View Full Version : Shirley Rage

Sep 15th, 2012, 03:20 PM
I was thinking some of us had trouble relating to Burts feelings towards Scratch hammering out Shirley. I understood it but didn't think I would have the same reaction to an object. Until my father (who listens) pointed out that yes I would.

(Now I know that it would have little to no value in a zombie apocalypse, but that's not the point.) If you smashed up my laptop, I would probably go to an unhealthly level of rage on your ass, and may end up in jail if you lived to tell the tale.

Now yes I realize that this is unhealthy, but so is threating to skull fuck someone's corpse for smashing a gun.

So I'm curious, and just want to know I am NOT totally insane, what's an object you have that you would go crazy on someone for destroying? Is it something you made, something with sentimental value? Zombie apocalypse or no.

Sep 15th, 2012, 04:19 PM
My iPod, because I have such a terrible long commute to my job it keeps me sane in my car.

Sep 15th, 2012, 05:01 PM
I would likely spin into a murderous rage if someone destroyed my guitars.

Sep 16th, 2012, 01:45 AM
A-hole damaging my motorbike=> I would hulk from pacifist to madman!

Sep 16th, 2012, 08:10 AM
It would have to be malicious, but my guitars for sure.

Christopher kitto
Sep 16th, 2012, 12:32 PM
There are a few objects from my childhood that would.
But how could you not feel upset when scratch smashed Shirley?
I mean the poor man put his thoughts emotions and memory's of his long dead wife into that gun! And it was oblitorated before his very eyes! And scratch was laughing and enjoying it the whole time!

Sep 16th, 2012, 10:44 PM
There are a few objects from my childhood that would.
But how could you not feel upset when scratch smashed Shirley?
I mean the poor man put his thoughts emotions and memory's of his long dead wife into that gun! And it was oblitorated before his very eyes! And scratch was laughing and enjoying it the whole time!

No I'm just saying I felt more emotion when she ripped off his finger.