View Full Version : The thread regarding the Facebook ban on two fans-

Jul 18th, 2012, 09:06 PM
A while back I received a Facebook comment on the episode complaining about where the series was going and that they weren't going to listen to the series any more. With that I respected the fans wishes with an apologetic "I'm sorry to lose you and wish you the best."

It continued a ways after that and people commenting on the facebook walls would get more replies from these individuals to the point where other fans posts were getting spammed with negative comments. We tried policing the comments, many of which had spoilers reguarding the series. Since it was taking up a lot of time that could have been spent elsewhere, we warned, and then banned.

Now, about a month later a reply on a tweet has reopened the conversation again, and instead of trying to limit the dialogue to the characters on twitter, I decided that transferring the conversation here would be more production since they are already a member here.

Now, for everyone else, a few ground rules. Please let this public dialogue exist between me and her for now, and maybe when the discussion is over we can further comment.

Now, my first question, you feel that you have been disrespected, I would like to address that first. How do you feel you have been disrespected?

2. You said I would not accept the criticism, but wasn't sure what exactly the problem that you had was. What issues did you have?

That's all for now. I'm sure we can open up further questions later.

Jul 19th, 2012, 08:32 AM
Because I'm making this conversation public, the response I got:

Jul 19th, 2012, 08:54 AM
My Response:

Why am I replying now? Because you felt the need to respond to someone's post 12 days after it was posted, so I felt the issue still resonated.

There were 2 main reasons you were blocked. #1, spoilers. There's a place to talk about things with spoilers and the front page of the facebook page is not one of them. New listeners come on there and the last thing I want to do is have someone's experience spoiled.

The second reason was because your comments were "trolling" other people's posts. I know you don't like the word, and perhaps you may not feel it totally applies, but commenting on new fans posts how you don't like something, that had nothing to do with why they were posting, is just that. You were pushing for a response in all the wrong places. And since your responses often had spoilers in them, they had to be deleted, which then, in turn, takes away time from us that be spent elsewhere. Nik and I had to constantly go back to facebook to check and see what was posted next, instead of checking on it more occasionally. You may feel that we deleted your posts because we didn't like your opinion, but it was because you said things about the most recent episodes that we can't have spoiled on that wall. Nik did warn on one of the threads, and we applied the block when spoilers showed up again. Given Facebook's poor api, you may have missed that warning.

If you want to post about how you don't like an episode or the series is going, I don't want to discourage that. Facebook doesn't give us the ability to moderate or hide spoilers, part of the reason we created the forum. That way someone's opinion can be unfiltered and you can comment as much as you want.

I even created a thread for this conversation so that we can open a dialogue that can contain spoilers about how you feel the show has gone bad. I promise to continually monitor for responses so that we can discus this topic. And because I feel this was a public matter, so are all responses; total transparency.


So with that, I've invited Jamie, to come here and talk more about what she's not happy with. I'm not sure if she'll come here as that was a message on facebook, but we'll see.

Jul 19th, 2012, 11:46 AM
And I received this.

I totally respect the spoilers thing. When did I lose respect for it? When I reminded people that they needed to use the forum and not post spoilers. I was told by other ppl on FB to shut up...who cares..mind my own business. So why is MY post such a violation?? When others go on doing exactly..if not MORE than I posted. Nik did warn me...and I totally fixed it...He was right...I didnt even realize I had put in spoilers, I was so passionate about how I felt...So I revised my comment...not ONE spoiler, and that cleaned up comment...no spoilers, was deleted. So your excuses are transparent also.

I dont feel like anything is going bad in the show. I do feel like it was really getting rushed and this is a legacy for you and Shane..it is totally awesome and original. I am sure you are a wanted man these days and doing something for free just isnt paying the bills, This is just my opinion...take your time...dont short cut it. I have been on the forum with some pretty good ideas on getting you money..I thought it was pretty crappy that you had to try and raise money to get to New York for the awards (Ebay thing). You deserve to be paid, WAlive is badass. Well, I was the only one that felt that way. Everyone else complained...so I came up with even better ideas, nope. I doubt you even saw them. I just feel like I have been nothing but a true blue fan, advocate for you and the cast. A fan like me is not appreciated not wanted or needed and that is fine. I am not putting anymore time, thought or energy into this...and you dont need to either..I know you are very busy getting ready for the live event and booths etc. So let it go..sorry I said anything...I knew I would just be thrown excuses.

At this point, I'm not sure how to respond, or if I need to.

Jul 19th, 2012, 12:06 PM
Leave it.

Jul 19th, 2012, 12:08 PM
Leave it.

Kc, I'm inclined to agree with Osiris. Let it go.

Jul 19th, 2012, 04:18 PM
(She wanted the whole conv posted I guess)

You sure you didn't comment on one of Gus's posts and HE deleted it? He did that a few times on things that I commented on.

nope. I can not comment on anything on WAlive facebook. Let it go....Why did you go post our conversation on the forum. You said you were making this page for us to discuss? I know exactly why...you want everyone to bash me. You knew exactly what you were doing, and they will. I know you love being the center...the idol, the one everyone compliments and sucks ass to, I think you are having a hard time dealing with me not being one of the suck ups...why else would you put it up and ask for everyone to bash me? Ok..you did not ask that...but you know dayum good they will and inadvertently you are asking them to do exactly that. Well, I am not going there. Like I said..I was not born yesterday.

I told you our conversation was public, and trying to make the issue known. No one is bashing you on there, or will they, but I will be making the issue public as many people were involved. I have no reason to keep it private considering it happened on a public platform.

Oh..you are right..you did say it was public. I just dont think of messages on FBook as public. Why does it need to be known? I have only spoken to you and Gus about it. I dont recall it involving many people...you titled it two people that were blocked or something. You gave me reasons for being blocked, the thought you and Nik put into blocking me and then you ask me if maybe my comment was deleted by Gus. Circles. enough. You do need to post the rest of our conversation tho

Jul 19th, 2012, 04:39 PM
As the named specifically "offender" in this I will say only this re: deleted posts. I deleted one post that mentioned the demise of a certain character in recent episodes. I apologized and explained why it was deleted on fb. Jamie did edit it so it contained WA info, but not spoilers. I acknowledged her changes and let it stand. Later that day the post was deleted.

Knowing the way that conversation had been going I thought one of the other three fb mods had deleted the thread. No one had, leaving only the original poster (Gustavo) as the only person left to have deleted that.

Jul 19th, 2012, 05:05 PM
She seems fun. I'd like to meet her and maybe go dancing.

Seriously though, if people have a problem with the show and don't want to listen... why would they care if they were blocked from accessing information about the show? To continue to bitch about it? Shit makes no sense to me.

Jul 20th, 2012, 08:21 AM
The Beatles say it the best, Let it Be.

Jul 20th, 2012, 08:35 AM

Jul 25th, 2012, 09:46 AM
Hater gonna hate my friend is the rule of everything new.

P.S. If there will be a problem or some complaining, that person is going to comment in a good way other wise...