View Full Version : Chatbox Quotes

Sep 18th, 2012, 02:28 PM
Ever have an awesomely awesome conversation with someone that you wish never disappeared into the deep, dark, dank recesses of the chat archive? Did you ever just want to take someones face and shove it into a conversation and shout, "Look what I said!"

Well, I figured we should have a thread where we can post some of the nonsense and/or practical sense some folks have in the chat room. Post funny conversations or amazingly poignant words of wisdom shared by you and other forum members here!

Sep 18th, 2012, 02:39 PM
With such tracks as this gem:

16:16 Waldo Butters: I once murdered the Belgian mob that had control over the southern half of the city. Now I have eighty badgers and no idea what to do with them....
16:24 Adventureless_Hero: Have you tried poking them with a spoon?
16:25 Waldo Butters: Does a spork count?

Sep 18th, 2012, 06:00 PM

Oct 10th, 2012, 10:21 AM
12:19 Adventureless_Hero: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlsFsx3YfSv
12:19 Waldo Butters: Video is unavailable?
12:19 Adventureless_Hero: That link I provided is totally made up. I just wanted to see if you'd click it right away.
12:20 Adventureless_Hero: Trust defined...then broken.
12:20 Waldo Butters: Note to self: Murder Hero....
12:20 Waldo Butters: Preferably with a badger....

Luna Guardian
Oct 11th, 2012, 03:33 AM
Can't remember exatly when it happened, but this one does keep bringing a smile to my face*:

Ra1th: Ohmygod Luna, you're so absolutely perfect and wonderful, a sweet perfect and beautiful person. I love you so much!
Me: Bro, I'm a guy
Ra1th: WHAT!? Oh fuck me...
Me: Thanks for the offer, but I don't swing that way

*Paraphrased for effect

Oct 11th, 2012, 05:40 AM
this thread is win...now, if only i could remember the random b.s. butters and i have said/done in the box...

there was that one time we spoke as if we were zombies..i.e. :zombie: -type zombies...slippy and francis...it went on for a good 45 minutes

or the time we did a sponsored ad read for zune..even though neither of us are sponsored by zune..

Oct 11th, 2012, 09:33 AM
good idea :)