View Full Version : Resident Evil V - opinions?

Sep 21st, 2012, 10:20 AM
Hi everyone,

what's your opinion on the latest RE movie? Have not watched it yet, 'cause it is only available in 3D at my cinema at the moment and I am not willing to pay the doubled price for the 3D version of a movie ...

All the best!

Sep 21st, 2012, 10:37 AM
double price, geez that sucks...reg price for us is about $13, then 3D AVX with select seating (no line ups) is about $16. Then again if you're only going from $5 to $10 I suppose you're still better off....
I watched the fourth one last night (sucked, but anyways) with plans to see it this weekend so maybe I'll be able to tell ya later.

Sep 21st, 2012, 10:49 AM
i'm boycotting the RE movies. 3 was just so rediculous and terrible that i couldn't force myself to watch anymore.

Sep 21st, 2012, 11:04 AM
Yeah - depending on time of the day and what day I usually pay something along 6-7 EUR per movie (which translates into around 10 USD); but for 3D the pricing revolves around 12-13EUR ... And since I don't see the point in 3D (does not really add anything to my cinema-experience; and only very, very few movie matched the 3D quality of Avatar so far), I am really hesitant about considering this movie-option at all ...

@Resident Evil being rediculous: Yep, you are right, reaper. I just watch the movie because of the total bullcrap that's happening there. But I like it for whatever reason ... And this time besides Mila there is also Michelle ... What else is there to say???

Feb 26th, 2013, 02:11 PM
Lets see... They completely screwed over one of my favorite characters(Barry), they screwed over Leons character, they screwed over Ada, Alice is getting so annoying its ridiculous, the clones in the RE movies make me sick with anger, and the creatures in the RE movie world suck...giant lickers? Seriously?

Only redeeming factor was Michelle Rodriguez.

As an original Resident Evil game/book/comic fan, all of the movies except for the first one pissed me off. The first one was good, i liked it. It didn't have a any game characters, but gave a new look into the world of Resident Evil...However, when they added in the games characters and totally screwed them up from what they were in the game, it made me very angry.... I have hope that if they do the "REboot" they are talking about, we will see something closer to the games...a slight hope...but still "hope".....