View Full Version : Bill Roberts, a.k.a. Ink

Sep 22nd, 2012, 10:34 PM
What the hell.....no thread on on our dude Ink....
Now, discuss.

I love this guy....i really think (hope) that he becomes the main villain in the fourth season....honestly I'm a bit tired of scratch and i hope Burt puts an end to her soon...some say the story arc with her is with Pegs but i disagree, i always thought it was with Burt and I'm hoping that gets concluded soon...with Burt skullfucking her corpse after blowing her brains out with the left trigger finger that Bricks didn't let her cut off.

Sep 23rd, 2012, 03:12 AM
Ok. Let's get started ...

Up until May 8th in 2009 Bill Roberts was just the average multiple homicide madman you normally invite to your birthday party to jump out of the cake; he was supposed to being transported to a mental health facility in L.A., because he had good laywers and medics to put him there instead of a prison - reason: He was a paranoied schicophrenic. Bill Roberts is also famous for having tattooes spread all over his body, which is why he also is known by the nickname of "Ink"; and maybe because he had not enough tattooes to get his personal entry in the Guiness Book of World Records, he went all Michael Myers on the jury of the GBoWR, which is why he was sentenced to being brought into the mental health facility in the end ... Well, this last 'fact' might be arguable, but right now this is my best guess ... ;)

Then May 8th 2009 happened.

And Ink, well, did he become a zombie? Or WAS he already the zombie no #1 and has started all this zeeh-pocalypse-thing, because he liked "The Walking Dead"-show or Left4Dead-'puter-game so much and wanted to experience it himself? Or was he just an experiment gone all f*cked up and wrong like Jason Bourne - only more Umbrella-Corporation-style?

Considering the reports and personal experiences Ink showed up at different locations so far:

- Ink entered CJ's Tower after Duncan, the later Skittles, has opened the door, because he has mistaken Ink for an survivor or whatever ... Then Ink unleashed his horde of zombies to capture and/ or kill CJ's people. Funny thing: When CJ was cornered and actually on her 'death sentence', most likely Ink (or another smart zombie being able to speak and give orders) called his zombies back and to leave her alone, which actually points at smart zombies weighing pros and cons (pro: we get the CJ-chick, con: we loose some biters - I would have chosen differently).
- Samantha, maybe Kalani, the late Martin and Datu saw Ink in the arena, which seemed to be kind of the base of operation for the zombie-horde; there the zombies had fun and all, and they stocked up the body of the dead as their food in that place.
- Ink was able to open the pin-locked security door of The Tower (he can read and transfer the information into use on a complex device => intelligence) and then to kill poor Paul having been on guard at that time, then to make the other Tower People shriek in terror and hide Sissy-style, and then finally to confuse, distract and whatnot Michael, Saul and Burt; Burt shot him twice in the chest/ heart, but Ink was downed only for a few seconds before he got up, jumped out of a window on the second floor and ran at indycar-pace away 'catching' one last bullet shot by Burt ... well, not really catching, but being hit in his hand.
- Riley and Kalani encountered Ink in the Devil's Workshop, and he was able to snatch an arrow shot by Rilye out of the air before it hit him actually; but he did not care so much about Riley and Kalani.
- Ink likes wearing pinstripe suits, why makes him outstanding regarding the looks. And that is why Lizzy and The Mallers recognized him after they fled the ambush performed by the zombies under Ink's command.

All these reports base on the assumption that pinstripes/ the coloured one/ Ink/ this strange looking zombie-dude was always really the same individual 'thing'. So the question could be: Is there "one" Ink, or are there some more available - like a special breed of zombies?

Anyway: Did I miss an encounter with Ink so far?

There are plenty of questions being raised about Ink:

- Was / is he somehow related to The Family, which included Angel, Scratch, Latch and Durai?
- Does Ink do experiments on zombies in the Devil's Workshop? There are many hints at him being the engineer of the Little Ones; at least he takes care of them not growing too long fingernails ... But regardless of the fingernails: People here on the forum have started calling the Little Ones "Inklings" to honor his deeds.
- Is Ink the source of all evil? Or just another victim of the zombie-agent, but the zombie-agent interacts with his maniac-mind completely different then with the average rightous tax-payer making Ink all uber, while the average tax-payer becomes the mediocre red-shirt zombie-grunt ... ?

All the best!

Jan 9th, 2013, 09:24 PM
I was re-listening to season one and the Man in the pinstripe suite CAN'T BE INK! In the arena Datu spots the weird colored (tattooed) zombie, Samantha immediately says they have to leave NOW because he is the one who kills the prisoners. Datu is rescued right after Samantha is killed and they all race back to the tower. Pinstripe the talking Zombie has infiltrated the tower when they were gone. There is no way he could have gotten from the Arena to the tower before Datu did.

There are two possible loop holes in my logic:
1) Was the Zombie in the arena not Ink or Pinstripe but just a funny colored zombie? Is there more than one fully tattooed Zombie (Yakuza Zombie Mafia???)
Skittles made it sound like it was Ink that infiltrated the other tower and brought everyone to the arena, so I am assuming that it is Ink that killed Samantha.
2) How long was it between Samantha being killed and Datu's rescue? It sounded like a few minutes but since the events all took place on the same day it couldn't have been more than a few hours. They look to be 10 miles apart but even if Ink could run that in a hour it sounded like he had been in the tower for maybe a hour before Datu got there.

Did I miss something???

Jan 10th, 2013, 11:33 AM
I always took it as enough time having gone by. I presume after Ink "played" with Samantha he left to scout the apartment. After seeing the would be rescuers leave the building he took the oportunity to make his way in.

Jan 10th, 2013, 08:35 PM
Crap I am going to have to listen to that episode for a 14th time ;)