View Full Version : Tanya, More Than Meets the Eye

Oct 17th, 2012, 03:54 PM
I just finished listening to Ch. 34-3 for the second time. Something caught my attention at the end; Tanya being released from solitary. My mind began to race like Russel Crowe staring at newspapers in A Beautiful Mind.

Why now? Tanya has been locked up since they arrived in Irwin. How long is that, 2-4 months? Why now, when all hell is breaking loose would Col Kimmet decide to release her? I know at first thought it would be because he needs all medical personal available, and that may be true from Kimmet's perspective. But what about KC's?

Now KC could be letting her loose simply because our heroes may need to shoot n scoot soon and this will help keep Tayna in the story. But my thoughts are this...

Tayna is as important to the Zombies and Ink as she is to the survivors and a possible cure.

Allow me to print out the "newspaper" my mind has been dissecting.

Chapter 19-3
Note: Michael and Hope discuss how he dazed in and out talking about Randy back in 19-1, this will come in again later in this post.

Chapter 20-2
Tanya sees Saul for the first time. Discuss's case's of "prolonged turning" back at the colony. They had to euthanize the subject before a full turning, which upset Tanya who wanted to run more tests.

Take note Tanya says "A vet also has to give treatments and perform complex surgeries"

Chapter 23-1
Tanya is attacked by a group of biters when walking in between the tower and the secondary tower. Michael see's one dragging Tanya's body with other biters surrounding him as to protect him. Michael shouts out "Randy!" as he shoots his hand which was dragging Tanya away.
Steven notices a few of the zombies "were burned".

I bring all that up to give you a better background of where my train of thought is headed.

What if someway some how Ink knows of Tanya and perhaps needs her help? Wild I know. Ink is seen at the hospital by Kalani and Riley and again at the Tower trying to get into one of the rooms albeit Burts. Could he have been there looking for help with his creations?
What are the odds that Randy is brought up when Michael first meets Tanya and again some chapters later. Randy, as per our wiki (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Randy), can be regarded as a "smart one". Maybe Randy knows something about her and needs her for something?

I know I am really reaching but part of me thinks that Tanya's release now in Chapter 34-3 is all too timely. I will be watching and waiting to see if she is "spared" again in this upcoming battle at Irwin.

Oct 19th, 2012, 12:36 PM
Interesting. Sorry for having not replied yet.

Since you highlight Ink trying to get into Burt's room: Do you remember, what he said there? It sounded something like "Help", right? This would actually support your theory.

And Randy collecting Tanya ... This is kind of funny. I mean imagine the situation: Randy-zeeh sits around and observes the tower; and one shiny day a single person leaves the building - Tanya. Hooray! It attacks her, 'cause he knows: we need medical care ... Or parts of him remember something along the line "Tanya = Medic" ... Interesting ...

The burn-marks on the zeehs in that group probably have to do with the broad attempt of The Mallers to take down The Arena with their gas-truck-convoy ...

I think I will roll your idea around for a bit ... Actually I like that ...

As for the question: Why leaving her now: I just considered the situation of Kimmet: Boulder is down, refugees from all over the place, Tanya was in the bubble for more then four months without being an issue ... So yeah, I think he just fell for the proper arguments Puck offered. But what strikes me here is that Michael mentioned something like this: "I gave her small pieves of zeehs against my better judgement" ... I mean, WTF??? I really don't understand yet why he raises doubts about it when quoting his logs ...

All the best!

Oct 25th, 2012, 05:28 AM
1stly thanks for responding. I knew most wouldn't agree with my theory here but for no one to even comment had me bout to lock the door to the padded room.

I forgot he said "help" that was a good recall and as you said could point more to my theory.

As for "against my better judgement" from michael...I too am a little curious as to why he would be hesitant to do this...maybe she's snacking on it! Maybe michael has been feeding her all along keeping her healthy! haha.

But seriously I am not sure as to what he's getting at.

Cabbage Patch
Oct 25th, 2012, 07:03 AM
...Tayna is as important to the Zombies and Ink as she is to the survivors and a possible cure.

...What if someway some how Ink knows of Tanya and perhaps needs her help? Wild I know. Ink is seen at the hospital by Kalani and Riley and again at the Tower trying to get into one of the rooms albeit Burts. Could he have been there looking for help with his creations?

...I know I am really reaching but part of me thinks that Tanya's release now in Chapter 34-3 is all too timely. I will be watching and waiting to see if she is "spared" again in this upcoming battle at Irwin.

I agree that Tanya is going to have a big role in whatever is about to happen. I'm sure that the return of Hope will be a part of whatever's going to happen.

I always wondered why "Randy" targeted Tanya when there were people running between the two apartment buildings all day. I had thought it might be because zombies could sense potential smart ones, but the idea that she may have been specifically targeted is intriguing.

...what strikes me here is that Michael mentioned something like this: "I gave her small pieves of zeehs against my better judgement" ... I mean, WTF??? I really don't understand yet why he raises doubts about it when quoting his logs ...

I interpreted this as Michael belatedly thinking of the consequences if Colonel Kimmet ever found out what he'd done.

Oct 25th, 2012, 08:14 AM
I found it interesting she hasn’t turned and her biological son seemed to have a tolerance/resistance to the ground zero area. Maybe they have some genetics that can turn the tide?

I think Kemmit released her because he’s tossed in the towel. He’s got nothing left to fight the Zombies, or fend off Michael & Puck. If the Z’s don’t destroy the fort the command collapse will.

Dec 27th, 2012, 11:57 AM
Ok, if you have kids and they watch TV there's a show on Disney called Doc McStuffins. Tanya sounds an awful lot like the stuffed Hippo that works in the clinic on the show. Silly observation, I know...but every time I hear Tanya speak, all I can picture is this purple stuffed Hippo. lol

Dec 27th, 2012, 12:02 PM
Ok, if you have kids and they watch TV there's a show on Disney called Doc McStuffins. Tanya sounds an awful lot like the stuffed Hippo that works in the clinic on the show. Silly observation, I know...but every time I hear Tanya speak, all I can picture is this purple stuffed Hippo. lol

I hadn't thought about it before, but now that i think about it, I can "hear" the similarity in my head. My daughter watches the show sometimes, so I'll have to double check it next time. Pretty funny....

Feb 22nd, 2013, 01:02 AM
I found it interesting she hasn’t turned and her biological son seemed to have a tolerance/resistance to the ground zero area. Maybe they have some genetics that can turn the tide?

I think Kemmit released her because he’s tossed in the towel. He’s got nothing left to fight the Zombies, or fend off Michael & Puck. If the Z’s don’t destroy the fort the command collapse will.

Thats what i'm thinking. Because Burt seemed to think his bullet went through Tommy and hit Saul, and then going through all the symptoms he had....then she shows up and gives him a drip IV, that for the most part we aren't sure what it could be. I'm thinking its either something in their blood that keeps them from turning, OR she has came up with something to prevent turning which is why she is wanting more test subjects. Kind of an outside the box theory here, but i wonder if Saul was infected, and we know she was(because she was bit), if they could pass the infection to others similar to the wife in 28 Weeks Later.

Feb 22nd, 2013, 10:35 PM
Ink says 'help us' and I thought he was just mimicking what the trapped tower residences were saying. He says, 'It's Paul' after Saul mentions Paul's name and Lizzy says that Ink had to try entering the security code a couple of times before getting it right. During this scene I just assumed that he was a zombie able to retain some intelligence from before the outbreak.

KC is a master of misdirection. So it may mean something else. Ink is strange in that he calls other zombies at times and doesn't call them at other times. When he enters CJ's tower he calls other zombies, yet he doesn't call them after entering the Tower. He calls others when he encounters humans who fie upon him but he doesn't call others when he happens upon Kalani and Riley, and Riley shoots and arrow at him. Kalani heavily emphasizes this. "I don't understand, why didn't he call others?" he asks. So, is he seeking help or being wishy washy or trapped between good and evil or ....?

The burned zombies accompanying Randy may have come from the arena. Randy snatches Tanya AFTER the arena is fire bombed. When Saul listens to the recording of Lizzy immediately after the bombing you can hear, at the end of the recording, approaching footsteps, heavy breathing and a voice saying one word, "Go!", then footsteps running away.

Regarding the antibiotics Tanya gives to Saul, they didn't help the slow turner but she gives them to Saul after he was possibly exposed for weeks(?) Perhaps they were not necessary. Saul was either not exposed or immune.

I also thought Micheal's comment about giving her the samples against his better judgement only meant to emphasize the risk he was taking if Kimmet found out. Since Ft. Irwin is toast and there were no outbreaks from Tonya's samples I'm putting my bet on the idea that nothing bad happened because of those samples.

Now, just WHO is the slow turner? Will this person be revealed? I'm betting on it being James of Sean, Hope and James fame. His names came up quite a bit and it's emphasized that he died of some infection.

What's more, Tanya still has to reveal her ideas about the zombies that she was about to mention before storming away from Micheal and getting captured by Randy.