View Full Version : Lizzy Having Angel's Baby?

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:00 PM
This was my initial theory when I heard that Lizzy was pregnant. Saul found out and didn't know if it was his, you would think he would know. Scratch obviously is attached to the baby and said it would not be used against Lizzy. We also know that Angel was part of this notorious Bloodline and Scratch killed him. So I think to prevent herself from being punished by the family, she had Lizzy be a surrogate mother to Angel's baby. It would be scratch's bargaining chip against the family. I don't recall Lizzy ever mentioning whose baby it was and so I think she agreed to be a surrogate mother for her life.

It is kind of a reach, but if anyone knows anything to disprove my theory I'd love to hear it.

Aug 7th, 2012, 04:02 AM
Saul believes Lizzy was raped after he found he torn skirt, vomit and blood in the furniture store. That's why he wouldn't know if the baby was his.

Aug 7th, 2012, 04:07 AM
This was my initial theory when I heard that Lizzy was pregnant. Saul found out and didn't know if it was his, you would think he would know. Scratch obviously is attached to the baby and said it would not be used against Lizzy. We also know that Angel was part of this notorious Bloodline and Scratch killed him. So I think to prevent herself from being punished by the family, she had Lizzy be a surrogate mother to Angel's baby. It would be scratch's bargaining chip against the family. I don't recall Lizzy ever mentioning whose baby it was and so I think she agreed to be a surrogate mother for her life.

It is kind of a reach, but if anyone knows anything to disprove my theory I'd love to hear it.

She was pregnant before the mailers picked her up?

Aug 7th, 2012, 04:47 AM
The fact that Lizzie couldn't seem to stop throwing up, makes me think she was pregnant when she got picked by the mallers.

Aug 7th, 2012, 06:40 AM
Hi there.

1. Angel and Scratch are not necessarily bound by bloodline; I regarded this special ring connecting "family members" maybe like a membership-device or something, a symbol like rings in weddings. So far I did not consider that ownership of such a ring would necessarily require the members to share the same bloodline. But I may be wrong.

2. I don't understand this? Whose baby do you consider being the child of Angel's? Lizzy's???

So I think to prevent herself from being punished by the family, she had Lizzy be a surrogate mother to Angel's baby.

3. From what I recollect Lizzy started throwing up at about the same time she was caught by the Mallers; maybe she started in The Tower already, but that would have slipped my attention so far. Although I did not consider this being an indication for her being pregnant; but looking at the big picture this makes sense. Therefore her baby is also the one of either Saul's or Todd's. So why would this child be considered kind of a surrogate for anything regarding "the family"?

All the best!

Aug 7th, 2012, 07:22 AM
Hi there.

2. I don't understand this? Whose baby do you consider being the child of Angel's? Lizzy's???

3. From what I recollect Lizzy started throwing up at about the same time she was caught by the Mallers; maybe she started in The Tower already, but that would have slipped my attention so far. Although I did not consider this being an indication for her being pregnant; but looking at the big picture this makes sense. Therefore her baby is also the one of either Saul's or Todd's. So why would this child be considered kind of a surrogate for anything regarding "the family"?

All the best!

2. The writer is the new winner of my tin foil hat award. The initial post is so left field I give the writer rep for having the balls to post it. Mulder and Skully would even consider this theory a bit out there.

3. She was kicked out of the tower for falling asleep on watch she was nauseous as well and ignoring all of it as she blamed her condition on caring for Saul ....she was right her condition was Sauls fault ultimately in the end. The signs and symptoms of pregnancy are varried but one of the most common are a raging case of the sleepies the second most common is vomiting . My money is this baby is Saul's. She's not far along enough for it to be Todds I think.

Aug 7th, 2012, 07:35 AM

@Yarri: thank you for explaining the situation. Since I am a male and yet not a (becoming) father, I really did not realize Lizzy's situation in the beginning, although I actually know these symptoms. And yes, with your clarification it only remains a question, whether Saul or Todd is the father. How soon would the symptoms start? Considering the time went by: in May things started to go crazy, and at the end of July Lizzy left The Tower; if Todd is the father Lizzy would be way into the third, if not fourth month of pregnancy, right? Afaik the unborn child would be very small. Right now we are in December, so Lizzy would be next to if not in the third trimester, if Todd is the father. But the more I think of it and considering the estimate of second trimester in front of Saul, it is more likely that Saul is the father ...
Well interesting. Really something to chew on. Thank you, KC!

All the best!