View Full Version : Scratch is becoming a wonderful character and such a beautiful voice

Jul 18th, 2012, 11:06 AM
Does anybody else think Scratch has a damn sexy voice??

After her revelations about her abortion and how she is, from what I can tell, protecting Lizzy and the baby, perhaps she is not as bad as we thought.
She seems the simple product of her upbringing in what appears to be a very violent family. Are we going to see a more gentle side to her?? I really love her character.

Jul 18th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Her character has definitely grown on me. I definitely think Jenna McCombie is perfect for the role of Scratch, she does very well.

I think we'll see a softer side of everyone from the mallers. Bricks was a given at first, now Scratch will let her good side show.

Jul 18th, 2012, 06:09 PM
...Did either of you listen to the episode that followed the one you're talking about? I think it was made clear in that one that her good side only extends as far as Lizzy and her child. When she started interrogating Burt, she turned right back to how she was. However, I suppose knowing the motivation for her actions does make her more sympathetic. I was certainly feeling much warmer towards her, until the Burt scene, and then it was... :mad:

Jul 18th, 2012, 06:16 PM
Yea that is true, she did kinda go crazy on Burt. She is driven by her emotions more after her brother was killed and now protecting Lizzy and being able to hear about her past. The last couple of episodes she just sounds different, in a nicer way...except for the incident with Burt.

Jul 18th, 2012, 08:21 PM
Yea that is true, she did kinda go crazy on Burt. She is driven by her emotions more after her brother was killed and now protecting Lizzy and being able to hear about her past. The last couple of episodes she just sounds different, in a nicer way...except for the incident with Burt.

She does sound more... Normal. I think this may be because we've never really seen her in this sort of situation before now though. Whenever we've seen Scratch, she's always had to have her guard up, dealing with the other Mallers, or her enemies, and delegating orders. This last one was one of the first times that we've seen her in just a normal situation, talking to someone whom she doesn't have to intimidate or boss around. Then, in the Burt scene, she put on her 'I'm a crazy motherfucker, don't forget it' face, and proceeded to be the person she is when she has to get things done.

Jul 18th, 2012, 10:10 PM


Jul 19th, 2012, 09:07 AM
all credit to her actress and the writing,
I hate scratch but she's so good at playing it
you can't help admire her. and then looking her
up (sorry i'm blanking on her actor's name) it's
funny to see how cool she acts, but also strange
when she's wearing an airbrushed bikini. it's just
funny when it's the idea of scratch doing that, lol.

Nate Eeez
Jul 19th, 2012, 09:46 AM
I needed that last episode to put me back in perspective. Scratch is one evil mofo, regardless of her reasons. She talks at times like she doesn't like the Family rules, but she's hellbent on following them to a "T" when they work toward her benefit. You cut someone's finger off, it doesn't grow back. That's it. That's unforgivable. But then again, that's Scratch. And that scene was torture for me to listen to.

Jul 19th, 2012, 03:28 PM
A lot of what has been said up top is what I was getting at with my thread. Scratch is a product of her treatment. Scatch is my number one character.

Jul 20th, 2012, 07:08 AM
Not after shirley. Bitch is going DOWN.

Jul 27th, 2012, 03:28 AM
Does anybody else think Scratch has a damn sexy voice??

After her revelations about her abortion and how she is, from what I can tell, protecting Lizzy and the baby, perhaps she is not as bad as we thought.
She seems the simple product of her upbringing in what appears to be a very violent family. Are we going to see a more gentle side to her?? I really love her character.

I DO love her voice!

I didn't know how to feel when she first came on the scene, but slowly I've been liking her more and more. The characters seem likeable enough, there isn't anybody I thought was badly written or portrayed.

Jul 28th, 2012, 01:24 AM
Does anybody else think Scratch has a damn sexy voice??

After her revelations about her abortion and how she is, from what I can tell, protecting Lizzy and the baby, perhaps she is not as bad as we thought.
She seems the simple product of her upbringing in what appears to be a very violent family. Are we going to see a more gentle side to her?? I really love her character.

She's an awesome actress, great character, great voice but... she's not a wonderful character. Isn't that the point of scratch? To hate her? Yes, there is a soft side to her. A side that probably loved that unborn child and didn't want to go through with the abortion, but that doesn't take away that she's a villain. She's evil, and has murdered good people. But, there's always having scratch redeem herself somehow. As evil as Darth Vader is, he's one of my favorite villains of all time simply because at the end he becomes the hero and redeems himself.

But I'm right there with you. In season 1 I just hated her. She was kind of a boring, yell-at-everyone-and-everything villain. But in season 3 and to a lesser extent season 2 she's become someone much more interesting. It's nice to see these characters grow, even the villains.

Jul 28th, 2012, 11:16 PM
My love for the character is widely known here. I absolutely adore Scratch and feel that she's--for me--the most interesting character on the show. Jenna does a brilliant job bringing her to life. But that is not news, not by any stretch of the imagination. News would be me saying "I'm also a fan of Victor."

I'm also a fan of Victor.

Jul 28th, 2012, 11:35 PM
My love for the character is widely known here. I absolutely adore Scratch and feel that she's--for me--the most interesting character on the show. Jenna does a brilliant job bringing her to life. But that is not news, not by any stretch of the imagination. News would be me saying "I'm also a fan of Victor."

(lots of lines removed from here :) )

I'm also a fan of Victor.

I agree, her character has so much depth and passion.

Victor is great, he still has a lot of time to grow on us too.

Jul 29th, 2012, 12:01 AM

Aug 1st, 2012, 08:25 AM
Having re-listened to season two and most of three I have to say Scratch is one of the most interesting characters in it. I'm still bruised over Shirley though.

Aug 1st, 2012, 11:32 AM
I think the fact that the is no real "meh" opinion as to scratch as a character or Jenna as an actress really speaks to how well the characters written/portrayed. Nobody says "eh, she's alright...but I don't find her as interesting as some of the other characters."...or "Jenna does ok, but some of the other actors get my attention more.". Yea...very polarizing in opinions..thats a sure sign of good work...positive or negative.

Aug 4th, 2012, 10:43 AM
Hello everyone,

Scratch is a "wonderful" character. I really don 't like the figure and the concept behind her character. She goes ultra on almost anything. She refuses to take responsibility - except for Lizzy, and that very likely based upon her own trauma with her cousin - and does not hesitate to leave dead people around her - no matter, if the dead in her wake are Mallers, Tower-people or other people. Anytime she does mistakes herself, she takes other people to receive the punishment. Her character does not respect life in any way, and she treats people like real shit. Even in front of her boss she has only disrespect for him and only obeys to the fact that he is in a higher position and stands above her.
Even, when she uses words, it is only pure violence she uses as the driving force and motivation for almost any action. There are moments that she plays with her victims; and her rhetorical skills allow how to push people away - even if it is only via radio-communication.
Basically it seems to me that she is the result of a "social concept" and that she did not find a way to break free from from these bonds. Although she has witnessed a lot of different cases in which people acted freely, more humanly and "more creatively", she did not try it herself; and the reason for all of this is the mixture of real weakness (she is not willing to take any risk at all that she cannot solve with her violent attitude or with lies) and her weird loyalty to a 'family' (which she claims to be the essence of being). And I would not want to go so far and say that she treats Lizzy in order to reveal her soft side; she exploits Lizzy and the baby in order to feed her own pity about herself and to suppress her emotions about her darkest hours.
I am so sorry for Lizzy.

edit: it really is a crazy figure in the complete WA-show; almost anyone tries to stay alive and is willing to somehow stick together in order to recreate a life worth living; but Scratch only destroys by disrespecting anyone else, lying, killing, and sticking to her revenge.

Saying all this I would like to stress the simple fact that the character of "Scratch" is very well done and created. I am really impressed. And the actress does an incredible job. But I do not admire her for doing so ...

All the best!

Tales from Valhalla
Aug 10th, 2012, 07:12 AM
Scratch is actually one of my favorite characters. From season one I was all "ok you scream a lot and I know you're the OTHER SIDE, but... I kinda like this". I try to keep in mind that Scratch has a messed up background with her Mafia thing, her cousin and the abortion, she surelly didn't had the time nor the help to sort things out and I'm guessing that her brother was the closest thing she had.

Then Z-Day comes and as I see it, an apocalypse can enhance or, for a better term, amplify, everybody's characteriscs. We'll have raw emotions, extreme situations and more messed up things. Maybe Bill (remember him?) was a nice dude, or just a normal person, but once shit came down, he didn't mind stealing plotting with Kalani nor looking only for himself, and this is coming from a group of the most humane people in WA's universe.

Then we have this happy place called prison and you can imagine what sort of behavior would be amplified. My guess is that Scratch was psycho and a bitch, but handling inmates, dealing with everything else, loosing her brother, having to put her feet down and mark her place inside her group... Well, then we have what we have.

That's my guess at least.

I just like seeing softer sides of her and hope that she gets attached to Lizzie as she was with her brother. She seemed reluctant to follow the "eye for and eye" style of the families and when she was talking to Angel she seemed to have the "you're different, you think and feel different from you dad" thought very sorted out. Maybe she was like that, maybe she could be less extreme, BUT I wouldn't stop liking her if she turned out to be and irremediable villain.

Sep 23rd, 2012, 11:56 AM
This is a situation where the actress looks exactly like what I pictured the character to look like - hard edges, intense, but still quite attractive nonetheless. The character herself would have been more enjoyable if she hadn't killed or tortured anyone. Granted, that's life and she's a 'bad guy', but as her character has developed, I think she would have been a great turncoat, partially redeemed anti-hero and unlikely ally rather then an outright villian. But regardless, she makes an impact!

Feb 26th, 2013, 12:38 PM
Does anybody else think Scratch has a damn sexy voice??

Yes indeed! She is my favorite female voice and favorite overall female character in WA.

Mar 12th, 2013, 06:16 AM
Wonderful character but horrible person so far for me. I'm only on episode 3 of the second season and I can't stand her. However, I thought that was the point of her character.

Mar 16th, 2013, 01:19 AM
yes I also really love her character. her revelations about her abortion and she protecting Lizzy and the baby, perhaps she is not as bad as we thought.

Mar 16th, 2013, 07:00 AM
yes I also really love her character. her revelations about her abortion and she protecting Lizzy and the baby, perhaps she is not as bad as we thought.

I love her character, too, but I think she is as bad as we thought and maybe more. It was cool to see a "soft" side with her discussion with Lizzie. It gave her more depth. It also makes the bad side that much worse when I think that, in the whole exchange, Scratch was still planning something where she gets some benefit of having Lizzie & the baby as her hostage.

It would be a very interesting to see a redemptive turn in Scratch's story arc but I could be just as satisfied if she stayed on the bad side of things.