View Full Version : Random thought that seems to plague me.....

Jul 21st, 2012, 04:00 PM
So, after my 6th or 7th time through the series from beginnning to end, I still can't figure out who the hell Randy is. Yeah, I get that he was sent by CJ to the water plant, which is obviously where Michael met him (assuming it's the same individual). But the puzzler is this- is it a biter who was possibly a slow-turner and helped Michael, or is it a human that is controlled by pinstripes or something/someone else?

I realize there are plenty of people in the world named Randy, but I seem to be fixated on this aspect. LOL

Any thoughts?

Jul 21st, 2012, 06:40 PM
Same boat, still puzzles me. Def can't wait to find out

Jul 21st, 2012, 08:41 PM
I think it was just a case of Michael meeting (human)Randy at the waterworks and he saved Michael's ass and got turned in the process.
My theory on how it goes down is like this (and KC will probably blow this all to hell when we get the real story but that's part of what makes theories fun):

CJ sends Randy and the other "techies" to the waterworks to ...well, work on the water. They get attacked by the behemoth and Randy is the only survivor and finds himself a hidey-hole to hole up in.
A few weeks later Michael and company show up at the waterworks looking to fix the water supply, Michael gets separated from the group by the behemoth stalking the place.
Randy finds Michael and pulls him into his hidey-hole where the two start working on a plan to get out.
Randy possibly tries to use the machinery in the waterworks to cause a distraction but things don't go smooth and Randy gets bitten and Michael breaks his arm.
Michael now feels guilty that he got out while Randy died, this is compounded by the fact that Randy is now an active smart zombie.

At least that's how I see it going down. Like I said this will probably turn out to be completely wrong when we get the real story but this is what I'm staking my claim on.

Wicked Sid
Jul 21st, 2012, 09:04 PM
Michael now feels guilty that he got out while Randy died, this is compounded by the fact that Randy is now an active smart zombie.

Then why was Michael so pissed when he saw Randy dragging Tanya, other than the fact that he was dragging Tanya away, and that he felt the need to specifically call Randy out? Michael was aiming for Randy. He wanted, almost needed, to take him down for a deeper reason than the immediate concerns.

Maybe Randy tried to ditch Michael, use him as bait, if you will, against a Behemoth. A betrayal, which would cover the immediate anger that Michael felt, one that was executed poorly and left Randy in the position of danger rather than of freedom.

Maybe it was Randy that broke Michael's arm...

Jul 25th, 2012, 12:59 AM
I think it was just a case of Michael meeting (human)Randy at the waterworks and he saved Michael's ass and got turned in the process.
My theory on how it goes down is like this (and KC will probably blow this all to hell when we get the real story but that's part of what makes theories fun):

CJ sends Randy and the other "techies" to the waterworks to ...well, work on the water. They get attacked by the behemoth and Randy is the only survivor and finds himself a hidey-hole to hole up in.
A few weeks later Michael and company show up at the waterworks looking to fix the water supply, Michael gets separated from the group by the behemoth stalking the place.
Randy finds Michael and pulls him into his hidey-hole where the two start working on a plan to get out.
Randy possibly tries to use the machinery in the waterworks to cause a distraction but things don't go smooth and Randy gets bitten and Michael breaks his arm.
Michael now feels guilty that he got out while Randy died, this is compounded by the fact that Randy is now an active smart zombie.

At least that's how I see it going down. Like I said this will probably turn out to be completely wrong when we get the real story but this is what I'm staking my claim on.I think by and large this is the most plausible theory. Wicked Sid may actually be onto something, because it adds a twist to the story, as perhaps Randy and Michael might have been actually at odds with each other. However, with Michael's nightmares, it is suggested that there is definitely an element of guilt, the logical conclusion being that Michael either sacrificed Randy or was unable to save him. Nevertheless, Randy was alluded to as working at the water plant with a team of people, mentioned by either CJ or Sean, so it's 95% likely that it is where he and Michael met each other.

Jul 28th, 2012, 06:47 AM
I think my head just exploded and reformed on my shoulders. I definitely did not put 2 and 2 together and get 4 on this one. I relistened at work yesterday and was still like "Who the hell is Randy?" I suck.

Cabbage Patch
Jul 28th, 2012, 02:37 PM
I have two contrarian theories on who Randy might be that I've shared on other threads.

First, that Randy might be a celebrity that's been turned into a zombie that Michael recognizes, but doesn't actually know. My first choice, Randy "Macho Man" Savage:

Second, that Randy might not be a person, but a place. Possibly the iconic "Randy's Donuts", which is located in Inglewood, not very far from the spot that Victor and Saul encountered the cracks and the haze. Coincidence?

Jul 28th, 2012, 02:53 PM
So when the zombie was dragging Tanya away and Michael yelled "Randy!" he was just craving a donut?....I think I like this theory.