season

That's what the dirty sheriff's badge is for.

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:52 AM
Tanya's abduction takes place in Chapter 23, Part 1, The Devil's Workshop

Michael describes the Smart One that grabbed Tanya as having, "long brown hair and dirty beard," right before he shouts, "Randy!"

Here's an artist's impression:

RIP http://smiliesftw.com/x/hsughcry.gif

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:53 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Osiris again....You're Welcome :P

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:54 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Osiris again....You're Welcome :P

It's ok, bro... :love: I can still rep you.

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:01 PM
I swore at one point Lizzy was about to go into labour.
My only criticism was that at one point Saul complains about always being the one to get shot, hoped Burt might have said something amusing.
Other than that great episode and really long too.

Just a quick excursion from my normal stomping grounds.

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:42 PM
1. Why did Scratch just leave instead of finishing CJ off, if she had the upper hand? She said something like "you're not worth it", but I couldn't tell if this was directed towards CJ, Burt, or Saul.

Probably CJ proved to be too much of an opponent instead of a victim like all the other Scratch handed their asses. Thus Scratch failed and maybe is not as skilled in using knifes as I/ we granted her to be ...

2. Why didn't Saul shoot Scratch? Again, a problem with visualization here, but was he around the corner or something? He had a gun, and we heard several shots at the end of the fight, but I still couldn't make that one out.

Probably he was still numb from being shot; also it may have been quite dark considering the place and time ...

Randy's Army?
I was trying to find the part awhile back when Zombie Randy had the attempted kidnapping of Tanya, but I couldn't find it yet. Does anyone remember if there is mention of Randy having long hair and a beard?

No, I don't remember such a detail being mentioned. But having it on this episode this raises another question: based on what Tanya found out them zeehs are living beings after all with full metabolism and stuff ... And considering the odds that most likely about 50%, or just maybe half of all of the zeehs were male humans, what about their beard-growth; and what about at least about 100%, or just all zeehs having having hair ... What about theirs?
Having the marked hairy zeeh here may point towards a totally new species/ kind of zeehs ...

Lit's Criticism
Ok, it seems a bit of a stretch at this point that a whole zombie army would mobilize and chase after one fleeing car with a couple of guys in it, so I'm going to have to call bullshit on the rationale for the zombie attack unless Kc reveals a bit more feasible explanation (such as, that it was just a handful of stray zombies that followed and not a full, organized ZomArmy). Damn, is food really that scarce in LA nowadays?

Yeah, I am with you: It is kind of a stretch, but after all this would be kind of an explanation:
Well: Months after the zeeh-pocalypse started there is no food around anymore - all the place were scavenged, all the places with groups of survivors were taken down, them zeehs even ate themselves ... And all of a sudden two guys show up and simply run away ...
Ok - we had this a couple of times already. So why didn't this happen before?
Maybe, because this time a smart one saw Glenn and Pete and thought: "Mh, Yummy! Fresh brains ..."

Final Sound
To me, it sounded like that final sound was one of the Little Ones (aka Inklings). It would be interesting to 'see' an attack with both the behemoths and Little Ones together, which I don't think we've seen yet. Anyway, we are lacking a lot of information on the zombies themselves... information which I hope will be provided in abundance in the next season...

Considering the simple fact that Behemoths have little trouble running through walls, I wonder how solid and strong the fortification of The Colony is ... Will the zeehs even bother to attack at the gates, or will they try just a or even several random walls to get into the human settlement?

All the best!

Nov 6th, 2012, 12:56 PM
No, I don't remember such a detail being mentioned. But having it on this episode this raises another question: based on what Tanya found out them zeehs are living beings after all with full metabolism and stuff ... And considering the odds that most likely about 50%, or just maybe half of all of the zeehs were male humans, what about their beard-growth; and what about at least about 100%, or just all zeehs having having hair ... What about theirs?
Having the marked hairy zeeh here may point towards a totally new species/ kind of zeehs ...


Maybe facial hair is not wide spread among the zeeh due to their specific hormone levels. As I recall, native Americans and Asians do not have dense facial hair either. Just my 2 ct.

Nov 6th, 2012, 01:01 PM
Maybe facial hair is not wide spread among the zeeh due to their specific hormone levels. As I recall, native Americans and Asians do not have dense facial hair either. Just my 2 ct.

Yeah, I think the hormons will play a major role ... So, Randy, er, the marked long-haired one has a different hormon-mixture then the other zeehs? Or did his zeeh-agent mutate to some degree? Or did he remain more human then other zeehs? Ok, here we are again: Are them zeehs humans, animals, aliens, something else???

Ah, too late to think about it.

All the best!

Nov 6th, 2012, 02:08 PM
Simple facts guys..we first learn of Randy via Michael saying his name in a dream/nightmare he will not talk about...then , when Tanya is taken...the zom dragging her away is described first as having "long hair, and a beard"...immediately following that Michael identifies him as Randy. Now in this case I would see it less as an oddity among the undead and more as an oddity for people in general..at least in current (2009) L.A. A man with long hair and a beard will stand out far more prominently than a regular dude...this comes from a guy with a shaved head and big beard...so I may know something about uh...follicle profiling ;)

Nov 6th, 2012, 02:37 PM
Just remember this. If CJ gets amputated, we'll have two pegs's on the show. I'll show myself out now.

Nov 6th, 2012, 04:04 PM
Love, love, loved it!!! I'm still processing it. Can't wait for the next chapter to find out what happens next... (O-o)

Nov 6th, 2012, 04:35 PM
Lit's Criticism
Ok, it seems a bit of a stretch at this point that a whole zombie army would mobilize and chase after one fleeing car with a couple of guys in it, so I'm going to have to call bullshit on the rationale for the zombie attack unless Kc reveals a bit more feasible explanation (such as, that it was just a handful of stray zombies that followed and not a full, organized ZomArmy). Damn, is food really that scarce in LA nowadays?

One thing I'll throw out there- As I tread lightly in my responses. There is a delay of when the episode has the false ending. In other words a small amount of time has passed between the two scenes when Victor sees the things and when they first arrive.

Not much to give you, but, well, there it is.

Nov 6th, 2012, 04:45 PM
rip http://smiliesftw.com/x/hsughcry.gif



Nov 6th, 2012, 04:47 PM
Tanya's abduction takes place in Chapter 23, Part 1, The Devil's Workshop

Michael describes the Smart One that grabbed Tanya as having, "long brown hair and dirty beard," right before he shouts, "Randy!"

Here's an artist's impression:

Actually laughing at this, not the RIP above.


Nov 6th, 2012, 06:00 PM
One thing I'll throw out there- As I tread lightly in my responses. There is a delay of when the episode has the false ending. In other words a small amount of time has passed between the two scenes when Victor sees the things and when they first arrive.

Not much to give you, but, well, there it is.

Started listening to this podcast last week and I'm already caught up. Love it, doing a great Job KC keep it up. Anyway to the point. I am of the opinion that this attack has been planned for a long time. Through out the series we have seen Zombies "following" (Boulder, Colony, Fort Irwin) people to their strongholds. I think that Ink has been planning an attack on the colony/Boulder/Irwin but could not find them.

As we have seen, all of the Zombies had almost entirely dissappeared from the story. This tells me Ink was not only doing more experiments, but also gathering his forces for a large scale offensive. The only issue was, he didn't know where the strongholds were (Colony, Boulder, Irwin). Therefore, we can deduce that Ink knew there were human strongholds, but didn't know where they were.

So, He firgured "Why not follow them" thus we have those nasty bastards hanging on to Choppers and following survivors to figure out where their strongest holdouts are. You could even say some of the "late changers" are creations of Ink i.e. maybe he created Zombies that, when they bite, their infection is a slow reaction kind of infection. That way he can plant infected into large populations and take them out from the inside out. Look if Ink can create whatever the hell those numbered little guys that change into 10 feet tall freakshows then I wouldn't put it past him.
Opinions? Theories?

Nov 6th, 2012, 07:02 PM
Great episode, I wonder how the Colony will be able to handle the zombie attack. With the previous episode as foreshadowing there are probably two ways in which this will probably turn out. One is total annihilation, the colonists call Fort Irwin, but before they can get help, they are killed. Two, the sat phone isn't working right, but the colonists try to call for an SOS, Irwin can't receive the message properly, so they have a delayed response. I see the story going in either of these two general directions. Also, I really hope CJ survives to the next season, we may potentially see ourselves with another handicap character.

Nov 6th, 2012, 07:46 PM
But having it on this episode this raises another question: based on what Tanya found out them zeehs are living beings after all with full metabolism and stuff ... And considering the odds that most likely about 50%, or just maybe half of all of the zeehs were male humans, what about their beard-growth; and what about at least about 100%, or just all zeehs having having hair ... What about theirs?
Having the marked hairy zeeh here may point towards a totally new species/ kind of zeehs ...
All the best!

I wondered about this too. Wouldn't they have long hair and beards. In fact, I would have expected EVERYONE to have some issue with rampant hair growth. We hear Michael mention his overgrown beard in the Colony but that seems to be all that I remember. There were discussions of the women tying to keep their hair clean without water and the use of baby wipes, so hygiene has been discussed.

Nov 6th, 2012, 08:01 PM
Randy's Army?
I was trying to find the part awhile back when Zombie Randy had the attempted kidnapping of Tanya, but I couldn't find it yet. Does anyone remember if there is mention of Randy having long hair and a beard?
chapter 23-1 at approx. 11:00 "long brown hair and dirty beard" Michael shot his arm which made him drop Tanya.

Michael also says he fired several shots as Randy ran away and "might have hit him again, but I couldn't tell."
Now Victor describes the bearded zombie as having "markings on his face", telling Saul it "has a tattoo mark on his face, I think" "this one's just got one mark on his face..." Victor is looking at a long distance through binoculars, so maybe he is seeing where one of Micheal's bullets hit Randy in the face and is mistaking it for a tattoo.

Tanya's abduction takes place in Chapter 23, Part 1, The Devil's Workshop

Michael describes the Smart One that grabbed Tanya as having, "long brown hair and dirty beard," right before he shouts, "Randy!"

Here's an artist's impression:

Final Sound
To me, it sounded like that final sound was one of the Little Ones (aka Inklings). It would be interesting to 'see' an attack with both the behemoths and Little Ones together, which I don't think we've seen yet. Anyway, we are lacking a lot of information on the zombies themselves... information which I hope will be provided in abundance in the next season...


Good thought. I wondered about that little sound; a word? A howl? Maybe I'll run it through some software.

OK I'm back. It was indeed Macho Man (Randy) saying Ooooooooooooooyyyyeeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!

Just remember this. If CJ gets amputated, we'll have two pegs's on the show. I'll show myself out now.

Nov 6th, 2012, 09:02 PM
Who else really doesn't care much for CJ? I didn't really like her from the get go. I found her annoying and just plain to bossy. I understand the need for control and order and someone to be the lead but I hated how in earlier episodes she didn't want go help lizzie.

Nov 6th, 2012, 10:16 PM
Now in this case I would see it less as an oddity among the undead and more as an oddity for people in general..at least in current (2009) L.A. A man with long hair and a beard will stand out far more prominently than a regular dude...

Ok, didn't know that. Makes totally sense and renders any of my thoughts about it as meaningless. Pointless. Not to mention: senseless. Inferior.

Nov 6th, 2012, 10:36 PM
This brings up an interesting point - all of the male zombies should have beards, which makes the description of Randy odd. It will be intriguing to see where he's going with this, using randy instead of Ink as a plot device/antagonist.

It's odd that the whole "families" subplot is turning into a dead end though, as all of the family members aside from scratch are now dead (at least that we know of, but it would be mighty coincidental to see a new family member pop up)

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:16 PM
Maybe, if not probably, the whole The Family-thing was especially important regarding Angel and-slash-or his conflict with Scratch as well as the confrontation between Durai and Scratch; no time else The Family played a role. I guess this case is closed, no more The Family stuff.

But more family-stuff (broad understading of family) to come with three Tink-generations to come - Henry <-> Lizzy/ Saul <-> Tanya (/Burt) on one side and Datu <-> Hope on another AND maybe even Michael/Pegs <-> ? ...

Nov 7th, 2012, 06:06 AM
Ok, I can't exactly search for the image here at work but my prediction for CJ is she will now be peg legged, BUT with a M16 equip with M203 a la Rose McGowan in the Grindhouse flick

all those in favor say :yay: !

Nov 7th, 2012, 06:30 AM
Long time I did not comment.

I am so excited for this series, great drama. I believe we will see the colony and Irwin all falling and people scattering, season 4 will be about all for one scenarios, things so bad people betraying theirs to get to survive one more day... and if not this in KC I Trust (I should put that behind my bills and see who gets one of those)

also my wife is studding medicine and so far she told me the way CJ is now and the lack of proper care and treatment, that she is a goner (if in real life scenario)

Nov 7th, 2012, 07:20 AM
to sos63. no but if you listen carfully somone says that everybody goes to play with her in her room (lady) and that Mr. whiskers :kitty stays in Pegs's room.

Nov 7th, 2012, 07:43 AM
Skittles assessments have already proven to be wrong regarding behemoths. However, it could be said that normal biters don't go near behemoths. Advanced ones (like Randy/TOWTM) seem to be able to make them coexist with biters.

I'm going back to my Burt isn't going to kill Scratch thing. Him surviving this and bringing himself even with the house as it were put Burt's survival back in play to me. I think he isn't out of the woods yet, but its hard to see how he goes now with the expressed reason for not breaking under Scratch torture.

The next time we see the Mallers, it's not going to be good. Not for our heroes like you might believe, but most likely the Mallers. They are small, weak, and have no place to go. They have no supplies, no place to hide, and they lost their cozy way of life because Scratch can't keep her knife in her pants and out of CJs leg, and Bixby's throat. The Mallers seem to be ok when they have groups to steal from/terrorize. Without that, they may lack a focus. Their time in this world is dwindling, and the zombies return to the storyline is the proof to me.

I saw back in the thread somewhere someone saying the double attack being coordinated. Remember that Irwin's attack is coincidental and caused by one turner in a group of survivors. The survivors ran to safety and brought the zombies. The apparent Randy led attack, while also coincidental to Pete leading them to the colony, is an orchestrated attack. Remember that behemoths, smart ones etc are new down south. The colony up against opponents they've never faced.

Is that a concession of Burt's potential survival I hear? :excited:

.....boy am I gonna be eating those words in the next year.....

Anyways, yea, a few people have pointed out instances of skittles being wrong....I still think they'll be much like a caged beast, in which they listen to their 'master' (being Randy/Ink or the like) but in the heat of a battle...have the potential to attack their own kind (normal Z's) when let off the leash (so to speak)

Just wanted to make the observation. Again, this Probably-Randy-One-With-Markings (PROWM....yea, I said it) is a potential Behemoth Whisperer. Maybe it's like 15-20 behemoths just stampeding like wildebeests....Let's just hope they don't trample Mufasa

Nov 7th, 2012, 08:41 AM
Maybe, if not probably, the whole The Family-thing was especially important regarding Angel and-slash-or his conflict with Scratch as well as the confrontation between Durai and Scratch; no time else The Family played a role. I guess this case is closed, no more The Family stuff.

But more family-stuff (broad understading of family) to come with three Tink-generations to come - Henry <-> Lizzy/ Saul <-> Tanya (/Burt) on one side and Datu <-> Hope on another AND maybe even Michael/Pegs <-> ? ...

I can't accept that. Kc has stated that things are planned far in advance and from a storytelling perspective, it would invalidate so much that the story would not and could not feel complete without some closure. But the problem lies in that Scratch could show up and give a whole diatribe about her ring and the families and the rest of the characters would just shrug their shoulders and shoot her in the face.

I felt from the beginning that their was some sort of religious or mystical connection to the outbreak (and possible subtle hints could be in the characters names - Saul, Michael, John and perhaps it's a bit on the nose, but 'Angel' and some of the chapter titles) and frankly, the rapid mutations just aren't possible in purely scientific terms (as well as the fact that a schizophrenic serial killer suddenly has knowledge of advanced genetic engineering doesn't sit well with me), as rapid cellular changes on a macro level would be accompanied by intense heat and millions of calories burned in an instant.

My bets are hedged on Scratch having a personal connection with Ink - a family member perhaps?

EDIT: Gosh, it just hit me - even the name 'Scratch' is a clue. Scratch = devil (albeit a devil with a voice like finely spun silk).

Nov 7th, 2012, 09:05 AM
Anyways, yea, a few people have pointed out instances of skittles being wrong....I still think they'll be much like a caged beast, in which they listen to their 'master' (being Randy/Ink or the like) but in the heat of a battle...have the potential to attack their own kind (normal Z's) when let off the leash (so to speak)

What if he's right and wrong?

Nov 7th, 2012, 09:14 AM
What if he's right and wrong?

True, so what happen when the Ink group meets up with the Colony Zombies? Will they just fall in line?

This is probably a bad example but it will be like movie, "Predators" the new and old will crash.

Nov 7th, 2012, 10:01 AM
just got to listen. damnit i hate scratch. she's a great character, but all i want to do is slice paper thin layers off of her, starting with her fingers and toes.

Nov 7th, 2012, 10:06 AM
just got to listen. damnit i hate scratch. she's a great character, but all i want to do is slice paper thin layers off of her, starting with her fingers and toes.

In some circles, that would be something of a love/hate relationship.

Nov 7th, 2012, 10:53 AM
I can't accept that. Kc has stated that things are planned far in advance and from a storytelling perspective, it would invalidate so much that the story would not and could not feel complete without some closure. But the problem lies in that Scratch could show up and give a whole diatribe about her ring and the families and the rest of the characters would just shrug their shoulders and shoot her in the face.
I felt from the beginning that their was some sort of religious or mystical connection to the outbreak (and possible subtle hints could be in the characters names - Saul, Michael, John and perhaps it's a bit on the nose, but 'Angel' and some of the chapter titles) and frankly, the rapid mutations just aren't possible in purely scientific terms (as well as the fact that a schizophrenic serial killer suddenly has knowledge of advanced genetic engineering doesn't sit well with me), as rapid cellular changes on a macro level would be accompanied by intense heat and millions of calories burned in an instant.
My bets are hedged on Scratch having a personal connection with Ink - a family member perhaps?
EDIT: Gosh, it just hit me - even the name 'Scratch' is a clue. Scratch = devil (albeit a devil with a voice like finely spun silk).

Even though KC has mentioned that religion plays little into the story, I believe there are symbols abundant. Check out what I found about about some of them...

Nov 7th, 2012, 10:57 AM
What if he's right and wrong?

I KNEW IT!! Quantum Zombies!!!! This has NEVER been done in Zombie fiction. Schrodingers Cat (Mr. Whiskers) is UNDEAD in a box. Kc, you're a genius.

Nov 7th, 2012, 11:02 AM
What if he's right and wrong?

Damn you for poking the beast and keeping me going down this road now......

I'm going to take the less-work-for-my-brain approach and say, if he's right AND wrong, then I think my hypothesis is a somewhat accurate description of their capable temperament. Either only listening to one Z, and like a beast off its leash otherwise, OR only plays well with a particular type of Z, either being an Ink equivalent, or Inklings.

That's broad, but it's all I'm willing to allow my brain to compute until further information, because I've just been wrong way too damn much. And for that, Kc, I thank you.

Nov 7th, 2012, 11:04 AM
I KNEW IT!! Quantum Zombies!!!! This has NEVER been done in Zombie fiction. Schrodingers Cat (Mr. Whiskers) is UNDEAD in a box. Kc, you're a genius.

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Witch_Doctor again"......

Nov 7th, 2012, 11:15 AM
"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Witch_Doctor again"......

Same here....

Nov 7th, 2012, 11:15 AM
In some circles, that would be something of a love/hate relationship.

it is in the sense that i love to hate her, though i would absolutely not miss her in the story at all, except that i would because then i would have no one at which to direct my ire.

Blood & Ice Cream
Nov 7th, 2012, 11:39 AM
Might just be my hearing, but did Scratch make off with CJ's katana at around 2:46?

Nov 7th, 2012, 11:49 AM
Damn you for poking the beast and keeping me going down this road now......

I'm going to take the less-work-for-my-brain approach and say, if he's right AND wrong, then I think my hypothesis is a somewhat accurate description of their capable temperament. Either only listening to one Z, and like a beast off its leash otherwise, OR only plays well with a particular type of Z, either being an Ink equivalent, or Inklings.

That's broad, but it's all I'm willing to allow my brain to compute until further information, because I've just been wrong way too damn much. And for that, Kc, I thank you.

So, as to draw this whole thing out.... CJ sounds like she's either gonna be an amputee, or dead. I think either way, the reason she couldn't die at the hands of scratch is she's the only one, besides michael, able to ID Randy, so without her confirmation, he's just a PROWM (See my previous post for acronym, and I stand by it). So she's going to stay alive at least long enough to see this dude and ID him. She could still live, but that would give her some great soliloquy to go out on, upon seeing him.

Also, based on Kc's antagonizing of 'maybe skittles is right AND wrong".....and his "the only thing I can say is there is a time lapse at the end"....perhaps Randy is organizing an attack, and following Glenn....when a few Behemoths catch wind of the mobile army, and we end up with a 3 (potentially 4) front war.

Randy et al attacking colony, Behemoths attacking anything that moves, Colony defending itself, and Scratch with minimal task force, or alone, observing and deciding to re-infiltrate. This puts Scratch back in the story-line, but I'm not sure where to theorize beyond that. Perhaps she somehow ends up in a mutually shared vehicle heading out of the colony as Glenn tries to fix the radio with Saul/lizzie/Victor/Burt in the back radioing for help from Michael on the road away from a colony slaughterhouse....? I dunno, i've gone too far, theorizing a resolve between Scratch and anyone, even in the face of impeding Zeds, seems too far a stretch now that she's pretty much pushed EVERYone too far....

Still, I stand by the beginning stuff

Nov 7th, 2012, 12:18 PM
I can't accept that. Kc has stated that things are planned far in advance and from a storytelling perspective, it would invalidate so much that the story would not and could not feel complete without some closure. But the problem lies in that Scratch could show up and give a whole diatribe about her ring and the families and the rest of the characters would just shrug their shoulders and shoot her in the face.

I felt from the beginning that their was some sort of religious or mystical connection to the outbreak (and possible subtle hints could be in the characters names - Saul, Michael, John and perhaps it's a bit on the nose, but 'Angel' and some of the chapter titles) and frankly, the rapid mutations just aren't possible in purely scientific terms (as well as the fact that a schizophrenic serial killer suddenly has knowledge of advanced genetic engineering doesn't sit well with me), as rapid cellular changes on a macro level would be accompanied by intense heat and millions of calories burned in an instant.

My bets are hedged on Scratch having a personal connection with Ink - a family member perhaps?

EDIT: Gosh, it just hit me - even the name 'Scratch' is a clue. Scratch = devil (albeit a devil with a voice like finely spun silk).

In my humble opinion not everything needs to be connected with them zeehs. It would be nice to see a connection between Scratch <-> Family <-> Ink/ Zombies/ whatnot ... This was part of some debate on this forum.
But I just don't see this link (anymore). The family was important for three characters only so far - Scratch, Angel, and Durai. Two of them are dead. On this show there was never ever anyone else (except for the late Latch, who actually never made a statement about the family ...) who spoke about it or acted on behalf of Family-rules. So by now I say: topic closed.
But: I may be wrong - wouldn't be the first time; and with a complete season to go, there is plenty of room for more surprises out of the box ...

All the best!

Nov 7th, 2012, 12:23 PM
Anyways, yea, a few people have pointed out instances of skittles being wrong....I still think they'll be much like a caged beast, in which they listen to their 'master' (being Randy/Ink or the like) but in the heat of a battle...have the potential to attack their own kind (normal Z's) when let off the leash (so to speak)

He is wrong about those Behemoths being under control and/ or roaming with bands of zeehs ... But he may be right at least about those one being solitary on the move. From what I understood so far about the zeehs, they don't act like one people or population; but they seem to be more kind of scattered in smaller and bigger, groups or even solitary, and all of that without following a specific plan or order. That is why I have no trouble considering some Behemoths being solitary with no other zeehs around, while other Behemoths are part of various packs.

Kc's "maybe right and wrong" seems to support ideas like this ...

Nov 7th, 2012, 01:11 PM
Even though KC has mentioned that religion plays little into the story, I believe there are symbols abundant. Check out what I found about about some of them...

Well, goddamn, son... I've already REP'd you a couple dozen times, I'm done out of REP for awhile!

HEY! Somebody REP Witch Doctor again for me, will ya?

Shaddap, now... don't ask questions-- just DO it!

Nov 7th, 2012, 02:23 PM
Holy hell, the opening of this episode made me physically ill
with the gushing blood sound effects. don't get me wrong
I love gore movies (i do a podcast on horror films)
but anything dealing with aortas and veins was making me
sick on the walk towards the gym, lol. awesome though,
great great episode... sad CJ's gonna suffer some more.

this is gonna be such a crazy finale.
thanks KC.

Also kudos to your artist for this chapter cover,
it's my favorite one.

Nov 7th, 2012, 05:36 PM
Might just be my hearing, but did Scratch make off with CJ's katana at around 2:46?

so we got a velvety smooth voice that sounds like a choir of angels, a fiery temper hotter than the hooves of satan AND swords?


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Nov 7th, 2012, 06:05 PM
Hey guys i usually dont post alot because what i want to post is already posted so im more of a reader
but i was reading all posts and i dont think anyone came up with this.....

i have a strange theory
did anyone notice the description of this chapter?

it was "in help of a strangers hand..." or something like that
my crazy theory is......what if...
well we all think the the last zombie sound we heard at the end was a little one......what if the zombie we assume that its randy, because to me i dont think it is.....but it would be a great way to get randy back in the story and to finally find out about him and michael....

But what if the zombie we think its randy......what if he is some type of help? What if since he knows that there are number ones going/ or at the colony....what if he wants to attack them with behemoths and regular zombies....for some reason we havent seen those zeehs together
And if you guys think about it the first time we heard of the little ones was at the army station were kalani and angel went......and there was a behemoth there that i wanna say scared them away?
But im thinkin that the trap the zombies made for the mallers had little ones, regular ones, and INK.....
But i kinda think that there might be some type of war between those zombies that s what strangers help might mean indont know.....im writting this down reslly quick cuz im at school but lemme know what you think......


Nov 7th, 2012, 06:09 PM
Hey guys i usually dont post alot because what i want to post is already posted so im more of a reader
but i was reading all posts and i dont think anyone came up with this.....

i have a strange theory
did anyone notice the description of this chapter?

it was "in help of a strangers hand..." or something like that
my crazy theory is......what if...
well we all think the the last zombie sound we heard at the end was a little one......what if the zombie we assume that its randy, because to me i dont think it is.....but it would be a great way to get randy back in the story and to finally find out about him and michael....

But what if the zombie we think its randy......what if he is some type of help? What if since he knows that there are number ones going/ or at the colony....what if he wants to attack them with behemoths and regular zombies....for some reason we havent seen those zeehs together
And if you guys think about it the first time we heard of the little ones was at the army station were kalani and angel went......and there was a behemoth there that i wanna say scared them away?
But im thinkin that the trap the zombies made for the mallers had little ones, regular ones, and INK.....
But i kinda think that there might be some type of war between those zombies that s what strangers help might mean indont know.....im writting this down reslly quick cuz im at school but lemme know what you think......


I think that's rep material is what I think! If Randy and Ink were opposing forces to each other, that would be an absolutely brilliant plot twist! Like say, Michael's history with Randy could come into play and wouldn't it be killer to have help in the form of Randy's behemoths vs the Inklings????

Nov 7th, 2012, 06:44 PM
Yep..excellent idea...i feel a very long-winded post coming...

Nov 7th, 2012, 07:12 PM
Thanks guys
Its cuz the description got me thinking
And the zombie we think its randy was actually seen before with burned zombies moving in a way that no one has ever seen it makes me think he might have some type of leadership with other zombies i dont want to exagerate and say stuff like scratch ir turnng and attacking TOWTM i just wanna keepit simple but who knows :) it kinda seems like it might fit
But we will see on monday
Im still not sure if that zombie is randy he seems like it by the previous descriptions but who knows......

Nov 7th, 2012, 07:24 PM
The one MAJOR issue I see with presenting an idea like this is the timing of it. Giving us possible unrest among the zom populous is not a good thing to open the doors on right before the end of the season. I guess it depends on how its handled...but anything more than say "Randy" and the behemoths fighting off a bunch of inklings would be opening a can that there just isn't time to address in one short and one long episode.

Nov 7th, 2012, 08:42 PM
Thanks guys
Its cuz the description got me thinking
And the zombie we think its randy was actually seen before with burned zombies moving in a way that no one has ever seen it makes me think he might have some type of leadership with other zombies i dont want to exagerate and say stuff like scratch ir turnng and attacking TOWTM i just wanna keepit simple but who knows :) it kinda seems like it might fit
But we will see on monday
Im still not sure if that zombie is randy he seems like it by the previous descriptions but who knows......
Not sure I'm fully on-board with this, but there have been crazier theories.
Thinking about it, it does make some sense that there are (at least) two different groups. Randy's group based at the arena and Ink's group based at the hospital. In the story they find the arena and then the hospital. In my mind, I had assumed that the arena zombie survivors had relocated to the hospital. Double checking the timeline (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Timeline) notes the arena explosion and the hospital discovery were only a day apart. Highly doubtful the zombies are that organized.

Ok, I can't exactly search for the image here at work but my prediction for CJ is she will now be peg legged, BUT with a M16 equip with M203 a la Rose McGowan in the Grindhouse flick

all those in favor say :yay: !
No picture, but I already posted a youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmMApNy48Sc

Nov 7th, 2012, 09:37 PM
Randy et al attacking colony, Behemoths attacking anything that moves, Colony defending itself, and Scratch with minimal task force, or alone, observing and deciding to re-infiltrate. This puts Scratch back in the story-line, but I'm not sure where to theorize beyond that. Perhaps she somehow ends up in a mutually shared vehicle heading out of the colony as Glenn tries to fix the radio with Saul/lizzie/Victor/Burt in the back radioing for help from Michael on the road away from a colony slaughterhouse....? I dunno, i've gone too far, theorizing a resolve between Scratch and anyone, even in the face of impeding Zeds, seems too far a stretch now that she's pretty much pushed EVERYone too far....
Still, I stand by the beginning stuff

UGH!! My brain hurts!. This is like the end of The Hobbit. Does Skittles kill a dragon and steal its gold too?

Nov 7th, 2012, 09:42 PM
so we got a velvety smooth voice that sounds like a choir of angels, a fiery temper hotter than the hooves of satan AND swords?


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

One word: Lorena Bobbitt.

Nov 7th, 2012, 10:15 PM
One word: Lorena Bobbitt.

That's actually a proper name.

Nov 7th, 2012, 10:31 PM
One word: Lorena Bobbitt.


Nov 8th, 2012, 12:43 AM
i have a strange theory

Strange and good.

Nov 8th, 2012, 12:58 AM
I can't believe this thread is still alive.

Nov 8th, 2012, 02:02 AM
yup. its loaded on morphine soooooo

carry on, agent.

Nov 8th, 2012, 02:40 AM
That's actually a proper name.

I love it when you talk dirty.

Nov 8th, 2012, 04:19 AM
Hey guys i usually dont post alot because what i want to post is already posted so im more of a reader
but i was reading all posts and i dont think anyone came up with this.....

i have a strange theory
did anyone notice the description of this chapter?

it was "in help of a strangers hand..." or something like that
my crazy theory is......what if...
well we all think the the last zombie sound we heard at the end was a little one......what if the zombie we assume that its randy, because to me i dont think it is.....but it would be a great way to get randy back in the story and to finally find out about him and michael....

But what if the zombie we think its randy......what if he is some type of help? What if since he knows that there are number ones going/ or at the colony....what if he wants to attack them with behemoths and regular zombies....for some reason we havent seen those zeehs together
And if you guys think about it the first time we heard of the little ones was at the army station were kalani and angel went......and there was a behemoth there that i wanna say scared them away?
But im thinkin that the trap the zombies made for the mallers had little ones, regular ones, and INK.....
But i kinda think that there might be some type of war between those zombies that s what strangers help might mean indont know.....im writting this down reslly quick cuz im at school but lemme know what you think......


I like where you are going with this. I mean, if the humans can fight with each other why can't the Zeds? It is a "story of survival" after all - why does it just have to be the humans survival?

I'm just sayin'

Nov 8th, 2012, 04:53 AM
Randy's Z's attacking Inklings just outside of Irwin's gates.

I wonder how Michael is going to be the voice of reason this time...
Can you imagine Michael trying to talk Kimmet out of destroying the bohemoths ?

Kimmet: Kill them all!
Michael: No they're helping us kill those (ADLO)'s look!
Kimmet: blah blah blah trying to save lives here!
Michael: blah blah whats the point if we have no gigantic pets?
Kimmet: ....
Michael: .... Ya know what eff it kill everything

Nov 8th, 2012, 05:14 AM
I can't believe this thread is still alive. Yeah, we have yet to hit the artery of the problem... ooh wait. We're taking a stab at it?!.... Yeah, this is long and painful process?!... We haven't peg it down?!.. Alot of us are still stump by it?!... Zeh puns they just keep gushing out....:hsugh:

Nov 8th, 2012, 05:31 AM
I like where you are going with this. I mean, if the humans can fight with each other why can't the Zeds? It is a "story of survival" after all - why does it just have to be the humans survival?

I'm just sayin'

So Randy, get to the gate, stops and said "We need to speak to Micheal! It's time to call in the favor." And that why they get to call Ft. Irwin?

Nov 8th, 2012, 06:33 AM
Randy's Z's attacking Inklings just outside of Irwin's gates.

I wonder how Michael is going to be the voice of reason this time...
Can you imagine Michael trying to talk Kimmet out of destroying the bohemoths ?

Kimmet: Kill them all!
Michael: No they're helping us kill those (ADLO)'s look!
Kimmet: blah blah blah trying to save lives here!
Michael: blah blah whats the point if we have no gigantic pets?
Kimmet: ....
Michael: .... Ya know what eff it kill everything


Nov 8th, 2012, 06:36 AM
So Randy, get to the gate, stops and said "We need to speak to Micheal! It's time to call in the favor." And that why they get to call Ft. Irwin?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UndeadSweeper again.

It's coming bro, it's coming.

Nov 8th, 2012, 06:40 AM
Yeah, we have yet to hit the artery of the problem... ooh wait. We're taking a stab at it?!.... Yeah, this is long and painful process?!... We haven't peg it down?!.. Alot of us are still stump by it?!... Zeh puns they just keep gushing out....:hsugh:

What can you do? It's a Zombie. The thread is... Undead.:D

Nov 8th, 2012, 07:11 AM
So Randy, get to the gate, stops and said "We need to speak to Micheal! It's time to call in the favor." And that why they get to call Ft. Irwin?

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UndeadSweeper again."

I'm trying to.....

Nov 8th, 2012, 07:39 AM
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UndeadSweeper again."

I'm trying to.....

Same problem here.....damn

Nov 8th, 2012, 12:57 PM
Not to detrail the theory but the discription is:
Desperately in need... of some... strangers's hand.

Does this refer more to the coming phone call, where the groups of survivors need help from a 'stranger' (the other group)?
Or is this referring to the Randy/Michael situation, where Michael needed a stranger's, Randy's, hand to get unstuck back at the water works?
Or is Burt going to get a hand transplant?

Nov 8th, 2012, 01:23 PM
To derail the theory even more....they are lines from the song..."the end" by the doors. Check the description of part one as well.

End of my involvement. Carry on, citizens

Nov 8th, 2012, 01:31 PM
To derail the theory even more....they are lines from the song..."the end" by the doors. Check the description of part one as well.

End of my involvement. Carry on, citizens

Ha ha Gold, I thought there was something familar about that line.

Nov 8th, 2012, 01:32 PM
Here's my theory, the season three finale isn't entirely the assult on fort irwin and the colony, but Michael finally writting down what happened at the water works.

Nov 8th, 2012, 01:40 PM
Ha ha Gold, I thought there was something familar about that line.

full disclosure; not direct lines, more "in the theme of"....alright, now I'm done.

Nov 8th, 2012, 02:26 PM
Here's my theory, the season three finale isn't entirely the assult on fort irwin and the colony, but Michael finally writting down what happened at the water works.

I like this, but....im thinking next chapter part. Not the finale..

Would put a nice bow on the package that will be the finale...give us that right out the gate, then end it with the set up of the sat phone call from the colony perspective....boom. Roll into the last chapter.

Nov 8th, 2012, 02:37 PM
We all have listened to Randy's clues

about long hair and beard
i found one that caught my attention it might not be right

but chapter 23 part 1
when he was first seen
michael mentions that "at the front of all of them, one taking lead grabbin tanyas visible body"
or something like that
so we can assume he leads groups of zombies

one thing i never understood....
was when steven said "did you see that? some of them were burn"
how is that a key to us? anyone has any ideas about why there were burn zombies?

Nov 8th, 2012, 02:54 PM
one thing i never understood....
was when steven said "did you see that? some of them were burn"
how is that a key to us? anyone has any ideas about why there were burn zombies?

Maybe he referred to those zombies that got burned in The Mallers attempts/ efforts to burn down the arena; or it could be zombies that received fire-damage during "The War". Or it could simply be zombies that were exposed to fire-damage at wherever and whenever. In what chapter did Steven mention this? I have no memory of it anymore, although something in the back of my head tells me that I actually know it ... :(

All the best!

Nov 8th, 2012, 03:13 PM
chapter 23 part 1 <br />
when michael and steven are saving tanya from the other zombies <br />
after they get her <br />
he is like &quot;did you see that? some of them were burned&quot; <br />
i mean we know how KC works, that...

Nov 8th, 2012, 03:34 PM
Not to detrail the theory but the discription is:
Desperately in need... of some... strangers's hand.

Does this refer more to the coming phone call, where the groups of survivors need help from a 'stranger' (the other group)?
Or is this referring to the Randy/Michael situation, where Michael needed a stranger's, Randy's, hand to get unstuck back at the water works?
Or is Burt going to get a hand transplant?

Ink needs a hand. Literally. He was mutilated too. Kind of ironic when you think about it: Burt is the one that did it, and now he's injured in one hand too.
*tinfoil hat*

Nov 8th, 2012, 03:53 PM
chapter 23 part 1
when michael and steven are saving tanya from the other zombies
after they get her
he is like "did you see that? some of them were burned"
i mean we know how KC works, that phrase has to be a clue of something about randy and his zombies


Thank you, clem131. Then my recollection was right after all; with your clarification I am even more 'convinced' that the burnings root in the attempts of The Mallers to burn down the arena - because this is what happened right before the events in chapter 23 ...

And as for the TOWTM and Randy and the arena ... Kc did a clever and brilliant job using different characters in WA to describe special zeehs with different words ... the one with the markings, pinstripes, the coloured one etc. And especially now we have enough fuel to consider Randy as another with markings ... Since all these things are pretty damn confusing and pretty open to almost any solid and valid theory I won't like to stick with one particular (good) theory ...

Just another small question:

What, if Ink/ pinstripes on the one side and Randy on the other side are so super-smart-ones that they actually try to find a solution against the zeeh-factor? Do you remember what pinstripes said after he had killed Paul and was facing Michael, Saul, Burt and Lizzy? He said something that sounded like "help us" ... And Randy? As you have pointed out on this thread, Randy and his group of minions seemed to treat their captive Tanya very special. Then again we have pinstripes and the hospital?
What, if these two special zeehs - Randy and Ink - try "to survive" as humans imprisoned in their own bodies and overruled or at least stalling with the zombie-personality? What, if the zombie-agent did not make them as mindless as most other zeehs, and both of them kept something of their former human life making them fight against the zombie-personality to regain enough control over their will and bodies to find a treatment? Would be kind of a "story of survival", wouldn't it?

Good night, folks!

Nov 8th, 2012, 03:59 PM
Ink needs a hand. Literally. He was mutilated too. Kind of ironic when you think about it: Burt is the one that did it, and now he's injured in one hand too.
*tinfoil hat*

I wouldn't recommend a tinfoil hat in the zombie apocalypse, make you look like a giant Hershey Kiss. :-/

Nov 8th, 2012, 04:32 PM
Definitely intrigued by this idea of multiple "survival stories" playing out... Are we heading towards an uneasy coexistence between some Zeds and some humans?

Maybe a UFC style cage march with Michael/Randy in one corner and Scratch/Ink in the other.

Lets get it on!!!!

Nov 8th, 2012, 04:50 PM
I doubt there will be any mutual coexisitance, after all the humans are the Zombies food. Not to mention the fact that they are zombies and this is a zombie survival horror podcast. It would be pointless if suddenly the zombies decide "Hey, you guys are alright so lets have a beer!"

Now I'm not sure that there is any "friction" between Randy Z and Inky Z. In the end they are both zombies and it's been made perfectly clear that Inky runs the show. Randy Z may just be another one of Ink's experiements.

Nov 8th, 2012, 05:08 PM
Yup..and for whoever it was that brought up pinstripes "help us" line...dont forget, he did just eat some dudes face....not friendly behavior if ya ask me....no. I think everything on the previous page is simply wishful thinking. No chance in hell of any of it happening

Edit: his help us line was also him mimicking what pegs and the rest were saying...just like "its Paul"..

Contextual awareness, mine Friends

Nov 8th, 2012, 05:15 PM
Skittles assessments have already proven to be wrong regarding behemoths. However, it could be said that normal biters don't go near behemoths. Advanced ones (like Randy/TOWTM) seem to be able to make them coexist with biters.

I'm going back to my Burt isn't going to kill Scratch thing. Him surviving this and bringing himself even with the house as it were put Burt's survival back in play to me. I think he isn't out of the woods yet, but its hard to see how he goes now with the expressed reason for not breaking under Scratch torture.

The next time we see the Mallers, it's not going to be good. Not for our heroes like you might believe, but most likely the Mallers. They are small, weak, and have no place to go. They have no supplies, no place to hide, and they lost their cozy way of life because Scratch can't keep her knife in her pants and out of CJs leg, and Bixby's throat. The Mallers seem to be ok when they have groups to steal from/terrorize. Without that, they may lack a focus. Their time in this world is dwindling, and the zombies return to the storyline is the proof to me.

I saw back in the thread somewhere someone saying the double attack being coordinated. Remember that Irwin's attack is coincidental and caused by one turner in a group of survivors. The survivors ran to safety and brought the zombies. The apparent Randy led attack, while also coincidental to Pete leading them to the colony, is an orchestrated attack. Remember that behemoths, smart ones etc are new down south. The colony up against opponents they've never faced.

Here is an idea on Pete's cut up neck from glass. Maybe they were late because they got stopped by Scratch. They were surround or being chased by the Z-Army. Scratch threatens their lives: "You lead them to the Colony or I kill both of you!" cutting up Pete's neck. There has got to be more of a reason for mentioning their condition. Kc doesn't just drop tidbits for no reason.

Nov 8th, 2012, 05:25 PM
Yup..and for whoever it was that brought up pinstripes "help us" line...dont forget, he did just eat some dudes face....not friendly behavior if ya ask me....no. I think everything on the previous page is simply wishful thinking. No chance in hell of any of it happening

Edit: his help us line was also him mimicking what pegs and the rest were saying...just like "its Paul"..

Contextual awareness, mine Friends

Since when is eating someone's face not a friendly gesture? You Americans and your social etiquette!

Nov 8th, 2012, 05:56 PM
Since when is eating someone's face not a friendly gesture? You Americans and your social etiquette!

We're American's, we have no etiquette. All we have is a jumbled mess of "Hello's" "Hiyas" "Howdys" and "What up dawgs"

Nov 8th, 2012, 06:07 PM
To possibly end any further thoughts that randy was incharge of the arena when samatha was killed, we can assume thay michaels interaction with randy was during the water works and tracking...

Nov 8th, 2012, 06:11 PM
I think at the point where Michael meets Randy. he's still alive. Maybe bitten or dying but he is the one who most likely saves Michael and this would explain how he knows him. But who knows

Nov 8th, 2012, 06:58 PM
true true i forgot that <br />
but i mean michael was at the water station, angel riley and datu kept going to look for the locators <br />
datu was captured <br />
i think a day passed in between all that cuz riley...

Nov 8th, 2012, 09:42 PM
It could fit, referring back to the timeline again, there was about a month between the water station mission and the first appearance of zombie Randy. Randy might not have been in charge of all...

Nov 8th, 2012, 11:44 PM
So, we have

12 Inklings (at least)
A 60s/70s era song woven into the title.
Inklings 2,5,12 and either 6 or 9. Still missing the Final 8.
Possible human/zombie hybrid baby in Lizzie's belly.
Humanity's existence threatened by an offspring of the species.

Now if the Final 8 Inklings are attracted to the Doors' The End then I predict that R2-DATU will use zombie goo to repair the pelican and H.O.Pe.-0 will hear GPS coordinates in her head that will lead the survivors to a new safe haven that they will also name as Fort Irwin.

So say we all...

Nov 9th, 2012, 12:42 AM
Yep. But that does not exclude the possibility that, in the meantime, Randy could get in charge over a bunch of zeehs in the meantime.

Nov 9th, 2012, 12:51 AM
Episode #11-1 <br />
Twice: &quot;Help us!&quot; (at least, it could be &quot;Help us!&quot;); and he/ it does not mimick anyone at that moment. <br />
And yes: Considering the Half-Face-Paul Ink remains a zeeh. All I ask is to...

Nov 9th, 2012, 12:57 AM
honestly i see your point...i just have a hard time believing any part of the story will go in this direction...somehow this thread has went into some weird, crackpot territory, which im typically all about...but....just...no. i cant play today


Nov 9th, 2012, 01:10 AM
honestly i see your point...i just have a hard time believing any part of the story will go in this direction...somehow this thread has went into some weird, crackpot territory, which im typically all about...but....just...no. i cant play today


It's cool. Yeah, this thread is rich with theories ...

Nov 9th, 2012, 04:36 AM
So, we have

12 Inklings (at least)
A 60s/70s era song woven into the title.
Inklings 2,5,12 and either 6 or 9. Still missing the Final 8.
Possible human/zombie hybrid baby in Lizzie's belly.
Humanity's existence threatened by an offspring of the species.

Now if the Final 8 Inklings are attracted to the Doors' The End then I predict that R2-DATU will use zombie goo to repair the pelican and H.O.Pe.-0 will hear GPS coordinates in her head that will lead the survivors to a new safe haven that they will also name as Fort Irwin.

So say we all...

At which point Hope disappears and Mitochondrial Z lays the foundation for the Ft Irwin that we all live in today?

Nyah, nobody would write such a lame ending to such a great story..... :rolleyes:

Nov 9th, 2012, 10:01 AM
Thank you, clem131. Then my recollection was right after all; with your clarification I am even more 'convinced' that the burnings root in the attempts of The Mallers to burn down the arena - because this is what happened right before the events in chapter 23 ...

And as for the TOWTM and Randy and the arena ... Kc did a clever and brilliant job using different characters in WA to describe special zeehs with different words ... the one with the markings, pinstripes, the coloured one etc. And especially now we have enough fuel to consider Randy as another with markings ... Since all these things are pretty damn confusing and pretty open to almost any solid and valid theory I won't like to stick with one particular (good) theory ...

Just another small question:

What, if Ink/ pinstripes on the one side and Randy on the other side are so super-smart-ones that they actually try to find a solution against the zeeh-factor? Do you remember what pinstripes said after he had killed Paul and was facing Michael, Saul, Burt and Lizzy? He said something that sounded like "help us" ... And Randy? As you have pointed out on this thread, Randy and his group of minions seemed to treat their captive Tanya very special. Then again we have pinstripes and the hospital?
What, if these two special zeehs - Randy and Ink - try "to survive" as humans imprisoned in their own bodies and overruled or at least stalling with the zombie-personality? What, if the zombie-agent did not make them as mindless as most other zeehs, and both of them kept something of their former human life making them fight against the zombie-personality to regain enough control over their will and bodies to find a treatment? Would be kind of a "story of survival", wouldn't it?

Good night, folks!

I was with you until I recalled the attack on the other tower. Ink was definitely apart of it, as confirmed by CJ, so I dont think he's seeking help, but it is curious why he left her alive.

Also, often the simplest answer is the most obvious. He did say "Help us", but he also said "It's Paul"....both seeming to be 'mimicks' of people talking to him. He said it's paul, because someone else (Saul I believe) said "It's paul" and he said "help us" because everyone else was screaming "help us".....he also had trouble with the number pad getting in, until assisted verbally by Lizzy? (I think). So while he is obviously of the smartest of the Zeds, and leads them (at least a faction of them) he is not ALL there, enough so that I would think he's plotting a Zed salvation through asking for help.

Just my 2 cents, lord knows I've been HELLA wrong before

EDIT: Liam/7odd already hashed this one out, I replied before reading further, leaving it here......because

Nov 9th, 2012, 11:22 AM
At which point Hope disappears and Mitochondrial Z lays the foundation for the Ft Irwin that we all live in today?

Nyah, nobody would write such a lame ending to such a great story..... :rolleyes:

Mitochondrial Z A new entry for the We're Alive Snigglet Page, just as soon as someone makes one.

Nov 9th, 2012, 06:44 PM
Ok....just a crazy theory, but i don't altogether trust Glen and Pete. It seems like they aren't telling everything about the supposed zombie attack that made them take so long to make it to the Colony. It's possible that Pete thinks he might be infected and that's why he seems to be trying to avoid telling the whole story......but it also occurred to me that maybe they had a run in with Scratch while on their way to the Colony and she has something over one or both of them causing them to betray Saul and friends, thus making it possible that the satphone call is still coming from Scratch and not Saul.....

Nov 9th, 2012, 07:12 PM
Ok....just a crazy theory, but i don't altogether trust Glen and Pete. It seems like they aren't telling everything about the supposed zombie attack that made them take so long to make it to the Colony. It's possible that Pete thinks he might be infected and that's why he seems to be trying to avoid telling the whole story......but it also occurred to me that maybe they had a run in with Scratch while on their way to the Colony and she has something over one or both of them causing them to betray Saul and friends, thus making it possible that the satphone call is still coming from Scratch and not Saul.....

this crossed my mind, and the thing to check on I think would be; were Glenn and Pete separated at any point during the trip down?.. Glenn's a solid old no-bullshit kinda guy...but Pete? Weasally if ya ask me...

Nov 9th, 2012, 07:48 PM
Ok....just a crazy theory, but i don't altogether trust Glen and Pete. It seems like they aren't telling everything about the supposed zombie attack that made them take so long to make it to the Colony. It's possible that Pete thinks he might be infected and that's why he seems to be trying to avoid telling the whole story......but it also occurred to me that maybe they had a run in with Scratch while on their way to the Colony and she has something over one or both of them causing them to betray Saul and friends, thus making it possible that the satphone call is still coming from Scratch and not Saul.....I think it's entirely possible that Pete just isn't the sharpest tack. He's a young guy who isn't exactly able to kick serious ass, and gets a bit careless. I'm not really thinking much about it - it just doesn't really fit his character profile. That said, I'm not sure if we've seen the end of Scratch for this season - remember that Scratch has been instrumental in the last two finales, but maybe this one will be without her? We'll see.

Nov 9th, 2012, 08:22 PM
Hmmm I never considered Glenn and Pete's story. I figured they took so long because, as they said, they got attacked. I mean it's obvious a Zombie army was headed their way so I guess it makes sense. But, now that I think about it 8 hours is a little bit ridiculous. You guys could have something here. Man, can Scratch just freaking die already. That lady is always yelling it hurts my poor sensitive ears. Just shut up and die a horrible, Burt torturing, way.