View Full Version : Zombie Hater's Week 9 Focal Point

Nov 3rd, 2012, 05:00 AM
Another quci and dirty focal point in 2 parts.

1st, does it seem that there are more injuries this season and last season. I was talking to my brother and me and him agree that yes this is true and think that it is due to bad conditioning. There is an arguement though that states injuries are on the rise due to the NFL's attempt to keep players from hurting each other and making them have to hold back. i do not belive this.

2nd part...Should Ray Lewis call it a career now with this injury? I do not think so if he still has some steam in the trunk. Though this could be biased because I would hate to loose him to an injury and not at a time of his choosing.

Nov 6th, 2012, 10:36 AM
injuries is a good point to ponder. doesnt some of it stem from last year's lockout and not as much conditioning to get ready for the season. Some of those carried over into this season ? Secondly i do think it's in part to the leaugue wanting to pull out players quicker to keep those season/career(if not life) ending injuries from happening.

Nov 6th, 2012, 11:27 AM
When you think about it, there's a huge majority of players who don't choose when to go. Most end up being cut by teams but still go around trying to get a spot on a team. They can't. Then they suddenly realize it's over and they can't play anymore. Happens to the best of them...also happens to the worst...actually happens to the worst more often....

But like TO/OchoJohnson. Basically retired now. Neither planned on it and they still have steam to go on. Just no one wants them anymore.

Nov 7th, 2012, 01:20 AM
I think a lot of it carries over from the previous lock out. Players that had no ability to be with trainers and personel that they knew and were comfortable with. I think some players shopping themselves around after getting cut can be problematic as well but maybe not as much. Personally I am surprised the 2 above mentioned wide outs have not found a home considering there are teams that need a decent wide out to supplament the ones they have.