View Full Version : Kalani

Jan 23rd, 2011, 07:37 PM
Why wasn't Kalani eaten? At first I thought it was because he was ill, then playing sick, that that wasn't it because his butt got better real quick like after the rescue.

Jan 24th, 2011, 02:34 AM
After the rescue he was being taken care of: he got food, water, and some medicine (not entirely sure about the latter).
Since dehydration can get you very, very sick (and he'd been there for a while) I think that's what his illness came from.

Also, IIRC the zombies just randomly took one of the prisoners with them. I guess it was just luck on his side?

Jan 24th, 2011, 05:36 AM
The only reason they went for Samantha before him was she was much more animated and the zombies felt that Ink would enjoy the kill more.

I'm unsure on weather or not he played possum. If he did, bravo for him. Sam did say he passed out like that from time to time.

Jan 24th, 2011, 07:43 AM
I think it was just luck. I truly think there is something up with him, but I think he just got lucky at the Arena. Larger people tend to get sicker faster without things like water and food. Just not as in good of shape. He has said time and again how large he is. The other Characters have even said things about it. Odds are that played a factor.

I just don't believe "I came here from the Island and I am a Pilot."

I think he is just a survivor. I think he would sell his mother's soul to be safe. I have a belief he is the Traitor and such from the other Tower and Our Tower.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:27 AM
Here is what I said in the old forums.

A little background on Kalani since everyone seems to be talking about him.

I just re-listened to chapter 10 and made some notes:

He flew from a small Island in Hawaii to the big island. He and 9 others flew from there to LA (presumably LAX). And "landed loud. Only 3 survived the landing". He was picked up by survivors. He made it to the "other" tower and was there for 3 days before it fell.

Particularly interesting part was that while being held captive Datu's girlfriend said he was there before her. She also said he would be up and walking one minute then "down he goes" and "who knows what is wrong with him".

He stayed in this state and she of course was eaten/killed instead of him. Then he suddenly was awake when rescue came. They carried him for a bit but then he was able to walk on his own power.

When they got back he took "numerous bathroom brakes" and said he was happy to see toilets again. (not sure if this meant anything but it seemed out of place)

All, in all, to me it adds up to a sketchy guy. I think he was playing possum, and had done so each time earlier, when they came for a victim at the arena. Basically, he's about survival first.

I mean how many feedings did he make it through? Datu's girl said others came for her after she had been there and they were killed. Also she said she had been there about 10 days. That's a lot of feedings to get passed over on. He was doing it by looking the most pathetic. I speculate that the "one in the center of the ring" likes victims that scream and beg. An almost dead guy doesn’t sound like the best choice then...

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:31 AM
But, if you listen to that episode, during the rescue dude was up and moving pretty damn good for a guy who was unresponsive when the creatures came in. Sam was pretty damn sure he was going to be next since he'd been there longer than she had. I gather, that had been S.O.P from what she was saying. It wouldn't seem that playing possum would work, but maybe his gamble payed off. We won't know until KC and crew enlighten us.
I don't think he's the traitor because he didn't know anything about the "Mallers" simply because he was in the arena after the other tower was overrun.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:35 AM

I'll have to go back and repeep that ep. It does seem that he made it through a lot of feedings. All I know is he had some pep in his step once Angel showed up.

Jan 24th, 2011, 08:57 AM

I'll have to go back and repeep that ep. It does seem that he made it through a lot of feedings. All I know is he had some pep in his step once Angel showed up.

Agreed. I've thought from the start that he was playing possum. I predict we'll find out in the next chapter that he's the mole, a rat, and pretty much dirty all-around. Then again, he could go all Kelly on us and turn out cool.

Jan 26th, 2011, 08:05 AM
Kalani WAS playing possum. in a previous post, I found that he asked Angel and Rilley to wait. Then he asked them not to leave him. They dragged him through the hole and he was up. The creatures heard all the racket and angel had to pop a couple of them.
Angel says "we have to move!" and Kalani says "I think I can walk." He asks for a stick then by the time they get to the hallway, that bastard is running!
When they get to the hummer, he's 110 percent!

Jan 26th, 2011, 11:03 PM
Though I'm somewhat skeptical of this theory myself, I mentioned on the previous forum that he has many characteristics of a diabetic. I've known a couple of friends who developed diabetes and went some time without being diagnosed, and in both cases, they were lethargic and suffered from a loss of energy but were capable of playing sports, swimming and other high energy activities. As a high profile case, Jay Cutler played pro football with undiagnosed diabetes just a few years ago (apparently MCL sprains are much worse than diabetes lol). Additionally, as the beasties use smell to find victims, the variations in his blood sugar level could produce a different scent in him which, along with his lack of movement, could explain why he didn't get taken in the arena.

Jan 27th, 2011, 05:02 AM
I just wanna check with everyone, but he is overweight isn't he? I know angel makes fun of him a little.

Also like most of you guys I don't like anything at all about Kalani, but I think soon we are going to find a pretty good back story.

Jan 27th, 2011, 07:15 AM
Yeah, I think he is overweight. I'm not sure by how much but seeing as how he can at least somewhat keep pace when the group is running he most not be morbidly obese.

I The K Train I
Jan 28th, 2011, 03:48 PM
I would of assumed that he was overweight but not obese. I mean Burt is Burt, but he is not going to send an obese man out into the field for a recovery mission if he is so fat he would be a liability.

I would imagine him to be about 252 pounds = 18 Stone. I'm 16 stone and would imagine him being bigger than me.

Brooke Steele
Jan 30th, 2011, 09:48 PM
I don't know why there is so much hate on Kalani. He could not have been involved in the shenanigans with the Mallers since he was new to the Tower. The story made it sound like the attack was within a day of his arrival.

I agree that his character is weird, being a jerk one minute and then being cool the next. I don't get how he could get away with being un-fit in a post apocalyptic world. I would have expected the Army dudes to insist on PT for all the Tower residents. Lliving in a tower with no elevator would suggest that you would get in shape whether you wanted to or not.

Feb 1st, 2011, 06:44 AM
PT burns up calories. They're short on food, so staying in shape is actually detrimental to their overal survival due to the shortage of food. Think of how weak people get on survivor.
Now, when/if they get the MREs.. that will be a moot point.

Feb 2nd, 2011, 02:39 PM
While I'm not a fan of Kalani as a person, I wouldn't want to hang with him (he's be my last dodgeball partner choice), I do like him as a character. And he's clearly well written and well placed because we are all focusing so much attention on him. So, good job KC (and thanks for all your hard work by the way, I and a few friends of mine LOVE the show). He could be the rat, I'm not sure about all that, and I think that he very well may have been playing "dead" at the arena but in episode 18 part 1 (I think), he tells Angel to leave him and save himself just before the two of them are saved by Skittles. That's a bit selfless for someone that some of you think would trip his own mother to escape. I don't think he's as devious as you guys believe him to be. Cowardly maybe, but not devious, in my opinion.
Time and KC will tell.

Feb 4th, 2011, 07:09 AM
KC won't tell. He's keeps his secrets better than J.J Abrams and the CIA together. LOL

Feb 4th, 2011, 08:41 AM
KC won't tell. He's keeps his secrets better than J.J Abrams and the CIA together. LOL
No, I'll tell.... eventually.... through the story.

Feb 4th, 2011, 03:57 PM
Which is exactly what I meant. :-D

Feb 5th, 2011, 10:10 PM
Can I tell you how much I'm going to enjoy the Kalani Redemption? There is so much hatred for Kalani and I understand why. With one notable exception, he has been written to be hated and between the writers, the actor, and the direction it has been done to perfection. Much like it was for Kelly. I put my money on Kalani turning out to be a decent and likable guy at some point.

If I am wrong, I will gladly eat my crow. But I gotta say, I think we're being taken for a ride and I smell that distinct smell of Red Herring.

Feb 6th, 2011, 11:54 AM
But I gotta say, I think we're being taken for a ride and I smell that distinct smell of Red Herring.
Man! Why does everything have to be full of suspense. I'm gonna blame Kalani. Just kidding

Feb 6th, 2011, 12:17 PM
I think Kalani is one of the Mallers, actually I think he's the traitor. <br />
<br />
1. Everything was fine before he came along. <br />
2. His story doesn't add up. <br />
3. Skittles recognized him, and we know...

Feb 6th, 2011, 12:27 PM
3. Skittles recognized him, and we know Skittles encountered the bad people (most likely Mallers) before.
I forgot about that, at first I thought Skittles just slipped, but that actually makes a lot of sense. You make a lot of really good points.

Feb 6th, 2011, 01:09 PM
3. Skittles recognized him, and we know Skittles encountered the bad people (most likely Mallers) before.

although we cant know for sure, skittles was a resident of the second tower, and at one point so was kalani, so i think its likely that skittles may have seen him there. it wouldnt be too difficult to see how kalani wouldnt have remembered skittles, just cause its like if ur the new kid in class, everythings new to u, but if ur a regular, and then there is a new kid in class, u'll notice him.

but who knows, maybe he even works for the zombies themselves. maybe he lead ink to the tower after they rescued him, maybe he lead ink to the second tower, cause according to his story, the second tower fell almost immediately after he arrived there, who knows

Feb 6th, 2011, 01:53 PM
although we cant know for sure, skittles was a resident of the second tower
Well Skittles did say he ran away while ink was killing his friends, and ink was the one who attacked the second tower, can't say for sure but this was probably the same attack.

Feb 6th, 2011, 02:23 PM
1. Really? Ink broke into the Tower as he arrived. The Tower was attacked and swamped with Zombies before he arrived. I don't say that's fine. That's not a very good definition of fine to me. <br />

Feb 6th, 2011, 03:09 PM
Why hasn't anyone questioned Kalani on how he was captured? They could actually get some important information if they did.

Feb 6th, 2011, 03:15 PM
Why hasn't anyone questioned Kalani on how he was captured? They could actually get some important information if they did.

It ties into the leadership "mistakes" made by Michael and Angel. You know, the mistakes that can be used for dramatic purposes like forgetting the MRE's at the base.

Feb 7th, 2011, 06:27 AM
Didn't Samatha say that he was there before her? Remember, the first tower lost people in bunches. One was during the convoy ambush and second during their tower invasion by Ink.
Sam ran during the invasion and thought Hope was killed. Obviously that wasn't the case and there are a few survivors from the first tower at the coloney.
Kalani can't be the "Rat" unless he's telepathic. LOL.
If you're a cynical person, then Kalani would be the perfect person to take with you during a run. There's an old saying when it comes to being chased by things: "You don't have to be fast. You just have to be faster than the person you're with." Tadahhh! Kalani on a stick!
I'll have to admit that i'm changing my feelings on dude. He's growing on me. We all want to fault him for playing possum, but HEY.. it IS you or me.

Feb 7th, 2011, 08:02 AM
I view him as the ultimate scronger looking out for #1

Feb 7th, 2011, 08:14 AM
I don't want to believe that any of the main characters are responsible. So might as well blame it on Kalani for being the rat, he's pretty worthless. Plus he's new and nobody knows about him. And he just gets in the way. He's the perfect scapegoat. Him or Kelly.

Feb 7th, 2011, 02:18 PM
Didn't Samatha say that he was there before her?

She did, but remember she escaped and was on the run for a couple of days. Its possible Kalani was captured at the Tower and brought to the arena immediately. Samantha would have come in after Kalani had already been there.

Mar 22nd, 2011, 01:05 PM
The information Kalani gives in Chapter 11 part 2 is very vague. I could have given that description, I know that sometimes Kc simplifies things for the viewers but this seems somewhat important to the story. My theory like some others is that Kalani isn't from the other tower, but learned the information from Samantha. He could be a maller or he could be from some other place. The map that Kc released has a lot of unknown/unused space. I don't think he would show that much if it wasn't going to be pertinent later on.

Wicked Sid
Mar 22nd, 2011, 01:30 PM
Wow... Never actually thought of Kalani being a Maller. Nice idea!

Kevin Flood is still awesome though.

Mar 22nd, 2011, 03:31 PM
Also, check out the map. LAX is right next to the Pumping station. It seems more likely that Kalani could have either been a maller that found a group there, and he decided to snag the story, or he was part of a that group and was discovered by the mallers and was then captured by the zombies, then took Samantha's story after hearing that Datu was in the tower. Kalani probably knew that he could be saved if Datu was from the tower. Because Datu was captured after Scratch and Latch made their appearance at the tower. I think Kalani is a maller who captured or killed the group from Hawaii and then was captured by the zombies, then got Samantha to tell him the story of the other tower. Kalani then faked being sick to try and make an escape. Datu showed up and Kalani heard that Datu was from the tower and figured that it was best to fake being from the other tower. The map and Kalani's miraculously quick recovery support this idea. Also Kalani had the guard duty when he first showed up it was too early to for him to know about the party but by then he definitely knew about Bill's stealing.

Finally, the Definition of the name Kalani- Sky, the heavens, Royal one. I'm almost positive that Kc picked this name for a reason.

Mar 22nd, 2011, 04:27 PM
I think Kalani's quick recovery is due to the psychological impact being in the Arena had on him, after he saw that he had a chance to survive, he perked up.

Mar 22nd, 2011, 06:26 PM
Doesn't matter. His story doesn't add up. Hope and Samantha both told how they got out of the other tower, but Kalani hasn't. He was in LAX, extremely close to the Mallers, and then was rescued by people, who never made it to ground zero, that were probably east of the tower. Look at the map, his story just doesn't make sense.

Mar 23rd, 2011, 09:46 PM
Can I tell you how much I'm going to enjoy the Kalani Redemption? There is so much hatred for Kalani and I understand why. With one notable exception, he has been written to be hated and between the writers, the actor, and the direction it has been done to perfection. Much like it was for Kelly. I put my money on Kalani turning out to be a decent and likable guy at some point.

If I am wrong, I will gladly eat my crow. But I gotta say, I think we're being taken for a ride and I smell that distinct smell of Red Herring.

Yeah, I agree NVD. I agree with others that K is just all about personal survival and I think he had a specific strategy of playing possum at the arena, but I also think that this makes him an extremely realistic character. I think there would be many like him in the unlikely event of zombie apocalypse. I think we've seen a little redemption in him now with his episodes with Angel & Skittles, but I also feel like Jonah seeing the redemption of Ninevah-- I know I'm supposed to be happy to see him becoming a likeable person but really I want to see him punished for not caring for others, like for passively letting the zombs take Samantha (cause I really think he was totally aware). He's a convicting character- I think we'd all like to think we'd be like Michael, but more of us would be like Kalani.

Mar 24th, 2011, 06:13 PM
Good call iheart. Though I think if I ate one of those corndogs... ohh ill be in the corner.

Mar 24th, 2011, 08:05 PM
Skittles I assume knew him from the stadium or maybe the other tower. Kalani just rubs me the wrong way in his shadiness. I'm not so sure he really is from Hawaii just because I don't recall him ever expanding on the zombies being different. Well how different and why doesn't he divy up the the info on that. Information that could possibly help. I may just have more personal issues with this character verses the content and facts.

Mar 24th, 2011, 09:25 PM
Thank you Mr. Scott. Kalani's entire story doesn't add up right. He first comes from Hawaii, then by some miraculous escape, gets to LAX, Maller turf, waves down a group of survivors which turn out to be from the other tower, not likely seeing as the other tower never made it near ground zero, and spends three days there. Kalani is fat, even if he made it to the other tower, it is unlikely that he made it out. He is too big for the fire escapes and can't run for long distances. I do however believe that he was picked up by flesh-biters and carried off to the arena. Whether he picked up his story from Samantha or not depends upon your belief in the other tower story. I know I told nikvoodoo that I would wait till he reset the thread for the who's the rat, but I couldn't wait.

Mar 24th, 2011, 09:36 PM
Skittles I assume knew him from the stadium or maybe the other tower. Kalani just rubs me the wrong way in his shadiness. I'm not so sure he really is from Hawaii just because I don't recall him ever expanding on the zombies being different. Well how different and why doesn't he divy up the the info on that. Information that could possibly help. I may just have more personal issues with this character verses the content and facts.

Woah, never really considered the possibility he could be lying about coming from Hawaii. That could make for some very interesting drama if it was true. I'd like to think he really did come from Hawaii and his piloting skills are actually legitimate though. A plane ride could make for an interesting change of location.

Mar 24th, 2011, 09:37 PM
see... I believe and correct me if I'm wrong but when propositioned about flying a plane he makes a serious case for why that's not a good idea to go to an airport.

Mar 24th, 2011, 09:38 PM
I believe he did say that. I'm thinking that leaving LA might somehow factor into the endgame though.

Mar 24th, 2011, 09:42 PM
see... I believe and correct me if I'm wrong but when propositioned about flying a plane he makes a serious case for why that's not a good idea to go to an airport.

He did, however when you consider how jam packed LAX is it's pretty reasonable to assume that the runways are all packed full of airplanes which would make it really hard to take off. I feel like landing on a runway that's packed would be easier than taking off on a runway that's packed. It would be a lot harder to gain the speed to take off.

Anyone that knows how to fly, feel free to shoot my "knowledge" full of holes rapidly.

Mar 24th, 2011, 09:44 PM
I didn't think about that, especially with lax but there should be some smaller airports nearby that might not have that issue? Not familiar with LA, I know where I live there are a few smaller airports that wouldn't have that problem.

Mar 24th, 2011, 09:44 PM
I don't think it would be unreasonable for them to clear out the runway. But like you Nik I have no knowledge of aviation either so, correct me if I'm wrong.

Mar 24th, 2011, 10:09 PM
I believe Kalani. His story might be (to some) far fetched, but really, ask yourself this.

It's a zombie outbreak, someone found a way to get medical attention, everyone didn't die of smoke inhalation, (hopefully) Saul's momma has come to visit, the daughter of the girl datu almost got sum from in an arena where a scarry ass tattoo'd up psycho killer zombie was hackin people up is now a tower resident, etc etc etc.... how crazy is it that a pilot jakked a plane and flew to the mainland where shit got all effed up and he just happened to end up at the tower?

I know, i know... i'm a sap, and i'd get used and abused in the apocalypse. (jokes on you, i'd die right away, hahahahaha! suckah!)

Mar 25th, 2011, 08:04 AM
Kalani may not be fully lying, that is probably the only time you will read that. He might have come from Hawaii and by some stretch be a pilot, but the fact remains that he was rescued, if his story is true, by ghosts. In Chapter 5 part 1, Saul, Lizzy, and Burt find the remains of the large convoy headed to ground zero, the same convoy that supposedly rescued Kalani. You have to at least admit that that portion of his story doesn't make sense. He tells Michael that HE got the attention of some PEOPLE when THEY passed by. LAX is in Maller turf, the chances of those people being mallers is highly likely. It is impossible for Kalani to have been saved by survivors from the other tower.

Mar 25th, 2011, 08:37 AM
Kalani may not be fully lying, that is probably the only time you will read that. He might have come from Hawaii and by some stretch be a pilot, but the fact remains that he was rescued, if his story is true, by ghosts. In Chapter 5 part 1, Saul, Lizzy, and Burt find the remains of the large convoy headed to ground zero, the same convoy that supposedly rescued Kalani. You have to at least admit that that portion of his story doesn't make sense. He tells Michael that HE got the attention of some PEOPLE when THEY passed by. LAX is in Maller turf, the chances of those people being mallers is highly likely. It is impossible for Kalani to have been saved by survivors from the other tower.

That destroyed convoy wasn't necessarily the first convoy the Other Tower ever sent out. And without knowing the location of the Other Tower, one can't assume the other Tower isn't contained within the same area of the Mallers.

So not impossible. Improbable? Sure, but not impossible.

Mar 25th, 2011, 08:54 AM
I don't think the mallers would just say "Hey, look at that nice piece of real estate. Let's just let them be because we want a worse place. I never said it was the first, i said it was the convoy they sent out to ground zero. Burt says it was a group of about ten or so, we know from what kalani said that they sent out a convoy of 20 AND that they were hit in the rain. It was raining when Saul, Lizzy, and Burt found the remains of the convoy. We know the convoy wasn't at the pumping station, which is right outside of LAX. Kalani couldn't have been rescued by the other tower because ground zero is in Inglewood, west of LAX, east of the Tower. I am presuming that the other tower isn't in maller turf. I'm assuming its east of the tower because Samantha was in the arena, in Pasadena, and Hope, Sean, and James were in The Colony, Southeast of the tower. Its more likely that the other tower was east of ground zero, I don't see Sean and James taking turns carrying Hope across LA and to Santa Ana. Kalani also says he was jumped IN the other tower. It didn't seem like the attack on the other tower was meant for capturing.

Mar 25th, 2011, 09:10 AM
Since this is a thread about Kalani, I only just realized what might happen if Kelly and Victor are a thing. During the party Kalani and Kelly have a little flirtatious moment. I wonder what Kalani will do when he finds out about Victor, IF Kalani does in fact have feelings for Kelly.

Mar 25th, 2011, 09:14 AM
Kalani may not be fully lying, that is probably the only time you will read that. He might have come from Hawaii and by some stretch be a pilot, but the fact remains that he was rescued, if his story is true, by ghosts. In Chapter 5 part 1, Saul, Lizzy, and Burt find the remains of the large convoy headed to ground zero, the same convoy that supposedly rescued Kalani. You have to at least admit that that portion of his story doesn't make sense. He tells Michael that HE got the attention of some PEOPLE when THEY passed by. LAX is in Maller turf, the chances of those people being mallers is highly likely. It is impossible for Kalani to have been saved by survivors from the other tower.Just to add onto Niks comment: Kalani said that things in the Other Tower had already gone sour because one of their large convoy's had been destroyed and people were leaving. He pointed out that he only heard this information.

Mar 25th, 2011, 09:22 AM
yes I know that, but we have evidence of a large convoy that was destroyed, I put 2 and 2 together and realized that the convoy that SLB (Saul, Lizzy, and Burt) found was probably the same one. Really when does Kc NOT use something more than once. Kalani did say he heard that their large convoy headed to ground zero was hit, All my theorizing hinges on the other tower being EAST of the the tower and not WEST.

Mar 25th, 2011, 09:23 AM
Since this is a thread about Kalani, I only just realized what might happen if Kelly and Victor are a thing. During the party Kalani and Kelly have a little flirtatious moment. I wonder what Kalani will do when he finds out about Victor, IF Kalani does in fact have feelings for Kelly.She was drunk. I doubt anything is there.

Mar 25th, 2011, 09:45 AM
She was drunk. I doubt anything is there.
yes She was, but Kalani wasn't.

Also adding to my Kalani theory, Kalani was sober the night of the war and was no where to be seen. If your home was getting attacked and you were one of the few people sober, would you run upstairs and hide?(in the zombie apocalypse of course)

Mar 25th, 2011, 09:52 AM
Also adding to my Kalani theory, Kalani was sober the night of the war and was no where to be seen. If your home was getting attacked and you were one of the few people sober, would you run upstairs and hide?(in the zombie apocalypse of course)

Kalani, the known coward, went upstairs with everyone else. If you have no weapon knowledge, and no weapon in your hand...sober or not you run and hide.

And if you want to accept Kalani not being seen as evidence he's the rat, then you have to also add that into the Datu evidence column. Datu was also sober and also not seen for the entirety of Chapter 12.

Mar 25th, 2011, 10:00 AM
Datu was still sick at the time of the war, I know for a fact someone said it but i'm not sure who. Datu was taken upstairs because he was still recovering from shock. I WANT Kalani to be the rat, the fact is that he may be a coward but even tommy stayed to help.

Mar 25th, 2011, 10:06 AM
I'm going to have to relisten I missed he convoy connection. Either way I don't think Kalani is the rat but there is something shady about besides being a coward.

Mar 25th, 2011, 12:01 PM
Because the actor has a bit of an accent? Because he's not really from Hawaii?

Mar 25th, 2011, 01:03 PM
I don't think the accent is a big deal. I don't know if a description of Kalani's ethnicity has been put in to the story, I'll have to relisten, but I've always pictured him as a white dude from Hawaii. In fact, I have an exact image of what I think Kalani looks like:

The dude from Thinner, except in a Hawain shirt.

Mar 25th, 2011, 02:16 PM
Datu was still sick at the time of the war, I know for a fact someone said it but i'm not sure who. Datu was taken upstairs because he was still recovering from shock. I WANT Kalani to be the rat, the fact is that he may be a coward but even tommy stayed to help.

Datu during the actual War: Chapter 12-2 (11:05). Pegs says he's recovering slowly, and talking and that he was taken upstairs by Riley. They don't mention anything about him being sick or out of it anymore.

Datu sounded perfectly fine to me in Chapter 13... Up, moving, being a pessimistic annoyance etc... Remember, they arrived back at the Tower on relatively early on July 3rd. The part was on the night of July 4th. That's a full day to recover. And as I said above, he was moving around and talking.

Tommy stayed to help to restore their cameras which was a skill only he had. He was still serving a purpose downstairs. When the office was blown to hell, he asked to stay, and they let him.

Mar 25th, 2011, 02:23 PM
Fair enough, but I still don't think Datu would give up his home to a bunch of criminals. I am devoted to Kalani being the rat and if Kc doesn't make him the mole I might cry. Even if he isn't the rat, you have to admit Kalani's story doesn't add up.

Mar 25th, 2011, 02:46 PM
Fair enough, but I still don't think Datu would give up his home to a bunch of criminals. I am devoted to Kalani being the rat and if Kc doesn't make him the mole I might cry. Even if he isn't the rat, you have to admit Kalani's story doesn't add up.

I have, and will always, admit that Kalani's story doesn't add up. I've just always thought Kalani was too easy because he was such an unlikeable character. The theories that you and Funny Muffins have put forward are very very solid because you've found the evidence that doesn't add up. You aren't just saying "Kalani is a stupid doo doo head and I no like him! He did it!" The reason I stick with Datu is he was the only one with a (relatively) known reason to change the situation and want to end it all. It's the only evidence contained within canon at the moment in my opinion.

Mar 25th, 2011, 06:40 PM
Does all your hate for Kalani stem from him being a entitled son of a gun who kisses up to the current leader? I LIKE Kalani, although I do see some similarities between him and me, I think some of the hate is irrational, he is the latest new survivor , and the fact that he is a pessimist(realist?) seems to rub people up the wrong way, Either way, I don't really see where this Kalini hate is coming from.

Mar 25th, 2011, 07:25 PM
Kalani, the known coward, went upstairs with everyone else. If you have no weapon knowledge, and no weapon in your hand...sober or not you run and hide.

And if you want to accept Kalani not being seen as evidence he's the rat, then you have to also add that into the Datu evidence column. Datu was also sober and also not seen for the entirety of Chapter 12.Just to add on: Datu went out with the group during the mission to track the zombies and had been away from the Tower through chapters 8,9, and 10. The food and weapons had already been stolen by the time the team got back in Chapter 11 and and he was out of it the day of his rescue and and the following which was the party/War. Up until then he seemed content with everything and helpful.

I didn't account for Datu in my alcohol theory, however he was kept out of reach from the rest of the zombies by other boozers whereas Tommy was downstairs near all the action.

yes She was, but Kalani (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Kalani) wasn't.
Who wouldn't want to party with a drunk lawyer lady who is being extra friendly to everybody? It's the end of the world after all.

Mar 26th, 2011, 02:22 PM
Who wouldn't want to party with a drunk lawyer lady who is being extra friendly to everybody? It's the end of the world after all.

That is true.

Does all your hate for Kalani stem from him being a entitled son of a gun who kisses up to the current leader? I LIKE Kalani, although I do see some similarities between him and me, I think some of the hate is irrational, he is the latest new survivor , and the fact that he is a pessimist(realist?) seems to rub people up the wrong way, Either way, I don't really see where this Kalini hate is coming from.
I never said "I hate Kalani". I think he is an amazing character, personality wise I don't like him. But I think Kc did a good thing to bring a supposed pilot into the mix.

Apr 1st, 2011, 04:26 PM
Just throwing this out there. I can't remember if it was already said.

Has anyone noticed that in the beginning, they passed up Michael to attack the guy who was being noisy behind him? Yeah, the other guy drew attention to himself, but Michael says "Something inside me told me not to move" and they ignored him to kill someone else. In Chapter 10, Kalani was out (or faking it) and they passed him up to get Samantha instead (who was also drawing attention to herself). She initially told Datu to "Freeze" and to just trust her. Perhaps movement plays a role in who they attack.

Apr 1st, 2011, 07:43 PM
Just throwing this out there. I can't remember if it was already said.

Has anyone noticed that in the beginning, they passed up Michael to attack the guy who was being noisy behind him? Yeah, the other guy drew attention to himself, but Michael says "Something inside me told me not to move" and they ignored him to kill someone else. In Chapter 10, Kalani was out (or faking it) and they passed him up to get Samantha instead (who was also drawing attention to herself). She initially told Datu to "Freeze" and to just trust her. Perhaps movement plays a role in who they attack.

No that hasn't been said and that even helps my theory! thank you Zombiehead

Rock Daddy
Apr 1st, 2011, 07:46 PM
I don't think the accent is a big deal. I don't know if a description of Kalani's ethnicity has been put in to the story, I'll have to relisten, but I've always pictured him as a white dude from Hawaii. In fact, I have an exact image of what I think Kalani looks like:

The dude from Thinner, except in a Hawain shirt.

Hey Hero. This is what I've been thinking! I really don't picture Kalani as a Hawaiian native, as most people do. I guess it's his voice, but I think based on Datu's description of him in the arena, my first impression was a guy that looked a lot like your reference. Datu described him coming into view as a large white blob. I believe he said his hair was dyed brown but starting to show the grey, and his face did not match the name. *hint* *hint*! I think he's a lying about something!

Apr 2nd, 2011, 10:29 PM
I don't hate him, never did, never quite liked him, but no hate. He's just annoying, because he was triying too hard to adapt to an already established group, by playing smartass, brown nosing etc.. But when the finest hour came, he responded well to the confidence angel put in him, and even though he knew was more a liablility than an asset, he manned up, stood and delivered, to save his and his buddy a$$es. That "semi-settles" the score with him. I say "semi-settles" because, Skittles comment about Kalani is a Chekhov's Gun, he may be a fruitcake, but K.C. does not adds senseles elements to the story, so that's the only loose string on Kalani, once it's cleared I'll decide if he's OK or deserves to be thrown in the "Cuban Zombie Pit".

Which comment was it that Skittles made?

Apr 5th, 2011, 04:19 PM
Great points indeed. I've disliked this guy since his introduction. Samantha would have been way cooler, she could have even been re-united with her daughter. Wtf KC!

Rock Daddy
Apr 6th, 2011, 09:10 AM
I mean, Skittles, may be a fruitcake, but K.C. does not adds senseles elements to the story, so that's the only loose string on Kalani, once it's cleared I'll decide if he's OK or deserves to be thrown in the "Cuban Zombie Pit".

Nice World War Z reference there, bvglee. (If that's what you we're referencing)

Apr 6th, 2011, 10:23 AM
I got to agree with the theory that Kalani is from the mental institution. He may very well believe that he is a pilot from Hawaii and everything else he says. Doesn't make it true. That line that Skittles recognizes him is a big hint I think. Samantha doesn't recognize him from the other tower, yes they could have been 2 ships passing in the night, but I got the feeling Samantha had been in that other Tower a while before they got attacked. If he turns out to be the rat, I get the feeling that he won't no he was doing anything wrong.

Apr 6th, 2011, 07:46 PM
IIRC she doesn't mention him being with her in the other tower, jsut that he was there when she got there, in the Arena that is.

And for the record, and while we are on WWZ, ever since Michael shoveled that guy I picture him carrying around a lobo.

Apr 17th, 2011, 07:00 PM
I don't hate Kalani, but it is really fishy to me that Skittles has seen him before. I think Kalani is an opportunist, which is understandable in a zombie era. If people's traits are magnified when they become zombies (smarter in life, smarter in death Burt Theory) then I can imagine people's flaws (Kalani's cowardice) and strengths (Michael's leadership) are magnified as well.

Apr 22nd, 2011, 10:20 PM
There is only one way we can be sure that Kalani was actaully at the other tower. And that way is for hope to recognize him. Which won't happen because I am convinced that Kalani is a Maller.

Apr 24th, 2011, 11:52 AM
I don't know about anyone else, but I hate Kalani. I think he's a whiney bitch who needs to go on Jenny Craig. He doesn't really do anything to help the group. When he was running with Angel from the Behemoth, I was praying that he would get eaten. KC Wayland, if you're reading this, you need to kill off Kalani.

Plus, I leaning toward the theory that Kalani is the rat.

Apr 24th, 2011, 08:48 PM
I believe Kalani is the rat, but if he really is, do you really want him to die. I mean his character would be much more interesting.