View Full Version : Chapter 32-3 Captive Hearts

Aug 20th, 2012, 03:58 AM
Roll call! Stand up, be counted, and get straight fucked up by the Mallers!

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:34 AM
Gotta be some kind of public execution scene where Bricks is punished for ratting out Scratch with that video. Wouldn't be surprised if the big guy meets his end in this episode. Just as long as it isn't Burt!

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:46 AM
I'll be listening to this one over and over while doing college work. Why I signed up to better my mind is something I should ponder more and more.

But anyway, yes, bring on the podcast!

Aug 20th, 2012, 07:42 AM
*compulsive refresh on iTunes*

Aug 20th, 2012, 07:55 AM
Off the wall prediciton.... Bricks goes to show Durai the video and in the process Durai starts pushing all the wrong buttons on Bricks to the point where Bricks snaps and kills Durai, then roll...

Aug 20th, 2012, 08:11 AM
I predict that someone we love is going to die, and that the rest if the crew will hace to beat feet with the SatPhone as Scratch takes kver the colony. They can't /beat/ the Maulers right now, mainly because story wise, the Maulers have no where to go! And beyond that, I have to agree with Nikvoodoo from a recent WND. Riley must kill scratch. Perferably barehanded on top of a tank thats on fire.

Aug 20th, 2012, 08:54 AM
Oh boy! Oh effing boy ... !

Aug 20th, 2012, 08:59 AM
Really!?!? Another huge cliff hanger ending? ARGH!!!!

RIP Bricks... :(

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:02 AM
Dude, its not even 9!

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:20 AM
WOW.. Awsome cliff hanger. Got a bit worried for Saul there.
Have to wait.......

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:20 AM
Gotta be some kind of public execution scene where Bricks is punished for ratting out Scratch with that video. Wouldn't be surprised if the big guy meets his end in this episode. Just as long as it isn't Burt!

Ahem.... *buffs fingernails on shirt*...

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:22 AM
Wow. I totally didn't see Bricks going out like that. I thought for sure he was going to get out with Lizzy.
On the plus side maybe Bricks going down means there's more hope for Burt making it out. They have to go after him, right? I mean Lizzy at least knows he's at the Colony now so she can bring it up.
Also kudos to nik (as if his ego needs any more boosting :p ) on calling the importance of Scratch's back up knife.

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:25 AM
Next episode in 2 weeks! No!!!!!!

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:28 AM
Ahem.... *buffs fingernails on shirt*...

check the wnd.#43 thread broseph...

Ps: we were all right, osi gets the bonus points though...def. A bloodbath

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:38 AM
That episode was high octane! And Lizzie never met Victor? Coulda sworn she had...

Great exciting episode! I still think the Mallers have to take over, for now at least. But given all that, we / have/ to going to Irwin in two weeks.

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:41 AM
That episode was high octane! And Lizzie never met Victor? Coulda sworn she had...

Great exciting episode! I still think the Mallers have to take over, for now at least. But given all that, we / have/ to going to Irwin in two weeks.

Victor showed up at the tower the day after Lizzy got kicked out (chapter 19/20) so they've never met before.

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:49 AM
Victor showed up at the tower the day after Lizzy got kicked out (chapter 19/20) so they've never met before.

Was thinking back, and yeah, Micheal did return to that mess. Thanks!

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:51 AM
Wow, CJ got her revolution one way or another. O_o'

Lukas A.
Aug 20th, 2012, 09:57 AM
For not going according to plan... That went pretty damn well

Aug 20th, 2012, 10:00 AM
Amazing show.

Bricks went down way too cheap ... Well, in the end he was just another grunt or puppet ... But he was a red shirt with a name at least.
The cliffhanger is pretty badass. Question would be: Will #33 deal with things at the colony, or will Kc and the Cast focus on the other "Tower-folks"?
The fall and rise of Scratch was like wooHOOO! Osiris's probably gonna get drunk being happy that Scratch did not bite the dust ... ;) I am kind of confused that Durai would do a public trial like this about family biz; but hell, actually we never got to know Durai, so any prediction was likely or valid, and in terms of the story told Kc chose the more dramatic demise of his ...
And now Scratch is in ... well, full control? The bloodbath and gunfight was actually quite a surprise to me. Ok, I guessed that the situation between the Mallers would be tense and that the death of Durai's would actually lead to some tense situation; but just as tense as the guys freaked out in the end?
Gatekeeper told Victor that the guns were under direct control of the Mallers; ergo the shooting mainly took place by the Mallers against each other; are they really as divided as the gunfight might implicitely tell the audience? The next question would be: How destabilized is the TNT box filled with Mallers and Colonists?
Now that Bricks is down I don't think that Burt's gonna make it. True: Lizzy and Victor are in the Colony; and Lizzy could or even will think about rescuing Burt. But Bricks told Lizzy that Burt's prison/ room is guarded. Maybe the gunfight will have led the guards away from the room. And yet I guess that Scratch will head for Burt as fast as possible as soon as the gunfight has ebbed down a bit; what would happen if either Lizzy reaches the prison before Scratch or vice versa? And since Burt is weak and emotionally destroyed by Scratch he should be easy game for Scratch. And if I am wrong about my worst case scenario for Burt, I am willing to predict that he will be the one to kill Scratch - for everything she did to him and The Tower-folk ...
Besides this Scratch is going to be heavily pissed that someone betrayed her. Maybe she will be happy to see Briggs being dead. But what will she do about Lizzy being gone or hidden somewhere or meeting her at Burt's? And would her opinion will have changed now that everything has changed? Lots of potential for awesome storytelling I guess ... :D

Soon we will learn more ...
All the best!

Aug 20th, 2012, 10:02 AM
Great episode, wow!

Sad to see Durai gone. He was an interesting and mysterious character. Glad it was him over Scratch though. She has way more left to do.

Really thought Bricks would play a bigger role going forward. I'll miss the big lug. RIP Bricks.

We got more certainty that Hannah was the girl at the golf course. Poor girl.

Aug 20th, 2012, 10:11 AM
Its kind of a question, actually. They said there were only 30 or so Mallers, right? Well, if they're gonna have a civil war, thats gonna kinda thin out their numbers, unless a lot of the Colonists have swapped sides.

Aug 20th, 2012, 10:25 AM
Its kind of a question, actually. They said there were only 30 or so Mallers, right? Well, if they're gonna have a civil war, thats gonna kinda thin out their numbers, unless a lot of the Colonists have swapped sides.

Gatekeeper mentioned something along this line in #32-2: The resistance-Colonists seem to thin out, which is probably one of the reasons why CJ started to doubt a lot more about this whole operation ... Therefore the Colonists are not standing together like one man anymore, but it seems more likely that there are the ones having given up on themselves, some others probably sympathizing with The Mallers (we don't know anything like this for sure though), the few planning about getting out of this hell-hole, and the number of Resistance-dudes getting smaller and smaller ...

smalls kenobi
Aug 20th, 2012, 10:51 AM
Great episode! Poor Bricks. Poor Hannah. But at the end I was happy to know that Victor got a hold on Lizzy. Now let's see if they escape the Colony alive.

Aug 20th, 2012, 11:49 AM
Wow, Durai went out like a Bond villain.
Durai: "Hey Scratch, I'm gonna kill you."
Scratch: "Can I say something?"
Durai: "Sure, I was just kidding about wanting to do this quickly. Besides I have all of your weapons. Just step within arms reach of me so you can hand me your ring."

Great episode! Even though there is a cliff hanger it seems like a mild one. They're inside (CJ, Saul and zombies) now. I kept expecting Zombie-Sean to make an apperance and throw off CJ's focus. Next episode sounds like there will be quite a bit of action. UNLESS the show picks up at fort Irwin. At this point, with their foot in the door (no pun intended) a major cusp has been reached. The story can return to another setting, i.e. Fort Irwin, the same way we left there after discovering Tanya's bite. I've been wrong, all along so far, but I'm prediticing that we'll see Fort Irwin in the next chapter.

It might happen something like this...

Flash back to Chapter 32-3.
Victor: "Check Check. I put the earpiece in. Can you hear me? "
Glenn: "We can hear you just fine. I was just about to tell you that the helicopter returned. A soldier named Rile..." Last two sentances are cut off by Saul cutting into the channel.
Saul: "Glenn, go silent alright? We don't need you clogging up the channel."
Glenn: Releases the talk button. "If you say so."
Riley: "Why didn't you tell them not to try anything until our squad arrive? "
Glenn: "I tried but... "
Riley: "Where is the Colony? Angel! Is he there too?"
Glenn: "Oh, about that. I wasn't going to say..."
Riley: "PETE!!! What is in this bottle? It tastes like water! I try to cook for you, Coq au vin, and you bring me water insted of wine!!!! The chicken is ruined.! Bring me another one!"

Aug 20th, 2012, 01:11 PM
anybody else notice that CJ seemed to have quite the handcannon when she went to "buy them some time"? Shirley Mk.II perhaps?

Aug 20th, 2012, 01:28 PM
Great episode!!

I was half expecting us to be left hanging on whether or not Saul survived breaching the colony.

Aug 20th, 2012, 01:31 PM
Yes! Finaly some good action.. Durai is dead the idiot should have had her silenced and in chains before she could have blinked an eye.
No more Briggs to Hulk out on Saul. Free him up with Lizzy with no potintial competition.
I predict Burt will get to kill Scratch an avenge everyone else. There is still a major part of the story to be told with Ft. Irwin and Boulder.
We need to get back to that.

Aug 20th, 2012, 01:33 PM
I have this weird feeling we are going to come back in two weeks with Datu and Pegs living together.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 20th, 2012, 01:49 PM
I have this weird feeling we are going to come back in two weeks with Datu and Pegs living together.

And the story of Glenn, Pete, the safehouse and Saul's chickens!

Aug 20th, 2012, 02:18 PM
Without Bricks or Durai how will they find and/or rescue Burt?

1) Lizzy knows about Burt.
2) Scratch may use Burt as a bargaining chip.
3) Gate Keeper may know something of Burt. When Victor says, "they have one of us," Gate Keeper responds with,"So, that's what they've been hiding." BUT, he was probably not talking about Lizzy. Lizzy is out in the open, not hidden. Burt and Angel were hiden away.
4) It is reasonable to assume that others in The Colony know that something/someone is being hidden by the Mallers. Especially if others have been in the stockade, where I assume Burt is kept near.

Durai needed to man up!

He must have watched too many after school specials while locked away. Does a terrible job of standing his ground against Scratch. They argue like my wife and I.
1) I grow some balls and speak my mind.
Durai says he pissed over the killing Angel and the doctor, failure at the arena, murder of a teenaged girl and attacking the tower again.
2) Wife brings up all of my failed plans while conveniently skipping her monkey wrench activities.
Scratch bring up the first tower attack but skips the sabotaged negotiations and pipe bombs. The poorly defended mall but skips sabotaging the effort to get a safer place. The failure at the arena but skips the part about not having enough tankers.
3) I turn out to be the Gilligan of the relationship.
Scratch claims that everthings she does is involves cleaning Durai's mistakes. Some Mallers begin to believe her.
4) She brings up one, 1, ONE thing she did right. WIN!!!
Scratch, "I discovered the Colony like the Columbus discovered America, Bitch!"
5) Yes dear, I'll make YOU a sandwhich.
Durai, "I got us out of prison."
Scratch, "Uh, excuse me. Oh no you ditn't!"
Mallers, "Ramble, ramble, ramble", "Dey turk ur jobs!", All together now... "Jey jerk er Jerbs!"

Victor turns into Kyle Reese trying to save John Conners mom. "Follow me if you want to live!" But, Lizzy is harder to rescue than a wounded animal.

Victor: "I'm Victor I'm here to rescue you."
Lizzy: "Leave me alone."
Victor: "I'm here with Saul and your R2 unit."
Lizzy: "I don't believe you."
Victor: "Saul Phineas Wendle Tink. Mom's name is Tanya, was locked up in jail for shoplifting, favorite color is Duke Blue, scared of cirus clowns since he was five, has a birthmark on his wiener shaped like Mickey Mouse, has a dog named Lady, can't hold his liquor, has a house at 123 Crip Walk Lane in Inglewood, gave you a packet of flower seeds, fixed your lucky bookbag with zip ties, Social Security number ###-##-####, and he sounds like Q-Tip from 'A Tribe Called Quest.'
Lizzy: "You're lying, someone could have told you all of that. Where is his long form Birth Certificate?"

Odds and Ends

1) The Mallony's weapons are locked away somewhere.
2) Durai was close to Angel's father. (Yet he didn't seem to recognize him during the first attack on the tower.)
3) Zombies entered the colony through the 'airlock'... inner gate.
4) Who's shooting at whom? How are the Mallers telling each other apart? Victor says that the ones in the guardians' positions were shooting at the one's on the ground. Were the ones in the guard tower too far away to have heard the conversation between Durai and Scratch? Durai mentions these Mallers as being 'cell mates more loyal than' Scratch. Were these particular Mallers more loyal or was Durai talking about them all in general before they hearing Scratch?

Aug 20th, 2012, 02:53 PM
My thoughts on todays episode:


Aug 20th, 2012, 02:57 PM
Meh, not my favorite episode, sorry to say. Love the series, but Kc dropped the ball a bit on this one, character-wise:

- Knew it was about Scratch as soon as she started her "Yeah! Everybody shut up and listen!" routine. Sorry, man, it just came off as shtick to me

- Durai has got to be one the stupidest kingpins of all time. Who stages an execution, then lets the accused give a long monologue before the axe falls?

- Definition of a Redshirt: a character for whom piano music does NOT play when they snuff it.

Aug 20th, 2012, 03:24 PM
Sad to see Durai gone. He was an interesting and mysterious character.

He should have paid attention to Tuco from The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. If you're going to shoot, shoot; don't talk.

That was mistake number one for Durai. Mistake number two was trying to hold a public execution. I thought his character was more intelligent then that...Once the Don makes the decision to kill a family member, there's no more time for talking...you just slit her throat and dump the body. Amateur.

2) Durai was close to Angel's father. (Yet he didn't seem to recognize him during the first attack on the tower.)

Giant plot hole here. The more important fact is Angel knew the Mallers and didn't tell anyone.

Aug 20th, 2012, 03:24 PM
This should teach durai: Listen to WND because I told you exactly how you were going to die weeks ago. *sigh*

Beware a scratch on the loose with loyal followers and no one standing in her way anymore. Burt......you're in a shit load of trouble. You haven't narrated a piece of story in a long while and Bricks told lizzy the last part. I don't think you've got much left except unite some lovers and die in the process

Aug 20th, 2012, 03:45 PM
This should teach durai: Listen to WND because I told you exactly how you were going to die weeks ago. *sigh*

Beware a scratch on the loose with loyal followers and no one standing in her way anymore. Burt......you're in a shit load of trouble. You haven't narrated a piece of story in a long while and Bricks told lizzy the last part. I don't think you've got much left except unite some lovers and die in the process

That will be Burts end. He will sacrifice himself to save Lizzy since he believes it's his fault she's in the mess in the first place. He won't take out Scratch though. I still say she's get's fed to "The Tattooed One."

Aug 20th, 2012, 04:27 PM

I don't get much time these days to come on this forum as much as I'd like to, but just thought I'd pop in to say...


end. LoL xx

Aug 20th, 2012, 04:28 PM
Without Bricks or Durai how will they find and/or rescue Burt?

1) Lizzy knows about Burt.
2) Scratch may use Burt as a bargaining chip.
3) Gate Keeper may know something of Burt. When Victor says, "they have one of us," Gate Keeper responds with,"So, that's what they've been hiding." BUT, he was probably not talking about Lizzy. Lizzy is out in the open, not hidden. Burt and Angel were hiden away.
4) It is reasonable to assume that others in The Colony know that something/someone is being hidden by the Mallers. Especially if others have been in the stockade, where I assume Burt is kept near.

Durai needed to man up!

He must have watched too many after school specials while locked away. Does a terrible job of standing his ground against Scratch. They argue like my wife and I.
1) I grow some balls and speak my mind.
Durai says he pissed over the killing Angel and the doctor, failure at the arena, murder of a teenaged girl and attacking the tower again.
2) Wife brings up all of my failed plans while conveniently skipping her monkey wrench activities.
Scratch bring up the first tower attack but skips the sabotaged negotiations and pipe bombs. The poorly defended mall but skips sabotaging the effort to get a safer place. The failure at the arena but skips the part about not having enough tankers.
3) I turn out to be the Gilligan of the relationship.
Scratch claims that everthings she does is involves cleaning Durai's mistakes. Some Mallers begin to believe her.
4) She brings up one, 1, ONE thing she did right. WIN!!!
Scratch, "I discovered the Colony like the Columbus discovered America, Bitch!"
5) Yes dear, I'll make YOU a sandwhich.
Durai, "I got us out of prison."
Scratch, "Uh, excuse me. Oh no you ditn't!"
Mallers, "Ramble, ramble, ramble", "Dey turk ur jobs!", All together now... "Jey jerk er Jerbs!"

Victor turns into Kyle Reese trying to save John Conners mom. "Follow me if you want to live!" But, Lizzy is harder to rescue than a wounded animal.

Victor: "I'm Victor I'm here to rescue you."
Lizzy: "Leave me alone."
Victor: "I'm here with Saul and your R2 unit."
Lizzy: "I don't believe you."
Victor: "Saul Phineas Wendle Tink. Mom's name is Tanya, was locked up in jail for shoplifting, favorite color is Duke Blue, scared of cirus clowns since he was five, has a birthmark on his wiener shaped like Mickey Mouse, has a dog named Lady, can't hold his liquor, has a house at 123 Crip Walk Lane in Inglewood, gave you a packet of flower seeds, fixed your lucky bookbag with zip ties, Social Security number ###-##-####, and he sounds like Q-Tip from 'A Tribe Called Quest.'
Lizzy: "You're lying, someone could have told you all of that. Where is his long form Birth Certificate?"

Odds and Ends

1) The Mallony's weapons are locked away somewhere.
2) Durai was close to Angel's father. (Yet he didn't seem to recognize him during the first attack on the tower.)
3) Zombies entered the colony through the 'airlock'... inner gate.
4) Who's shooting at whom? How are the Mallers telling each other apart? Victor says that the ones in the guardians' positions were shooting at the one's on the ground. Were the ones in the guard tower too far away to have heard the conversation between Durai and Scratch? Durai mentions these Mallers as being 'cell mates more loyal than' Scratch. Were these particular Mallers more loyal or was Durai talking about them all in general before they hearing Scratch?

Amazing post! Made me LOL. +rep!!!

Aug 20th, 2012, 04:28 PM
The word 'almost' is the longest in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

Actually, Aegilops is the longest word in th English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

Almost is the longest common word in th English language with all the letters in alphabetical order

I was bored and Google was calling my name.

Back to the original thread.

Aug 20th, 2012, 04:52 PM
Dear Everyone,

Scratch's wrath is coming...


Aug 20th, 2012, 04:58 PM
anybody else notice that CJ seemed to have quite the handcannon when she went to "buy them some time"? Shirley Mk.II perhaps?

If I'm not mistaken the sound of her weapon fire is the same as the M-16's that Saul, Micheal, and Angel were using. I don't think CJ or Saul would be headed in to kick ass with a handgun that holds 8 rounds when they have access to M-16's, MP-5's, Saul's SAW, etc. That would be just a little foolish. CJ is definitely sporting a rifle/carbine.

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:08 PM
Yes! Finaly some good action.. Durai is dead the idiot should have had her silenced and in chains before she could have blinked an eye.
No more Briggs to Hulk out on Saul. Free him up with Lizzy with no potintial competition.
I predict Burt will get to kill Scratch an avenge everyone else. There is still a major part of the story to be told with Ft. Irwin and Boulder.
We need to get back to that.

Yes, he failed Villainy 101, before killing an important character one must give a monologue about his dominance plans afterward. Durai did the opposite. :-/

Let's us at least pour out a 40 for a fallen hero, Bricks.

And the story of Glenn, Pete, the safehouse and Saul's chickens!

As state before: Saul's chickens are being taken out by Pete and Witch Doctor.

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:19 PM
2) Durai was close to Angel (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=Angel)'s father. (Yet he didn't seem to recognize him during the first attack on the tower (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/showwiki.php?title=The+Tower).)
Giant plot hole here. The more important fact is Angel knew the Mallers and didn't tell anyone.

I'll respond to this one as it might not come up in the story. Durai did know Angel's father, but any interactions with him as a boy might have been a long time ago. Was he aware of who Angel was during during the first attack on the tower? No. He never saw Angel face to face during the conflict, and even then he may not have made the connection. Who controlled the list of names at that point, Scratch.

From 12:

(holding down the receiver, to
Which one is this one, now? Burt?
Ok, thank you, dear.
(to Burt)
Burt! Nice to meet you, finally, I
have heard so much about you.

When Kalani relayed the names, he left out Tunudo. He may not have been aware of it at the time, but the information was only partial.

"Angel who the Mallers and didn't tell anyone?" It's not apparent in the story WHEN he made the connection of Scratch, Latch, and or Durai. But he definitely went to some lengths to NOT let on about it. In a scenario where trusting people is already very difficult, why add to it by declaring a past that might coincide with one of your enemies. He goes to great lengths to try and hide his name from the others. If you listen closely to Chapter 8 he gets very upset that his name is mentioned. Why? Because there's a lot behind a name...

If there's a mistake I made in the writing, or you think a plot whole exists, just let me know and who knows, I might be able to patch it, but I'm pretty sure this one's in the clear.

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:19 PM
I called that Scratch would kill Durai, but I am not claiming that as it was obvious to happen. As for Bricks I have only one word:

Going to go cry about it

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:21 PM
the action was great, was hoping for a little longer. but ill wait for next episode, as i pull my hair out. lol. i figured bricks would die. however not so soon. will Lizzy name the baby bricks?
you cant kill off scratch just yet. she will have a raise to power and then she will fall. What about Burt? are they going try to get him out too?
on a side note. I have somebody hooked on the series at work. he hates me now. lol

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:25 PM
- Durai has got to be one the stupidest kingpins of all time. Who stages an execution, then lets the accused give a long monologue before the axe falls?

The intention of that was more to sway sympathies toward Durai before Scratch was killed. There's a lot of people more loyal to Scratch than Durai. That might come up later, but I wanted to voice in on it. But, I appreciate the honesty :)

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:25 PM
Great episode I was at the edge of my metaphorical chair as I listened. Who ever commented that durai not recognizing angel in the beginning was a plot hole in the story is a bit off. Fact is durai never saw angel ever well untill he was brought to the colony. He may have had info that there was a guy named angel in the tower bc of the kalani the rat letting him know. Or scratch may have told him she knew who angel was when she eventually figured it out. No plot hole there at all. Anyways that was a wild way to snuff bricks Some may complain but hey you know what go write your own stories or cry let KC tell his. I didn't want to see bricks go but it is what it is I really felt bad for him and for lizzy at that point that was the 3rd guy she was close to die protecting her, as he seemed to be transforming into a new light boom gone, he may have been a criminal but he had potential for a new life. It would have been to complicated to keep him. At least a zombie didn't get him. He went out as a good character because he betrayed the villain . I couldn't ask for more. I really have no clue how this next situation gets handled. Do the mallers loyal to scratch die with the mallers loyal to durai join the colonist to take them down. I really have no idea with in the colony who sides which who now. Would the colony members even leave any mallers that werent loyal to scratch. I see them all as bad at this point but who knows. Man it just got wild. Does Vic and crew pull off a hat trick and get lizzy+Burt+sat phone. I sure hope so. I know one thing cj won't trust anyone once the dust settles but heck she will soon have a new army tell if and when they get ahold of Michael .

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:33 PM
Oh I see KC beat me to the punch on clearing up the plot hole thought. Thanks for peaking in on us master we some greatful minions.

Aug 20th, 2012, 05:48 PM
Some may complain but hey you know what go write your own stories or cry let KC tell his.
Not every chapter is great for every person. I welcome the criticism people have. This whole process of how people receive things helps, as long as they keep it constructive.

Aug 20th, 2012, 06:11 PM
Not every chapter is great for every person. I welcome the criticism people have. This whole process of how people receive things helps, as long as they keep it constructive.

Definitely, what I was referring too didn't seem to constructive but I re read it and I guess it border line was constructive so I take back said comment. Remember I'm the holder of the dumbass award.

Aug 20th, 2012, 06:17 PM
Actually, Aegilops is the longest word in th English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

Almost is the longest common word in th English language with all the letters in alphabetical order

I was bored and Google was calling my name.

Back to the original thread.

I should give you bad rep, but I gave you good rep instead. <3

Aug 20th, 2012, 07:40 PM
I'll respond to this one as it might not come up in the story. Durai did know Angel's father, but any interactions with him as a boy might have been a long time ago. Was he aware of who Angel was during during the first attack on the tower? No. He never saw Angel face to face during the conflict, and even then he may not have made the connection. Who controlled the list of names at that point, Scratch.

From 12:

(holding down the receiver, to
Which one is this one, now? Burt?
Ok, thank you, dear.
(to Burt)
Burt! Nice to meet you, finally, I
have heard so much about you.

When Kalani relayed the names, he left out Tunudo. He may not have been aware of it at the time, but the information was only partial.

"Angel who the Mallers and didn't tell anyone?" It's not apparent in the story WHEN he made the connection of Scratch, Latch, and or Durai. But he definitely went to some lengths to NOT let on about it. In a scenario where trusting people is already very difficult, why add to it by declaring a past that might coincide with one of your enemies. He goes to great lengths to try and hide his name from the others. If you listen closely to Chapter 8 he gets very upset that his name is mentioned. Why? Because there's a lot behind a name...
Now that we know about Angel's past and thinking back over the story, it comes across pretty well that Angel wanted to distance himself from his family name. Something that caught me as kind of odd early on, way back to chapter 1, when we first hear Angel calling Michael, he says "it’s Lieutenant Angel". That came off as odd because it seems as though he should have said "it's Angel" or "it's Lieutenant Tunudo". Now it kind of makes sense that he wasn't proud of the name.

Riley must kill scratch. Perferably barehanded on top of a tank thats on fire. I misread that as "barehanded in tank tops" lol

Wow, Durai went out like a Bond villain.
Durai: "Hey Scratch, I'm gonna kill you."
Scratch: "Can I say something?"
Durai: "Sure, I was just kidding about wanting to do this quickly. Besides I have all of your weapons. Just step within arms reach of me so you can hand me your ring."

Great episode! Even though there is a cliff hanger it seems like a mild one. They're inside (CJ, Saul and zombies) now. I kept expecting Zombie-Sean to make an apperance and throw off CJ's focus. Next episode sounds like there will be quite a bit of action. UNLESS the show picks up at fort Irwin. At this point, with their foot in the door (no pun intended) a major cusp has been reached. The story can return to another setting, i.e. Fort Irwin, the same way we left there after discovering Tanya's bite. I've been wrong, all along so far, but I'm prediticing that we'll see Fort Irwin in the next chapter.

It might happen something like this...

Flash back to Chapter 32-3.
Victor: "Check Check. I put the earpiece in. Can you hear me? "
Glenn: "We can hear you just fine. I was just about to tell you that the helicopter returned. A soldier named Rile..." Last two sentances are cut off by Saul cutting into the channel.
Saul: "Glenn, go silent alright? We don't need you clogging up the channel."
Glenn: Releases the talk button. "If you say so."
Riley: "Why didn't you tell them not to try anything until our squad arrive? "
Glenn: "I tried but... "
Riley: "Where is the Colony? Angel! Is he there too?"
Glenn: "Oh, about that. I wasn't going to say..."
Riley: "PETE!!! What is in this bottle? It tastes like water! I try to cook for you, Coq au vin, and you bring me water insted of wine!!!! The chicken is ruined.! Bring me another one!"

Victor turns into Kyle Reese trying to save John Conners mom. "Follow me if you want to live!" But, Lizzy is harder to rescue than a wounded animal.

Victor: "I'm Victor I'm here to rescue you."
Lizzy: "Leave me alone."
Victor: "I'm here with Saul and your R2 unit."
Lizzy: "I don't believe you."
Victor: "Saul Phineas Wendle Tink. Mom's name is Tanya, was locked up in jail for shoplifting, favorite color is Duke Blue, scared of cirus clowns since he was five, has a birthmark on his wiener shaped like Mickey Mouse, has a dog named Lady, can't hold his liquor, has a house at 123 Crip Walk Lane in Inglewood, gave you a packet of flower seeds, fixed your lucky bookbag with zip ties, Social Security number ###-##-####, and he sounds like Q-Tip from 'A Tribe Called Quest.'
Lizzy: "You're lying, someone could have told you all of that. Where is his long form Birth Certificate?"

Cabbage Patch
Aug 20th, 2012, 07:44 PM
Durai should have read Machiavelli! Killing Scratch the way he was planning to do could have been a great way to start building a power base among the slaves and Colony residents. He could have made Scratch the scapegoat for everything bad that happened after the Maller takeover. Instead he just focused on his own whiney complaints, and died. He was a deeply flawed, brilliantly written and acted character to the end.

Anyone else thinking that Saul and CJ have just delivered Scratch's escape vehicle? Bet she'll be less hesitant to ram the gates on her way out!

Aug 20th, 2012, 07:45 PM
There is going to be so much carnage in the next chapter. But it's ok... we're going to Boulder.

Aug 20th, 2012, 09:57 PM
I was kind of in shock when all hell broke loose...but I cannot honestly say I was surprised when Scratch skewered Durai (as soon as he let her talk, I was like...&quot;Oh..no...&quot;) <br />
<br />
Bricks getting...

Aug 21st, 2012, 12:08 AM
I see I am not the only one a bit disappointed about how a dumbass Durai is shown to be. He could barely respond to Scratch. I can't see how a man like this could have mastered the mallers so far.
On the other hand, Scratch going out with a shot in the head from Durai would have been VERY anticlimactic, and I think pulling a Bond Villain on Durai was the only solution to this pickle KC found himself in.

I also did not understand if they manage to close the gate or not. Slowest gate ever, if not O_o

Aug 21st, 2012, 12:16 AM
- Definition of a Redshirt: a character for whom piano music does NOT play when they snuff it.

Applies for nameless redshirts only ...

Aug 21st, 2012, 12:24 AM
I think Durai was just delusional of his power, and didnt see things the way Scratch did, and maybe how she was right. Hes not a screamer like Scratch and i think he was in shock or surprised for the few seconds that it took for her to scream at him. Its not the easiest thing to talk over someone screaming at you. Hes also surprised with how blind hes been and realising it, and that hes not really the top dog that he thought he was, and discovering that he lacks the support that Scratch has. I think his response and how it played out as quickly as it did was very realistic and shouldn't be surprising. He would have somehow addressed what she was saying if he didnt suddenly have a knife sticking in his chest, although knowing that Scratch had more support he didnt realise she had, he might not have shot her, then again he may have, if given the chance. Point is, his brain was in overdrive with new info and hadnt barely the time to process it before he was skewered, geez give the man a break. Awesome episode.

Aug 21st, 2012, 12:40 AM
I predict Burt will get to kill Scratch an avenge everyone else.

I brought this up some time ago.... and i still think so...But wouldnt be surprised if something completely different happens.

Aug 21st, 2012, 12:56 AM
All that being said so far:

Since Saul/ CJ and Lizzy/ Victor have their sat-phones, they should not have too much trouble finding each other - unless Lizzy makes them move to the place where Burt is locked up, because Saul and CJ were not in the Colony so far.
Scratch, after having cleared the mess and having made herself the boss, maybe do one thing: getting to Burt in order to check the loyalty of the guard and maybe even interrogating and torturing Burt another time now that she is in her best mood (a blood frenzy). Storywise I think that would make some sense, wouldn't it? But maybe she would try to organize things first ... like checking her loyal troups, the guns, bushing The Colonists back into slavery and more importantly especially fighting back the Zeds while trying to close the gate. And if this won't work, then get into some cars and run away - like always when she is entitled to take responsibility for others ...

And if then Lizzy and Saul show up at Burt's we would face a similar character-constellation like in chapter 6, when Saul, Lizzy and Burt met Latch and Scratch the first time. The main differenc though is that CJ and Victor and probably one to some guards would be in the same place as well ... If this happens, well ... Kind of hard to tell. Scratch might take Burt hostage; maybe CJ now learns the real story about Sean (unlikely); or maybe there will be a Tarantino-style shoot out, but who would be the last man standing? Or maybe Lizzy would be able to involve Scratch into some psycho-talks. which would be kind of odd, but would also work to some degree.
And I have not tossed the Gatekeeper-faction into this scenario yet. But to be honest: I think the Gatekeeper had his part in the story and won't fill in so soon again - or if he joins then it will be about creating a new group of survivors with him and his comrades to support the main actors in some way. After all: WA is a story of survival.

Looking from the above I think it would be time to make the cliffhanger solid and change the perspective all along - i.e. switching towards Fort Irwin. I may be wrong, but would Fort Irwin be interested in rescuing the Colony; or would they be more interested in analyzing the Inglewood-situation? Also they have all hands to do with Tanya. There may be the chance to re-introduce Riley as well. My prediction therefore: #33 will be about Fort Irwin.

And I don't think that the rescue camp in Boulder will be part of the story soon or even anyway; Kelly, Datu, Hannah, and Pegs had their share in the story. Ok, I give it that: Pegs is the one motivation for Scratch for getting more and more insane and bloodthirsty; but that actually does not require Pegs to get involved with an active part in the story, does it?

Although I am not so happy about how Durai and especially how Bricks died, I am pretty happy that Scratch as the Ultra-Evil-Bitch-No-1 in Podcast-Universe did not die, as many have predicted. And I am pretty excited about how the next meeting of Saul/Cj/Lizzy/Victor/?Burt? will turn out.

All the best!

Aug 21st, 2012, 04:11 AM
The Durai thing made sense to me. I see him as an upper management type in the family. I am willing to bet he hasn't had to get his hands dirty in a while. Back in the day he would have been untouchable in regards to Family stuff. He could have ranted, raved, and gone on..and on..and on... with little issue. Willing to bet he did jail time on for something like Tax Evasion or conspiracy to murder. Not for actually doing something himself. He was used to telling people what to do instead of doing himself. No one questioned him back in the day. Like the beginning said "That was then, This is now.."

In regards to The Colony, something has to be done to give it a major boost if it is to still be a threat. Right now we got Durai's loyalists vs Scratch's loyalists vs Gatekeeper's Loyalist. When the Dust settles a lot of people are going to be dead with more to come. If Scratch's people come through they will clean house of a lot of the others. I just can not see her going "Gatekeeper...you got balls. You and yours are forgiven if you work with me..." I see her killing them all.

Lets say she does get control in the end. She finds out about Fort Irwin. She is going to march her hundredish (Willing to bet less than that after this is over) through the city, across the desert, to attack a Military Base? I don't see the rest of the Colony being up for that. Something else has to happen to keep her a threat after this. She is a threat to Saul, Victor and CJ b/c it is 3 vs 130ish. But 75-100 people vs a Military base? Something else is coming. She will be bite by a Zombie or something. Turn into a Smart One and lead the Zombies to Irwin. Needs to be extreme.

Aug 21st, 2012, 04:21 AM
The Durai thing made sense to me. I see him as an upper management type in the family. I am willing to bet he hasn't had to get his hands dirty in a while. Back in the day he would have been untouchable in regards to Family stuff. He could have ranted, raved, and gone on..and on..and on... with little issue. Willing to beat he did jail time on for something like Tax Evasion or conspiracy to murder. Not for actually doing something himself. He was used to telling people what to do instead of doing himself. No one questioned him back in the day. Like the beginning "That was then, This is now.."

In regards to The Colony, something has to be done to give it a major boost if it is to still be a threat. Right now we got Durai's loyalists vs Scratch's loyalists vs Gatekeeper Loyalist. When the Dust settles a lot of people are going to be dead with more to come. If Scratch's people come through they will clean house of a lot of the others. I just can not see her doing "Gatekeeper...you got balls. You and yours are forgiven if you work with me..." I see her killing them all.

Lets say she does get control in the end. She finds out about Fort Irwin. She is going to march her hundredish (Willing to bet less than that after this is over) through the city, across the desert, to attack a Military Base? I don't see the rest of the Colony being up for that. Something else has to happen to keep her a threat after this. She is a threat to Saul, Victor and CJ b/c it is 3 vs 130ish. But 75-100 people vs a Military base? Something else is coming. She will be bite by a Zombie or something. Turn into a Smart One and lead the Zombies to Irwin or something.

+1; what you are saying here makes a lot of sense. Three factions with one being more or less helpless as they have little to know access to guns (Gatekeeper loyalists). But there is a fourth group right now "establishing force" against The Colony - the zeds being led into the facility by Saul and CJ. This could also lead to some kind of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"-situation between the factions ... Who actually knows - or bothers?

As you I don't see Scratch marching against Fort Irwin - at least in the sense of attacking. But after this revolution in The Colony I could imagine something along this line: When dust has settled the few remaining survivors could get into their remaining cars or whatnot and try to get out of LA - not considering the traffic jam on the roads leading out of town though. Also Scratch still does not know where The Tower-folks fled to; so basically the question #1 would be: Does Burt break? Or question #2: Are Victor and Saul going to get imprisoned, tortured and finally broken to reveal the Fort-Irwin-Bail-Out? At the moment it really is hard to tell where all of this going to end; and I hold almost any scenario within the paradigms of WA as valid as any other ...

Well ... Maybe we will have a sole story arc about Mr. Whiskers and Lady showing up and surviving in this town. As voice actor Mr. Simon of "Simon's Cat" would be a good deal, wouldn't he? ;)

All the best!

P.S.: http://www.simonscat.com

Aug 21st, 2012, 05:35 AM
Well this episode has been discussed to death and its only 8AM on a Tuesday. (has it been 24 hours?). So I shall instead turn my comments towards what will happen as a result of this episode.

Clearly Scratch is in scramble mode now, as are Bixby, CJ, Saul and Victor. As we heard CJ tell us the first gate was closed I began to think about where they go from here. There is not exactly time to call a secret meeting of the colonists and ask if they're fed up with the mallers and want to revolt anymore is there?
The only hope for our Tower folk is that Saul and CJ link up with Victor and or Bixby and Gatekeeper to make use of the "Cap-One" Armory Van they have. Even still, it would be 5 on 130. Perhaps there aren't as many Mallonists (forgot who used it first but I love it) armed and ready to fight as we think. It could be that just the Guardians and a few select people are armed. In which case we may have a fair fight to come.

So my thoughts on how the Tower folk make it through this is...race to the Colony's armory and go from there. Scratch will undoubtedly go for Burt and hold him hostage. I want to say that is where we will see the end of both Scratch and Burt; as Burt will go down in a cinematic fashion where he brings Scratch down with him. My only problem with that is Without Durai and without Scratch our story sort of comes to an end. There is no Evil Element, no good v bad, aside from Pinstripes but he seems to be soaking up some rays in Long Beach or something for this season.

If the worst should happen and all of our Hero's are captured by Mallonists I did have another thought. Micheal knows of the Colony and with his new position at Ft. Irwin who knows he may have eyes on the Colony. All this goes down, word goes back to the Ft. that there has been some wild partying and carrying on, fireworks, running with knives, smashing valuables (rip Shirley), and all a sudden Spec Ops drop by to check in on the noise complaint. We now have a Good v Bad scenario again.

Aug 21st, 2012, 07:00 AM
Ok, since we're in prediction mode:

Hope were in for a nice long battle sequence that lasts up until the end of this season (ala 'The War' in season 1). However, I hope Kc has his sound cues down solid... it can be tough to visualize what is happening when all hell is breaking loose

Burt will be freed soon. Probably when they are about to escape and Lizzy will go "Wait! What about Burt?!" (etc)

The Mallony will be overrun by zombies. Got to be, because it doesn't make sense, plot-wise, to have our heroes captured or to have them successfully stage a coup. In either case, the action will stop and the story will essentially be over. But with hordes of Zeds running wild, the whole place will collapse, leaving a small band of survivors to barely make it out of the flames...

Burt will kill Scratch. Probably wishful thinking on my part, but I can't see any point in having Scratch live on beyond this battle. What is she going to do-- hug the underside of the van, Cape-Fear style, and pop out when the group gets back to LA?

Burt will live until the end of the story. I don't care if its not realistic, dammit! Don't kill the old guy! The only way I'll stomach his death is if he goes out like a supreme badass, like dragging Scratch down with him into an active volcano, or something.

Season 4 will be about the hunt for Ink and the source of the contamination. Back to the origins, here, with the escaped Mallony survivors SAT-phoning Michael and getting a team of commandoes to assult the hospital...

Aug 21st, 2012, 07:41 AM
Ok, since we're in prediction mode:

Hope were in for a nice long battle sequence that lasts up until the end of this season (ala 'The War' in season 1). However, I hope Kc has his sound cues down solid... it can be tough to visualize what is happening when all hell is breaking loose

Burt will be freed soon. Probably when they are about to escape and Lizzy will go "Wait! What about Burt?!" (etc)

The Mallony will be overrun by zombies. Got to be, because it doesn't make sense, plot-wise, to have our heroes captured or to have them successfully stage a coup. In either case, the action will stop and the story will essentially be over. But with hordes of Zeds running wild, the whole place will collapse, leaving a small band of survivors to barely make it out of the flames...

Burt will kill Scratch. Probably wishful thinking on my part, but I can't see any point in having Scratch live on beyond this battle. What is she going to do-- hug the underside of the van, Cape-Fear style, and pop out when the group gets back to LA?

Burt will live until the end of the story. I don't care if its not realistic, dammit! Don't kill the old guy! The only way I'll stomach his death is if he goes out like a supreme badass, like dragging Scratch down with him into an active volcano, or something.

Season 4 will be about the hunt for Ink and the source of the contamination. Back to the origins, here, with the escaped Mallony survivors SAT-phoning Michael and getting a team of commandoes to assult the hospital...

How about Lizzie offing Scratch? She has a reason now. Because Scratch, I think it was her voice, was the one who shot Bricks.

Aug 21st, 2012, 07:54 AM
So how would Burt get rescued? Lizzy does not know where Burt is held, only that he is locked up. Bricks knew, but he never told Lizzy, only told her that there were guards and an alarm. Gatekeeper or Bixby might know simply cause they probably have been to that area, but that would mean that Saul/CJ need to hookup with Bixby/Gatekeeper, but Saul/CJ do not know Burt is there, which takes us back to Lizzy. Does she tell Victor, or in her state of shock/excitement/fear/whatever just forget?

Does Gatekeeper/Bixby/Mallonies (plural of Mallony?) make it out of the Colony? They could cram a bunch in the SWAT van and head to the hills. If it were me I think I would grab Lizzy, Burt if possible, and the Sat Phone and Victor, tell Gatekeeper and Bixby they can come if they want to, and head toward the gate in the SWAT van picking up anyone that Gatekeeper or Victor says were good, then leave the rest. I'd haul ass out of dodge and tell CJ we need head to Dunbar, lock that place down, and get the Sat phone fixed.

I don't think that Saul will call in a strike on anyone, I think he will call for evac to get him and his people out of town. On the other hand, I think Saul will find it hard to get back in to Army life when/if he and Lizzy get back to one another. He has fought/searched for months to find her, and I highly doubt if Kimmet tells him his pregnant woman is now being airlifted to Colorado but you have to stay that that is going to go over well with him. Probably go over as well as a fart during Catholic Mass.

Question... All this driving around any idea why they would not have ever put together a small team and headed to like Camp Pendleton, Miramar Air Station, LA Air Force Base, for supplies, vehicle, etc? I for one would have been like "Hey, you do know they have Strikers at Pendelton right?" Just a thought, but the Mallers would have shit their pants had a Striker come through the front gate, rotate the turret toward Scratch/Durai, and Saul pop his head out the hatch and been like "Where's my woman bitch!"

Aug 21st, 2012, 09:12 AM
Anyone else thinking that Saul and CJ have just delivered Scratch's escape vehicle? Bet she'll be less hesitant to ram the gates on her way out!

Dangit! So how many of our heroes can fit into that Shelby Cobra? Lucky for them they, sometimes, come across as clowns.:cool:

Aug 21st, 2012, 09:18 AM
DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just when i thought scratch would ge hers

poor bricks just when we thought we'd found a new ally

alright, so who won the saul baby pool?

Aug 21st, 2012, 09:26 AM
Does she tell Victor, or in her state of shock/excitement/fear/whatever just forget?
Good point. She is going through alot right now. Bricks Death, Pregnancy, Saul, Mr. Whiskers. She may just forget to remember Burt. I doubt it but it is a good point to bring up her state of clusterfuckness.

If it were me I think I would grab Lizzy, Burt if possible, and the Sat Phone and Victor, tell Gatekeeper and Bixby they can come if they want to, and head toward the gate in the SWAT van picking up anyone that Gatekeeper or Victor says were good, then leave the rest. I'd haul ass out of dodge and tell CJ we need head to Dunbar, lock that place down, and get the Sat phone fixed.

I think I'd do the same but im curious as to how much of a resistance they are encountering. Remember they're getting lit up from above by guardians, when they open up the secondary gates they might get shot at from there too. No one has had time to tell the Mallonists that a better option is about to become available. Amongst this chaos 2 new people with fully loaded truck may be seen as a threat more than a rescue.

Question... All this driving around any idea why they would not have ever put together a small team and headed to like Camp Pendleton, Miramar Air Station, LA Air Force Base, for supplies, vehicle, etc? I for one would have been like "Hey, you do know they have Strikers at Pendelton right?" Just a thought, but the Mallers would have shit their pants had a Striker come through the front gate, rotate the turret toward Scratch/Durai, and Saul pop his head out the hatch and been like "Where's my woman bitch!"

If they were to run into those areas now they'd have to clear it first before even thinking of setting up shop and mounting an assault. Not to mention gas and what if things are broke? Datu's long gone now. No one else in California can fix things like he could.

I really cannot wait to see how they get out of this one, its udder chaos in there right now. People are just shooting at anything that moves it seems and we have 7 people inside that we need to make sure come out ok. Safe to say 1 or 2 more people will be scratched off the survivor list next time we return.

Aug 21st, 2012, 09:33 AM
Saul: NOTE TO SELF, No former tower tenants should visit the colony, or all hell will break loose.

Anyway, Can anyone verified that Scarface was Bricks shooter?

Dangit! So how many of our heroes can fit into that Shelby Cobra? Lucky for them they, sometimes, come across as clowns.:cool:

Witch Doctor, stop using the word clown. Clown should never be use in a zombie drama. (Shutter......)

Aug 21st, 2012, 09:36 AM
So, from the sounds of the last 5 minutes or so of the episode it sounds like Scratch and her people were able to take the SWAT vehicle, as well as the guns.

I'm guessing Scratches people just shot the fuck out of the inside of the vehicle and assumed that Saul, CJ, and whoever else was in there were dead. I mean when Saul is barely talking to Lizzy through the radio you hear Scratch in the background say "Get the guns inside!" So I'm thinking CJ and whoever else was in there are dead, Saul is seriously injured, and Scratch just got an armored vehicle and enough guns to arm a small infantry unit.

Aug 21st, 2012, 09:38 AM
So, from the sounds of the last 5 minutes or so of the episode it sounds like Scratch and her people were able to take the SWAT vehicle, as well as the guns.

I'm guessing Scratches people just shot the fuck out of the inside of the vehicle and assumed that Saul, CJ, and whoever else was in there were dead. I mean when Saul is barely talking to Lizzy through the radio you hear Scratch in the background say "Get the guns inside!" So I'm thinking CJ and whoever else was in there are dead, Saul is seriously injured, and Scratch just got an armored vehicle and enough guns to arm a small infantry unit.

I think Scratch was heading to the armory not the van.

CJ is said in the background get the guns in inside.

Aug 21st, 2012, 10:14 AM
So how would Burt get rescued? Lizzy does not know where Burt is held, only that he is locked up. Bricks knew, but he never told Lizzy, only told her that there were guards and an alarm. Gatekeeper or Bixby might know simply cause they probably have been to that area, but that would mean that Saul/CJ need to hookup with Bixby/Gatekeeper, but Saul/CJ do not know Burt is there, which takes us back to Lizzy. Does she tell Victor, or in her state of shock/excitement/fear/whatever just forget?

Yeah, they might forget ol Burt. Saul is like Pavlov's dog. Mention Lizzy's name and he goes all OMG, OMG!!!:omgomg:

Does Gatekeeper/Bixby/Mallonies (plural of Mallony?) make it out of the Colony?....
....I don't think that Saul will call in a strike on anyone, I think he will call for evac to get him and his people out of town. On the other hand, I think Saul will find it hard to get back in to Army life when/if he and Lizzy get back to one another. He has fought/searched for months to find her, and I highly doubt if Kimmet tells him his pregnant woman is now being airlifted to Colorado but you have to stay

I think it depends on the condition of the Mallony after the War II. If it's over-run by Zs then they'll all need shelter. Does CJ have enough blind folds and safe houses for that?

Saul will have to get back to Dunbar so Glenn can fix the Sat phone before he can call Fort Irwin, unless there is another communication device like the SINCGARS mentioned by Glenn when he met Micheal. By the way, couldn't he have mentioned the SINCGARS in the first place?
CJ: "Glenn, Come in. We found the Sat Phone but did you know that there is a SINCGARS here too?"
Glenn; "Ohh hoho yes, I wasn't going to say anything but..."
Does it work? What's its range? Is Irwin operating under radio silence?

If the Colonists recapture the colony from the Mallers then how will they dole out justice to any surviving Mallers? Anybody see a marathon of Green Miles for 26 Mallers?

I would have expected Kimmet to have been in contact with such a large population of survivors if Micheal told him that one existed. He seems so concerned with saving people and recruiting soldiers that he probably couldn't care less about Micheal's 'petty' squabble with the Colony's leadership. I wonder what's going on with that aspect. Micheal keeping secrets? Maybe Micheal learns that Kimmet has a long-lost secret lover named Gate Keeper and decides that if he can't have Pegs then Col. "Key Master" Kimmet can't have Gate Keeper. Can only speculate as to why.

As for Lizzy being separated from Saul at Fort Irwin, remember that she is a medical professional. They would definitely need therapists.

I agree with Litmaster. It looks like we're heading for another set of episodes like the War and Burning Embers.

Aug 21st, 2012, 10:24 AM
Quote Originally Posted by HorrorHiro
So, from the sounds of the last 5 minutes or so of the episode it sounds like Scratch and her people were able to take the SWAT vehicle, as well as the guns.

I'm guessing Scratches people just shot the fuck out of the inside of the vehicle and assumed that Saul, CJ, and whoever else was in there were dead. I mean when Saul is barely talking to Lizzy through the radio you hear Scratch in the background say "Get the guns inside!" So I'm thinking CJ and whoever else was in there are dead, Saul is seriously injured, and Scratch just got an armored vehicle and enough guns to arm a small infantry unit.

I think Scratch was heading to the armory not the van.

CJ is said in the background get the guns in inside.

Yes, Scratch tells others to get to the armory. I couldn't tell who said the part about 'the guns inside' to whom.

Aug 21st, 2012, 10:31 AM
As state before: Saul's chickens are being taken out by Pete and Witch Doctor.

Nom Nom Nom.
Whuh arw eww dwalking abwoup?

Hey I only need the bones.

Aug 21st, 2012, 11:09 AM
The problem with SINCGARS is the security of them and the range. If I am not mistaken they get a different encryption each time they are used, so the chance of them being able to talk to each other with out being synced/on the same encryption/channel is slim. And as for range... 300m - 35km (~ 22miles) depending on the power setting. Ft. Irwin is about 150 miles away, not going to be able to talk to Irwin with that radio.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 21st, 2012, 11:31 AM
Anyway, Can anyone verified that Scarface was Bricks shooter?

If you listen carefully to Bricks' death scene you can hear Scratch yell "Bricks!", then two gunshots. Bricks goes down and you can hear Scratch yelling "Got him!".

Aug 21st, 2012, 11:48 AM
Aw man, I was hoping Saul and Bricks would meet. I was curious to see how that could have played out, but I suppose Scratch got her vengeance. Did she fire the bullet that killed Bricks or did someone else? I think I heard her shout, "Bricks!" and then later she shouted, "We got him!"

Also, is Durai dead for sure? A hunting knife in the chest is a hella serious thing, but people have survived multiple stabbings before, so....there's that.

I'm very pleased that Saul and Lizzy might finally be reunited, BUT Scratch is on the loose, Saul and CJ are in a shitty situation, and it doesn't look like everything is going to turn out peachy. If the Colony members can get to those guns, then things will look hopeful, but fucking Scratch is a force to be reckoned with. I am anxious to see how things turn out.

Aug 21st, 2012, 01:44 PM
Thanks for making me tear up Kc. When Victor tells Lizzie that he was sent by Saul then that whole scene until the end goes down I was tearing up. In our time it has been a year plus since Saul and Lizzie have been together, so it was pretty emotional. As to the gun situation, Scratch tells whomever to get to the guns (in the armory, being that is before the SWAT van gets in the doors), she says to get the guns before the others get them. Clearly there are at least 2 factions in the colony. And at the end it is CJ saying get them the guns. I theorize kind of what Nik theorized on We're Not Dead. Instead of Victor being the "hostage" that gets killed, I think it will be Burt. When Saul and the others are getting ready to leave, Burt will be trotted out by Scratch and slowly killed in front of them Walking Dead style.

Aug 21st, 2012, 01:55 PM
Ok, since we're in prediction mode:

Hope were in for a nice long battle sequence that lasts up until the end of this season (ala 'The War' in season 1). However, I hope Kc has his sound cues down solid... it can be tough to visualize what is happening when all hell is breaking loose

Burt will be freed soon. Probably when they are about to escape and Lizzy will go "Wait! What about Burt?!" (etc)

The Mallony will be overrun by zombies. Got to be, because it doesn't make sense, plot-wise, to have our heroes captured or to have them successfully stage a coup. In either case, the action will stop and the story will essentially be over. But with hordes of Zeds running wild, the whole place will collapse, leaving a small band of survivors to barely make it out of the flames...

Burt will kill Scratch. Probably wishful thinking on my part, but I can't see any point in having Scratch live on beyond this battle. What is she going to do-- hug the underside of the van, Cape-Fear style, and pop out when the group gets back to LA?

Burt will live until the end of the story. I don't care if its not realistic, dammit! Don't kill the old guy! The only way I'll stomach his death is if he goes out like a supreme badass, like dragging Scratch down with him into an active volcano, or something.

Season 4 will be about the hunt for Ink and the source of the contamination. Back to the origins, here, with the escaped Mallony survivors SAT-phoning Michael and getting a team of commandoes to assult the hospital...

I like the last bullet point. I am ready to get back to the contamination and what not. I think we will see a trip to Boulder (all hell being broken loose) There is a reason there has been a lack of creatures, especially Ink, this season. We have 4 more chapters left this season, who knows what will happen.

Aug 21st, 2012, 09:34 PM
I have to say that the music playing after Briggs dies and Bixby or Gate Keeper calls to Victor is awesome. The drums really set the mood. Props to who ever wrote and/or selected it.

At one point, I imagined helicopters flying low towards the colony for some reason. I was, wishfully thinking, that Micheal/Kimmet sent the cavalry.

Big G
Aug 22nd, 2012, 11:26 AM
Here is what I am hoping for upcoming chapters

1) the next chapter will flash back to fort irwin and Kimmet will learn about the colony and send Michael and a team of his choosing on a mission to take over the colony

2) the battle between Scratch & the Mallers vs. Saul & co. will be going bad for Saul and just when it looks like it is all over for team Saul, the cavalry from fort Irwin will arrive and save the day (Two Towers style)

Aug 22nd, 2012, 12:35 PM
If there's a mistake I made in the writing, or you think a plot whole exists, just let me know and who knows, I might be able to patch it, but I'm pretty sure this one's in the clear.

You should write dialogue in Hollywood. I was referring more to the Angel not telling anyone he knew the Mallers but now that I look at it, Angel was killed before he could redeem himself on that fact. Where did his journal end up I wonder? This is great stuff, Kc. Since I found it on Stitcher I have devoured every chapter.

Aug 22nd, 2012, 12:51 PM

Durai and Scratch.

Aug 22nd, 2012, 01:48 PM
Here is what I am hoping for upcoming chapters

1) the next chapter will flash back to fort irwin and Kimmet will learn about the colony and send Michael and a team of his choosing on a mission to take over the colony

2) the battle between Scratch & the Mallers vs. Saul & co. will be going bad for Saul and just when it looks like it is all over for team Saul, the cavalry from fort Irwin will arrive and save the day (Two Towers style)

I do not see Kimmet just letting them go on a mission to the Colony, but here is a reaching theory on how they could. For some reason the Fort has limited Satellite phones. Maybe some got lost due to soldiers dying ( like we saw earlier this season) Michael knows that the Colony has a communications room. Maybe he convinces Kimmet to allow a mission there to retireve communication deivces. Just an idea. I do love the idea of the next chapter being at fort irwin and ending where we are currently at with the colony.

Aug 22nd, 2012, 02:04 PM
Wait I just thought of something, Does Vic know that Angel was there too or will no one from the tower know that Angel was among them?

Aug 22nd, 2012, 02:32 PM
Wait I just thought of something, Does Vic know that Angel was there too or will no one from the tower know that Angel was among them?

Lizzy does...

Aug 22nd, 2012, 02:36 PM
Either the Mallers, the colonists, or the zombies come out on top after the initial firefight. The fight won’t last long as it’s out in the open, between some bldgs., nothing like the battle for the tower. Either way I think this is the end of the colony with whoever surviving getting back to Ft. Irwin...eventually. They still have to get the other sat phone and have Glen make the repairs. Kimmet can be reasoned with and Michael has those skills to convince him of a rescue operation I have no doubt. There is no risk to Ft Irwin to do so except the possible loss of a helicopter (prob a Chinook) and a few soldiers possibly Michael but I doubt it. Guessing some of the soldiers we've already heard from (I'm betting Riley and cpl Puck are included).

Beginning of Chapter 30 Saul’s narration is from his journal which covers from Nov 27 (spotting the Chinook) to sometime in December. I’m sure it’s early December as he mentions early August and it’s been 5 months…so maybe 1-2 weeks into December, when he gets back to the tower with Glen that he makes this entry. This is important because if he’s not around to personally account for this time, then it’s Victor and the journal that we learn of these events. As Michael says around 11:55, “the following was pieced together from various accounts”. I think all of Saul’s scenes include Victor, while Victor does get a solo scene in the water truck leading me to believe that Saul does not make it out of this alive.

As I recall Burts monologue (ch 21, part 3) about still being alive for some purpose, “…maybe, maybe” Burt is still up for something big, and I still think it's to take down Scratch hard. Also in Michaels same monologue (ch 30, part 1) he says “it’s important to understand what happened and how it changed everything”. I think this ultimately is about getting Lizzie back to Ft Irwin with the baby and how important that baby is. If Saul didn't get the sat phone from the dead soldier, Lizzie and baby do not end up back in friendly hands. Like it or not (who liked Angel getting killed, not me), I think we’ll be done with Saul, Scratch, the Mallers, the colony, and maybe a couple more of the good guys, and the birth of a baby (human-zombie hybrid*, normal but immune baby, who knows?) by the end of the season.

*Scratches “he’s fine” comment looking at the ultrasound still has me wondering.

Last time we really heard from Ink was at the hospital with his "army". Human and zombie have to come to a head somehow, and now we have two armies...The humans have, or will have whatever army they can muster from the surviving 150,000 or so to counter it (bring back old tower members that choose to join the fight??), and I think KC being prior service would love to orchestrate a modern battle between humans and zombie (being Season 4).

Aug 22nd, 2012, 03:59 PM
As I think of his monologue about still being alive for some purpose, “…maybe, maybe” (ch 21, part 3) Burt is still up for something big. I still think he’s taking down Scratch hard.

You're the first one who has made me think Burt might actually be the end of Scratch. After her "interrogations" of him, I feel he is justified enough to get the honor. I would still like to see Scratch end up in the hands of the "Arena Biters" being toyed with and tortured just as she has done to so many. Scratch, IMO, is such a devastatingly strong character I would be disappointed to see her exit at this stage. Only someone of similar awesomeness deserves to get over Scratch. Burt is the only acceptable "human" I can think of. Otherwise, only Pinstripes is worthy.

Aug 22nd, 2012, 04:10 PM
You're the first one who has made me think Burt might actually be the end of Scratch. After her "interrogations" of him, I feel he is justified enough to get the honor. I would still like to see Scratch end up in the hands of the "Arena Biters" being toyed with and tortured just as she has done to so many. Scratch, IMO, is such a devastatingly strong character I would be disappointed to see her exit at this stage. Only someone of similar awesomeness deserves to get over Scratch. Burt is the only acceptable "human" I can think of. Otherwise, only Pinstripes is worthy.

Yeah, I was saying this last May:
"I can't see anyone else but Burt taking our Scratch...Riley??? I can't help but think that that is like saying Princess Leah took out Darth Vader...with all due respect, no way, good story telling woulnd't even have Han Solo doing it, no one but Luke is suitable for the deed, just like I feel that with the relationship that these two characters have had, it can only end up being Burt. With his hate as it is for Scratch, hearing about Angel would only fuel his fire, and Burt is a total survivor, fight to his dying breath kind of guy...he's not becoming a turncoat and he's totally taking her out....I don't think it will be anytime soon though as Scratch is a primary protagonist, for the time being. Maybe end of third season (which is actually soon) but some questions or developments will need to happen at the same time, like the introduction, or re-introduction of a new/old protagonist. Maybe bringing Duria back into the immediate picture...end of season 3?"

"I still think that the relationship between the two was done for a reason. Sure she has a background with Angel, but the conflicts with Scratch were mostly with Burt, (first time we meet Scratch at the tanker, fighting in the stairwell) and I think it needs to come to finale. I got $100 pretend dollars for any takers??? I'm stubborn, so I will still say Burt and Scratch take each other out, come on guys, $100 pretend dollars"

"In chapter 23, part 3 of 3. After they escape the hospital with the chopper, Burts monologue goes something like this... "I almost accepted my death for the 3rd time in my life...maybe there was a reason I was still here after all this...maybe....maybe..."
I'm tellin ya, something important with Burt is gonna happen that revolves around the Scratch/Angle/Lizzie story line....something pivotal.
...maybe he's the how that re-unites Lizzie and Saul...maybe at the same time takes out Scratch...maybe sacrifice's himself to make this all happen...maybe...maybe"

Come on KC, don't make me look bad, Burts got some skull fucking to do!

Aug 22nd, 2012, 05:24 PM
What is the story line we've been focused on all season long? Saul and Lizzy. What story line still has to be resolved? Scratch and Lizzy. Burt's story is told. He has one final role to play: sacrifice his broken, tattered body to get saul and lizzy back together.

If we want to talk about storytelling then Burt dying is the only logical outcome to me. Scratch has to live to fulfill her story arc with pegs.

Aug 22nd, 2012, 05:54 PM
I'd be very surprised if Chapter 33 didn't start in The Colony, picking up where we left off in the chaos that is occuring. I feel that Chapter 33 will be a mini-war while C.J., Saul, Lizzy, Victor fight their way to Burt, the sat phone and escape, with the chapter ending with them calling up Michael from Dunbar. Be surprised if events at The Colony outlasted Chapter 33.

Aug 22nd, 2012, 07:18 PM
I imagine an epic scene where Burt has a gun and confronts Scratch. However, a Zombie is approaching and it will get Scratch first. She is begging him to either save her or kill her before it turns her. He waits....then kills the Zombie Scratch.

Lukas A.
Aug 22nd, 2012, 07:28 PM
I only see one way scratch will find out where pegs went... Taking Lizzy hostage. Imagine that, Saul, after all that, he'd definatly spill the beans, also I think Burt would come up behind her during the confrontation and show her what's up...wishful thinking?

Aug 22nd, 2012, 07:44 PM
Well i have in my mind Scratch backed in a corner but having Lizzie and threatening her and baby, Saul getting killed in saving her unsuccesfully but Burt coming through. Gotta be some awesome dialogue here just before he blasts her about still being able to shoot..maybe followed by his last breath....then Riley and some other soldiers finally fly in.

Lukas A.
Aug 22nd, 2012, 07:46 PM
Wow, pessimist...

Aug 22nd, 2012, 11:48 PM

@Robzombie: Impressive work. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas. Rp+1 in a minute.

About the Colony: Yeah, I guess the Colony will end pretty soon. There are too many conflicts within its walls. And if it does not go down, the remaining survivors (Colonists and Mallers alike) will have some hard time to keep up logistics and 'infrastructure' for whatever plan the slavers (aka Scratch) have.
The 'good or better ones' (Lizzy, Saul, CJ, Victor, Burt, Gatekeeper, Bixby - all with a huge questionsmark about their individual survival of the Colony conflicts) still have a base to retreat to - The Other Tower.

Although I have no proof for this, I still don't think that Saul is going down. Looking at his whole-hearted approach towards anything he remains a very important character up until the end of WA, or short before the ending. If he dies 'now' in The Colony, then this would feel wrong - especially with considering what he went through in order to get to Lizzy, which is why I don't think he will end as some kind of a tragic hero ...
Also imagine this: Lizzy must be a bad choice for any guy; because any guy who gets involved with her dies sooner or later ... Todd, Bricks, Saul? :zombie:

All the best!

Aug 23rd, 2012, 06:20 AM
What is the story line we've been focused on all season long? Saul and Lizzy. What story line still has to be resolved? Scratch and Lizzy. Burt's story is told. He has one final role to play: sacrifice his broken, tattered body to get saul and lizzy back together.

If we want to talk about storytelling then Burt dying is the only logical outcome to me. Scratch has to live to fulfill her story arc with pegs.

True, but I like realism. It'd be hilarious to if Scratch never gets her opportunity. As far as I'm concerned, we are done with Pegs, Datu, Kelly, Tanya, and Hope. I don't care if we ever see them again because their plane departing for Boulder was like them riding off into the sunset. They made it. Everyone else still has a job to do. It's just too bad Scratch's job entails someone who is finished. That should be the reality of it.

BUT like you say, from the perspective of story telling, it is still a loose end. I'm sure we'll hear from them again, if only Pegs.

Tales from Valhalla
Aug 23rd, 2012, 06:29 AM
I only see one way scratch will find out where pegs went... Taking Lizzy hostage. Imagine that, Saul, after all that, he'd definatly spill the beans, also I think Burt would come up behind her during the confrontation and show her what's up...wishful thinking?

The way Saul is, he'll just go in guns blazing and shoot Scratch. I don't think he would tell anything because he has no idea where Pegs is.

If Burt shows up during a confrontation and if he's going to fight I just want to know how he'll do that, being sick, almost dead from hunger, without his trigger finger and all. The most reasonable thing would be Lizzie and Victor (or Saul and CJ) carrying him out.

It would be dumb luck, tho', if Scratch carries Burt away.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 06:32 AM
The way Saul is, he'll just go in guns blazing and shoot Scratch. I don't think he would tell anything because he has no idea where Pegs is.

If Burt shows up during a confrontation and if he's going to fight I just want to know how he'll do that, being sick, almost dead from hunger, without his trigger finger and all. The most reasonable thing would be Lizzie and Victor (or Saul and CJ) carrying him out.

It would be dumb luck, tho', if Scratch carries Burt away.

if Burt fights it will be adrenaline, force of will and fists.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 07:13 AM
As far as I'm concerned, we are done with Pegs, Datu, Kelly, Tanya, and Hope. I don't care if we ever see them again because their plane departing for Boulder was like them riding off into the sunset. They made it.

In general I agree with you - with one tiny exception: Tanya. The last time we heard of her, she was 'imprisoned' in Fort Irwin because she was bitten by a half-Zed weeks ago and did not change into a Zed herself ... So maybe, just maybe, and not even unlikely, her medical skills, understanding of Zeds (as well as her personal tragic fate?) will be important sooner or later.

Storywise I would consider Tanya, Saul, Lizzy, and the baby to survive the WA-story, because they are related to each other like no one else in the WA universe and, as it seems, because at least Tanya, Saul, and very likely the baby have something in common the humans can deploy in a medical sense to 'fight' the Zeds ...

(These assumptions base on wishful thinking that Kc may focus on this 'scientific' part of the story ...)

if Burt fights it will be adrenaline, force of will and fists.


All the best!

Aug 23rd, 2012, 07:16 AM
if Burt fights it will be adrenaline, force of will and fists.

Exactly. When Burt was captured many said that he was going to rat out on the rest, I said there's no way he's doing that. He's a badass and he'll use his last dying breath to do what needs to be done, missing finger, can probably barely stand, doesn't matter to this guy. He was barely conscious when he saved Saul from the Radon labs zombie.

I think the true story arc between Scratch and someone else is actually with Burt not Pegs. Pegs has been the motivating factor for Scratch to do some of the things she's done and it helps work out and put together some of the relationships between Durai, Angel, Latch and how that whole family thing works; it's why she tortures Burt in the first place. Burt ("old man") and Scratch ("scarface") is where the real story is IMHO.

But I'll be the first to admit that I could be 100% wrong.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 08:38 AM
Exactly. When Burt was captured many said that he was going to rat out on the rest, I said there's no way he's doing that. He's a badass and he'll use his last dying breath to do what needs to be done, missing finger, can probably barely stand, doesn't matter to this guy.

Ooh Rah!

Aug 23rd, 2012, 10:48 AM
If Burt shows up during a confrontation and if he's going to fight I just want to know how he'll do that, being sick, almost dead from hunger, without his trigger finger and all. The most reasonable thing would be Lizzie and Victor (or Saul and CJ) carrying him out.

Don't forget about Scratch's secret boot knife. That's the irony of it. How did Ahab die? Taken down by his enemy with his own weapon. Pegs will be involved somehow...probably by opening the door and knocking Michael unconscious just as he's about to shoot Scratch in the head, thus fulfilling her role of "making the end of civilization harder than it needs to be." But it must be Burt who goes over Scratch. Only an equally badass "good guy" can take her down or it will just be unfulfilling.

Big G
Aug 23rd, 2012, 02:24 PM
I do not see Kimmet just letting them go on a mission to the Colony, but here is a reaching theory on how they could. For some reason the Fort has limited Satellite phones. Maybe some got lost due to soldiers dying ( like we saw earlier this season) Michael knows that the Colony has a communications room. Maybe he convinces Kimmet to allow a mission there to retireve communication deivces. Just an idea. I do love the idea of the next chapter being at fort irwin and ending where we are currently at with the colony.

I didn't mean to suggest that Kimmet was going to let them go on a mission to the Colony but that it would be Kimmet's idea to go there to establish a base of operations closer to L.A. and have Michael lead the mission because he has experience with the colony.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 05:07 PM
Still think Burt will survive this, he still has a purpose for me, he is where Scratch's fate lies in my opinion, not with Riley. After all Scratch has now put him through, it would be fitting for him to be the one to kill her.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 07:37 PM
I think that michael being Kimmets only M.I. guy that we must assume that there is no way Mikey is going anywhere...yet in his place will be Riley and others. By this time she has her basic training and ready to go on mission.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 09:49 PM
Burt is all angry and pissed off with Scratch cause he is secretly her father. Scratch was concieved during a low point in Burts life when he was out walking, drunk, through the city streets and came across her mother for a quick fling in the back of a panel van. After that he recieved anonymous letters from time to time with pictures of her as she was growing up and watched as she went from good kid to bitter bitch woman. He always kept his distance so as not to interfere with the family cause he knew Scratches "dad" would be pissed off when/if he found out what her mother had an affair with an older man and concieved a baby girl. Burt had virtually lost all contact with the mother over the years, and as the letters and pictures stopped coming in Scratch slipped Burts mind. Years later this outbreak happens and Burts once beautiful "love child" is a bitter, nasty, bitch, and as much as he wanted to tell her the truth things have gotten so bad that he has bottled it all up and realizes that the world would be better off without his "princess".

This will all come out when Burt finally confronts Scratch in the courtyard of the Mallony. Everyone, from the Tower folks to the Mallers, to the original Colony peeps will all stop what they are doing, drop their weapons, and in one simultaneous voice shout out "What the fuck KC? Where the hell did this twist come from?!?"

Just a thought. I'm tired. Going to sleep!


Aug 23rd, 2012, 11:50 PM
You missed some details: <br />
a) Before the confrontation Burt needs to cut of the trigger finger of Scratch. <br />
b) During their final confrontation pinstripe shows up and tries to kill Scratch, because...

Tales from Valhalla
Aug 24th, 2012, 03:52 AM
Ohh and here I was thinking Pinstripe is in love with Burt (&quot;He's soooo manly :love:&quot;). Silly me...

Aug 24th, 2012, 05:16 AM
Ah yes. Death Star #3, a.k.a. The Yet to be Constructed Death Star. And as ALL Death Stars are, this one is fully operational.

Aug 24th, 2012, 06:35 AM
Ah yes. Death Star #3, a.k.a. The Yet to be Constructed Death Star. And as ALL Death Stars are, this one is fully operational.

Naturally. But consider this: It ALREADY IS constructed and rests below Inglewood ...

Aug 24th, 2012, 07:07 AM
In general I agree with you - with one tiny exception: Tanya. The last time we heard of her, she was 'imprisoned' in Fort Irwin because she was bitten by a half-Zed weeks ago and did not change into a Zed herself ... So maybe, just maybe, and not even unlikely, her medical skills, understanding of Zeds (as well as her personal tragic fate?) will be important sooner or later.

Ah! You are totally right. I forgot that Tanya didn't fly off into the sunset with the rest of the gang that was Boulder bound. Kudos!

Aug 24th, 2012, 03:15 PM
After listening to part 3 about 10 times I have to say Blaire was FREAKING awesome. She reduced me to tears.

Aug 25th, 2012, 12:30 PM
After listening to part 3 about 10 times I have to say Blaire was FREAKING awesome. She reduced me to tears.

I thought I was the only one choked up. I haven't seen any posts, besides yours and mine, that talked about people being moved. Granted I have not read every post, but I am pretty confident no one else has mention that. It was very emotional that they finally got to talk to eachother again. Great acting helps too.

Aug 27th, 2012, 07:28 AM
I thought I was the only one choked up. I haven't seen any posts, besides yours and mine, that talked about people being moved. Granted I have not read every post, but I am pretty confident no one else has mention that. It was very emotional that they finally got to talk to eachother again. Great acting helps too.

Nope you weren't, Blaire's deliver of her lines in that last scene killed me. It felt like Lizzy had been only living in the moment with no hope, no sight of the future, she wasn't even attached yet to her baby. The moment she heard he was alive and was looking for her it was like she came fully alive again.

Aug 27th, 2012, 03:46 PM
the more and more I listen to the show, the more I get attached to the characters.. Saul is by far the character I relate most with. every character has grown and that is in part of the actors getting more and more into their roles.

Aug 31st, 2012, 08:42 AM
This is total speculation on my part. I think the military is going to show up at the colony and save the day for the important characters ( Saul, Lizzy, Victor, Bert) <br />
<br />
Michael knows about the...

Aug 31st, 2012, 03:44 PM
Hi there,

Am not so sure about Fort Irwin having an eye on The Colony - especially since Michael and The Colony have a history. When the chopper showed up a few episodes ago, it was way off The Colony; and the chopper-crew made some recon for six days over there - why not in the vicinity of The Colony?
Also considering the situation of Jim Gleason I am not so sure anymore whether we will meet him so soon or more often in the near future.

I expect Saul and Lizzy to join again. About Burt I start feeling and thinking that he is not going to make it. No idea, why I changed my mind on this one. It's just dropping my personal wishes and expecting the more likely thing to happy ...

Well, I am tired. Maybe I should not write too much nonsense ...

All the best!

Sep 2nd, 2012, 01:32 PM
Dangit! So how many of our heroes can fit into that Shelby Cobra? Lucky for them they, sometimes, come across as clowns.:cool:

If Scratch does manage to get away in the van, I predict she will find a way to follow them to Fort Irwin when they do get ahold of Michael. She will pose as a regular survivor and before everyone finds out she's there gets shipped to Boulder. This will put her within sticking distance of Pegs.

Cabbage Patch
Sep 2nd, 2012, 04:00 PM
If Scratch does manage to get away in the van, I predict she will find a way to follow them to Fort Irwin when they do get ahold of Michael. She will pose as a regular survivor and before everyone finds out she's there gets shipped to Boulder. This will put her within sticking distance of Pegs.

So Scratch is planning to "stick it" to Pegs?

Sep 2nd, 2012, 06:45 PM
So Scratch is planning to "stick it" to Pegs?

Damn predictive text. Striking distance of Pegs. :zombie:

Sep 2nd, 2012, 11:53 PM
If Scratch does manage to get away in the van, I predict she will find a way to follow them to Fort Irwin when they do get ahold of Michael. She will pose as a regular survivor and before everyone finds out she's there gets shipped to Boulder. This will put her within sticking distance of Pegs.

First of all: She needs to learn about Fort Irwin. Up until know she has no idea about it. And I still don't see Burt being broken enough to tell her about it.
But I'd like to modify your theory: Scratch gets the van, drives away and leaves enyone else back. In town another military chopper recognizes her and the crew stops her. Now they save her and bring her to Fort Irwin.
What would happen next? If Michael learns who was rescued, he would do anything to make sure that she gets put into custody or something else; then the next question would be what the Colonel would say about it. If the Colonel considers military law the applicable law, how likely Scratch would be death-sentenced for everything she did so far according to the reports of Michael? Or would she be forced to enlist because of her combat skills? And what then? But maybe the Colonel goes all Hippie, love and peace and allows her to get to Boulder as just another civilian. But maybe Michael would never learn anything about the rescue of Scratch, so anything of the above would not happen, and then the story would evolve the way you predicted - Scratch meets Pegs in Boulder .... dundunDUN!

But tbh: It really is hard to predict anything about if and how Scratch and Pegs will or may meet again. Hell, it would even be possible for Scratch to get into the van, leave the city on a different route and just "stumble" over Boulder because Scratch - after all she went through - is such a lucky bitch ...

All the best!

Sep 3rd, 2012, 09:19 AM
I know I'm late on this one but with school and whatnot I haven't been on the forums and I just listened to Ep. 43 of WND and didn't hear anyone mention this at all, am I the only on who heard Saul get shot at around the 15:55-16:00 min mark right before the switch to Vic's POV? I swear I heard a voice say "Guardian over there!" then Saul going "Damnit!" then the gunshot then the transistion to Vic and Lizzy.
I know that he talks to Lizzy on the radio but I assumed he was just wounded.

Sep 3rd, 2012, 09:50 AM
I know I'm late on this one but with school and whatnot I haven't been on the forums and I just listened to Ep. 43 of WND and didn't hear anyone mention this at all, am I the only on who heard Saul get shot at around the 15:55-16:00 min mark right before the switch to Vic's POV? I swear I heard a voice say "Guardian over there!" then Saul going "Damnit!" then the gunshot then the transistion to Vic and Lizzy.
I know that he talks to Lizzy on the radio but I assumed he was just wounded.

Hi there.
Not sure tbh. Listened to the section a couple of times and remain clueless.
Considering that in the next scene Saul and Lizzy communicate via radio a lot later I'd say that - in the worst case - Saul might be not be severely wounded, if wounded at all ...

All the best!

Sep 3rd, 2012, 02:08 PM
Hi there.
Not sure tbh. Listened to the section a couple of times and remain clueless.
Considering that in the next scene Saul and Lizzy communicate via radio a lot later I'd say that - in the worst case - Saul might be not be severely wounded, if wounded at all ...

All the best!

My thought when they were talking was he was wounded but wanted to talk to her.
I figured this while thing was a huge cliffhanger for some upcoming chapter (much like the cliffhangers we had at the tower when Michael took his group south.)

Christopher kitto
Sep 6th, 2012, 07:53 AM
As much as this was a great cliff hanger, I did want to see what was happening with riley and Michael and what's happening in Boulder.

Sep 6th, 2012, 07:57 AM
My thought when they were talking was he was wounded but wanted to talk to her.
I figured this while thing was a huge cliffhanger for some upcoming chapter (much like the cliffhangers we had at the tower when Michael took his group south.)

Ok, I see where you are coming from. And actually I 'like' the idea, but still hold it as kind of unlikely. ;)

Sep 6th, 2012, 11:01 AM
My thinking is that if Saul was wounded in any way that is significant it would have been much more obvious to us, so personally I doubt it. Especially if it were to be used as a cliffhanger and not just something to be read between the lines.

Oct 6th, 2012, 09:05 PM
Burt will live until the end of the story. I don't care if its not realistic, dammit! Don't kill the old guy! The only way I'll stomach his death is if he goes out like a supreme badass, like dragging Scratch down with him into an active volcano, or something.
If Burt drags Scratch into an active volcano, I'll write in KC Wayland for president when I go to vote in November.

Christopher kitto
Oct 25th, 2012, 12:15 AM
Is it just me but when we get back here there's going to be a bloodbath I mean think about it, CJ might try to take out lizzie to stop Saul from meeting up with her but let's say Saul finds out and try's to kill CJ but then he gets knifed by scratch and then burt shoots scratch, only to get killed by a gang of mailers and then CJ bails on everyone. Leaving almost all the non mailers screwed.

Oct 25th, 2012, 05:36 AM
A la the ending of The Departed ? haha hated the ending of that movie.

Mar 13th, 2013, 11:18 AM
Just like to say I think Briggs' death during the maller civil war was one of the best moments of the series. It brought his tail of redemption full circle.