View Full Version : My New Podcast!

Oct 20th, 2012, 02:10 PM
just launched today, called "Haven Chronicles"

Episode One:
Part On (http://soundcloud.com/foreverforsakenproducton/haven-chronicles-episode-1-and)e | Part Two (http://soundcloud.com/foreverforsakenproducton/haven-chronicles-chapter-one-1)

Oct 22nd, 2012, 12:46 PM
Hey, this is OhWhatProvidence from unFiction. I'm sorry to break the whole TINAG thing, but since [I think] the viral is over, I just wanted to say that I finally found the podcast itself and it sounds awesome. Nice work to everyone involved, and I'll def be listening in and waiting for the next episode.

I don't really listen to podcasts, so I don't know how they work or whatnot, [but I always listened to the few radio dramas that were on as a kid or ones my grandpa would talk about] but I like the hints at the larger universe so far, it's really cool from a storytelling perspective.

Question: are there going to be any other ARG/viral elements to this at all, or is it gonna be strictly a podcast? The whole "roach speaking directly to the audience" makes me think it might be something viral-ish, and the odd numbers from the email. Were we [over at uF] just not meant to find this podcast yet, or was it just a one-off marketing thing? Did we/I get ahead of what you have planned? If we did you can just say and I can edit the stuff out of the trailhead... :[ Sorry...

This is the thread I'm referring to, btw. I dunno if you've found it yet:

Oct 22nd, 2012, 02:13 PM
the viral is not over. It just hit a little snag. I'm currently working on getting it back up to snub. that's all i'll say about it.

Oct 22nd, 2012, 02:38 PM
is there an xml? Or should I just tag it on sound cloud?

Oct 22nd, 2012, 02:41 PM
tag it on on sound cloud. don't have the xml set up or anything yet. currently trying to get some funds to get a web server of my own so i can actuallty host it on my own.

Oct 25th, 2012, 03:10 PM
Hi there.

The interview holds a lot of teasers about what's going on. Nice one.
I was kinda confused that the listeners listen to a radio-broadcast or recorded interview being played on a car's (I guess) audio-device; but there is no ambience 'showing' this. Even before the interview is over, someone opens a door and leaves the car ... And then you have a monologue of the nameless dude who left the cars; he introduces the threat as kind of a warning. Who is he talking to? John Connor-style into a radio-network? Or just speaking into a recorder diary-style? Or maybe to some other folks we have not heard yet? Or even speaking to the listeners putting them into a voiceless comrade of his? ... And while he has his monologues, he spits out all the bitternes about what has happened around him (don't want to spoil too much here...) ...
Yeah, your show makes me curious and raises questions. Am lookingt forward to hearing more ...

All the best!

Oct 25th, 2012, 03:23 PM
Thank you Liam, finally some actual feed back on the project! everyone else has just said, "it's good!" "I like it!" "blah blah blah awesome", which don't get me wrong... it's great but this is the internet, i want more feedback! I'm sure you won't be disappointed! I'm a big fan of Lost, so things will have a tendency towards the confusing. but i'm also a big fan of explaining things, so unlike lost they will be answered!

Oct 25th, 2012, 03:38 PM
Hi Lieoften,

I will return you the favor as soon and as reliable as possible. For now I want to get into your show ... And if you like I will go into much more detail after the first few epsiodes (like 5 or 10 - depending on how quickly you produce). The big 'problem' actually is to give you heads-up or criticism after the first episode ... This really is something I wouldn't want to do - at least not too serious -, because there is no way I could get the proper impression about what to get or to expect ... You know, what I mean?
And since I am a hungry, thirsty and full of lust for story-/ content-driven plots/ narrations/ scenes I am very easily caught with bits and pieces you throw into your show. I mean ... Just look at all the amazing and not so amazing wall of words I produce about WA on this forum ... I love and enjoy toying with ideas and impressions rooting in what others throw at me (, which is why I enjoy 'complex' or 'complicated' movies a lot ...). And your first episode feeds me properly and appropriately ...

If you like to get 'real' feedback or feedback for real, just give me a shout ... And I'd like to assure you that I am more then willing to 'support' creativity as much as I can ... And then again I need to be careful; because any positive or negative criticism might be too much, since it holds the potential of 'forcing' or 'at least 'dragging' my personal interest on you, which is something I REALLY would not want to do or to achieve ...

Anyway. And about the internet: The internet is the internet - either you get the ones giving you simple comments like 'good work', or you receive the shitstorm end, while you get silence most of the time; you rarely meet people willing to share their 'real' thoughts, impressions, opinions etc., which is actually fair enough ...

All the best!

Oct 25th, 2012, 07:18 PM
Okay, lol what can i say? since i was born early into this world i can't help but want instant gratification.

Oct 27th, 2012, 10:41 AM
PART TWO IS NOW RELEASED (http://soundcloud.com/foreverforsakenproducton/haven-chronicles-chapter-one-1)

Oct 27th, 2012, 11:18 AM
Hi there,

interesting episode.
Amanda has an interesting story to tell.

I've got a question about the voice-acting: Her husband she called "John"/ "Jon"; if she has his last-name, he would be Mr. "John Richards". But the voice-actor is the same as for the role of Dr. Jonathan Barkley from epsiode 1. Is this just coincidence, or is there more to it?
Same applies for the "unknown" speaker in episode 1 and "Chris" who seems to have some 'deal' or something with Amanda ...

Again - as with the first episode there is plenty of information packed into very few minutes, just bits and pieces, but enough to raise curiosity. I wonder what's going to happen or going to be revealed next ...

All the best!

Oct 27th, 2012, 11:32 AM
Amanda is in fact married to Mr. Barkley. But she didn't take his name. why you ask? well that'll be explained later on. the unknown speaker in Episode 1 and "Chris" are actually the same person.

Oct 27th, 2012, 11:41 AM
Pretty cool. Thank you for clarification.I thought something along that way, because the voice-acting didn't even seem to make a distinction in the way the characters spoke.
No, I have no trouble with two married people not sharing their names. Half a century back that might have been weird, but not today. :)

All the best!

Oct 27th, 2012, 12:23 PM
Alright, no problemo clarifying anything for you. xD