View Full Version : oh canada

Sep 20th, 2012, 07:07 AM
this has got to be one of the funnniest stories i've ever read.


"Current theories suggest that the stolen goods will be sold on the black market."

really? is there a black market for syrup? who do we currently have a trade embargo on with regards to syrup? who would want to buy ten million pounds of syrup? illegaly? i don't understand.

Sep 20th, 2012, 08:26 AM
At first glance I suppose thats kinda funnny, but the black market is simply a phrase for how people get rid of stolen goods. Being that Quebec produces 75% of the worlds supply I suppose it might not be too hard to find a buyer, especially an international one. Its $30 million bucks worth so to these folks it is worth millions to get rid of and worth millions more to that buyer that can get it into an international market at a nice profit. Nothing to do with an embargo.
A lot of companies stock pile resources for use or for sale, and especially a commodity whose price can rise or fall you'll store it at low prices and sell it when the demand is higher. Thats just a shitload of syrup...thats the funny part.

Sep 20th, 2012, 01:55 PM

half a million bees and an estimated 3,600 kilograms of honey were apparently stolen sometime earlier this month.


The stolen spuds include Yukon golds and reds, but police admit there is no way to positively identify a stolen potato.

Potatoes, bees/honey & maple syrup... is someone developing a maple/honey glazed potato chip for the black market?

Sep 20th, 2012, 08:10 PM
Cliffs? I don't have time to click on this link and read all that shit.

Sep 21st, 2012, 03:54 AM
look, i'm just saying, you think black market, you think guns, drugs, bombs, slaves, syrup, honey, potatoes? well i do.

Sep 21st, 2012, 07:07 PM
I generally think guns, stereos, dvds, sex slaves, and monkeys.