View Full Version : Chapter 32 part 1 Captive Hearts

Aug 6th, 2012, 03:59 AM
Don't have the chapter title this time. But welcome back to the week to week release schedule!

Aug 6th, 2012, 04:13 AM
Oh I can't wait!!!!!

Aug 6th, 2012, 04:31 AM
oh goodie! this is will the first time in months that I may actually get to listen to it the afternoon it comes out. (that's a knock on my work schedule, not on KC)

Aug 6th, 2012, 05:13 AM
*scratches at his 'puter-screen*

Aug 6th, 2012, 06:48 AM
don't have the chapter title this time. But welcome back to the week to week release schedule!

captive hearts?

Aug 6th, 2012, 08:24 AM
How much longer before release?

Aug 6th, 2012, 08:25 AM
captive hearts?

Witch_Doctor is right, captive hearts. Thank goodness for the WA facebook page.
*cough* voodoo lounge *cough*

I kid, I kid.

Aug 6th, 2012, 08:28 AM
^ he he he he

Aug 6th, 2012, 08:32 AM
Alright 8:30 am time to start refreshing!

Aug 6th, 2012, 08:32 AM
To listen now or listen after the chapter is complete? I think I've built up some tollerance to the long breaks but should I wait? Has anyone else tried this? This would mean avoiding the forum too but I have not built a tollerance to avoiding you guys. I love y'all as much as the show itself.

Aug 6th, 2012, 08:42 AM
It's out! Listening now....

Aug 6th, 2012, 08:49 AM
=D It's heading the way I thought. And Great twist!!!! :)

Aug 6th, 2012, 09:02 AM
I so expected Bricks to take a round to the chest or a knife to the face when he left Lizzy's room. The music had me thinking "Holy shit.. someone is about to get whacked!"

Argh!!! Why did it end like that? Now the long wait till the next episode begins.

Aug 6th, 2012, 09:17 AM
(In the best way possible)......


Aug 6th, 2012, 09:19 AM
(In the best way possible)......


I do what I can. ;)

Aug 6th, 2012, 09:20 AM
I do what I can. ;)

Yup. See below.

KC, does Z Sniper owe you money or something?

Aug 6th, 2012, 09:27 AM
I just hope Victor doesn't contract some funky disease from being in the sewer water. That's nasty. But I don't think Victor is "busted" in a bad way, I think the water boy is going to be onboard. He didn't forcefully tell him to get out, he seemed ok with him being in there.

Aug 6th, 2012, 09:29 AM
I just hope Victor doesn't contract some funky disease from being in the sewer water. That's nasty. But I don't think Victor is "busted" in a bad way, I think the water boy is going to be onboard. He didn't forcefully tell him to get out, he seemed ok with him being in there.

But no one has been using the sewer. Remember since civ. has stop the water should have clean up a bit.

Aug 6th, 2012, 09:48 AM
holy crap, sauls chicken died. WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!!!!!!! i'd bet my lunch money the chicken foreshadows something happening with glenn and pete.


Aug 6th, 2012, 09:55 AM
Sweet, thrilled to hear The Cleansed made it into the front-end of this week's Chapter. If you're looking for something to occupy you until next week, we got lots of listening http://thecleansed.com/ (or straight to RSS) http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheCleansed

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:00 AM
holy crap, sauls chicken died. WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!!!!!!! i'd bet my lunch money the chicken foreshadows something happening with glenn and pete.


Yup, it foreshadow they are having chicken for dinner tonight.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:00 AM
Sweet, thrilled to hear The Cleansed made it into the front-end of this week's Chapter. If you're looking for something to occupy you until next week, we got lots of listening http://thecleansed.com/ (or straight to RSS) http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheCleansed

Support our sponsors! Go go go! :)

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:05 AM
Just an fyi... there is a small glitch I just got reported to me. "I don't know if this is intentional but there is an exact repeat of Victor's line at 11:16. It repeats at 11:46, but CJ's line after is different. Am I hearing things? :)" --- I'll fix that. File must have relinked before the last bounce. Not a HUGE thing, but I'll get it fixed.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:14 AM
So is that Bixby that is on water detail? It sounds like our old shovel face. I don't think he has bad intentions. I'm not quite sure when he figured out someone was in the water tank. Me thinks when the guy inspecting the truck noticed the latch was open. Anyway, I hope he doesn't rat on Victor but rather I don't know if he is sympathetic to the cause. "Hello Victor, tell me where your pal Michael is. I haven't been able to chew my food since he took a shovel to my face and I'd like to return the favor."

Lizzy and Bricks getting Scratch ousted would be amazing! I really do hope Bricks gets the opportunity to show Durai the video tape. I picture Scratch going all Starscream and fleeing the Mallony under a hail of gunfire. They could have a bad ass little OK Corral type shoot out that results in Scratch going rogue, on a mission to find Peggs. (This will be how the WA story ends, several years down the line, Pegs opens the door to her happy home in Boulder to see Scratch in the doorway, sporting a knife and a twisted smile)

Very good episode. Lots to digest here. ^w^

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:18 AM
I got a little scared when I read the episode description on iTunes: "The Execution" I was worried we might be about to hear the last of Burt. Then I realized the description for 31-3 was "The Plan." It still added a bit of extra tension though.

As for the actual episode. I just knew it when they kept talking about sealing the hatch that Victor was going to get sealed in. But I did not expect the end. What is this truck driver guy up to? Did he just see Victor slipping into the tank and recognize him?
Ahh it feels good to have new episodes again! The wait felt like forever!

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:21 AM
I got a little scared when I read the episode description on iTunes: "The Execution" I was worried we might be about to hear the last of Burt. Then I realized the description for 31-3 was "The Plan." It still added a bit of extra tension though.

As for the actual episode. I just knew it when they kept talking about sealing the hatch that Victor was going to get sealed in. But I did not expect the end. What is this truck driver guy up to? Did he just see Victor slipping into the tank and recognize him?
Ahh it feels good to have new episodes again! The wait felt like forever!

I though it was the guy check the truck not the driver. He told the driver to leave right?

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:23 AM
I though it was the guy check the truck not the driver. He told the driver to leave right?

Actually, I think that was the driver telling the guy who was going to work the water pump to leave. Also, I suspect the driver was Bixby, aka shovel face. I'm checking the cast and crew thingy now.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:23 AM
I though it was the guy check the truck not the driver. He told the driver to leave right?
Oh crap, you might be right. I'm all confused about who was who in the section...time for another listen.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:23 AM
As for the actual episode. I just knew it when they kept talking about sealing the hatch that Victor was going to get sealed in. But I did not expect the end. What is this truck driver guy up to? Did he just see Victor slipping into the tank and recognize him?

It wasn't the truck driver that knew Victor was in the tank though. It was the guy that relieved the truck driver and told th truck driver to go get dinner.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:26 AM
After a relisten I think it might have been the truck driver telling the other guy on duty to go eat. ARGH!

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:30 AM
After a relisten I think it might have been the truck driver telling the other guy on duty to go eat. ARGH!

I agree. Listen to his voice. Same as the truck drivers.
BTW, whomever voiced the truck driver didn't get his name in the credits, but I'm pretty sure it was Bixby, Carl Schwaber.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:33 AM
I agree. Listen to his voice. Same as the truck drivers.
BTW, whomever voiced the truck driver didn't get his name in the credits, but I'm pretty sure it was Bixby, Carl Schwaber.

KC, probably doesn't want it spoil.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:34 AM
Ok it sounds to me like it was the truck driver (the one that sounds like Bixby) that found Victor. The guy he told to go eat sounded like some new third guy who hadn't talked before.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Ok it sounds to me like it was the truck driver (the one that sounds like Bixby) that found Victor. The guy he told to go eat sounded like some new third guy who hadn't talked before.

Yea, I re-listen too and sound like the Driver.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:39 AM
How Dare Youuuuuuuuu KC!!???!!!!

You killed off a chicken!!!!
The only way to make this right is by bringing Mr Whiskers back as the chicken killer.

I'm just sayin'

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:39 AM
i think it was the driver who told the other guy to leave..voice sounds the same from the station on the radio and actually back within the colony (i refuse to say mallony). it does in fact sound like shovelface. thats a fairly memorable voice so...yea

is anyone else noticing the parallels between the saul/cj relationship and the lizzie/bricks? both seem right on the cusp of having something but theres that one thing keeping them from making it happen...i dunno liz/bricks scene felt very....uh...personal. to me at least. ill be interested to hear how the rest of the story plays out now that vic is in the colony and saul/cj are left alone....we have yet to really see that yet.

all in all, fantastic episode...i felt like this one was very, very strong.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:44 AM
... (i refuse to say mallony)

You know you want to.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:46 AM
You know you want to.

Mrs. Owl says I cant...blame her

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:49 AM
Mrs. Owl says I cant...blame her

I think the world would be a better place if we all listened to Mrs Owl.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:50 AM
Kudos to Lizzy for realizing that Scratch killing Angel was a no-no since they were both part of the family. I can't believe I never gave that a second thought. And kudos to Bricks for keeping the tape. He wants to rebel. He isn't happy being a Maller. As a shrink, Lizzy needs to exploit that.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:55 AM
i think it was the driver who told the other guy to leave..voice sounds the same from the station on the radio and actually back within the colony (i refuse to say mallony). it does in fact sound like shovelface. thats a fairly memorable voice so...yea

is anyone else noticing the parallels between the saul/cj relationship and the lizzie/bricks? both seem right on the cusp of having something but theres that one thing keeping them from making it happen...i dunno liz/bricks scene felt very....uh...personal. to me at least. ill be interested to hear how the rest of the story plays out now that vic is in the colony and saul/cj are left alone....we have yet to really see that yet.

all in all, fantastic episode...i felt like this one was very, very strong.

Yeah it does feel like there's something going on between Bricks and Lizzy. Also I found it interesting the way she kept asking him what happened with the blood on his clothes. Kinda like this isn't the first time he's come back with blood on him. I think we're getting some more insight on Brick's character: he might be the type of guy who's normally nice and gentle but then goes batshit crazy every now and then and rips someone apart in a fit of rage....maybe he's a HULK!

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:55 AM
Kudos to Lizzy for realizing that Scratch killing Angel was a no-no since they were both part of the family. I can't believe I never gave that a second thought. And kudos to Bricks for keeping the tape. He wants to rebel. He isn't happy being a Maller. As a shrink, Lizzy needs to exploit that.

I think there was an argument about this in an earlier trend. Think it concluded that was a mercy kill by some on the forum.

Aug 6th, 2012, 10:56 AM

About Scratch: She is too important. Maybe she gets into some trouble; but if something happens to here disadvantage, then the impact will be very low. I hold it as more likely that she will deceive herself out of her situation or that she will end up producing dead bodies, like she often does. She is ruthless and crazy enough.
Why she is important? Because she is the only generally powerful and real antagonist of "The Tower folk"; my impression about other Mallers is that they are less connected to "The Tower"; and even the gatekepper still has no impact on this whole thing. Surprise in the box? Maybe, but unlikely, because he is the antagonist only of Michael, Pegs and Kelly.

About Victor's situation ... It is the truck-driver. And he is up to something. Maybe he is not satisfied with how things changed ever since Marcus was thrown over.

Yeah, Mr. Whiskers needs to return ... And even if it is at the cost of chickens.

About the parallel Saul/ CJ and Lizzy/ Briggs ... Yeah, I agree.

Awesome episode.

All the best!

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:01 AM

About Scratch: She is too important. Maybe she gets into some trouble; but if something happens to here disadvantage, then the impact will be very low. I hold it as more likely that she will deceive herself out of her situation or that she will end up producing dead bodies, like she often does. She is ruthless and crazy enough.
Why she is important? Because she is the only generally powerful and real antagonist of "The Tower folk"; my impression about other Mallers is that they are less connected to "The Tower"; and even the gatekepper still has no impact on this whole thing. Surprise in the box? Maybe, but unlikely, because he is the antagonist only of Michael, Pegs and Kelly.

About Victor's situation ... It is the truck-driver. And he is up to something. Maybe he is not satisfied with how things changed ever since Marcus was thrown over.

Yeah, Mr. Whiskers needs to return ... And even if it is at the cost of chickens.

About the parallel Saul/ CJ and Lizzy/ Briggs ... Yeah, I agree.

Awesome episode.

All the best!

"Yeah, Mr. Whiskers needs to return ... And even if it is at the cost of chickens." Sorry it isn't Mr. Whisker, it was Greg, we all know he loves chicken wings.

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:05 AM
Hi there.

"Yeah, Mr. Whiskers needs to return ... And even if it is at the cost of chickens." Sorry it isn't Mr. Whisker, it was Greg, we all know he loves chicken wings.

I referred to and supported this posting by connecting Mr. Whiskers and chickens ...

The only way to make this right is by bringing Mr Whiskers back as the chicken killer.

Sorry, if I confused you. ;)

All the best!

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:14 AM
Hi there.

I referred to and supported this posting by connecting Mr. Whiskers and chickens ...

Sorry, if I confused you. ;)

All the best!

I got what you meant, just said that Pete was killer. :)

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:17 AM
Hi there,

I got what you meant, just said that Pete was killer. :)

my bad. English is not my first language ... :(
I here you, and now I agree with you. Chicken-killer-Pete is on the run...

All the best!

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:20 AM
I got what you meant, just said that Pete was killer. :)

Well, Mr Whiskers surely must avenge the chicken's death.

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:55 AM
It is indeed the driver who tells Victor to come out of the truck. There are three people who speak.
1) The driver talks to the guardian at the gate.
2) The guardian tells the driver to undress while he examines the truck. The truck driver protests that he may miss dinner.
3) The truck driver, after disrobing, says to the guardian, "See, you happy now?" Probably lifting up his ball sack to spite the guardian.
4) Same voice that protests about the weapon, the strip search and being late for dinner is the same that tells the getting-off-early guy to go to dinner before he changes his mind.
5) Same voice tells Victor to come out.
6) Yes, does sound like Bixby

The driver is unarmed. He gave his weapon to the guardian. UNLESS he took one from the getting-off-early guy. I under the impression that the getting-off-early guy is really another guard. Victor says that when the truck is parked near the garden that he can slip out during the changing of the guard. If this is the case then he may have access to the guard's gun or taser.

We now know how the colony is able to water the garden AND the whereabouts of the truck gate. Victor was not able to tell MPK about these at the Colony.

Bixby was a friend of Gatekeeper so he might be pissed with the Maller take-over. Who is the contact that Victor mentions? Sounds like he said 'Clean.' Anyone remember that name?

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:57 AM
Bixby was a friend of Gatekeeper so he might be pissed with the Maller take-over. Who is the contact that Victor mentions? Sounds like he said 'Clean.' Anyone remember that name?

Aug 6th, 2012, 12:03 PM
It is indeed the driver who tells Victor to come out of the truck. There are three people who speak.
1) The driver talks to the guardian at the gate.
2) The guardian tells the driver to undress while he examines the truck. The truck driver protests that he may miss dinner.
3) The truck driver, after disrobing, says to the guardian, "See, you happy now?" Probably lifting up his ball sack to spite the guardian.
4) Same voice that protests about the weapon, the strip search and being late for dinner is the same that tells the getting-off-early guy to go to dinner before he changes his mind.
5) Same voice tells Victor to come out.
6) Yes, does sound like Bixby

The driver is unarmed. He gave his weapon to the guardian. UNLESS he took one from the getting-off-early guy. I under the impression that the getting-off-early guy is really another guard. Victor says that when the truck is parked near the garden that he can slip out during the changing of the guard. If this is the case then he may have access to the guard's gun or taser.

We now know how the colony is able to water the garden AND the whereabouts of the truck gate. Victor was not able to tell MPK about these at the Colony.

Bixby was a friend of Gatekeeper so he might be pissed with the Maller take-over. Who is the contact that Victor mentions? Sounds like he said 'Clean.' Anyone remember that name?

Sound right, the odd part is that he could order a guard to leave his post so easily? Sound more and more like Bixby. I don't think he would have a weapon inside the colony if he just the gardener/water truck driver.

Secondly, Witch_Doctor where were you when the chicken died?

Aug 6th, 2012, 12:08 PM
So what was it that Glenn set up so they could use the walkie talkies? Did he set up a signal booster so they can just continue running the police band frequency radios? I'm wondering if there is any chance at all that their radio transmissions could have been intercepted.

Aug 6th, 2012, 12:22 PM
Is it my imagination, or does Victor seem to be making alot of noise in that tank? I've never personally been inside of one myself, but I would think he might be echoing or something. I just wonder if his noises alerted the driver. It did seem the driver wanted to keep his weapon. I'm thinking he doesnt know who is inside. He's probably wondering WHY anyone would want to sneak in.. cause everyone else wants out. I wonder if its possible that when Glenn, got the radio working he might have contacted someone in the colony? Maybe the driver?

Cabbage Patch
Aug 6th, 2012, 12:43 PM
So what was it that Glenn set up so they could use the walkie talkies? Did he set up a signal booster so they can just continue running the police band frequency radios? I'm wondering if there is any chance at all that their radio transmissions could have been intercepted.

I'm pretty sure he was setting up repeaters to extend the existing police-band radio network.

Aug 6th, 2012, 01:23 PM
Sound right, the odd part is that he could order a guard to leave his post so easily? Sound more and more like Bixby. I don't think he would have a weapon inside the colony if he just the gardener/water truck driver.

Secondly, Witch_Doctor where were you when the chicken dies?

Uh... well... see what happened was....O_o

Aug 6th, 2012, 01:55 PM
I'm just throwing this out there for later on when the shitstorm starts.

Bricks also knew Sean.


Big G
Aug 6th, 2012, 02:13 PM
I think that Bixby saying that "I know you're out there" is a red herring and he is probably talking to somebody else or possibly a rat or animal

Aug 6th, 2012, 02:20 PM
I think that Bixby saying that "I know you're out there" is a red herring and he is probably talking to somebody else or possibly a rat or animal

Hmmm. That actually seems plausible. But in this case I'm less inclined to think so. The way he was walking on the tank seemed all slow and deliberate. Plus, didn't he say "I know you're in there" not 'out there'? I think that means he knows that someone is inside the tank.

Aug 6th, 2012, 02:20 PM
I think that Bixby saying that "I know you're out there" is a red herring and he is probably talking to somebody else or possibly a rat or animal

The exact word, "Alright clown, I know you are in there." He know someone in the tanker making noise. Or zombie clown have made a appearance... (shudder)

Aug 6th, 2012, 02:28 PM
For anyone wondering, the glitch at 11:16 was fixed. You can redownload it for the fix. Many of you may not notice, but it's much better now :)

Aug 6th, 2012, 03:06 PM
Kinda surprised by this episode, I thought surely the story would jump to Ft. Irwin or Boulder.
Poor Dr. Jason, didn't even die a heroic death, just Scratch being a bitch.

Yeah, Mr. Whiskers needs to return ... And even if it is at the cost of chickens.
Mr. Whiskers will come at the colony, guns blazing, like Chuck Norris in Missing in Action to rescue the POWs.

Sound right, the odd part is that he could order a guard to leave his post so easily? Sound more and more like Bixby. I don't think he would have a weapon inside the colony if he just the gardener/water truck driver.If you remember, Bixby earned the nickname shovel-face because he zapped Pegs with a stun gun. Assuming the Mallers left him as supervisor over the workers, he probably still has the stun gun.

For anyone wondering, the glitch at 11:16 was fixed. You can redownload it for the fix. Many of you may not notice, but it's much better now :)
Too late, I already have the rare error version. lol

Aug 6th, 2012, 03:10 PM
Too late, I already have the rare error version. lol

NO! The series is forever tarnished in your library... Delete! Delete!

But seriously, I don't think some people even noticed.

Aug 6th, 2012, 03:18 PM
I often wait until a chapter is complete and listen to it as a whole. Now that I am on the forum though I don't think that I'll be doing it as much. I did do it with the last chapter though and it did seem to make it flow much better. It all depends on what kind of a cliff hanger they ended the previous chapter with really.

Aug 6th, 2012, 03:21 PM
NO! The series is forever tarnished in your library... Delete! Delete!

But seriously, I don't think some people even noticed.
Yeah, I didn't notice until I read your post. Caught it when I went back and re-listened to that part. Listening to the corrected version now.

Aug 6th, 2012, 03:40 PM
I noticed the glitch and thought "well that's strange...seems an odd way to respond...."

And that was definitely Bixby.

Aug 6th, 2012, 04:40 PM
I was thinking the same thing with Glenn contacting someone. <br />
<br />
At 12:11 Victor says the water guys name is Max or something. He know's him, but not sure if he could trust him. Victor talks about...

Aug 6th, 2012, 05:27 PM
I think the driver (Bixby, if we are now presuming it's him) is a bit cautious over Victor (I don't think he knows who it is at this point), but I feel he is probably a bit dissilusioned with life under the Mallers so he didn't immediately go to Scratch/Durai/Whoever to report them and get them dealt with. I feel Bixby thinks he could use the unknown person (Victor) to help against The Mallers as it's a bit weird for them to be sneaking in to The Colony when it is in this situation unless they are chasing down the Mallers (Maybe he knows about the Tower people and The Mallers history?)

Aug 6th, 2012, 05:37 PM
I think the driver (Bixby, if we are now presuming it's him) is a bit cautious over Victor (I don't think he knows who it is at this point), but I feel he is probably a bit dissilusioned with life under the Mallers so he didn't immediately go to Scratch/Durai/Whoever to report them and get them dealt with. I feel Bixby thinks he could use the unknown person (Victor) to help against The Mallers as it's a bit weird for them to be sneaking in to The Colony when it is in this situation unless they are chasing down the Mallers (Maybe he knows about the Tower people and The Mallers history?)

Know, I think they have form a we hate Michael club. Since Michael mess them up too.

Aug 6th, 2012, 06:03 PM
Witch_Doctor is right, captive hearts. Thank goodness for the WA facebook page.
*cough* voodoo lounge *cough*

I kid, I kid.

The only thing I will say in my defense is my baby was screaming from 5pm until 5am yesterday. I was slightly comatose this morning when I made this thread.

But beyond that, yeah....I shoulda checked there first.

Aug 6th, 2012, 06:05 PM
Whatever happens..one simple fact is pretty clear, Saul and Vic are screwed when it comes to the after-effects of "the lie"...why would I say that?

-shovelface knows who killed Sean. Hell, for all we know he could have been the one who arranged it. Now it is a bit early to start thinking Bixby is an "inside man"...but, stranger things have happened...

-bricks. This is going entirely on a hunch...but I'm of the mind at this point that IF Sean was a prison guard (and in my mind he can be nothing else) bricks most likely will know him by description..it really is shaping up like liz/bricks will be leaving together..i just can't see how this question could not come up post rescue/revolt/revolution/#vicsabadass...

-Lizzie. She has essentially had her freedom to move about the colony since they came there. Granted, she came in a few days after durai and his group arrived...but during her time there she never saw or heard anything of the name "Sean"

that's it for now

Aug 6th, 2012, 07:06 PM
The only thing I will say in my defense is my baby was screaming from 5pm until 5am yesterday. I was slightly comatose this morning when I made this thread.

But beyond that, yeah....I shoulda checked there first.

I tease.

Aug 6th, 2012, 07:13 PM
:mad: Why not loading episode compudder? Why so evil?!

Aug 6th, 2012, 09:10 PM
Is it just me or is this chapter title just a little too on the nose?

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:44 PM
Is it just me or is this chapter title just a little too on the nose?

It's just the voices in your head.

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:47 PM
NO! The series is forever tarnished in your library... Delete! Delete!

Are you kidding me this and "Memorial Park" are the closest to catching you in goof.

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:50 PM
Yeah, I didn't notice until I read your post. Caught it when I went back and re-listened to that part. Listening to the corrected version now.

If anyone watches HBO's "The Newsroom" the glitch reminded me of last nights episode, with Will repeating every thing he said.

Aug 6th, 2012, 11:59 PM
The exact word, "Alright clown, I know you are in there." He know someone in the tanker making noise. Or zombie clown have made a appearance... (shudder)
Actually while he was in the tank and I thought he was gonna...die...(because KC is hacking them off right and left-sorry burt) I thought what if they had a big pipe to get the tank water and he sucked up a zombie.

Translation: Victor gets ate/drowns in the tank with a river zombie.

Aug 7th, 2012, 01:33 AM

And that was definitely Bixby.

Yeah; having compared chapters #19 and part 1 of #31 I come to the same conclusion - it seems to be the same lightly throaty and light voice. Bixby it is ...

All the best!

Aug 7th, 2012, 03:38 AM
I was too late ... I thought I would have downloaded the original version with the double-featured sentence of Victor, which would make it the ultra-rare collector's edition version ... But I just recognized and realized: I was too late. My first download already was the new version ... Or was there no change after all? :()

Sorry, went slightly off-topic, I guess. Also: I have both versions ... ;)

All the best!

Aug 7th, 2012, 07:20 AM
The only thing I will say in my defense is my baby was screaming from 5pm until 5am yesterday. I was slightly comatose this morning when I made this thread.

But beyond that, yeah....I shoulda checked there first.

No worries. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I was surprised to see the title on Facebook.

Aug 7th, 2012, 07:39 AM
The exact word, "Alright clown, I know you are in there." He know someone in the tanker making noise. Or zombie clown have made a appearance... (shudder)

:D Ha Ha. I wonder if there is a thread for misheard dialouge. He says, "Alright come on out, I know you're in there."
First Puck 'saying' "I've worked the ketchup on." Then he tells Michael that Tanya was bitten in the "Forum." Now this. :cool:

Aug 7th, 2012, 09:32 AM
I mentioned in the 31-3 thread my theory of a water container Trojan Horse as a joke. Turns out I was more or less right. Victory dance!!

Yes I actually got up and danced just now.

One of the colony guys sounded like Bigsby to me but it was indistinct so I am not putting money on it. I want to meet shovelface again and hear more blunt force trauma. For some reason I feel the guy who talked to Victor at the end is on his side. He sent the other one away, which I don't see if he was just going to kill Victor.

Superb sound effects on Victor in the tanker btw, I was really impressed. As for Lizzie and Bricks I like how he wants to tell her things but can't do it directly. He just happens to make an awkward situation so he "has" to tell her now. Yeah Bricks is a lot smarter than everyone thought. I think he hides his wits behind "BRICKS SMASH!"

Durai won't kill Scratch. If Scratch is confronted by it, she will just kill Durai and officially take over. Or she argues it was a mercy killing for Angel's suffering

Aug 7th, 2012, 09:40 AM
Hi there,

One of the colony guys sounded like Bigsby to me but it was indistinct so I am not putting money on it. I want to meet shovelface again and hear more blunt force trauma. For some reason I feel the guy who talked to Victor at the end is on his side. He sent the other one away, which I don't see if he was just going to kill Victor.

Since names confuse me a lot ... Bixby/ Biggsby is shovelface. I really need to stay focussed with th so many names around. So if your guess is write and the guy on the truck is Bixby, then you listen to shovel-face. ;)

Superb sound effects on Victor in the tanker btw, I was really impressed.

Yep. Same here. But considering the way these things are built I really wonder how much noise gets to the outside - especially if you curse at the tank cap being closed shut ...

Durai won't kill Scratch. If Scratch is confronted by it, she will just kill Durai and officially take over. Or she argues it was a mercy killing for Angel's suffering

Yeah, I see this, too, that Angel would kill Durai as an attempt to cover her deeds. As for shooting Angel because of mercy ... Well, I bet the tape reveals other things, wouldn't it?

All the best!

Aug 7th, 2012, 10:25 AM
Just for the record... the name is "Bixby." No confirmations, but that's the characters name known as "Shovelface"

Aug 7th, 2012, 10:54 AM
Kudos to Lizzy for realizing that Scratch killing Angel was a no-no since they were both part of the family. I can't believe I never gave that a second thought. And kudos to Bricks for keeping the tape. He wants to rebel. He isn't happy being a Maller. As a shrink, Lizzy needs to exploit that.

Not to toot my own horn but I totally called this back in 31.2. I'm curious to see if derai even cares. Once bricks goes behind scratch's back, if derai doesn't silence her, bricks is going to be either cast out or killed. It might be just the event that makes him join up with the former tower crew. Plus, he knows all about the mallers weaknesses. If he trades sides, it's a huge blow to them.

Aug 7th, 2012, 11:45 AM
I'm wondering if CJ already knows that Saul and Victor are lying. Think about it. Wouldn't she know that Victor was never at the Colony when the Mallers were in charge? Hasn't she heard the whole...

Aug 7th, 2012, 11:54 AM
I'm with you, CJ know already. Just want to help the guys.

Aug 7th, 2012, 01:35 PM
I don't think she knows. What end game does she have if she knows they are lying already without taking action? If she wants Saul for herself, she could lie about the piece of intel she said would...

Aug 7th, 2012, 01:40 PM
I don't think she knows. What end game does she have if she knows they are lying already without taking action? If she wants Saul for herself, she could lie about the piece of intel she said would work, allow Victor to get killed trying to infiltrate the Colony, and say to Saul it's hopeless now lets you and me make like the discovery channel.....and get eaten by Sharks.....

Also remember CJ is never around for the conversation of the coup at the Colony that involved the Mallers. She knows there was a coup (in theory. we never hear her learn this), but she never knew who did it.

Word. I haven't done a good review of the passed 3 chapters so I'm still fuzzy as to what Chinwe knows and what she doesn't. Still, she is a smart gal and appears to have great powers of deduction. Wouldn't the thought cross her mind that if Victor knew the Mallers were at the Colony all this time, then Saul would be one eager beaver to go scope it out for Lizzy? In all their hanging out, I'm sure Saul must have mentioned to CJ that Lizzy was last in the captive of the Mallers.

So CJ's line of thinking would be: 1)Victor knows the mallers were at the colony, for they were the ones who killed Sean. 2) If Vic knows the mallers are at the colony, then surely he told Saul they were there. So why the hell didn't Saul mention wanting to go there for Lizzy sooner?

Aug 7th, 2012, 02:13 PM
Word. I haven't done a good review of the passed 3 chapters so I'm still fuzzy as to what Chinwe knows and what she doesn't. Still, she is a smart gal and appears to have great powers of deduction. Wouldn't the thought cross her mind that if Victor knew the Mallers were at the Colony all this time, then Saul would be one eager beaver to go scope it out for Lizzy? In all their hanging out, I'm sure Saul must have mentioned to CJ that Lizzy was last in the captive of the Mallers.

So CJ's line of thinking would be: 1)Victor knows the mallers were at the colony, for they were the ones who killed Sean. 2) If Vic knows the mallers are at the colony, then surely he told Saul they were there. So why the hell didn't Saul mention wanting to go there for Lizzy sooner?

mmmmmmmmm touche dear sir.....touche....

Aug 7th, 2012, 02:25 PM
mmmmmmmmm touche dear sir.....touche....


Aug 7th, 2012, 02:49 PM
What a great episode. The Lizzy/Bricks deal is going to be interesting. I wonder if Scratch has the room bugged or something. I imagine another interrogation session with Burt and Scratch goes to do something to Burt, and Bricks says "No More!" then breaks her arms or some such stuff. As for Viktor in the water tank, I cannot remember the Colony members name, but I am for sure that he will side with Viktor and the crew. He lost all his power when the Mallers came and took over, so he may want revenge. Then when revenge is taken, he will turn on Viktor and Co. I missed the show, glad to hear a new episode!

Aug 7th, 2012, 03:54 PM
So CJ's line of thinking would be: 1)Victor knows the mallers were at the colony, for they were the ones who killed Sean. 2) If Vic knows the mallers are at the colony, then surely he told Saul they were there. So why the hell didn't Saul mention wanting to go there for Lizzy sooner?

That is under the idea that the Mallers had to be at the colony to kill Sean. Say Sean was not at the colony, when he ran into the Mallers.
Chinwe also saw them kill plenty of people with no regard for human life.

Aug 7th, 2012, 06:44 PM
I don't think she knows. What end game does she have if she knows they are lying already without taking action? If she wants Saul for herself, she could lie about the piece of intel she said would work, allow Victor to get killed trying to infiltrate the Colony, and say to Saul it's hopeless now lets you and me make like the discovery channel.....and get eaten by Sharks.....
lmao. Somebody's getting excited about Shark Week.

Aug 7th, 2012, 09:12 PM
That is under the idea that the Mallers had to be at the colony to kill Sean. Say Sean was not at the colony, when he ran into the Mallers.
Chinwe also saw them kill plenty of people with no regard for human life.

I was under the assumption with your take on it KC I did assume that Chinwe could be under the assumption that Sean was not killed inside the walls at the colony. Which is the truth anyways. I read too much into things I know what we're led to believe is that gate keeper and his men killed Sean but I've always thought maybe they had grouped outside with the mallers and the mallers killed Sean . Tho Glenn Pete and victor don't seem to have knowledge of this. When I heard Pete say to victor when he offered MPK water at the colony "they really got us good this time" he was talking about zombies but I always thought it was the mallers. I mean it wasn't zombies but I just always had this feeling it had some maller involvement. I'll stop rambling.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 7th, 2012, 11:34 PM
Is the runoff rain collection point, where Victor gets into the tanker, the place where Sean was killed? In Chapter 19 Victor tells Michael that Sean was killed working on a project to bring running water to the Colony. Victor references it again in Chapter 32. The water that was collected here was for the farm, so I suppose there might be a different collection point for drinking water.

Aug 8th, 2012, 05:46 AM
That is under the idea that the Mallers had to be at the colony to kill Sean. Say Sean was not at the colony, when he ran into the Mallers.
Chinwe also saw them kill plenty of people with no regard for human life.


Aug 8th, 2012, 06:32 AM
On the Lizzy/Bricks dynamic -- I wonder if there's something going on between them behind the scenes. If you think about it, Lizzy has no idea if Saul's alive or dead. She wasn't at the Tower when MPK returned from the Colony, so she may not even know that they know it exists. She's known Bricks longer than the original gang, knows that he's there to protect her and the baby -- hence, it would be silly of her not to form a relationship with him on the account of "cheating" on Saul.

I'm a little scared at what will happen once Saul & Co. bust in and give the colonists weapons for the coupe (if the plan goes successfully). Since the Mallers have been treating Lizzy well, most people would see Lizzy as one of the Mallers. Saul & Co. will obviously see Bricks as being aligned with the Mallers. All it takes is for one person to encounter the wrong person at the wrong time without having the whole story -- and BANG. Bad times.

I'm most afraid of Saul coming in and hurting Bricks. As much as Lizzy loved Saul before, I don't think she could easily forgive him if he killed Bricks, reagardless of whether something was going on between them or not.

Aug 8th, 2012, 06:45 AM
On the Lizzy/Bricks dynamic -- I wonder if there's something going on between them behind the scenes. If you think about it, Lizzy has no idea if Saul's alive or dead. She wasn't at the Tower when MPK returned from the Colony, so she may not even know that they know it exists. She's known Bricks longer than the original gang, knows that he's there to protect her and the baby -- hence, it would be silly of her not to form a relationship with him on the account of "cheating" on Saul.

I'm a little scared at what will happen once Saul & Co. bust in and give the colonists weapons for the coupe (if the plan goes successfully). Since the Mallers have been treating Lizzy well, most people would see Lizzy as one of the Mallers. Saul & Co. will obviously see Bricks as being aligned with the Mallers. All it takes is for one person to encounter the wrong person at the wrong time without having the whole story -- and BANG. Bad times.

I'm most afraid of Saul coming in and hurting Bricks. As much as Lizzy loved Saul before, I don't think she could easily forgive him if he killed Bricks, reagardless of whether something was going on between them or not.

Very good point! I have been considering this ever since I heard Bricks call Lizzy Elizabeth and defended her from Tardust (to a degree). I do believe something could go very wrong between Bricks and Saul. I don't know that Saul will kill Bricks, but I do believe that's where it could go. I'm just curious as to what the scenario would be; could Bricks be leading Lizzy by the arm out a dangerous situation, and then Saul, who is a shitty shot, pulls off one miraculous sniper shot to Bricks head, thinking that Bricks was actually holding Lizzy captive rather than leading her to safety?

Aug 8th, 2012, 06:47 AM
What a roller-coaster this would be ... ? o_O

Aug 8th, 2012, 08:10 AM
:D Ha Ha. I wonder if there is a thread for misheard dialouge. He says, "Alright come on out, I know you're in there."
First Puck 'saying' "I've worked the ketchup on." Then he tells Michael that Tanya was bitten in the "Forum." Now this. :cool:

I heard clown, Clowns I tell you.

Is the runoff rain collection point, where Victor gets into the tanker, the place where Sean was killed? In Chapter 19 Victor tells Michael that Sean was killed working on a project to bring running water to the Colony. Victor references it again in Chapter 32. The water that was collected here was for the farm, so I suppose there might be a different collection point for drinking water.

I can see KC make a huge twist. Instead of the water team from other tower making it to the water pump in it was Sean team and Micheal had to shoot Sean before he fully turned.

And last point, I don't think the colony never ran in to the Maller until they came over. Vic keep point out the different in the colony zombies compare to the tower and maller zombies. Even the beachhouse had difference in the characters of the zombies. The smog was kind of a border between the colony and the towers. Still want to know what happen during the switch. How did the Mallers know the colony couldn't defense itself? The colony could have bluff about the weapons and no would be the wiser. And there no visible destruction to the site so it seem there wasn't ever a battle. What happen? CJ and Vic would noticed differences in the structures.

Aug 8th, 2012, 08:58 AM
Maybe the Mallers just rolled on up and walked in the front door. If the Colony knew they (Colony) were ass out on weapons and ammo and a sizeable group of well armed SOB's rolled up to the front door and said open it or we are going to kick in your door and let in the zombies, they might have just opened the door and submitted to the supieor force. Happened a lot throughout history, and faced with death or life, well the choice is obvious.

Aug 8th, 2012, 09:13 AM
Maybe the Mallers just rolled on up and walked in the front door. If the Colony knew they (Colony) were ass out on weapons and ammo and a sizeable group of well armed SOB's rolled up to the front door and said open it or we are going to kick in your door and let in the zombies, they might have just opened the door and submitted to the supieor force. Happened a lot throughout history, and faced with death or life, well the choice is obvious.

The only problem is that mallers, had no clue how the zombies worked here. These were the pack mentality ones. so making a lot noise would unleash a crowd that would over taken them, which work poorly from them at the tower. As well that front and internal doors sound like they pretty strong, Vic said it could half a truck very easily. I think we missing something, beside the part that you are right on, that the mallesr wander right in with the code on door for at least the first door.

Aug 8th, 2012, 09:58 AM
The only problem is that mallers, had no clue how the zombies worked here. These were the pack mentality ones. so making a lot noise would unleash a crowd that would over taken them, which work poorly from them at the tower.

Not necessarily... Remember the tower assault was well under way and no real zombies showed up to the feast till they tossed out the "sweat" bombs. Im alos thinking that if a large group of peeps showed up appearing well armed, with a rocket propelled grenade launcher the Colony might have just folded. True, the Mallers didn't know the status of the Colony, but the Colony knew the status of the Colony and they knew they couldn't fight. So, why risk the loss of life in a futile battle? The Mallers are kind of like the Borg. They show up, assimilate you in to their group, and then you do what the "hive mind", i.e. Durai and/or Scratch tell you to do. Im thinking the Colony folded with out a fight but want to get out from under the Mallers thumb.

Aug 8th, 2012, 11:26 AM
Not necessarily... Remember the tower assault was well under way and no real zombies showed up to the feast till they tossed out the "sweat" bombs. Im alos thinking that if a large group of peeps showed up appearing well armed, with a rocket propelled grenade launcher the Colony might have just folded. True, the Mallers didn't know the status of the Colony, but the Colony knew the status of the Colony and they knew they couldn't fight. So, why risk the loss of life in a futile battle? The Mallers are kind of like the Borg. They show up, assimilate you in to their group, and then you do what the "hive mind", i.e. Durai and/or Scratch tell you to do. Im thinking the Colony folded with out a fight but want to get out from under the Mallers thumb.

Sidenote, I wonder if Michael working a "sweat" bomb project. Get all the zombies in one place and boom.

Aug 10th, 2012, 10:58 PM
Hi there.

Any thoughts about how #32 will go on? Referring to the title "Captive Hearts" I could think of this:

Next episode of chapter #32 could be about Michael and Tanya. Michael is a "captive" regarding his situation to Pegs - he is stuck in the military machine and bound by his duties, which is why I cannot express and live his feelings for Pegs; he is caught in Fort Irwin and - on a stretched comparison - therefore "imprisoned"/ locked away from Pegs.
Tanya is literally imprisoned - though in kind of a laboratory, but not as the doctor, but as the "object". Sooner or later she will realize that she won't get out there - so soon. To make things worse: probably she will start to think more about Saul. Havin' had the luck to reconnect with her son during the zombie-apocalypse at first, and then again being apart from him may work on her psyche.

About all the other tower-folks I am not so sure about when and how they will get involved with the story again. Rilye provides the best opportunity becoming a soldier, maybe reconnecting with Michael (due to his requests with good arguments in her favor - field-experience, knowledge about LA).
The civilians (Hope, Kelly, Pegs, Datu) are so far away. Their stories have been told. I have no clue so far about how they may "add" something or anything to the story. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Datu is of no need anymore, because his ressourceful skills were needed before the time of Fort Irwin; Pegs was the love interest and kind of "misunderstood heart" of the tower-folks, which are no more; Kelly was just Kelly and meant to be a polarization-spot in the tower-folk, which are no more, and Hope is a symbol of hold: one of the few remaining children.
Anyway: the last five mentioned characters won't appear in WA#32.

Which is why I would say: 32-2 may be about Michael and Tanya, 32-3 will be about anything evolving in and revolving around The Colony and The Mallers again.


All the best!

Aug 12th, 2012, 02:42 AM

The fallowing is only my best guesses..
1) The man telling Vic to come out of the tanker is Bixby. Bixby was promised a new position when Gatekeeper took over, maybe it was the Water Dog job. Im sure any job that allows you to leave the colony walls is a sought after one. I dont think Glenn gave Bixby or anyone else a heads up, I think he just heard Vic's loud breathing lol.
2) CJ already knows the Mallers didnt kill Sean, shes WAY to smart to not have figured that out already. (Thats my only evidence lol)
3) Someone mentioned Michael may have killed Sean while we all though he was dead at the pumping station. I dont think this is true but it did get me wondering what happened to Michael, why he was so secretive about what happened. It was so long go I almost ruled that out as being anything important.
4) Last but not least, Gatekeeper was a prisoner!!! DUN DUN DUN..(I dont know if anyone else has said that before) This is more of a feeling than anything. It seemed more than perfect timing that as soon as he came into power that the Mallers showed up. They packed up and left their strip mall home and moved there. They didnt go fight and conquer go back to the mall and get their shit, they packed up and moved. that would be a terrible battle plan but a great moving plan... It all seems strange.

Aug 12th, 2012, 09:57 AM
3) Someone mentioned Michael may have killed Sean while we all though he was dead at the pumping station. I dont think this is true but it did get me wondering what happened to Michael, why he was so secretive about what happened. It was so long go I almost ruled that out as being anything important.

Dont think it was ever mention that Micheal had killed Sean. It was mentioned that Micheal may have met Randy, and that something happened to Randy. And then later on "Randy" is dragging away Tanya and Micheal yells out his name and shoots him. Pretty sure it was Gatekeeper and Bixby talking about Sean being dealt with.

4) Last but not least, Gatekeeper was a prisoner!!! DUN DUN DUN..(I dont know if anyone else has said that before) This is more of a feeling than anything. It seemed more than perfect timing that as soon as he came into power that the Mallers showed up. They packed up and left their strip mall home and moved there. They didnt go fight and conquer go back to the mall and get their shit, they packed up and moved. that would be a terrible battle plan but a great moving plan... It all seems strange.

Interesting, but I believe that Colony was farther South then the prisoners had originally travelled. I think the prisoners got out, fought amongst themselves for a bit, then gathered to fortify the mall. Since the Mallers had a lot of comms gear Im thinking they picked up Micheals transmission from the Colony and sent a scouting party south and discovered the Colony.

Aug 12th, 2012, 12:20 PM
Hi there,

interesting idea with the Gatekeeper having been a prisoner in his pre-z-pocalypse time and that he may have made it easier for the Mallers to get into The Colony.
But I agree with Penguine: The Mallers were well equipped and very likely caught the communication of Michael. After that they split up - while group A moved against the arena, the other group went farther south to the Colony.

All the best!

Aug 12th, 2012, 07:52 PM
Hi there.

Any thoughts about how #32 will go on? Referring to the title "Captive Hearts" I could think of this:

Next episode of chapter #32 could be about Michael and Tanya. Michael is a "captive" regarding his situation to Pegs - he is stuck in the military machine and bound by his duties, which is why I cannot express and live his feelings for Pegs; he is caught in Fort Irwin and - on a stretched comparison - therefore "imprisoned"/ locked away from Pegs.
Tanya is literally imprisoned - though in kind of a laboratory, but not as the doctor, but as the "object". Sooner or later she will realize that she won't get out there - so soon. To make things worse: probably she will start to think more about Saul. Havin' had the luck to reconnect with her son during the zombie-apocalypse at first, and then again being apart from him may work on her psyche.

About all the other tower-folks I am not so sure about when and how they will get involved with the story again. Rilye provides the best opportunity becoming a soldier, maybe reconnecting with Michael (due to his requests with good arguments in her favor - field-experience, knowledge about LA).
The civilians (Hope, Kelly, Pegs, Datu) are so far away. Their stories have been told. I have no clue so far about how they may "add" something or anything to the story. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Datu is of no need anymore, because his ressourceful skills were needed before the time of Fort Irwin; Pegs was the love interest and kind of "misunderstood heart" of the tower-folks, which are no more; Kelly was just Kelly and meant to be a polarization-spot in the tower-folk, which are no more, and Hope is a symbol of hold: one of the few remaining children.
Anyway: the last five mentioned characters won't appear in WA#32.

Which is why I would say: 32-2 may be about Michael and Tanya, 32-3 will be about anything evolving in and revolving around The Colony and The Mallers again.


All the best!

I really hope so. As much as I have manlove for Saul and Victor, I want something that catches me up on the rest of the gang, soon. Especially since we jumped ahead 4 months in EP 31. Is Reily still a drunk, or has the military life given her something to live for? What's the general state of things? What about Hope? Did the doctors fix her? And Peggs, what's she up to? Has Tanya turned?

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the Saul, Victor, Lizzie and CJ show, but I wanna know what else is going on.

Aug 12th, 2012, 09:12 PM
I really hope so. As much as I have manlove for Saul and Victor, I want something that catches me up on the rest of the gang, soon. Especially since we jumped ahead 4 months in EP 31. Is Reily still a drunk, or has the military life given her something to live for? What's the general state of things? What about Hope? Did the doctors fix her? And Peggs, what's she up to? Has Tanya turned?

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the Saul, Victor, Lizzie and CJ show, but I wanna know what else is going on.

Hi there.

Yeah, I am curious as well. And I wouldn't be surprised too much that KC has prepared something for each character; but at the moment the focus is pretty tight.

Let's guess:
Riley => becomes a Rodriguez-bitch like in Machete and is prepared to literally vaporize Scratch
Hope => becomes a River-clone like in Firefly and will eat zombies alive, yeah, that's right; at first she cures 'em zombies in order to destroy them afterwards.
Pegs => realizes: Love and peace are nice, but guns are even more, and then she dwarves any actress from the Resident Evil movie-series.
Kelly => as a former lawyer she is just one step away from becoming judgess DreadASS, and she will return THE LAW back to LA ...
And Datu the ressourcefull? Well: Since he is the ressourcefull, he transforms into Optimus Prime and starts to kickass like crazy ... :D

All the best!

Aug 12th, 2012, 10:20 PM
Hi there,

second post, more seriously though:
Riley and Pegs have a solid base to re-enter the stage; Riley, because she would like to avenge Angel, and Pegs, because Scratch wants to take revenge for the loss of Latch.

Let's consider a theoretical story arc:
"The Fort Irwin soldiers move into LA and rescue the Colony. Michael has no other way as to accept the order of the Colonel to even rescue The Mallers. So Scratch - after all - becomes a survivor in the sense that she does not have to survive on her own anymore, because the soldiers are back in town..
She as many others will be transferred to the rescue camp for civilians (would have to look up the place, don't remember the name right now). And there she will meet Pegs; since both have not met in real life yet and only listened to their voices over distances and in stress-full situation, both don't recognize each other; and maybe they even become kind of friends, until Pegs - naive as she is - tells Scratch her name, while Scratch may provide a fake-name or her real name instead of her call-name, so Pegs would have no chance to recognize Scratch as who she really is. Since the place is packed with military services - like maybe Riley, who was transferred there for duty after she was trained to become a soldier -, Scratch doesn't go full-throttle against Pegs, but she does what she always does: she plans and creates a mischievous plan to kill Pegs. So she gets Pegs into a trap, tries to kill her in full rage, and all of a sudden Riley gets inbetween."

But since The Colony and The Mallers are in the focus of CJ, Victor and Saul at the moment, I actually don't expect anything in this direction.

And as for now I don't see any reason why Kelly, Pegs, Hope or Datu would return to LA or at least to the fort. With their departure from Fort Irwin I understand KC's plot as drawing a line and making the civilians who survived get out of the way ... Yet there are still 15.6 chapters to go, so plenty of room for some surprises. :D
At the moment the WA-story allows good guessings in favor of Riley: Having become a solider, she may be transferred either to Fort Irwin and therefore to reconnect with Michael, or she gets her own story-arc and is used as part of a military crew (like the one with the heli a few episodes ago) which has to do some reconaissance or urban-combat in LA ...

Well, anyway. Thoughts?

All the best!

Tales from Valhalla
Aug 13th, 2012, 04:38 AM
One of the saddest things in Beyond our walls was to see Kelly being sissy and going away. I was all "noooo, grab your guns and go all G.I. Jane on the zombies!! Stay with Riley and Michael!!"

What are the odds of her being unneasy with the new life and hoing back to Fort Irwin?

Aug 13th, 2012, 05:15 AM
One of the saddest things in Beyond our walls was to see Kelly being sissy and going away. I was all "noooo, grab your guns and go all G.I. Jane on the zombies!! Stay with Riley and Michael!!"

What are the odds of her being unneasy with the new life and hoing back to Fort Irwin?

Good question.
Since she was a lawyer before the z-pocalypse I would assume that she would be of use in the rescue camp either for administrational or even law-stuff, since such a huge colony will need some kind of regulations around that ... And somehow I feel she would feel comfortable with such a position - at least it is totally different from laundry-stuff in The Colony or being on guard-duty in The Tower ...

All the best!

Aug 13th, 2012, 08:45 AM
I wonder if the reason the driver knows that someone is in the tank is because that's the way Glenn, Pete and Roman escaped.

Aug 13th, 2012, 08:48 AM
Well, the driver told how he found out about Victor, didn't he? ;)
And all of a sudden - thanks to KC - I even have sympathies for Gatekeeper - not because of his situation, but because of what "they" did to him ... The episode hasn't started properly, and you already are in the middle of the roller-coaster - AGAIN ... +1

Aug 14th, 2012, 02:11 PM
There's only one reason I can see for any of the survivors who left for Boulder to come back; Pegs is Michael's love interest. However I could see a scenario where the helicopter got to Boulder and had to abort the mission because they found the place overrun by biters. Both Kelly and Pegs have knowledge of the interior of the Colony stockade and so could aid the military in a mission to "liberate" the colony from the Mallers. But really, Kelly's, Hope's and Datu's stories seem to be at an end. I'm actually more intrigued by the Victor/Saul/CJ story arc. Raise your hand if you think CJ started to develop a thing for Saul!

Edit: I posted this before realizing Part 2 was available so ignore that last sentence :)

Aug 17th, 2012, 11:28 AM
In Chapter 31 we were discussing how the retribution system might work among the Families. I was happy to see Lizzy thinking the same thing. That if Scratch killed Angel (a member of the Families), then there should be a resulting punishment for Scratch.

If Angel was a member of another family but Durai and Scratch are members of the same one and there are no other families around anymore....who would be there to take retribution for Angel?

This seems plausible. But it depends on how the Families are structured. It could be three families closely connected through generations of intermarriage. Or it could be three distinct families where, despite their alliance through the rings, they maintain a lot of autonomy and rivalry. In the first scenario, I would imagine any high ranking member (such as Durai) would insist upon carrying out the required rules. But if it is more like the second scenario, it would make sense that a member of the offended family would have to make the demand for such a retaliation.

It seems like we're closer to finding out. Will Durai insist upon carrying out the required rules as the highest ranking member of left among the Families? Will he say the offended family has to make that request? Could Lizzy take up Angel's part and request retribution for his death?

Sep 20th, 2013, 11:00 AM
Well, I am late to this party, but I will post it here. I missed some of this on my power listen to catch up. Victor is damn near chatty when it comes to information exchange with Gatekeeper. But, what blows my mind is he says

They have one of us here. Gatekeeper replys so that's what they have been hiding, but why for so long.

Guess I am the tin hat man again, but wow. Parse that. One of us. It is inclusive. Not my pal's squeeze, it is one of us. there is a lot of us running around We're Alive and it is often associated with Families. My guess is three since there are three circles on he ring and when scratch describes her cousin, she also use the term other family.

We all hear some about the murder of Sean, but I just relistened to The Catalyst when VPK&M escape the colony and Pegs never mentions that Sean was setup. She worries that Marcus is going to be killed, but never tells Victor about Sean.

Not saying that it could not happen in a scene not captured in the audio drama, but it is also possible that this is a classic magician misdirection. We hear a lot and it gets jumbled in our heads, but invidual characters have different sources.

If there is one thing I do feel I know about victor is he does not want to be around when family members are killed and vengeance strokes the war post. Sean's Death, Marcus' Death and Angel's death and in all cases Victor seems to want it kept quiet or to get the hell out of dodge

Sep 22nd, 2013, 11:28 AM
Could Victor be Pancho?

Sep 22nd, 2013, 12:26 PM
I might have too much tinfoil in my hat. I do not feel that one. I do not think that we have any evidence of the type of damage Scratch likes to inflict. Charlie, Tardust, Pippin and others all get cut up. Not saying no, though.

Trying to find a bit of humor and movie reference. Victor, Fernando and Poncho! The three amigos. Lol

But, I do find the amount of Brutality and how common it is within the colony and the mallers disturbing. Bixby uses a stun gun on Pegs. Michael clobbers the guy with a shovel and Supervisors is like all is well. Back to work. Amy is like cool beans, remember me...

Even Tanya. She is really harsh to Michael as a patient when we first meet her and in chapter 37 she tells the populace if you are not bleeding you will be.

Sep 23rd, 2013, 04:26 AM
I might have too much tinfoil in my hat. I do not feel that one. I do not think that we have any evidence of the type of damage Scratch likes to inflict. Charlie, Tardust, Pippin and others all get cut up. Not saying no, though.

Trying to find a bit of humor and movie reference. Victor, Fernando and Poncho! The three amigos. Lol

But, I do find the amount of Brutality and how common it is within the colony and the mallers disturbing. Bixby uses a stun gun on Pegs. Michael clobbers the guy with a shovel and Supervisors is like all is well. Back to work. Amy is like cool beans, remember me...

Even Tanya. She is really harsh to Michael as a patient when we first meet her and in chapter 37 she tells the populace if you are not bleeding you will be.

Good point about how people are treating each other. I think this might be one of the main points over-arching WA. Even with an extinction level event and the horde on the doorstep, human nature is still human nature. People are power-hungry, people are craven, people are annoying, people love, people hate, people suffer, and in some rare events, people have a flicker of joy.

Basically, in the absence of some of the social structures "civilization" has in place, a group can go all "Lord of the Flies" and think it's normal in a short amount of time. I can buy that.... sad as it may be.